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Aspects of the trophic attributes of the mudskipper, Periophthalmus barbarus occurring in the mangrove swamps of Imo River Estuary, Nigeria, were investigated during a 12-month period (April, 1992-March, 1993). Feeding intensity increased with size, it was higher in the dry season(November-April) than in the wet season(May-October), monthly changes in the indices of feeding intensity were significantly correlated. Major food objects comprised detritus and benthic algae; crustaceans, insects, macrophyte matter and sand grains were minor food objects while fish, molluscs, Chilopoda, nematodes and fungi were unconsciously devoured objects. Diet varied seasonally; algae and sesarmid crabs were generally more in the dry season than during the rains whereas FPOM and fish increased in the wet over dry season.The mudskipper display a high degree of euryphagy and can be considered as a generalist and an omnivore. The lower trophic status of P.barbarus qualifies it as a good aquaculture candidate. Food richness was higher in big-sized class(BSC) than small-sized class(SSC). Sizebased and seasonal variations were not apparent in food richness. Diet breadth was higher in the BSC than the SSC, there was dry season increase in diet breadth.  相似文献   

Between April 1992 and March 1993,intersexual plasticity in aspects of the biology of the mudskipper,Periophthalmus barbarus was studied.Sec was differentiated on the basis of the genital papillae,it was broader in females than males.Sexually active females were slightly heavier than similarly-sized males.Sex ratio was strongly female-biased.Length-weight relationship of the sexes was isometric.There was no significant difference in the feeding intensity of both sexes;uniformity was also apparent in diet breadth.There was no named sex-based difference in hepatosometic index but condition index was higher in males than females.the uniformity in intersexual plasticity of P.barbarus is consequent upon homogeneity of the mangrove ecosystem,which can only be altered anthropogenically.  相似文献   

IntroductionNigerianmangroveswampshavegreatfisheriespotentialsandmuchisstillneededtopreservetheecosysteminviewofthepotentprevalenceandaggressivereplacementofthemangrove (Rhizophora)bytheexoticnipapalms (Nypa) (Moses,1 985;Wilcox ,1 985;King ,1 997) .Amongthecommonfa…  相似文献   

于2009年6~7月黄河调水调沙前、中、后期对黄河口水体悬浮颗粒物进行采样调查,采用ICP-AES测定Al、Fe、Mn、Cr、Cu、Ni、V、Zn的含量,探讨调水调沙对颗粒态重金属分布的影响,初步分析了调水调沙前、中、后期黄河口颗粒态重金属的污染状况.结果表明,调水调沙期间颗粒态重金属的浓度升高,河口区颗粒态重金属的浓度随盐度的升高而降低.以Al为校正因子归一化消除颗粒粒径影响后,重金属的分布差异变小,表明粒径是影响重金属浓度变化的重要因素.富集因子计算结果显示,黄河口Cu、Zn相对富集,且调水调沙后其污染程度加重.在影响颗粒态重金属组成的因素中,颗粒物来源占主导地位,同时受人为活动的影响.  相似文献   

红树林湿地沉积物的独特理化性质使其能够大量富集河口重金属,为了研究珠江口湿地沉积物中AVS-SEM与重金属的分布特征及影响因素,采用重铬酸钾氧化-还原容量法、并联氮载气冷法酸溶硫化物分析法、等离子体发射光谱法及X射线荧光光谱法等分析了淇澳岛红树林不同生境下沉积物柱状样的基本理化性质、酸可挥发性硫化物(AVS)、同步浸提...  相似文献   

以闽江河口塔礁洲感潮淡水野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia Linn.)湿地为研究对象,于2016年2、4、7和9月每月均在连续2个小潮日内向研究样地施加人造海水和Fe(OH)_3溶液,研究短期的盐水入侵及Fe(III)浓度增强对河口感潮淡水湿地土壤反硝化速率及理化特征的影响.结果表明,短期的盐水入侵、Fe(III)浓度增强对河口感潮淡水沼泽湿地土壤反硝化速率的影响不显著,然而,盐水和Fe(III)共同施加会显著提高湿地土壤反硝化速率,与对照(CK)相比,盐水和Fe(III)共同施加可使土壤反硝化速率提高270.9%.盐水入侵、盐水和Fe(III)共同施加均可显著提高湿地土壤、间隙水的电导率及Cl~-、SO_4~(2-)的含量;Fe(III)浓度增强可显著降低土壤和间隙水pH值,同时显著提高土壤三价铁含量.  相似文献   

