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The 18 Galician Rias, comprising 25% of the Iberian Peninsula coastline, form a unique system within the European continental Atlantic coast and provide a useful reference area for studies of metals. These rias are sensitive to anthropogenic influence due to the socioeconomic importance generated in these areas by industry, aquaculture, port activities, fishing, tourism and, accordingly, several islands lying within close proximity to the rias have recently been declared natural parks. Aquaculture in the Galician Rias is a growth industry and in 2000 the rias supported 3386 mussel rafts producing 2.5 x 10(8) kg year(-1), i.e. 40% of European Union total seafood production. The Galician Rias are partially stratified estuaries with positive residual circulation with fresh (runoff lower than 100 m3 s(-1) and salt water mixing inside the basins. This behaviour has direct consequences on metal fluxes whereby the rias behave as a barrier and accumulate metals in the sediments. Metals tend to deposit close to point sources and remobilization occurs inside the ria, leading to a seaward decrease in metal concentration. With the exception of the Ulla (Arosa Ria) and Eume (Ares-Betanzos Ria) head rivers and the Lagares river (Vigo Ria) the available data suggest that riverine freshwater inputs are not the main source of contamination. Metal studies reported in the literature mainly relate to Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn, and to a lesser extent Hg and Sn. Studies of other harmful metals such as Ag, Se and As are notably lacking. In addition, the studies have been localized and mainly restricted to the surface sediment. Data of heavy metals in the dissolved phase, suspended particulate matter and biota is scarce in the mainstream literature and should be considered in the future research. From the entire Galician coast, data from seven rias of socio-economic importance form the bulk of the published work. There is an urgent need to standardize procedures, employ 'clean' procedures to avoid contamination of samples and regular assessment of analytical accuracy with CRMs in order that results can be compared among the scientific community and produce reliable results. The continuation of coastal environmental studies requires an enlargement of the sampling locations as well as systematic and periodic analysis of known pollution sources in order to decide whether coastal regeneration action is needed. Studies dedicated to metals in the water column are lacking and need more attention in future research. The majority of the available data correspond to the fluvial front (30%) at ria head and, to a lesser extent, to the oceanic front (3%), under summer upwelling events. Current awareness of the rias suggests that they are not contaminated although there is some evidence of important localized anthropogenically induced enrichments at the outflow of the Lagares River (Pb, Zn), the San Simón inlet (Pb) and near to the harbor (Pb, Zn, Cu) in the Vigo Ria, the inner part (Cu, Zn, Hg, Pb) of the Pontevedra Ria, the Ulla River estuary (Cu, Cr, Mn, Ni; Zn) in the Arosa Ria, the inner zone (Cu, Pb, Zn) of the Coru?a Ria, the Ferrol Ria (Zn) and the Eume Estuary (Zn, Mn, Ni, Co) in the Ares-Betanzos Ria. In addition, TBT enrichment has been found along the Galician coast, being highest in the industrial bays (Vigo, Coru?a and Ferrol). Nevertheless, it is important to point out the lack of information concerning the relationship between metal concentrations in different fractions of sediments and/or water and their bioavailability and toxicity on biota in order to confirm metal contamination dangers. The present paper reviews all the information published on metals in the rias up to the year 2000 and takes a biogeochemical standpoint, i.e. metal presence in the ria reservoirs: water column, suspended particulate matter, sediments and biota, as well as the fluvial and oceanic frontiers.  相似文献   

