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Pulp mill effluent was treated by different advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) consisting of UV, UV/H2O2, TiO2-assisted photo-catalysis (UV/TiO2) and UV/H2O2/TiO2 in lab-scale reactors for total organic carbon (TOC) and toxicity removals. Effects of some operating parameters such as the initial pH, oxidant and catalyst concentrations on TOC and toxicity removals were investigated. Almost every method resulted in some degree of TOC and toxicity removal from the pulp mill effluent. However, the TiO2-assisted photo-catalysis (UV/TiO2) resulted in the highest TOC and toxicity removals under alkaline conditions when compared with the other AOPs tested. Approximately, 79.6% TOC and 94% toxicity removals were obtained by the TiO2-assisted photo-catalysis (UV/TiO2) with a titanium dioxide concentration of 0.75gl(-1) at pH 11 within 60min.  相似文献   

Soil is one of the main non-renewable natural resources in the world. In the Valencian Community (Mediterranean coast of Spain), it is especially important because agriculture and forest biomass exploitation are two of the main economic activities in the region. More than 44% of the total area is under agriculture and 52% is forested. The frequently arid or semi-arid climate with rainfall concentrated in few events, usually in the autumn and spring, scarcity of vegetation cover, and eroded and shallow soils in several areas lead to soil degradation processes. These processes, mainly water erosion and salinization, can be intense in many locations within the Valencian Community. Evaluation of soil degradation on a regional scale is important because degradation is incompatible with sustainable development. Policy makers involved in land use planning require tools to evaluate soil degradation so they can go on to develop measures aimed at protecting and conserving soils. In this study, a methodology to evaluate physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in a GIS-based approach was developed for the Valencian Community on a 1/200,000 scale. The information used in this study was obtained from two different sources: (i) a soil survey with more than 850 soil profiles sampled within the Valencian Community, and (ii) the environmental information implemented in the Geo-scientific map of the Valencian Community digitised on an Arc/Info GIS. Maps of physical, chemical and biological soil degradation in the Valencian Community on a 1/200,000 scale were obtained using the methodology devised. These maps can be used to make a cost-effective evaluation of soil degradation on a regional scale. Around 29% of the area corresponding to the Valencian Community is affected by high to very high physical soil degradation, 36% by high to very high biological degradation, and 6% by high to very high chemical degradation. It is, therefore, necessary to draw up legislation and to establish the policy framework for actions focused on preventing soil degradation and conserving its productive potential.  相似文献   

The effect of market effluent from the Oja-titun market in Ile-Ife, Nigeria on the chemical quality of the Opa Reservoir located 3.5 km downstream was investigated between February and November 2000. Water samples were collected in February, May, August and November from 16 sites, four along each of the market drainage channels (MDC), market stream, tributary stream and the Opa River and Reservoir. The peak level of each variable-biochemical oxygen demand, temperature, total alkalinity, Na(+), K(+), Ca(2+), Mg(2+), PO(4)(3+), SO(4)(2+), Cl(-), NO(3)(-), Pb and Zn-occurred at the MDC, and decreased significantly downstream, except pH, conductivity and dissolved oxygen, which increased. Seasonal fluctuation in most variables was pronounced. Generally, there were high values in the early dry and dry seasons and low values in the rainy and early rainy seasons. Comparison of the reservoir water with international limitation standards for drinking water supply showed that the quality of the reservoir water was very low and that treatment required to achieve minimum limitation standards for drinking water would be both intensive and expensive. The study concluded that the stream borne effluent from the market impacts significantly on the chemical quality of the reservoir water although other tributaries within the Reservoir's catchment are other possible sources of pollutants in the reservoir.  相似文献   

As part of a project studying the interactions between farming practices, soil erosion processes, and fate of agricultural pollutants into runoff waters, we conducted a pilot study to investigate the relationship between metal contents and metallothionein-2A (MT-2A) as a bioindicator of metal exposure. Runoff water samples were collected between May and November 1999 at the point of outlet of an elementary watershed located in the Paris basin. Selected metals (Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Zn) were analyzed using conventional techniques. In parallel, human T cells were exposed to water samples for 6 and 18 h and then cell viability and MT-2A gene expression were measured. Results show that among the 10 water samples tested, Al and Zn predominate (highest values = 4.9 and 2.6 microM, respectively), while other metals were below the microM level. Five out of 10 samples induced MT-2A gene expression (30-80% increase at 18 h) as compared with the control. When comparing MT-2A induction profile with metals contents, no obvious correlation was found, suggesting that additional components or parameters are involved. Finally, there was an apparent inverse relationship between Ca concentration and MT-2A gene induction. Although still preliminary, in the absence of longer monitoring, this study shows that MT-2A gene expression is a useful tool to complement chemical analysis in assessing metal elements in water. These combinatory approaches will be pursued and integrated in an ongoing watershed field research project.  相似文献   

