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INTRODUCTION: Adverse weather conditions have a major impact on National Airspace System (NAS) operations. They create safety hazards for pilots, constrain the usable airspace for air traffic control (ATC), and reduce the overall capacity of the NAS. A system-wide dissemination of weather information to controllers could theoretically improve safety and efficiency. PROBLEM: However, it is currently unclear what weather information would be beneficial for tactical operations. Furthermore, no previous research has empirically evaluated optimal presentation designs for ATC weather displays. Ill-designed weather displays can cause safety hazards by presenting redundant information (i.e., by increasing the cognitive load) and display clutter (e.g., by interfering with the visual extraction of traffic data). METHOD: In the present paper, we outline our use of cognitive work analysis (CWA) techniques for the assessment of weather information needs for terminal controllers. RESULTS: Specifically, we describe how the CWA modeling tools helped us reveal instances in the terminal domain where weather information is lacking or insufficiently disseminated. We used our CWA results to drive the development of weather display concepts and to set up a high-fidelity simulation capability. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: By means of high-fidelity simulations, we can empirically evaluate controller weather information needs in order to propose weather displays for increased aircraft safety and efficiency of terminal operations.  相似文献   

Introduction: A large number of air traffic control occurrences take place without resulting in loss of separation between aircraft. Unfortunately such occurrences are seldom reported and therefore not used for disclosing system weaknesses, such as inappropriate methods and procedures.The ATCC (Air Traffic Control Centre) Malmoe made a trial with local reporting of “learning occurrences”. The trial was ATCO-(Air Traffic Controller) centred. The study objectives were to evaluate if ATCOs would start to report after a defined training and marketing effort, if they could identify system weaknesses, if concrete actions for safety improvement would be taken as a result of the trial and to what extent expert support was necessary.Method and material: The trial period was eight months. The ATCO report would be made on a simple form, available on site. These reports would then be analysed in groups and the marketing and feedback efforts would be co-ordinated by the local flight safety group.Results: 43 reports were filed and analysed during the trial period. The initial motivational training and marketing was considered adequate. During the group discussions, the ATCOs identified system weaknesses within 40 of the reports. The resulting safety improvement actions included: the ATCC unit becoming more active in contacting the pilots and airline companies, the renaming of some waypoints (due to name similarities), the implementation of safer procedures when relieving ATCOs, the training of ATCOs in cockpit flight management systems, and the initiation of a research project primarily concerned with ATCO mental overload.Expert support was required in the beginning to help ATCOs focus on the system rather than on the individual.  相似文献   

为揭示空中交通管制员胜任力结构及其元素对体系的影响关系,首先通过问卷分析建立管制员胜任力模型,然后结合三角模糊数、决策试验与评价实验室法构建胜任力影响关系图以分析各元素间的影响关系,最后模拟胜任力元素对体系的影响关系。结果表明:胜任力模型由元胜任力、社会胜任力、认知胜任力、职能胜任力构成,共15项指标;元胜任力影响社会胜任力与认知胜任力,这三者又共同影响职能胜任力,社会胜任力对认知胜任力也具有一定影响;按对胜任力体系影响大小排列依次为元胜任力、认知胜任力、社会胜任力、职能胜任力;按变化的难易程度排列依次为元胜任力、社会胜任力、认知胜任力、职能胜任力。管制员胜任力模型及其影响关系能为管制员安全管理中的人员资质能力建设提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Capacity limits on the air traffic management (ATM) system are of global concern. One solution to increase the efficiency of existing ATM system is through the implementation of advanced automation. However, past experience suggests ATCOs are selective and critical about the forms of automation they are given. Therefore, this study aimed to determine if a threshold or tipping point exists, a point after which users (Air Traffic Control Operators; ATCOs) of automation are no longer willing to accept or cooperate with the automation. 500 Air Traffic Control Operators completed an on-line survey that comprised a series of demographic questions as well as two hypothetical but plausible futuristic air traffic management tools. Each tool contained seven different situations involving different levels of automation involvement ranging from fully manual operation to fully automated. Participants were asked to rate on a five point Likert scale the extent to which they agreed with the statements describing their interaction with the new tools. The results revealed a ‘tipping point’ in automation acceptance/rejection reflecting the point where the applied level of automation shifted the locus of decision-making away from the operator. The results are discussed from a theoretical and applied perspective.  相似文献   

为了更加准确地计算和预测航空管制员的工作负荷,利用雷达管制模拟试验获取的数据,分别采用线性回归、神经网络的非线性回归和基于神经网络的支持向量机方法,建立了基于扇区复杂性因素的管制员工作负荷实时计算模型。结果表明,这3种模型的绝对误差平均值分别为0.969、1.049、0.240;相对误差平均值分别为16.667%、17.979%、6.229%;均方根误差分别为0.186、0.206、0.114。另外,若采用5%作为基准精度,基于神经网络的支持向量机模型可以将相对误差控制在-0.5%~0.5%,表现出较强的误差控制能力。研究表明,可以采用扇区动态复杂性因素来计算管制员的工作负荷,相比线性回归、神经网络的非线性回归方法,基于神经网络的支持向量机方法对管制员工作负荷的计算有更高的精度。  相似文献   