Introduction In this work, sediments of the River Tisa (Tisza) are studied to assess their environmental pollution levels for some major heavy metals, as well as to predict the investigated elements’ mobility on the basis of their association type with the substrate. The Tisa River catchments area is a subbasin of the River Danube. Part of this river, 166 km long, belongs to the Serbian province of Vojvodina, before it flows into the Danube. It has been chosen for our investigation, because it has been exposed to intense pollution in the last decades. Materials and Methods The river sediment samples were collected at 32 locations. The proportions of sand, silt and clay fractions were determined. The sequential extraction procedure following a modified Tessier method was applied for speciation of the metal forms in the collected samples. The metal concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, Cr, Fe and Mn in extracts were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results and Discussion Granulometric analysis showed that some 50% of the Tisa River sediments were silt and clay, while the rest was sand with quartz, as the main constituent. The average metal content of the surface river sediment samples for every fraction of sequential extraction was presented and discussed in relation to pH, Eh and metal fractionation. The average metal content from the Tisa River sediments, obtained as an average of the metal’s concentration released in all five sequential extraction fractions was compared with: average metal contents of the Tisa River sediments in Hungary, metal content in soils formed on the Tisa River alluvium of Vojvodina, average metal content in soils of Vojvodina, and average metal content in soils of Hungary. An assessment of metal pollution levels in Tisa River sediments was made by comparing mean values for obtained results for the Tisa River sediments with the freshwater sediment’s Quality Guidelines as published by US EPA, Environment Canada and soil standards for Serbia. Conclusion According to US EPA and Canadian Quality Guidelines for freshwater sediments, the concentration of heavy metals in Tisa sediments were: (a) much higher than defined concentrations below which harmful effects on river biota are unlikely to be observed, (b) below defined concentrations above which harmful effects on river biota are likely to be observed. The concentration levels of Pb, Ni, Cu and Cr in Tisa River sediments are safe when compared with Serbian MAQ (Maximum Allowed Quantity) standards for soils, but they are unsafe in the case of Zn and Cd. Recommendations and Outlook The quality of sediments in the Tisa River was on the border line between potentially polluted and polluted. This line could very easily be exceeded since the quality of sediments in the Tisa River in Hungary was already worse than in Serbia. These results indicated the need for further monitoring of heavy metals in that locality.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments (the fraction < 2000 microm) from the Bay of Thessaloniki, in the Northwestern Aegean Sea, Greece were examined for heavy metal and organic carbon contents, as well as for acute LUMIStox toxicity of pore waters (PWs), wet sediment elutriates (WSEs) and dry sediment elutriates (DSEs) obtained from the solid material remaining after PW extraction. WSEs where not toxic. EC20/50 values could be measured in some DSE and PW samples. In all sediment samples, the DSE toxicity was greater than the corresponding PW toxicity. Sediment concentrations of total and labile Cd, Pb, Cu, Cr, Zn, Mn, Ni and Fe were determined and evaluated in relation to sediment quality guidelines. Pollution levels ranged from low to high for certain metals. A misfit between sediment toxicities calculated from heavy metal concentrations and those biologically measured was observed. Toxicity values were in general poorly correlated with sediment's heavy metal or organic carbon content. As significant correlation was however found between the DSE toxicity with total Ni and labile Fe, as well as for the PW toxicity with total Ni, labile Fe and labile Cr.  相似文献   

This study presents the first detailed data on aerosol concentrations of trace metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Cr, Mn, Fe and Al) at the SE Mediterranean coast of Israel, and assesses their sources and fluxes. Aerosol samples were collected at two sampling stations (Tel-Shikmona and Maagan Michael) along the coast between 1994 and 1997. Two broad categories of aerosol trace metal sources were defined; anthropogenic (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) and naturally derived elements (Al, Fe, Mn and Cr). The extent of the anthropogenic contribution was estimated by the degree of enrichment of these elements compared to the average crustal composition (EFcrust). High values (median >100) were calculated for Cd, Pb and Zn, minor values for Cu and relatively low values (<10) for Fe, Mn and Cr. The crustal-derived elements exhibited a statistically significant seasonal pattern of higher concentrations during spring and autumn (e.g. Al concentrations in some cases during these periods were observed to be in excess of 1500 ng m−3). In the eastern Mediterranean basin crustal-dominated elements are enriched by 2–3 times while others (Cd and Pb) are comparable to the northwestern Mediterranean. The Pb : Cd ratios of ∼150 are higher than in coastal European sites (60–116) or emission materials (∼50). It is speculated that these differences are attributed mainly to the mixing of crustal material with local and European emissions. At present, it is impossible to quantify the latter two fractions. Back trajectory analysis and the subsequent categorization of two main aerosol populations, ‘European’ and ‘North Africa–Arabian’, exhibited a significantly different geochemical imprint on the aerosol chemical composition. ‘European’-derived air masses indicated significantly higher EFcrust values for Cd and Pb due to the greater anthropogenic character of the aerosol population, with a dilution by crustal material of this population leading to comparatively lower EFcrust values associated with the North African–Arabian air masses.  相似文献   

