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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Phytoremediation coupled with crop rotation (PCC) is a feasible strategy for remediation of contaminated soil without interrupting crop production....  相似文献   

氮对镉胁迫下东南景天根系形态及镉积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过水培试验,研究了供氮(尿素)对镉胁迫下两种生态型东南景天根系形态及镉积累的影响.实验结果表明,当供氮水平为4~16 mmol/L时,能明显促进东南景天的根系生长;当供氮水平为32~64 mmol/L时,与对照相比,东南景天的根系长度、根系表面积和根系体积等指标明显受到抑制.不同供氮水平对两种生态型东南景天0<D≤0.2 mm的根系生长影响最大,而对D>0.2 mm的根系影响较小.不同供氮水平下,两种生态型东南景天均以0<D≤0.4 mm的根系为主,其中根系长度、根系表面积和根系体积分别占总根系长度、总根系表面积和总根系体积的66.3%~81.2%、68.5%~80.3%和62.1%~79.8%.氮素对东南景天的镉积累有一定的促进作用,随着氮素用量的增加,镉积累逐渐升高,与根系形态不同的是,镉积累量在供氮水平为32 mmol/L 时达到最大.适当提高营养液氮素用量有利于提高东南景天的各项根系形态指标和镉积累量.  相似文献   

在管式炉对Cd超积累植物东南景天(Sedum alfredii)进行热解,研究热解过程中Cd的迁移和形态转化,并在最佳温度条件下探究制备的东南景天生物炭对Cd的吸附作用。结果表明,随着温度上升,生物炭产率下降,挥发分增加;温度能影响Cd在气、液、固三相中的分布,温度升高能明显促进重金属由固相向气相迁移;生物炭中Cd形态受温度影响,随温度升高,对环境影响较大的水溶态和酸溶态Cd含量呈现出降低趋势,在700℃以上时,大部分Cd是以稳定的可氧化态、可还原态以及残渣态形式存在;800℃热解得到的东南景天生物炭对Cd具有一定的吸附效果,最高吸附量达到28.7mg/g。通过合理控制热解温度能够实现炭产物的稳定化,并可安全利用到重金属污染水体或者农田污染治理中。  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 on metal species and mobility in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulator are not well understood. We report an experiment designed to compare the effects of elevated CO2 on Cd/Zn speciation and mobility in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulating ecotype (HE) and a non-hyperaccumulating ecotype (NHE) of Sedum alfredii grown under ambient (350 μl l?1) or elevated (800 μl l?1) CO2 conditions. No difference in solution pH of NHE was observed between ambient and elevated CO2 treatments. For HE, however, elevated CO2 reduced soil solution pH by 0.22 unit, as compared to ambient CO2 conditions. Elevated CO2 increased dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and organic acid levels in soil solution of both ecotypes, but the increase in HE solution was much greater than in NHE solution. After the growth of HE, the concentrations of Cd and Zn in soil solution decreased significantly regardless of CO2 level. The visual MINTEQ speciation model predicted that Cd/Zn–DOM complexes were the dominant species in soil solutions, followed by free Cd2+ and Zn2+ species for both ecotypes. However, Cd/Zn–DOM complexes fraction in soil solution of HE was increased by the elevated CO2 treatment (by 8.01 % for Cd and 8.47 % for Zn, respectively). Resin equilibration experiment results indicated that DOM derived from the rhizosphere of HE under elevated CO2 (HE-DOM-E) (90 % for Cd and 73 % for Zn, respectively) showed greater ability to form complexes with Cd and Zn than those under ambient CO2 (HE-DOM-A) (82 % for Cd and 61 % for Zn, respectively) in the undiluted sample. HE-DOM-E showed greater ability to extract Cd and Zn from soil than HE-DOM-A. It was concluded that elevated CO2 could increase the mobility of Cd and Zn due to the enhanced formation of DOM–metal complexes in the rhizosphere of HE S. alfredii.  相似文献   

To investigate the variation of Zn and Cd accumulation and tolerance of Sedum alfredii (a newly reported Zn/Cd hyperaccumulator), field surveys and hydroponic experiments were conducted among three populations of this species: two originating from old Pb/Zn mines in Zhejiang (ZJ) and Hunan (HN) Provinces and one from a "clean" site in Guangdong (GD) Province, China. Under field conditions, up to 12,524 and 12,253 mg kg(-1) Zn, and 1400 and 97 mg kg(-1) Cd in shoots of ZJ and HN plants were recorded respectively. Under hydroponic conditions, ZJ and HN plants accumulated significantly higher Zn and Cd in their leaves and stems, and possessed significantly higher Zn and Cd tolerance than GD plants. Among the two contaminated populations, ZJ plants showed higher Cd tolerance and accumulation (in leaves) than HN plants. The present results indicate that significant differences in Zn and Cd accumulation and tolerance exist in populations of S. alfredii.  相似文献   