管制员人为差错影响因素及指标权重分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
根据SHELL模型,将影响管制员人为差错的因素从内部因素和外部因素进行分析,内部因素包括管制员生理因素、心理因素、管制员业务技能三个部分;外部因素包括管制员与管制员班组之间、管制员与管制设备之间、管制员与管制程序等软件之间。通过分析和专家咨询,建立了影响管制员人为差错的影响因素指标体系,在模糊层次分析法的基础之上引入0.1-0.9标度法的三角模糊数,通过对各影响因素进行对比分析,得出了影响管制员人为差错的三级指标的重要度排序,排在前八位的因素依次为酒精及药物影响、形势意识、班组人员性格搭配、班组人员能力搭配、疲劳、人机界面、外界压力、情绪状态。为管制员培训和管理层进行安全检查提供了基础理论依据。  相似文献   

针对空中交通管制员工作差错风险类型,指出指标体系建构过程的动态性特征,从个人、团队、设备、环境及管理几个方面,建构预警指标体系,运用粗糙集在数据挖掘方面的优势,通过基于属性重要度的启发式约简算法,提取关键指标,剔除冗余指标,可以实现在不丢失关键预警监控对象的情况下,结合BP人工神经网络构建实时预警模型,既有利于加快运算速度,又有利于进行重点监控.经过实例仿真,粗糙集与BP网络结合建构的预警模型,能有效针对管制员工作差错风险进行实时预警监控.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(8):890-904
Accurate and timely perception of visual and auditory information by air traffic controllers is critical to aviation safety. The aim of this research was to investigate the types of errors of perception that occur in air traffic control (ATC). The data were gathered from interviews with 28 UK area controllers and a review of 48 area and terminal control incidents involving loss of separation in the UK spanning three years. The data gave rise to a set of classifications, which form part of the technique for the retrospective analysis of human error (TRACEr). The results are discussed in terms of theory and empirical research. Key main implications for future automation are outlined, in terms of display design, automation reliability and the operation of multiple tools designed and developed separately.  相似文献   

C. Niessen  K. Eyferth 《Safety Science》2001,37(2-3):187-202
This paper reviews the development of a model of the air traffic controller's mental image, ‘picture’, or situation awareness, used for controlling air traffic. The computerised model's development, origins and theoretical basis are outlined, and the model is described in some detail in the context of current air traffic operations. The model can be utilised to explore the potential impacts of future automation on the cognitive performance of the air traffic controller. The general potential contributions of the area of cognitive modelling to system design and training in accelerating industries such as air traffic control, are also discussed.  相似文献   

针对研究管制人因可靠性时存在的模糊性和片面性问题,采用认知可靠性与失误分析方法(CREAM)中的扩展预测法,计算10项管制通用任务的人误概率;在此基础上,以管制行为形成因子作为根节点构建贝叶斯网络,建立其与情景控制模式的不确定关系模型,对管制员在多任务中的人误概率进行预测。研究结果表明:在由相同评判者给出行为形成因子影响效应的前提下,由CREAM扩展预测法和构建贝叶斯网络的方法预测得到的多数任务的人误概率差异较大,从方法的客观性、合理性和适用性角度分析,贝叶斯网络在研究该问题时更具优势。  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(7):791-811
European air traffic control is undergoing changes in organization and technology in order to increase efficiency in air traffic. Change processes can have a negative impact on existing safety cultures, the foundations of safety work, and on safety. This paper reports on an assessment of safety culture at one administrative and two operative units in a Swedish air traffic control setting, using questionnaire packages and interviews, and focuses on 391 questionnaire respondents. The objectives of the study were to obtain baseline data of safety culture aspects and relationships between safety culture and organizational climate before major organizational and technical changes were implemented, and to yield reference data on safety culture aspects in this transport branch. The safety culture aspects were generally perceived and judged to be good by the respondents. Relationships were identified between the organizational climate and the safety culture at the two operative units, where a higher level of Support for ideas and a lower level of Conflicts were positively related to many of the investigated safety culture aspects. The general safety culture in the air traffic control setting was found to be on a somewhat higher average score level than that found in the authors’ previous studies of passenger shipping and airport ground handling.  相似文献   

我国道路交通安全管理主要问题分析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据近几年来我国道路安全状况的实际,针对目前我国道路交通安全管理的现状,本文对我国道路基础设施建设、我国道路交通安全管理现状和近几年的事故数据进行了分析,找出我国道路交通安全管理中存在的问题,并提出了针对这些问题的解决方法.  相似文献   

