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白蚁是寡氮营养型生物,食物中缺乏氮素营养,因此消化道内共生菌固氮对于白蚁的生存至关重要.本文从固氮活性检测及菌种分离鉴定、固氮酶基因筛查、固氮活性的影响因子、白蚁与固氮菌的关系等方面介绍白蚁共生菌固氮的研究进展:NifH基因高度保守,适用于固氮菌多样性研究;白蚁nifH基因序列在同属种类间较相似,但在科水平上存在分化;白蚁nifH基因多样性受白蚁生活类型及其系统发育地位影响,且与不同白蚁消化道内共生的原生动物区系相关;低等白蚁固氮能力较强,高等白蚁没有或固氮能力较弱,同种白蚁不同品级个体因食性选择不同固氮能力存在差异;食物含氮量与共生菌固氮活性具有较好的补偿性,两者呈负相关关系.后肠囊是主要固氮场所,固氮菌种类多为兼性厌氧菌,与白蚁之间存在联合固氮关系.应用共生原生动物和共生固氮菌协同作用的碳氮代谢理论可揭示白蚁共生菌固氮活性与原生动物区系之间的关系.白蚁共生固氮的研究不仅可解释昆虫的营养生理,还可为其他昆虫的生物固氮研究提供参考.固氮酶基因检测为固氮菌种类调查和系统进化分析提供了便利,可为白蚁内生固氮菌资源开发提供依据.关于高等白蚁体内固氮菌附生场所、固氮菌区系与蚁巢基质或食物的关系等均需进一步研究.  相似文献   

高职教育可持续发展若干关系论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,全国正在进行示范性高职院校的创建,这涉及到多方面的工作.鉴于我国高等职业技术学院由高等专科学校、普通中专、成人高校转变而来,在发展中有的单独发展,有的由多所学校合并组建,其发展的模式各不相同,通过以湖南环境生物职业技术学院为参照,就如何办好高等职业技术学院,提出了正确处理十个方面的关系问题:即办学理念、办学定位与办学行为的关系;跨越式发展与内涵建设的关系;规模、结构、质量与效益的关系;整合资源、凝炼特色与利益调整的关系;“校合”、“人合”与“心合”的关系;科研、管理、服务与教学的关系;示范性院校建设与其他工作的关系;教风、学风与作风的关系;发展与内外利益协调的关系;以德治校与依法办学的关系.参1  相似文献   

嗜酸微生物生态学与矿物生物浸出技术   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
综述了嗜酸微生物存在的环境、生态结构和微生物多样性,以及温度、氧对嗜酸微生物的影响.总结了嗜酸微生物群落间存在竞争、捕食、共生、合作等相互作用关系,这对理解矿物的生物浸出具有重要意义.目前对嗜酸微生物生态学的理解主要基于传统的纯菌培养分离技术,但是分子生物学技术的发展提供了更科学的研究手段,将纯菌培养分离技术和分子生物学技术相结合是研究嗜酸微生物生态的有效方法.认为理解嗜酸微生物生态学规律,将有利于开发新的微生物矿物加工技术,我国有必要加强浸矿微生物生态学的研究.表1参24  相似文献   

藻类的生消过程中有多种微生物参与,其结构多样性和功能多样性构成了藻菌间复杂的共生关系.这些共生关系的行使依赖于一定的群体数量和组成结构,并受化学信号调节.本文聚焦于群体感应信号(Quorum sensing,QS),从化学生态学视角综述QS信号介导下的微生物行为.生存在微生物群落中的个体并非以单个形式独立存在,而是具有一定的结构,且个体之间存在广泛的交流,QS信号便是通讯语言之一.细菌可以利用QS信号进行信息交流,协调群体行为,并调控特定基因表达.QS介导下的菌群行为包括在藻际生态位(Niche)的营造、生物被膜(Biofilm)的形成、物质代谢(C、N、S、Fe)的调节以及对溶藻行为的调控等.藻菌关系除了受QS调节外,其抑制剂(Quorum sensing inhibitor,QSI)也参与藻菌的共生关系.基于共生环境中存在着对藻类影响性质各异的菌群(有益菌或有害菌),开发QS或QSI是干扰藻菌关系、抑制藻类生长的潜在方法,可为赤潮的有效防控提供借鉴.  相似文献   

城市发展中存在的问题与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从可持续发展的角度,以中国为例讨论了城市化及城市发展中存在的问题,主要表现有:(1)城市建设与发展偏离了城市历史脉络;(2)少数大城市规模过度膨胀,一些小城市发展缓慢;(3)产生大量产品和废物,缺乏循环再生能力;(4)钢筋混凝土充斥城市,缺乏生态活力和灵气;(5)缺乏共生和自生能力。生态城市由于具有时间发展有序、空间布局合理、代谢过程完善、产业结构合理,体制健全、景观多样性丰富、竞争、共生、自生等特点和优势,必将成为是21世纪城市唯一、必然的选择。  相似文献   