Canal sediments can act as sinks for a wide range of contaminants including heavy metals from various sources (e.g. industrial and waste water discharges). Dredging of canals is required to maintain navigational depth and prevent flooding. The sediments removed from canals are often disposed of to land, being deposited either straight on to the banks of the canal or, in recent years, in licensed disposal sites. The aim of this work was to investigate the nature of dredged sediment-derived soils and the heavy metals present in them. Two disposal sites in the United Kingdom (UK) were investigated and soil samples taken. A variety of analytical techniques were used, including Aqua regia digestion and sequential extraction, in order to assess the concentrations and associations of metals present. Diethylene triaminepenta-acetic acid extracts, performed to illustrate plant-available metal concentrations, reveal that up to 40% of the total extracted metals were in an 'available' form. Variations in metal concentrations with depth in the soil cores show a significant correlation with total organic carbon content.  相似文献   

Trace metals are one of the groups of pollutants that reduce genetic variability in natural populations, causing the phenomenon known as “genetic erosion”. In this study we evaluate the relationship between trace metals contamination (Hg, Cd and Cu) and genetic variability, assessed using fluorescent Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (fISSRs). We used eight populations of a well-established biomonitor of trace metals on sandy beaches: the amphipod Talitrus saltator. The trace metals analysis confirmed the ability of sandhoppers to accumulate Hg, Cd and Cu. Moreover, populations from sites with high Hg availability had the lowest values of genetic diversity. Our results validate the use of fISSR markers in genetic studies in sandhoppers and support the “genetic erosion” hypothesis by showing the negative influence of Hg contamination on sandhopper genetic diversity. Therefore, genetic variability assessed with fISSR markers could be successfully employed as a biomarker of Hg exposure.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Many studies have been carried out along mighty rivers with heavily industrialized watersheds to evaluate pollutants and their effects on freshwater...  相似文献   

Major and trace element, PAH, and PCB concentrations were measured in surface sediments and particles from sediment traps collected in the First and Second Basin of the Mar Piccolo (Gulf of Taranto) in two periods (June–July and August–September, 2013). The aim of the study was to evaluate pollution degree, sediment transport and particle redistribution dynamic within the area. Results confirm the higher contamination of sediments from the First Basin observed by previous researches, particularly for Cu, Hg, Pb, total PAHs, and total PCBs. Advective transport from the First to the Second Basin appears to be the leading transfer mechanism of particles and adsorbed contaminants, as evidenced by measured fluxes and statistical analyses of contaminant concentrations in surficial sediments and particles from sediment traps. Long-range selective transports of PAHs and microbial anaerobic degradation processes for PCBs have been also observed. These results are limited to a restricted time window but are consistent with the presence of transport fluxes at the bottom of the water column. This mechanism deserves further investigation and monitoring activities, potentially being the main responsible of pollutant delivering to the less contaminated sectors of the Mar Piccolo.  相似文献   

Impacts of chemical contaminants associated with dumping of dredged urban river sediments at a coastal disposal area in Saronikos Gulf (Eastern Mediterranean) were investigated through a combined approach of sediment toxicity testing and active biomonitoring with caged mussels. Chemical analyses of aliphatic hydrocarbons (AHs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), Cu, and Zn in combination with the solid phase Microtox® test were performed on sediments. Concentrations of PAHs, AHs, Cu, and Zn as well as multiple biomarkers of contaminant exposure and/or effects were measured in caged mussels. Sediments in the disposal and neighboring area showed elevated PAHs and AHs concentrations and were characterized as toxic by the solid-phase Microtox® test during and after dumping operations. Biomarker results in the caged mussels indicated sublethal effects mainly during dumping operations, concomitantly with high concentrations of PAHs and AHs in the caged mussel tissues. Cu and Zn concentrations in sediments and caged mussels were generally not elevated except for sediments at the site in the disposal area that received the major amount of dredges. High PAHs and AHs levels as well as sublethal effects in the caged mussels were not persistent after termination of operations. The combined bioassay–biomarker approach proved useful for detecting toxicological impacts of dredged river sediment disposal in sediments and the water column. Nevertheless, further research is needed to evaluate whether sediment toxicity will have long-term effects on benthic communities of the disposal area.  相似文献   