生物处理镉污染土壤及其酶活性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以添加镉的天津农田土壤为对象,分别设定空白处理、添加诺沃肥处理及生物强化处理(添加1株紫外线诱变工程菌和诺沃肥).研究土壤在不同pH、温度和含水率条件下可提取有效态镉(E-Cd)、过氧化氢酶及脲酶活性的变化情况.结果表明,添加诺沃肥处理可以有效降低E-Cd含量.而生物强化处理可进一步促进镉的固定效果;最适合生物修复的环境条件为PH 7.0、温度30℃和土壤含水率50%;添加诺沃肥处理和生物强化处理的土壤中过氧化氢酶和脲酶活性明显高于空白处理,说明生物修复后,土壤酶活性已经恢复,表明这2种处理能改善土壤结构和性能,提高土壤的肥力.  相似文献   

研究了从东南景天(Sedum alfredii)的根系分离和纯化的内生菌荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)R1(菌株R1)在溶解氧化锌(ZnO)和氧化镉(CdO)过程中的生长代谢特征,分析了代谢产物中有机酸的组成及含量;通过盆栽实验,进一步探讨了土壤接种菌株R1对东南景天的生长、吸收和积累锌、镉的影响。结果发现,菌株R1在生长代谢过程中分泌苹果酸、琥珀酸、乙酸、柠檬酸、草酸等有机酸是导致ZnO和CdO溶解的主要原因,且反应体系中增加ZnO和CdO能够提高有机酸的分泌量,加速ZnO和CdO的溶解。菌株R1接种到未灭菌或灭菌的锌、镉污染土壤中均能在一定程度上促进东南景天的生长和吸收Zn、Cd。在未灭菌ZnO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Zn积累量分别增加了15.56%、9.74%和29.84%;在灭菌ZnO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天地上部的干物质质量和Zn积累量分别增加9.56%和8.97%。在未灭菌CdO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Cd积累量分别增加30.30%、6.15%和27.21%;在灭菌CdO土壤上,接种菌株R1使东南景天根系和地上部的干物质质量、地上部Cd积累量分别增加5.08%、8.82%和26.14%。  相似文献   

In the process of remediation of mine sites, the establishment of a vegetation cover is one of the most important tasks. This study tests two different approaches to manipulate soil properties in order to facilitate plant growth. Mine waste from Ingurtosu, Sardinia, Italy rich in silt, clay, and heavy metals like Cd, Cu, and Zn was used in a series of greenhouse experiments. Bacteria with putative beneficial properties for plant growth were isolated from this substrate, propagated and consortia of ten strains were used to inoculate the substrate. Alternatively, sand and volcanic clay were added. On these treated and untreated soils, seeds of Helianthus annuus, of the native Euphorbia pithyusa, and of the grasses Agrostis capillaris, Deschampsia flexuosa and Festuca rubra were germinated, and the growth of the seedlings was monitored. The added bacteria established well under all experimental conditions and reduced the extractability of most metals. In association with H. annuus, E. pithyusa and D. flexuosa bacteria improved microbial activity and functional diversity of the original soil. Their effect on plant growth, however, was ambiguous and usually negative. The addition of sand and volcanic clay, on the other hand, had a positive effect on all plant species except E. pithyusa. Especially the grasses experienced a significant benefit. The effects of a double treatment with both bacteria and sand and volcanic clay were rather negative. It is concluded that the addition of mechanical support has great potential to boost revegetation of mining sites though it is comparatively expensive. The possibilities offered by the inoculation of bacteria, on the other hand, appear rather limited.  相似文献   



Spillage of petroleum hydrocarbons causes significant environmental pollution. Bioremediation is an effective process to remediate petroleum oil contaminant from the ecosystem. The aim of the present study was to reclaim a petroleum oil-contaminated soil which was unsuitable for the cultivation of crop plants by using petroleum oil hydrocarbon-degrading microbial consortium.  相似文献   

Wang X  Wang H  Tan C 《Chemosphere》2005,61(10):1468-1474
Two hexazinone-degrading bacterial strains were isolated from soil by enrichment culture technique, and identified as Pseudomonas sp. and Enterobacter cloacap. The two purified isolates, designated as WFX-1 and WFX-2, could rapidly degrade hexazinone with a half-life of 3.08 days and 2.95 days in mineral salt medium (MSM), while their mixed bacterial culture was found to degrade hexazinone, at an initial concentration of 50 microg/ml, by enhancing 2.3-fold over that when the isolates were used alone. Two microbial metabolites (A and D) were obtained by preparative TLC and identified on the basis of the spectral data of IR, 1H NMR and HPLC-ESI-MS, but both of them were known products as they had been reported in soil and vegetation metabolites of hexazinone. However, metabolites B and C were new degradates, whose molecular weights (MW) were 157 and 156, respectively, being reported from microbial metabolism for the first time.  相似文献   

