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Abstract:  Many riparian zones in the Sonoran Desert have been altered by elimination of the normal flood regime; such changes to the flow regime have contributed to the spread of saltcedar ( Tamarix ramosissma Ledeb.), an exotic, salt-tolerant shrub. It has been proposed that reestablishment of a natural flow regime on these rivers might permit passive restoration of native trees, without the need for aggressive saltcedar clearing programs. We tested this proposition in the Colorado River delta in Mexico, which has received a series of large-volume water releases from U.S. dams over the past 20 years. We mapped the vegetation of the delta riparian corridor through ground and aerial surveys (1999–2002) and satellite imagery (1992–2002) and related vegetation changes to river flood flows and fire events. Although saltcedar is still the dominant plant in the delta, native cottonwood (  Populus fremontii S. Wats.) and willow ( Salix gooddingii C. Ball) trees have regenerated multiple times because of frequent flood releases from U.S. dams since 1981. Tree populations are young and dynamic (ages 5–10 years). The primary cause of tree mortality between floods is fire. Biomass in the floodplain, as measured by the normalized difference vegetation index on satellite images, responds positively even to low-volume (but long-duration) flood events. Our results support the hypothesis that restoration of a pulse flood regime will regenerate native riparian vegetation despite the presence of a dominant invasive species, but fire management will be necessary to allow mature tree stands to develop.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区渔业水环境现状评价表明 ,影响本地区水域水质的主要项目有石油类、溶解氧和非离子氨 ,部分地区水域已不能满足渔业生产的要求。因此 ,本文提出了本地区渔业水环境的保护对策建议 ,希望能引起有关方面的高度重视 ,促进本地区渔业水环境的保护和治理 ,以确保本地区渔业生产的可持续发展。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲湿地研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
韩美  张晓惠  刘丽云 《生态环境》2006,15(4):872-875
从湿地研究内容和研究方法两方面,回顾了近10年来黄河三角洲湿地研究的成果。在这10年间,黄河三角洲湿地研究的内容和范围明显拓宽,主要研究内容包括湿地修复、湿地评价、湿地管理等。研究方法日趋先进成熟,模型模拟、遥感动态监测及3S等新技术和方法得到广泛应用。文章在分析黄河三角洲湿地的研究现状和特点的基础上,对未来研究趋势和热点进行了展望,认为未来黄河三角洲湿地的研究重点应在湿地演化机制与恢复、湿地对环境变化的响应与反馈、湿地动态监测、湿地保护技术等方面。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲及珠江三角洲生态足迹分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用遥感解译数据,分析了解珠江三角洲及黄河三角洲自然资本的供需状况,通过分析两大三角洲地区的生态足迹,探讨在经济发展程度不同的情况下,人类对生态环境的影响程度。并借鉴珠江三角洲经济发展过程中出现的问题,对黄河三角洲今后发展可能出现的问题提出预防措施,以减少对资源的不合理需求,提出正确的功能定位,制定正确的发展方向。研究结果表明,(1)黄河三角洲和珠江三角洲的生态足迹需求均高于全国0.8hm2/人的平均水平,珠江三角洲地区生态足迹需求为1.5403hm2/人;黄河三角洲地区生态足迹需求为1.3514hm2/人。(2)化石燃料的供需状况是影响两大三角洲地区生态赤字的关键因素,珠江三角洲地区对化石燃料的需求占总生态足迹需求的72.67%,位居全国第一位;黄河三角洲地区对化石燃料的需求占总生态足迹需求的49.85%。(3)珠江三角洲除林地尚有少量生态盈余外,其他生态足迹需求均存在明显的生态赤字。受城市化及工业化进程的影响,黄河三角洲化石燃料用地和耕地资源已出现生态赤字。(4)与西方一些发达国家相比,两大三角洲的生态足迹均呈现“低需求,低供给”的特点。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲土地利用变化对特征大气污染物扩散的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在珠江三角洲两种下垫面条件下,应用CALPUFF大气污染扩散模式,对特征污染物SO2、SO42-的扩散进行数值模拟,探讨大规模土地利用变化,尤其是城镇建设用地增加,对珠江三角洲地区大气污染物扩散的影响,并通过对4个典型区污染物月均质量浓度变化特征分析,揭示土地利用变化对不同地区的污染物分布的影响机制。模拟结果表明:土地利用变化,尤其是城镇建设用地增加,不利于污染物扩散,污染源下风方向地区受影响较大,污染物质量浓度明显升高,SO2和 SO42-年均质量浓度分别增加14.07%和3.31%;受影响范围、变化幅度与污染源排污强度呈正相关,变化幅度亦与污染源距离远近呈负相关。土地利用变化后,尤其是城镇建设用地增加,四个典型区 SO2月均质量浓度都表现为升高趋势,且冬季 SO2质量浓度升高幅度最大,夏季升高幅度最小,临近污染源密集区的两个典型区SO2月均质量浓度分别增加33.6%和26.3%。土地利用变化不仅改变局地的污染扩散,也会对区域的污染扩散有一定影响,尤其对污染源分布密集区的大气污染物扩散影响强度最大。因此,建议人类在城市化建设过程中尽可能保留自然斑块,消除人工下垫面对污染物扩散的负面影响。  相似文献   