本文从传统高等教育理念与模式着手,指出着力建设高等教育的人文性与技术性的重要性,重点阐述在建设高等教育的人文性与技术性的同时,应当注意处理好通识教育与专业教育、人文教育与科技教育之间的关系,高等教育应以促进受教育综合素质的全面提高和科学文化知识发展为根本出发点,通过各学科间广泛、深入的交叉、融合,推动知识快速生长,全面提高人才素质,并在教学、科技机制和管理模式上进行创新,建立开放性、融合式的学术活动机制与模式,在课程设置和结构安排上充分考虑学科知识间的融合,以此培养受教育者基本的人文素养和科学精神.  相似文献   

研究了毛乌素沙地东南缘沙漠化过程中土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性的响应过程,并对其与土壤养分的相关关系进行分析。结果表明,随沙漠化程度的加剧,土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性均降低,随土层深度的增加,土壤脲酶活性呈降低趋势,土壤过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶并未表现出规律性变化,沙漠化过程破坏了土壤酶的活性,三种酶活性能较为敏感地反映土壤环境的变化;相关性分析结果显示,土壤三种酶活性之间存在着极显著正相关性.且三种酶活性与土壤有机质和全氮含量之间同样存在极显著正相关性,表明三种酶在相互作用过程存在共生关系,且能够作为衡量土壤肥力的重要指标。土壤脲酶、过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性变化可作为衡量沙漠化环境变化的重要指示性指标,并可为进一步揭示沙漠化的生物学规律提供依据。  相似文献   

我省高职教育面临经费和办学力量不足、缺乏竞争优势等问题,高职学院尚未形成自我发展的能力和机制,缺乏良好的社会环境,没有被社会完全接受和认同,发展我省高职教育,必须构建自身的理论体系,合理规划学院布局和专业设置,加强师资队伍建设,完善教材体系,走内涵为主的发展道路,使高职教育成为国家高等教育的有机组成部分。  相似文献   

采用大肠杆菌和根瘤菌接合的方法,将celB标记基因分别导入了两株慢生型花生根瘤菌Spr3-5和Spr4-5中,对出发菌株和标记菌株的代时测定结果表明,二者之间没有显著差异.在标记菌株与出发菌株等量接种的前提下,比较了二者的竞争结瘤能力;结果显示,标记菌株形成的根瘤(蓝瘤)的占瘤率与50%相比,差异不显著,为了研究标记菌株与出发菌株的固氮有效性,测定了标记菌株与出发菌株各自共生植株的干重、全氮和叶绿素含量;结果表明,标记菌株与出发菌株的这3项指标之间没有显著差异.说明利用celB基因研究慢生花生根瘤菌的竞争结瘤能力是可行的,表5参7  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基)己酯(DEHP)作为聚氯乙烯(PVC)等塑料制品的增塑剂,广泛应用于食品包装材料和医用材料的生产。由于DEHP与塑料主体基质间为非共价结合,这类物质极易从塑料制品中释放出来造成环境污染。人群暴露DEHP引发的健康风险不容忽视。流行病学调查和动物实验表明,DEHP暴露与胰岛素抵抗、2型糖尿病等糖代谢紊乱疾病之间存在一定的联系。明确DEHP暴露诱导机体糖代谢紊乱的风险及相关作用机制,对糖尿病的防治具有十分重要的现实意义。根据目前的研究结果,本文拟对DEHP暴露与胰岛素抵抗及2型糖尿病的发生、发展关系进行综述。  相似文献   

In theory, between-group contest (BGC) competition for food can greatly influence female social relationships and reproductive success in primates, but few studies have investigated whether such effects occur and, if so, under what ecological conditions. There is evidence that adult male black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza, “guerezas”) defend the food their mates need against other groups, suggesting that BGC competition is important in this species. Using data on feeding, ranging, vegetation patterns, and intergroup encounters between six neighboring guereza groups, I provide evidence that the highly folivorous guerezas at Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda, engaged in BGC competition over unevenly dispersed, relatively high-quality feeding areas or “core areas”. Intergroup aggression was common, and groups’ home ranges overlapped. Groups were more likely to initiate high-level aggression if they encountered another group within or near their core area, and groups that initiated and won encounters often fed in the same areas in which losing groups had fed. Guerezas fed selectively on species with contagious (clumped) distributions and concentrated their feeding efforts in areas of the forest that contained the most food (core areas). Groups could be ranked in a linear dominance hierarchy, and group rank number was inversely related to the quantity and quality of food in groups’ core areas. This study not only provides good evidence that BGC competition occurs in primates but it also reinforces the idea that folivore food resources may be worth defending.  相似文献   