In this study I evaluated the effects of complexing agents on the solubility of heavy metals in an incubation experiment up to 56 days when complexing agents were applied as Fe-chelates (Fe-EDDS(S,S), Fe-EDDS(mix), Fe-EDTA and Fe-EDDHA) on calcareous soils at a level sufficient to correct Fe chlorosis (0.1 mmol kg−1). Of these ligands, EDDHA was the most efficient in keeping Fe in water-soluble form, and EDDS increased the solubility of Cu and Zn most, and only EDTA increased the solubility of Cd and Pb. EDTA increased the solubility of Ni steadily during the incubation period, equalling about 5-8% of the added EDTA concentration. [S,S]-EDDS was biodegraded within 56 days, whereas EDDS(mix) was less biodegradable. Ni-chelates were the most recalcitrant against biodegradation. The study shows that even a moderate input of chelates to soil increases the solubility of toxic heavy metals and their risk of leaching.  相似文献   

Eight female Gulf coast striped bass (Morone saxatilis) broodfish collected for induced spawning from the Apalachicola River below the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam were analyzed for organochlorine pesticides (OCs) and metals in muscle and ovarian tissues. Chemical analyses revealed that muscle and ovaries contained detectable amounts of OCs and metals. Concentrations of p,p'-DDE, a derivative of the pesticide DDT, in muscle and ovary (0.54 and 0.65 microg/g, respectively) were significantly higher than alpha-chlordane, dieldrin, and p,p'-DDD. The presence of p,p'-DDE, an antiandrogenic compound, in females suggests that the compound also may be present in male striped bass. Concentrations of Cr, Hg, Mg, and Mn were higher in muscle than in ovarian tissues. Concentrations of Hg have almost doubled in muscle tissues (0.85 microg/g) and tripled in ovaries (0. 15 microg/g) in our samples, compared with the data from 1986 to 1989. Organochlorine pesticides and metal contaminants were present in muscle and ovarian tissues of adult females and may have been retarding development of eggs leading to low hatching rates.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In November 2016, the total metal concentrations in nine representative locations in lead (Pb)-zinc (Zn) mining areas, located in Guangdong Province,...  相似文献   

The distribution of heavy metal pollution associated with suspended particulate matter on the Barcelona continental shelf has been studied to evaluate the environment l impact of anthropogenic metals in this Mediterranean area. The main sources of heavy metal pollution on this continental shelf are the Besós River and the sewage sludge produced in the Barcelona-Besós wastewater treatment plant. The levels of Pb, Cr, Cu, Cd and Ni are very high around the mouths of the river and the pipeline of the wastewater treatment plant. The highest suspended sediment and heavy metal concentrations are along the inner and mid-shelf due to aggregation processes and the low energy of the dominant currents flowing in the study area. However, a significant amount of polluted suspended sediment is transferred to the slope by advective processes. This amount may be increased significantly by the action of wave-induced currents during strong storms. Trawl fishing may also contribute to the shelf-slope transfer of contaminated particles.  相似文献   


This study presents the heavy metal results obtained during Finnish interlaboratory comparison (ILC) measurements made during 2019. The aim of this measurement campaign was to verify the skills of accredited emission measurement teams and also to evaluate the challenges that stack testing teams face in the future when emission levels decrease. ILCs have been organized in Finland since the 1970s. ILCs provide an important platform for stack testing teams so that they can verify their measurement skills and also for the dissemination of knowledge. The knowledge about the measurement standards and their requirements has improved among stack testing teams during past years in Finland. As emission levels get lower, they still need to pay more attention to some quality assurance procedures, e.g. to method and field blanks. Based on the observations of this ILC for heavy metals it can be noted that the challenges that stack testing teams face are related to the fact that no guidance is given in the standard reference methods EN 13211 and EN 14385 for example on the calculation of measurement uncertainties and how results below limit of quantification should be taken into account. These reference methods were suitable for their purpose at the time they were validated. However, emission levels are now more stringent and it is challenging to measure them with acceptable uncertainty criteria. As a consequence, there is a clear need for harmonized approaches in Europe for consistent implementation of standards and regulations. Key issues where guidance should be provided include realistic measurement uncertainties at low concentration levels, reporting low concentrations and guidance on how measurement uncertainties should be taken into account when the results are used for compliance assessment. The overall aim is to ensure that even with low emission levels, the emission measurement results would be transparent and robust throughout the EU.