"珠三角"地区城市化对地下水水质影响案例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以珠海市东部沿海地区为例,探讨城市化地区地下水化学特征及污染状况的关系.结果表明土地利用类型与地下水水质变化密切相关.香洲区地下水化学组分差异较大,电导率范围为49.4~971 μS/cm.大部分地下水呈弱酸性,林地及果园用地地下水电导率较低,水化学类型多属于Na-HCO3型;老城区及新住宅区地下水类型多属于Ca-Mg-HCO3类型,电导率较高,受NO3-及Cl-污染较为严重.新住宅区地下水NO3-污染状况较老城区更为严重可能与旧村改造及市政排水设施不完善有关.除少数采样点外,地下水化学类型受季节变化影响不大.人为污染与自然风化过程是影响地下水化学类型的重要因素.  相似文献   

With an increasing population and rapid development of the economy and society of the Yellow River Basin region, the Yellow River is at crisis point. The discrepancy between supply and demand of water resources is a key issue. In 2000–2006, the mean annual discharge of the Yellow River entering the delta was 13.2 billion m3, a reduction of 18.6 billion m3 compared with the 1980s, and 9 billion m3 less than in the 1990s. The water requirements of various sectors are increasing. Large amounts of water essential to maintain the health of the delta ecosystem have been diverted for other users. The lower river channel is shrinking and the threat of flooding is becoming severe. Moreover, water pollution is increasing to a serious level; the river mouth ecosystem is subject to degradation. Due to overall decreased flow into the delta, and almost no flow into the delta for much of the year except in wet periods, biodiversity is threatened and there has been degradation of the ecological environment. In view of the water scarcity and variation in water supply, particularly in the context of climate change, measures need to be taken to realise sustainable water use in the Yellow River Delta region. In view of the lack of a complete index system for sustainable utilisation of regional water resources in China, this paper examines the major countermeasures for sustainable water use in the region. A rational adjustment mechanism for water prices is needed. Adjustment of agricultural infrastructure and water saving need to be directed by water prices, and thus the reasonable exploitation of groundwater must also be directed by water prices. Participation of the public is to be encouraged, with the development of a water user association that will become involved in formulating water rights, water allocation and water prices. Decision-making, management and supervision of this association will be done in a democratic way to promote the social management of water saving.  相似文献   

孔兰  陈晓宏  陈栋为  杜建 《生态环境》2010,19(11):2642-2646
全球气候变暖导致的海平面加速上升已是不争的事实,其长期累积的结果将给沿海地区造成巨大威胁。利用层次聚类分析法、灰关联法、相关分析法等重点分析了海平面上升对珠江三角洲水位的影响。结果显示:海平面上升对珠江三角洲代表站的年平均水位和年最低水位的影响大于对年最高水位的影响;海平面上升对马口站和三水站水位的影响小于河床下切和径流的影响;海平面上升对珠江河口区水位的影响由三角洲深处向口门区有增强趋势。掌握海平面上升对水位的影响规律,对于河口地区的防灾减灾和水资源的合理开发利用具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲生物多样性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄河三角洲是我国东部最年轻的陆地,保存着中国暖温带地区最广阔、最完整、最年轻的湿地生态系统。鉴于已有的研究工作对黄河三角洲地区生物多样性通过黄河与周边地区的联系方面的研究相对薄弱,以现有研究工作为基础,以黄河的廊道作用为主线,并结合2003年9月和2004年10月两次实地地面植被调查,主要对黄河三角洲自然保护区的植物区系组成状况进行统计分析,总结出黄河三角洲地区生物多样性状况、植物区系组成的特点及其与周边地区的相互关系。黄河三角洲地区生物多样性主要表现出如下特点:植被结构简单、覆盖度低、生态系统年轻性特点和湿地生态系统特点明显;植物种类少、常具有抗盐、抗旱特性;旱生、中旱生植物以及与内蒙古共有植物种类多,充分体现了黄河的生物廊道作用;主要保护动物种类多,生物多样性保护意义重大。这些特征既反映了黄河三角洲新生陆地的盐化生境特点,同时也深刻揭示了河流通道对区域生物多样性形成的重要作用。  相似文献   