Establishing a treatment process for practical and economic disposal of laboratory wastewaters has become an urgent environmental concern of the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Universidade Estadual de Maringá (State University of Maringá), Brazil. Fenton and related reactions are potentially useful oxidation processes for destroying toxic organic compounds in water. In these reactions, hydrogen peroxide is combined with ferrous or ferric iron in the presence or absence of light to generate hydroxyl radicals (.OH). The feasibility of Fenton's reagent to treat waste chemicals from an academic research laboratory was investigated in this study. A response surface methodology was applied to optimize the Fenton oxidation process conditions using chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal as the target parameter to optimize, and the reagent concentrations, as related to the initial concentration of organic matter in the effluent, and pH as the control factors to be optimized. Maximal COD removal (92.3%) was achieved when wastewater samples were treated at pH 4 in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and iron in the ratios [COD]:[H2O2]=1:9 and [H2O2]:[Fe2+]=4.5:1. Under these conditions, it was possible to obtain simultaneously maximal COD removal and minimal chemical sludge after treatment, which is a residue that needs further processing.  相似文献   

Matching biological and chemical data were compiled from numerous modeling, laboratory, and field studies performed in marine and estuarine sediments. Using these data, two guideline values (an effects range-low and an effects range-median) were determined for nine trace metals, total PCBs, two pesticides, 13 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and three classes of PAHs. The two values defined concentration ranges that were: (1) rarely, (2) occasionally, or (3) frequently associated with adverse effects. The values generally agreed within a factor of 3 or less with those developed with the same methods applied to other data and to those developed with other effects-based methods. The incidence of adverse effects was quantified within each of the three concentration ranges as the number of cases in which effects were observed divided by the total number of observations. The incidence of effects increased markedly with increasing concentrations of all of the individual PAHs, the three classes of PAHs, and most of the trace metals. Relatively poor relationships were observed between the incidence of effects and the concentrations of mercury, nickel, total PCB, total DDT and p,p′-DDE. Based upon this evaluation, the approach provided reliable guidelines for use in sediment quality assessments. This method is being used as a basis for developing National sediment quality guidelines for Canada and informal, sediment quality guidelines for Florida. The methods and guidelines presented in this report do not necessarily represent the policy of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environment Canada, or Florida Department of Environmental Protection.  相似文献   

Numerical site-specific chemical and biological criteria were established to assess the impact of a pilot dredging project on water quality at the New Bedford Harbor, Massachusetts, USA, Superfund site. Because most existing chemical concentrations in the water column and indigenous biota exceeded federal and state water quality limits, the derivation of site-specific criteria was required. Prior to any operational phases of the project (i.e., dike construction, dredging), criteria values were developed from background concentrations of PCBs and metals in water and biota, as well as for the toxic effects of water quality on the biota. During each operational phase of the project, water samples were collected, analyzed within 16 h, and the data supplied to a management committee in order to assess the environmental impact of the previous days' operation. The ambient unfiltered water concentration of PCBs and metals were the only chemical or biological criteria exceeded. Modification of the next days' operations resulted in a return of these concentrations to background levels. The combined use of site-specific criteria and a real-time decision making management process allowed for successful completion of this project with a minimal effect on water quality.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper was to perform a preliminary comparative study between chemical and electrochemical coagulation processes, both followed by flocculation and sedimentation of an effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating simulated wastewater from an unbleached Kraft pulp mill. The electrochemical treatment removed up to 67% (with aluminum electrodes) and 82% (with stainless-steel electrodes) of the remaining chemical oxygen demand (COD) and 84% (stainless steel) and 98% (aluminum) of the color in the wastewater. These efficiencies were achieved with an energy consumption ranging from 14 to 20 Wh l(-1). The coagulation-flocculation treatment with ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate removed up to 87% and 90% of COD and 94% and 98% of color, respectively. The addition of a high molecular weight cationic polymer enhanced both COD and color removal efficiencies. The two post-treatment processes proved to be technically feasible; however the economical feasibility could not be assessed since the experiments were performed with small reactors that could distort scale factors.  相似文献   