Implications: Interlaboratory comparison measurements between stack testing teams are the most important tool to verify the quality of the measurements. Participation in an appropriate ILC is often mandatory to successfully achieve accreditation under ISO/IEC 17025. Such campaigns also provide an efficient platform for dissemination of knowledge. In addition, ILCs can be used to clarify the challenges that teams nowadays face when measuring low emission levels, thus creating important information for the revision work of standards.  相似文献   

To evaluate both the natural and anthropogenic influences on surface waters of Guadalquivir River (SW-Spain), concentrations of dissolved trace metals (Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb), inorganic nutrients (N-NH(4)(+), N-NO(3)(-), N-NO(2)(-), and P-PO(4)(3-)) and other variables as conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO) and suspended solids (SS) were measured during a three-years period (2001-2003). Samples were taken at 26 stations twice a year, during rain and dry periods. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) suggested that temporal variations within the period of study were statistically negligible. Spatial distributions identified three different zones, mainly influenced by sewage (Eastern Zone), agriculture runoffs (Central Zone), and estuarine processes (Western Zone), respectively. Principal Component and Cluster Analysis allowed to identify the variables controlling the water quality of each zone as: N-NH(4)(+), N-NO(2)(-), Mn, and Co, (Eastern Zone), SS, and P-PO(4)(3-) (Central Zone), and Cd, pH and conductivity (Western Zone). Other variables such as Ni, Cu, Zn or N-NO(3)(-), influenced two different zones, while Pb presented a singular behavior.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Metal uptake capacity and growth patterns of three cardoon cultivars (Sardo, Siciliano, and Spagnolo) were investigated for phytoremediation in a...  相似文献   

Heavy metal (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) concentrations in the muscle, gill and liver of six fish species (Sparus auratus, Atherina hepsetus, Mugil cephalus, Trigla cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and Scomberesox saurus) from the northeast Mediterranean Sea were measured and the relationships between fish size (length and weight) and metal concentrations in the tissues were investigated by linear regression analysis. Metal concentrations (as microg/g d.w.) were highest in the liver, except for iron in the gill of Scomberesox sauris and lowest in the muscle of all the fish species. Highest concentrations of Cd (4.50), Cr (17.1) and Pb (41.2) were measured in liver tissues of T. cuculus, Sardina pilchardus and A. hepsetus, respectively. The liver of M. cephalus showed strikingly high Cu concentrations (202.8). The gill of Scomberesox saurus was the only tissue that showed highest (885.5) iron concentrations. Results of linear regression analysis showed that, except in a few cases, significant relationships between metal concentrations and fish size were negative. Highly significant (P<0.001) negative relationships were found between fish length and Cr concentrations in the liver of A. hepsetus and M. cephalus, and Cr concentrations in the gill of T. cuculus. Cr and Pb concentrations in the liver and Cu concentrations in all the tissues of Scomberesox saurus also showed very significant (P<0.001) negative relationships. Negative relationships found here were discussed.  相似文献   

The accumulative partitioning of the heavy metals Cu, Pb and Zn in the grey mangrove, Avicennia marina, were studied under field conditions. Copper and Pb were accumulated in root tissue to levels higher than surrounding sediment levels. Zinc was accumulated to levels reflecting sediment concentrations. Strong linear relationships existed for all metals in sediments with metals in root tissue. Accumulation of Cu in leaf tissue followed a linear relationship at lower sediment concentrations, with an exclusion or saturation mechanism at higher sediment concentrations. Lead showed little mobility to leaf tissue. Zn showed restricted accumulation in leaf tissue, which correlated with sediment concentrations. Decreases in sediment pH were found to increase Zn accumulation to root tissue. Increasing concentrations of Pb and Zn in sediments resulted in a greater accumulation of Pb to both root and leaf tissue. A. marina roots may be employed as a biological indicator of environmental exposure of Cu, Pb and Zn and leaves for Zn, with temporal monitoring.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the likely impacts on the ecosystems due to agricultural, human, and industrial activities carried out in an ecologically important area of the Ebro River (Spain). For it, a screening site specific ecological risk assessment was conducted. Considering the presence of high levels of potentially toxic substances, such as metals and chlorinated organic compounds, aqueous and organic extracts were used to assess toxicity in sediments by using the photo-luminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri (Microtox) as screening response variable. Sediment samples collected during 2005-2006 in the last course of the Ebro River and its Delta have been analyzed. Toxic responses have shown strong relationships to the levels of pollutants in the area. Moreover, various sites presented some toxicity level, probably because of other factors associated with reducing environments into the sediments. Results indicate that Microtox bioassay is an appropriate tool to perform risk assessment studies at screening level.  相似文献   

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