以闽江河口塔礁洲感潮淡水河岸野慈姑(Sagittaria trifolia Linn.)沼泽湿地为研究对象,通过连续一年每月脉冲式施加人造海水和Fe(OH)3溶液,研究了脉冲式盐水入侵和Fe(III)浓度增强对河口感潮沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌和硫酸盐还原菌群落结构的影响.结果显示,单独Fe(III)施加显著提高了土壤Fe(III)含量,单独盐水施加提高了土壤电导率及间隙水SO42-、Cl-和NH4+浓度,在Fe(III)和盐水交互作用下间隙水NO3-浓度显著降低.土壤产甲烷菌主要包括甲烷微菌目(Methanomicrobiales)、八叠球菌目(Methanosarcinales)、甲烷杆菌目(Methanobacteriales)和Methanomassiliicoccales,硫酸盐还原菌主要有脱硫弧菌目(Desulfovibrionales)、脱硫杆菌目(Desulfobacterales)、互营杆菌目(Syntrophobacterales)和梭菌目(Clostridiales).无论是脉冲式盐水入侵、Fe(III)浓度增强或是两者交互作用对于土壤产甲烷菌和硫酸盐还原菌多样性及群落结构的影响均不显著.与目水平相比,硫酸盐还原菌在属水平上对于各添加处理的响应更为明显,其中盐水+Fe(III)处理下DesulfatibacillumDesulfovirga的相对丰度明显增加.RDA分析表明,土壤电导率对产甲烷菌群落结构的影响最为显著,Fe(III)是影响硫酸盐还原菌的重要环境因子,且DesulfatibacillumDesulfobulbusDesulfovirga等菌属对环境因子的响应较为敏感.研究表明,脉冲式盐水入侵及三价铁浓度增加对于我国东南沿海河口感潮淡水沼泽湿地土壤产甲烷菌和硫酸盐还原菌无显著影响.  相似文献   

The influence of physical and chemical parameters on the abundance and diversity of chironomids was studied in six rivers with moderate to highly polluted water in the Juru River Basin. The rivers: Ceruk Tok Kun (CTKR) as reference site, and polluted rivers of Pasir (PR), Juru (JR), Permatang Rawa (PRR), Ara (AR) and Kilang Ubi (KUR) were sampled over a period of five months (November 2007–March 2008). Nine chirnomid species: Chironimus kiiensis, C. javanus, Polypedilum trigonus, Microchironomus sp., Dicrotendipes sp., Tanytarsus formosanus, Clinotanypus sp., Tanypus punctipennis and Fittkauimyia sp. were identified. Assessment of their relationships with several environmental parameters was performed using the canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). Tanytarsus formosanus was the most dominant in the relatively clean CTKR and moderately polluted JR with mean densities of 19.66 and 25.32 m?2, respectively while C. kiiensis was abundant in more polluted rivers. Tanytarsus formosanus, Dicrotendipes sp. and Microchironomus sp. were grouped under moderate to high water temperature, total organic matter (TOM), total suspended solids (TSS), velocity, pH, phosphates and sulphates. However, Tanypus punctipennis, Fittkauimyia sp., and Clinotanypus sp. were associated with high contents of river sediment such as TOM, Zn and Mn and water ammonium-N and nitrate-N and they were associated with higher dissolved oxygen (DO) content in the water. Chironomus kiiensis, C. javanus and P. trigonus showed positive relationships with TOM, ammonium-N and nitrate-N as well as trace metals of Zn, Cu and Mn. These three species could be considered as tolerant species since they have the ability to survive in extreme environmental conditions with low DO and high concentrations of pollutants. Based on the water parameter scores in all rivers, the highest diversity of chironomid larvae was reported in CTKR. With higher concentrations of organic and/or inorganic pollutants as reported in PPR, KUR and AR, the chironomid larval diversity decreased, and the abundance of tolerant species, mainly Chironomus spp., increased.  相似文献   

为了了解筑坝后河流-水库体系CO2的释放特征,本研究于2011年5月至2012年5月调查了乌江流域的六冲河以及处于不同营养水平的洪家渡水库和红枫湖表层水体的基本物理、化学和生物参数及溶解无机碳碳同位素组成(δ13 CDIC),分析计算表层水体pCO2及水气界面的CO2交换通量(CO2flux)。六冲河、洪家渡水库和红枫湖表层水体的pCO2年平均值分别为684±195μatm、884±484μatm和592±596μatm,均大于大气中的pCO2,表现为大气CO2的源。红枫湖表层水体中的pCO2受到藻类等水生生物的作用最强,洪家渡水库次之,六冲河表层水体最弱,导致它们表层水体中的pCO2具有明显不同的时间分布特征,相应的CO2flux的时间分布也明显不同。红枫湖的初级生产力水平最高,在2011年5月至2011年9月时表现为大气CO2的汇,水气界面的交换通量平均为-5.70mmol.m-2.d-1。δ13 CDIC和pCO2同步变化揭示了水体表层pCO2时空变化受藻类等生物活动的影响。本研究表明,高频率的监测对于准确评估河流-水库体系CO2flux非常必要。  相似文献   

A modified two-dimensional Eulerian air quality model was used to simulate both the gaseous and particulate pollutant concentrations during October 21-24, 2004 in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, China. The most significant improvement to the model is the added capability to predict the secondary organic aerosols (SOA) concentrations because of the inclusion of the SOA formation chemistry. The meteorological input data were prepared using the CALMET meteorological model. The concentrations of aerosol-bound species such as NO3^-, NH4^+, SO4^2-, and SOA were calculated in the fine particle size range (〈2.5 μm). The results of the two-dimensional model were compared to the measurements at the ground level during the PRD Intensive Monitoring Campaign (IMC). Overall, there were good agreements between the measured and modeled concentrations of inorganic aerosol components and O3. Both the measured and the modeled results indicated that the maximum hourly O3 concentrations exceeded the China National Air Quality Standard. The predicted 24-h average SOA concentrations were in reasonable agreement with those predicted by the method of minimum OC/EC ratio.  相似文献   

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