The current lack of a working resource management plan Magdalena Bay (southern Baja California, Mexico) has weakened attempts to set priorities among resource users and has contributed to: reduced fish stocks, land and marine contamination, and declines in the ecological integrity of the bay of 170 000 ha and its vast mangrove lagoon systems. The government agencies responsible for maintaining ecological integrity and managing marine resource use have not been successful in addressing these problems due to jurisdictional ambiguities, lack of community support, and lack of manpower for monitoring and enforcing policies. A framework was designed by the authors to work toward an approach for balancing between community development and conserving ecological integrity at the local level in the peripheral and central zones of the Magdalena Bay system. The goal of this framework was to suggest a basis for setting management priorities that included the perceptions and preferences of stakeholder groups with regard to direct threats to the environmental health of the study areas. To achieve this goal a crossdisciplinary study of the central and peripheral zones was used to examine factors that influence current resource use and the environmental state in these two regions of the bay system. Insights into the preferences and perceptions of stakeholder groups with regard to management priorities were acquired using the key informant technique. The results revealed potential conflicts with regard to preferred management priorities between stakeholder groups, as well as polarities within stakeholder groups themselves.  相似文献   

Effects of Cattle Grazing on Diversity in Ephemeral Wetlands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract:  Cattle are usually thought of as a threat to biodiversity. In regions threatened by exotic species invasion and lacking native wild grazers, however, cattle may produce the type of disturbance that helps maintain diverse communities. Across 72 vernal pools, I examined the effect of different grazing treatments (ungrazed, continuously grazed, wet-season grazed and dry-season grazed) on vernal-pool plant and aquatic faunal diversity in the Central Valley of California. After 3 years of treatment, ungrazed pools had 88% higher cover of exotic annual grasses and 47% lower relative cover of native species than pools grazed at historical levels (continuously grazed). Species richness of native plants declined by 25% and aquatic invertebrate richness was 28% lower in the ungrazed compared with the continuously grazed treatments. Release from grazing reduced pool inundation period by 50 to 80%, making it difficult for some vernal-pool endemic species to complete their life cycle. My results show that one should not assume livestock and ranching operations are necessarily damaging to native communities. In my central California study site, grazing helped maintain native plant and aquatic diversity in vernal pools.  相似文献   

刘志佳  ;黄河清 《生态环境》2014,(12):2003-2009
改革开放以来,随着经济高速发展,大量外来人口涌入珠三角地区。1979─2012年间,珠三角地区的常住人口从1797.42万人增至5681.70万人。大规模的人口增长使得珠三角地区的资源供给压力增大,特别是土地资源。2010年珠三角地区已开发的建设用地面积为8867 km2,其中深圳、东莞等城市的建设用地规模已经接近其土地资源的适宜开发上限,土地资源对人口增长的约束作用也日趋显著。为了评判珠三角地区土地资源压力对人口增长的影响,利用Malthus模型和Logistic模型分别对该地区9个城市的人口变化进行拟合,结果表明,2组模型对2000年前各城市的人口变化均有较高的拟合精度且拟合结果与实际情况较为相近,主要是由于该地区早期发展阶段的资源压力对人口增长的约束作用较小。2000年以后不同城市的Logistic模型与Malthus模型对人口变化预测呈现出不同的趋势,主要与各城市的土地资源压力密切相关。根据2组模型模拟结果的差异和土地资源的压力,将9个城市分为3组。其中深圳、东莞为第一组,这2个城市的人口增速最快、土地资源压力最大,相应的Malthus模型的估计值分别在2003年、2005年超过了实际人口,且其后估计值与实际值的差距逐渐增大。依据Malthus模型2020年深圳、东莞的人口预测值分别为6469.58万人、2386.81万人,这大大超过了这2个城市的资源环境承载极限。这一结果说明在深圳、东莞的人口高速增长已经不可持续,Malthus模型已不能反映其未来人口的变化趋势。第二组包括广州、佛山、珠海和中山4个城市。这组城市的人口增速相对缓慢,Malthus模型的估计值与实际人口较为接近,但2010年以来这4个城市人口的增长呈放缓趋势,Malthus模型估计值逐渐偏大。第三组城市包括人口增速最慢的江门、惠州和肇庆3个城市。这组城市的人口?  相似文献   