Rod-shaped bacteria were consistently observed by transmission electron microscopy in the locomotory test of larvae and in the perivisceral cavity of post-larvae of Solemya reidi, a gutless protobranch bivalve known to possess intracellular chemoautotrophic bacterial symbionts in the adult gill. Bacteria develop within granular vesicles in the larval test, where they either remain to be ingested at metamorphosis, or are released into the space separating the test and embryo, to be subsequently ingested through the larval mouth. In either case, bacteria lie within the perivisceral cavity following metamorphosis. Bacteria were not seen either in or on gametes or in gills of juveniles. It is hypothesized that these bacteria represent a transmission stage of the gill symbionts present in adult S. reidi and are not evident in gametes or gills of juveniles due to cryptic packaging within granular vesicles. Perpetuation of this symbiosis would therefore be assured through vertical transmission, as is typical of other marine invertebrate-bacteria endosymbioses.Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution Contribution No. 602  相似文献   

固氮放线菌Frankia与放线菌根植物共生进化的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
固氮放线菌Frankia是能够诱导大范围的放线菌根植物(actinorhizal plants)产生根瘤放线菌.放线菌根植物是植物受Frankia侵染后能够形成根瘤的植物[1].目前,它们之间的进化研究虽然取得了很大进展,但是仍然存在许多不清楚的东西.本文根据最近对植物和Frankia系统进化研究成果、根瘤中放线菌Frankia的多样性研究情况,综述放线菌根植物和共生Frankia进化的研究进展.  相似文献   

江苏省夏季浮萍种类及其生长水环境调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对江苏省多个县(市)分布有浮萍的工业区、生活区、农田水体进行调查与采样,观测各地浮萍种类及其生长水体的富营养化状况,探讨水体pH值,铵态氮、硝态氮、总氮、总磷含量与浮萍分布的关系。调查结果表明,浮萍适宜生长在静止的水体中,流动的河流中较为少见;此外,浮萍适宜生长在农田和生活区水体中,工业区附近样本数较少。江苏省夏季浮萍的主要品种为紫萍(Spirodelapolyrrhiza)、青萍(Lemmaminor)、芜萍(Wolffiaarrhiza)和少根紫萍(Spirodelaoligorrhiza),调查期间未发现稀脉浮萍(Lemmaperpusilla)与品藻(Lemmatrisulca)。紫萍和青萍在所调查的每个采样点均有分布,其生长水体的pH值变化范围(4.5~7.5)较大。浮萍生长水环境的氮、磷养分浓度范围很广,铵态氮、硝态氮、总氮、总磷质量浓度范围分别为0~42、0.2—2.0、0.2~45和0.02~13mg·L-1,尚未发现浮萍分布与水体氮、磷含量之间的必然联系。工业区附近水体中常见紫萍与青萍以共生形式存在,偶尔还伴有芜萍。在利用浮萍去除水中氮、磷营养物质时,应优先考虑利用各地当季优势浮萍品种及不同品种浮萍的共生复合系统,保障浮萍的最大生长量以及对水体氮、磷的最大去除率。  相似文献   

The limpet, Lepetodrilus fucensis McLean, is found in prominent stacks around hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge. L. fucensis hosts a filamentous episymbiont on its gill lamellae that may be ingested directly by the gill epithelium. To assess the persistence of this symbiosis I used microscopy to examine the gills of L. fucensis from sites representing its geographic range and different habitats. The symbiosis is present on all the specimens examined in this study, including both sexes and a range of juvenile and adult sizes. Next, I aimed to determine if patterns in bacterial abundance, host condition, and gill morphology support the hypotheses that the bacteria are chemoautotrophic and provide limpets with a food resource. To do so, I compared specimens from high and low flux locations at multiple vents. My results support the above hypotheses: (1) gill bacteria are significantly less abundant in low flux where the concentrations of reduced chemicals (for chemoautotrophy) are negligible, (2) low flux specimens have remarkably poor tissue condition, and (3) the lamellae of high flux limpets have greater surface area: the blood space and bacteria-hosting epithelium are deeper and have more folds than low flux lamellae, modifications that support higher symbiont abundances. I next asked if the morphology of the lamellae could change. To test this, I moved high flux limpets away from a vent and after 1 year the lamellar depth and shape of the transplanted specimens resembled low flux gills. Last, I was interested in whether bacterial digestion by the gill epithelium is a significant feeding mechanism. As bacteria-like cells are rarely apparent in lysosomes of the gill epithelium, I predicted that lysosome number would be unrelated to bacterial abundance. My data support this prediction, suggesting that digestion of bacteria by the gill epithelium probably contributes only minimally to the limpet’s nutrition. Overall, the persistence and morphology of the L. fucensis gill symbiosis relates to the intensity of vent flux and indicates that specimens from a variety of habitats may be necessary to characterize the morphological variability of gill-hosted symbioses in other molluscs.  相似文献   