根据近几年来我国道路安全状况的实际,针对目前我国道路交通安全管理的现状,本文对我国道路基础设施建设、我国道路交通安全管理现状和近几年的事故数据进行了分析,找出我国道路交通安全管理中存在的问题,并提出了针对这些问题的解决方法。  相似文献   

根据民航空管安全发展的客观规律,在综合考虑践行空管持续安全理念、减少空管人为差错、建设空管安全管理体系的基础上,提出要实现我国民航的持续安全,就要构建并不断完善空管安全文化建设的有效手段和途径。对空管安全文化建设的途径展开了深入探索,并提出了相关建议和措施,包括开展技能竞赛等文化娱乐活动、建立管制员心理培训与辅导机制、提升管制员新技术适应能力等。空管安全文化的建设是空管发展的坚强后盾,有效手段和措施建设的推进将成为航空运行安全的有力保障。  相似文献   

空中相撞是全球航空五大高风险事件类别之一,空中危险接近是导致空中相撞事故的必然环节之一.为了找出导致空中危险接近发生的空管风险因素,厘清其中的关键因素并进行控制,从系统角度建立了空中危险接近的系统控制结构,构建了空中危险接近中空管风险因素的STAMP-HFACS分析框架.利用该框架得到了管制指挥的机型复杂性、指挥席错发指令、注意力分配不当和排班不合理等22个空中危险接近事件的空管风险因素.使用德尔菲法确定了各因素间的直接影响关系,通过模糊DEMATEL法确定了指挥席错发指令、管制员精神压力大、注意力分配不当、情景意识不足、管制指挥航班流量峰值、扇区结构复杂度和管制员疲劳等是较为重要的风险因素.同时,确定了管制指挥航班流量峰值、自动化系统告警反馈不充分、扇区结构复杂度、管制指挥的机型复杂性、恶劣气象条件和所指挥航班的机组不守听等9项基础性因素是其他因素的原因.  相似文献   

David Borys 《Safety Science》2012,50(2):210-220
The aim of this study was to determine how managers and workers interpret and use safe work method statements (SWMS) in the Australian construction industry in order to explore if there was a gap between work as imagined and work as performed. Despite recent improvements in its safety performance, the Australian construction industry continues to be among the top four most dangerous industries within which to work. SWMS are a key strategy relied upon by the construction industry to reduce this toll. However, few, if any studies have looked at the role of SWMS in creating a safe workplace. This ethnographic study focused on the role of SWMS at two commercial construction sites in Australia. The researcher spent 6 months ‘getting to know’ the organisation before conducting 18 semi-structured interviews spanning labourers, supervisors and managers. The researcher also collected examples of completed SWMS. This study found: (1) that SWMS are important for safety, particularly for tasks that are out of the ordinary; (2) that social interaction as well as SWMS are important for safety; (3) gaps do exist between work as imagined in a SWMS and work as performed in practice, but in the minds of those on site, there were no unresolved gaps; (4) therefore construction companies must identify and resolve the gaps between SWMS, practice and task demands to make construction sites a safer place to work.  相似文献   

界定了民航管制员安全行为能力的内涵,结合民航管制员的工作特点和准入机制,建立了由3个二级指标、17个三级指标构成的民航管制员安全行为能力指标体系.运用层次分析法确定各指标的权重,用模糊综合评价法确定最终隶属度,建立了基于层次分析法的模糊综合评价模型,实现了民航管制员安全行为能力的定量化评价.  相似文献   

为探究我国空管安全文化现状,设计了一种评价量表。在安全文化定义、国内外相关文献及安全相关规章的理论指导下,结合专家咨询与实地调研,从安全文化建设和安全文化养成两个维度建立符合我国空管安全文化特点的关键元素集,从而编制初始安全文化量表。然后通过随机抽样方法,对20个空管单位展开测试,利用SPSS 19. 0对测试结果进行项目分析以确保题项的合理性、探索性因子分析以保证量表结构效度、信度分析以确保量表的可信度,剔除无效题项后,最终确立了正式量表。正式量表的信效度能够达到要求,可以对空管单位的安全文化进行有效测量。  相似文献   

Mobility is a matter of great importance in daily life: However, it also causes costs and involves accident risks. To make mobility safer and reduce accident risks, a scientifically based road safety management is needed. Within such a safety management system, a concert of adequate and efficient strategies, tools and measures is developed and implemented. To ensure that the chosen means are efficient they should be derived from research evidence. Secondly, research is also needed to regularly monitor the impact of road safety management tools, serving as a “controlling instrument” for the appropriateness of safety management efforts. This article explains the main strategic aspects of safety management in Germany and illustrates it exemplarily on the basis of two recently implemented road safety measures.  相似文献   

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