Bioremediation of diesel-contaminated soil with composting   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The major objective of this research was to find the appropriate mix ratio of organic amendments for enhancing diesel oil degradation during contaminated soil composting. Sewage sludge or compost was added as an amendment for supplementing organic matter for composting of contaminated soil. The ratios of contaminated soil to organic amendments were 1:0.1, 1:0.3, 1:0.5, and 1:1 as wet weight basis. Target contaminant of this research was diesel oil, which was spiked at 10,000 mg/kg sample on a dry weight basis. The degradation of diesel oil was significantly enhanced by the addition of these organic amendments relative to straight soil. Degradation rates of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) and n-alkanes were the greatest at the ratio of 1:0.5 of contaminated soil to organic amendments on wet weight basis. Preferential degradation of n-alkanes over TPH was observed regardless of the kind and the amount of organic amendments. The first order degradation constant of n-alkanes was about twice TPH degradation constant. Normal alkanes could be divided in two groups (C10-C15 versus C16-C20) based on the first order kinetic constant. Volatilization loss of TPH was only about 2% of initial TPH. Normal alkanes lost by volatilization were mainly by the compounds of C10 to C16. High correlations (r=0.80-0.86) were found among TPH degradation rate, amount of CO2 evolved, and dehydrogenase activity.  相似文献   

自四川省长宁某石油烃-重金属镉复合污染土壤中,筛选出1株具有重金属镉(Cd)抗性和石油烃降解能力的菌株,采用吸附法将菌株固定于玉米芯生物炭上制备成固定化微生物,并探讨固定化微生物技术(IMT)对土壤石油烃的降解效率以及重金属固定化效果.鉴定结果表明,成功筛选出的具有Cd抗性的石油烃降解菌经鉴定属于柠檬酸杆菌属(Citr...  相似文献   

The in vivo localization and speciation of lead (Pb) in tissues of the accumulator Sedum alfredii grown in EDTA-Pb and Pb(NO3)2 was studied by synchrotron X-ray investigation. The presence of EDTA-Pb in solution resulted in a significant reduction of Pb accumulation in S. alfredii. Lead was preferentially localized in the vascular bundles regardless of treatments but the intensities of Pb were lower in the plants treated with EDTA. Lead was predominantly presented as a Pb-cell wall complex in the plants regardless of its supply form. However, a relatively high proportion of Pb was observed as Pb-EDTA complex when the plant was treated with EDTA-Pb, but as a mixture of Pb3(PO4)2, Pb-malic, and Pb-GSH when cultured with ionic Pb. These results suggest that EDTA does not increase the internal mobility of Pb, although the soluble Pb-EDTA complex could be transported and accumulated within the plants of S. alfredii.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The recovery of microbial community and activities is crucial to the remediation of contaminated soils. Distance-dependent variations of microbial...  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope

Lead (Pb) accumulation in soils affects plants primarily through their root systems. The aim of this study was to investigate early symptoms of the loss of membrane integrity and lipid peroxidation in root tissues and physiological adaptation mechanism to Pb in accumulating ecotypes (AE) and non-accumulating ecotypes (NAE) of Sedum alfredii under Pb stress in hydroponics.

Methods and results

Histochemical in situ analyses, fluorescence imaging, and normal physiological analysis were used in this study. Pb accumulation in roots of both AE and NAE increased linearly with increasing Pb levels (0?C200???M), and a significant difference between both ecotypes was noted. Both loss of plasma membrane integrity and lipid peroxidation in root tissues became serious with increasing Pb levels, maximum tolerable Pb level was 25 and 100???M for NAE and AE, respectively. Pb supplied at a toxic level caused a burst of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in root cells in both ecotypes. However, the root cells of AE had inherently higher activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), guaiacol peroxidase (POD), and lipoxygenase (LOX) in control plants, and the induction response of these antioxidant enzymes occurred at lower Pb level in AE than NAE. AE plants maintained higher ascorbic acid and H2O2 concentrations in root cells than NAE when exposed to different Pb levels, and Pb induced more increase in dehydroascorbate (DHA), catalase (CAT), and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) in AE than NAE roots.