辽河三角洲滨海湿地的演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在湿地分类及湿地植物群落调查基础上,分析了辽河三角洲滨海湿地植物群落分布与湿地的地表积水条件、土壤水分质量分数、土壤盐分质量分数的关系,以此为依据提出了浅海水下三角洲湿地、潮上带淡水深水体湿地、潮上带淡水浅水体湿地在三角洲泥沙淤积、湿地土壤脱盐、积水脱盐、植物入侵等因素作用下的演化模式.总体上来说,3类湿地均向沼泽湿地、草甸湿地演化.在3类湿地的演化中,浅海水下三角洲湿地的演化过程最复杂,由咸水湿地演化为淡水湿地,演化过程最慢,潮上带淡水深水体湿地演化过程较快,潮上带淡水浅水体湿地演化过程最简单,演化最快.由于开垦,辽河三角洲滨海湿地最终演化成的一部分沼泽湿地、草甸湿地已转变为农作物群落.  相似文献   

Surface O3 production has a highly nonlinear relationship with its precursors. The spatial and temporal heterogeneity of O3-NO x -VOC-sensitivity regimes complicates the control-decision making. In this paper, the indicator method was used to establish the relationship between O3 sensitivity and assessment indicators. Six popular ratios indicating ozone-precursor sensitivity, HCHO/NO y , H2O2/ HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z , were evaluated based on the distribution of NOx- and VOC-sensitive regimes. WRF-Chem was used to study a serious ozone episode in fall over the Pearl River Delta (PRD). It was found that the south-west of the PRD is characterized by a VOCsensitive regime, while its north-east is NO x -sensitive, with a sharp transition area between the two regimes. All indicators produced good representations of the elevated ozone hours in the episode on 6 November 2009, with H2O2/HNO3 being the best indicator. The threshold sensitivity levels for HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z were estimated to be 0.41, 0.55, 10.2, 14.0, 19.1, and 0.38, respectively. Threshold intervals for the indicators H2O2/HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z were able to identify more than 95% of VOC- and NO x -sensitive grids. The ozone episode on 16 November 16 2008 was used to independently verify the results, and it was found that only H2O2/HNO3 and H2O2/NO z were able to differentiate the ozone sensitivity regime well. Hence, these two ratios are suggested as the most appropriate indicators for identifying fall ozone sensitivity in the PRD. Since the species used for indicators have seasonal variation, the utility of those indicators for other seasons should be investigated in the future work.

The Yellow River Delta region in China is a land area of 1,200,000 ha with rich natural resources. Adverse environmental conditions, such as low rainfall and high salinity, promote the dominance of black locust trees for afforestation. With the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere, this forest and others throughout the world have become valued for their ability to sequester and store carbon. Forests store carbon in aboveground biomass (i.e. trees), belowground biomass (i.e. roots), soils and standing litter crop (i.e. forest floor and coarse woody debris). There are well-developed methods to sample forest ecosystems, including tree inventories that are used to quantify carbon in aboveground tree biomass. Such inventories are used to estimate the types of roundwood products removed from the forest during harvesting. Based on standard plot inventories and stem analyses, carbon sequestration estimates of trees were 222.41 t ha?1 for the Yellow River Delta region accounted for 67.12% of the whole forest. Similarly, carbon storage by herbaceous matter and soil was 0.50 and 50.34 t ha?1, respectively. The results suggest that carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem was performed by most of the forest, which plays an increasingly important role in sequestering carbon as the stand grows.  相似文献   

珠江三角洲表层土壤中的多环芳烃   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
余莉莉  李军  刘国卿  刘向  祁士华  张干 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1683-1687
多环芳烃是一类主要由人类活动排放的有毒有机污染化合物,对人和生物体具有致癌、致畸和致突变效应,是评价土壤生态污染的重要内容之一。文章利用螺旋钻采样、索氏抽提、硅胶氧化铝净化和GC-MS分析,研究了珠江三角洲不同功能区(城市点、郊区点、乡村点)的76个表层土壤样品(耕作土、非耕作土)中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量、分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,16种优控PAHs的总质量分数范围为31.5~791.6ng·g-1(平均279.1ng·g-1,以干质量计),以萘(44.4%)、菲(13.7%)、荧蒽(8.4%)、芘(4.9%)、■(6.6%)等化合物为主。与国内外其它地区的城市相比较,珠江三角洲地区土壤PAHs的污染程度较低,在组成上也表现出亚热带地区独特的中、低环化合物为主的特征。受人类经济活动的影响,地处珠江三角洲中部的经济工业中心地带,土壤中PAHs含量相对较高。珠三角表层土壤PAHs含量和组成分布主要受大气沉降控制,而与土壤有机碳、pH的相关性较小。高温潮湿的亚热带季风气候是影响珠三角土壤PAHs的降解和迁移的重要环境因素。  相似文献   