在产业结构调整、优化过程中 ,必须从观念、管理和技术 3个层次上 ,加快传统产业改造、转型、升级及新兴产业发展 ,大力推进产业生态转型和建立生态产业。结合大量案例 ,论述了发展生态产业的原则和策略 ,主要有 :以市场为导向 ,生态与整体最优 ,竞争、共生、自生、再生相结合 ,减量化、再利用、资源化的循环经济 3原则 ,发挥区域优势 ,加强结构与功能的弹性和自我调节 ,硬件、软件和心件的耦合 ,创造更多就业机会  相似文献   

Sexual selection has led to male morphologies and behaviours that either increase male attractiveness or their success in male–male competition. We investigated male traits under selection in the ant Hypoponera opacior, in which wingless males mate with pupal queens inside their natal colony and guard their partners for hours. The lack of female choice and fights among adult males makes this species an ideal study system to investigate sexual selection in the absence of these selective forces. We hypothesised that males, which emerge first and live longer, should have a higher mating success because of more mating opportunities, reduced competition and the ability to kill pupal competitors. We recorded the number and length of matings and tested whether these measures of male-mating success were associated with emergence order, lifespan and body size. Indeed, early emerged males mated more often and longer than their later-emerging rivals. Furthermore, longer-lived and larger males obtained more matings. Body size might be important because larger males either produce more sperm or perform better in mounting females. We found no evidence for a trade-off between body size and emergence time. Moreover, male removal manipulations revealed that males quickly adapt their guarding behaviour to changes in the competitive environment. Under reduced competition, males guarded their partners for shorter periods. In conclusion, these sib-mating ant males are under selection to develop fast, to live long, to be large and to be able to respond to the competitive situation in the nest.  相似文献   

Varga S  Kytöviita MM 《Ecology》2010,91(9):2583-2593
Both plant sex and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis influence resource acquisition and allocation in plants, but the interaction between these two components is not well established. As the different plant sexes differ in their resource needs and allocation patterns, it is logical to presume that they might differ in their relationship with AM as well. We investigate whether the association with AM symbiosis is different according to the host plant sex in the gynodioecious Geranium sylvaticum, of which, besides female and hermaphrodite plants, intermediate plants are also recognized. Specifically, we examine the effects of two different AM fungi in plant mass allocation and phosphorus acquisition using a factorial greenhouse/common garden experiment. Cloned G. sylvaticum material was grown in symbiosis with AM fungi or in non-mycorrhizal condition. We evaluated both the symbiotic plant benefit in terms of plant mass and plant P content and the fungal benefit in terms of AM colonization intensity in the plant roots and spore production. Our results suggest that G. sylvaticum plants benefit from the symbiosis with both AM fungal species tested but that the benefits gained from the symbiosis depend on the sex of the plant and on the trait investigated. Hermaphrodites suffered most from the lack of AM symbiosis as the proportion of flowering plants was dramatically reduced by the absence of AM fungi. However, females and intermediates benefited from the symbiosis relatively more than hermaphrodites in terms of higher P acquisition. The two AM fungal species differed in the amount of resources accumulated, and the fungal benefit was also dependent on the sex of the host plant. This study provides the first evidence of sex-specific benefits from mycorrhizal symbiosis in a gynodioecious plant species.  相似文献   

The small neritic cephalopod Euprymna scolopes possesses a large glandular light organ that contains the symbiotic luminous bacterium Vibrio fischeri. Adult and immature E. scolopes were caught in the evening with dip nets in shallow water along the shore of Kanohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii, during late February 1984. The initiation of the symbiosis was investigated by rearing the cephalopods either in seawater taken from aquaria containing adult E. scolopes or in seawater with reduced bacterial concentrations due to filtration or due to absence of adults. Light production was measured during early development. Bioluminescence was not detected in E. scolopes immediately after hatching. Most individulas of E. scolopes that hatched into seawater containing, or previously exposed to, adults produced light within 24 h. Individuals that hatched into filtered seawater did not produce light. The data suggest that each generation aquires an infection from free-living bacteria rather than from the egg, and that light production is dependent on the nutritional state of the host. Access to an initial inoculum of free-living, luminous bacteria seems to be critical for establishing a successful symbiosis.  相似文献   

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