Discussion and conclusion

Results indicate that histochemical in situ analyses of root cell death and lipid peroxidation under Pb short-term stress was sensitive, reliable, and fast. Higher tolerance in roots of accumulating ecotype under Pb stress did depend on effective free oxygen scavenging by making complex function of both constitutively higher activities and sensitive induction of key antioxidant enzymes in root cells of S. alfredii.  相似文献   

通过添加海藻酸钠包埋菌剂、缓释肥料,并辅以通风工艺及浇水设备建立了修复石油污染土壤的生态堆,对胜利油田一处油泥暂存点的石油污染土壤进行了生态堆修复。修复结果显示:生态堆能高效修复污染土及油泥中的石油烃,一年后,C6~C16的脂肪烃降解至检出限以下,C17~C36的脂肪烃一年内降解率为93.5%,总PAHs的降解率能达到78%以上,但随着PAHs苯环数的增加,降解率呈下降趋势;缓释肥料及包埋菌剂的添加,以及生态堆顶部植物的种植,使生态堆内的环境条件保持较为稳定的状态,为石油烃的降解创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

白腐真菌对受喹啉污染模拟土壤的生物修复研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过引入白腐真菌对受喹啉污染的模拟土壤进行生物修复.结果表明,白腐真菌对受喹啉污染土壤的生物修复是可行的;土壤含水率升高,喹啉去除率提高;投菌量越大,喹啉的去除效果越显著;不同pH土壤中的白腐真菌对喹啉降解差异不大,添加木屑能为白腐真菌提供额外的营养源,对土壤中喹啉的降解起到了促进作用.  相似文献   

Yan H  Wang D  Dong B  Tang F  Wang B  Fang H  Yu Y 《Chemosphere》2011,84(5):634-641
The dissipation of carbendazim and chloramphenicol alone and in combination and their effects on soil fungal:bacterial ratios and soil enzyme activities were investigated. The results revealed that carbendazim dissipation was little affected by chloramphenicol, whereas chloramphenicol dissipation was found to be retarded significantly by the presence of carbendazim. The inhibitory effect of carbendazim on the fungal:bacterial ratios was increased by the presence of chloramphenicol, and the inhibitory effect of chloramphenicol on neutral phosphatase was increased by the presence of carbendazim. Carbendazim increased soil catalase and urease activities, but this increase was partially diminished by the presence of chloramphenicol. Little interaction was observed between carbendazim and chloramphenicol with regard to their influence on soil invertase. The results obtained in this study suggest that combinations of fungicides and antibiotics may alter the compounds’ individual behaviors in soil and their effects on soil enzymes.  相似文献   

以多种重金属污染的土壤为材料,研究了酶对重金属的去除效果.在单因素实验基础上,采用响应面法对重金属去除的反应条件进行优化,结果表明,α-淀粉酶质量浓度0.2%、pH 3.5、反应时间12 h为最佳淋洗修复条件,Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn去除率分别为82.36%、75.02%、38.38%、34.69%和57.54%,去除率的大小顺序为Cd >Cr >Zn >Cu >Ni.酶作为土壤的组成部分,利用酶修复重金属污染的土壤,可以降低环境风险,具有较好应用前景.  相似文献   

A post-harvest experiment was conducted further to our previous greenhouse pot study on upland kangkong (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk.) and Alfred stonecrop (Sedum alfredii Hance) intercropping system in Cd-contaminated soil inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. Previously, four treatments were established in the intercropping experiment, including monoculture of kangkong (control), intercropping with stonecrop (IS), and IS plus inoculation with Glomus caledonium (IS?+?Gc) or Glomus versiforme (IS?+?Gv). Both kangkong and stonecrop plants were harvested after growing for 8 weeks. Then, the tested soils were reclaimed for growing post-harvest kangkong for 6 weeks. In the post-harvest experiment, there were no significant differences between the IS and control treatments, except for a significantly decreased (p?<?0.05) soil available P concentration with IS treatment. Compared with IS, both IS?+?Gc and IS?+?Gv significantly decreased (p?<?0.05) soil DTPA-extractable (phytoavailable) Cd concentrations, but not total Cd, by elevating soil pH, causing significantly lower (p?<?0.05) Cd concentrations in both the root and shoot of kangkong. In addition, both Gc and Gv significantly increased (p?<?0.05) soil acid phosphatase activities and available P concentrations and hence resulted in significantly higher (p?<?0.05) plant P acquisitions. However, only Gv significantly increased (p?<?0.05) kangkong yield, while Gc only significantly elevated (p?<?0.05) the shoot P concentration. It suggested that AM fungi have played key roles in Cd stabilization and P mobilization in the intercropping system, and such positive responses seemed to be sustainable and valuable in post-harvest soils.  相似文献   

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