We assessed the effect of motorized tourboats on the behavior of nonbreeding American flamingos (  Phoenicopterus ruber ruber) in the Celestún Estuary, a Special Biosphere Reserve in Yucatán, Mexico, from November 1994 through February 1995. We measured these effects by comparing activity budgets between flocks of flamingos disturbed and undisturbed by tourboats. Disturbance reduced feeding time from 40% before disturbance to 24% after, a 40% loss. Boat disturbance increased alert behavior by 400%. Tourboats averaged 13 per day and caused a disturbance 75% of the time or 3.3 hours per day. Potential loss of feeding time for individuals was estimated at 13% but is likely much higher on days with excessive numbers of tourboats. Flamingos returned to normal feeding rates (40%) within 20 minutes after disturbance. Most tourists (52%) were from Mexico, followed by Germany (14%), and 88% of Mexican visitors were willing to pay an entrance fee to the Celestún Reserve. Conservation efforts should focus on education of tourboat operators to reduce disturbance to flamingos, education of tourists through a visitor's center and brochures produced in Spanish and English, and expanded involvement of local people.  相似文献   

Nearly half of Mexico is arid or semiarid, with scarce waters. At least 92 springs and 2500 km of river have dried in this area. Surface waters have diminished, and phreatic waters are sinking deeper, provoking intrusion of saline waters and salinization of agricultural wells in Sonora, reversing phreatic circulation in the Comarca Laguenera, allowing arrival of arsenic to agricultural waters, and threatening metropolitan Torreón. There are nearly 200 species of freshwater fishes in this region, 120 under some threat, 15 extinct through human impact. As of 1985, an average of 68% of species was eradicated in local fish faunas. Finally, salinization of the lower Rio Bravo del Norte has replaced 32 native fish of fresh or slightly brackish water with 54 mainly marine or highly salt-tolerant species; the salinization threatens all uses of water. Some marine fishes invade up to 400 km upstream. Pollution is strong, and fish kills have been reported. These low-quality and scarce waters comprise future resources for cities such as Monterrey, which, along with its border twin cities, is expected to double its human population by 2010. Redesign of regional development is urgently needed, in keeping with the real availability of water. All water use should be equal to or less than lower recharge averages; norms of integral basin management should rely on criteria of high-use efficiency, recuperation, recycling, and reutilization. Also necessary are reduced pollution and increased treatment of residual waters. Innovative environmental vision is especially essential in light of expectations for development through the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Border Integral Environmental Plan, industrial expansion, and the modernization and internationalization of the northern Mexican border belt. These all conflict with the high priority recently decreed for species conservation by the Mexican Act, creating the National Committee on Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity.  相似文献   

Concentrations and distributions of selected fluoroquinolones (norfloxacin, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin) in water, sediments and nine kinds of fish species collected from 6 sites in two marine aquaculture regions of the Pearl River Delta, China, were analyzed by using high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector (HPLC). The results showed that the concentrations of ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin were below the limits of quantification (LOQ) in all water samples except for norfloxacin. Norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin concentrations ranged from 1.88 to 11.20 ng g−1 dry wt, 0.76–2.42 ng g−1 dry wt in sediments collected from the Dapeng’ao region (sites 1–3) and ranged from 2.31 to 4.75 ng g−1 dry wt, 1.26–1.76 ng g−1 dry wt in sediments collected from the Hailing Island region (sites 4–6), respectively. However, no enrofloxacin was found in all sediment samples. The three fluoroquinolones (FQs) were detected in all fish samples, and the concentrations were higher in liver tissues than those in muscle tissues. The levels of norfloxacin were higher than ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin in both liver and muscle tissues. Among the nine marine fish species, Siganus fuscescens from Hailing Island had a significantly high level of norfloxacin in liver tissue (254.58 ng g−1 wet wt), followed by Sparus macrocephalus (133.15 ng g−1 wet wt) from Dapeng’ao, and the lowest value was Lutianus argentimaculatus (5.18 ng g−1 wet wt) from Hailing Island. The obtained results of FQs in present study do not represent a risk to the human health in Guangdong coastal area, based on the maximum residue limits (MRLs) established by Chinese Government and the acceptable daily intake (ADI) recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization (FAO/WHO).  相似文献   

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