We describe the application of quantitative evaluation of mineralogy by scanning electron microscopy in combination with techniques commonly available at hard X-ray microprobes to define the mineralogical environment of a bauxite residue core segment with the more specific aim of determining the speciation of trace metals (e.g., Ti, V, Cr, and Mn) within the mineral matrix. Successful trace metal speciation in heterogeneous matrices, such as those encountered in soils or mineral residues, relies on a combination of techniques including spectroscopy, microscopy, diffraction, and wet chemical and physical experiments. Of substantial interest is the ability to define the mineralogy of a sample to infer redox behavior, pH buffering, and mineral-water interfaces that are likely to interact with trace metals through adsorption, coprecipitation, dissolution, or electron transfer reactions. Quantitative evaluation of mineralogy by scanning electron microscopy coupled with micro-focused X-ray diffraction, micro-X-ray fluorescence, and micro-X-ray absorption near edge structure (mXANES) spectroscopy provided detailed insights into the composition of mineral assemblages and their effect on trace metal speciation during this investigation. In the sample investigated, titanium occurs as poorly ordered ilmenite, as rutile, and is substituted in iron oxides. Manganese's spatial correlation to Ti is closely linked to ilmenite, where it appears to substitute for Fe and Ti in the ilmenite structure based on its mXANES signature. Vanadium is associated with ilmenite and goethite but always assumes the +4 oxidation state, whereas chromium is predominantly in the +3 oxidation state and solely associated with iron oxides (goethite and hematite) and appears to substitute for Fe in the goethite structure.  相似文献   

Selenium (Se), boron (B), and salinity contamination of agricultural drainage water is potentially hazardous for water reuse strategies in central California. To demonstrate the feasibility of using plants to extract Se from drainage water, Se accumulation was determined in canola (Brassica napus L.) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.) irrigated with drainage effluent in the San Joaquin Valley, California. In the 2-yr field study, both crops were irrigated with a typical drainage water containing Se (150 microg L(-1)), B (5 mg L(-1)), and a sulfate dominated salinity (EC of 7 dS m(-1)). Total dry matter yields were at least 11 Mg ha(-1) for both canola and broccoli, and plant tissue Se concentrations did not exceed 7 mg kg(-1) DM for either crop. Based on the amount of soluble Se applied to crops with drainage water and the estimated amount of soluble Se remaining in soil to a depth of 90 cm at harvest, both canola and broccoli accumulated at least 40% of the estimated soluble Se lost from the soil for both years. Applied Se not accounted for in plant tissue or as soluble Se in the soil was presumably lost by biological volatilization. This study suggests that irrigating two high value crops such as canola and broccoli with Se-laden effluent helps manage Se-laden effluent requiring treatment, and also produces economically viable Se-enriched crops. Future research should focus on managing residual salt and B in the soil for sustaining long time water reuse strategies.  相似文献   

Industrialization plays a major role in a nation's growth. However, with an increase in industrial activities, pollution levels are also increasing. Among all industries, the sugar‐processing industry is one that requires large amounts of water to process the sugar, and, consequently, it discharges large amounts of water as effluent. Highly polluted wastewater brings changes to the physicochemical characteristics of the surrounding environment. Iron compounds have had a significant impact when they are used in wastewater treatment in various applications, including when they are used to minimize the pollution levels in sugar industry wastewater (SIWW). To minimize the pollutant levels from SIWW, iron compounds have been key for uses in treatments involving chemical and electro‐oxidation. Two different methodologies of electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation have been used to treat SIWW. In electrocoagulation, an iron plate is used as an electrode material under specific operating conditions. Ferrous sulfate and ferric chloride have been used as chemical coagulants at various pH and mass loading levels. The use of iron metals shows an 82% reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) and an 84% reduction in color at the optimum condition of pH 6, an electrode distance of 20 millimeters, and a current density of 156 square centimeters. As a chemical coagulant, iron salt (ferrous sulfate) provides a reduction of 77% COD and a 91% reduction of color at pH 6 and a 40‐millimole mass loading. Electrochemical treatment using iron was found to be suitable to treat SIWW. The sludge generated after treatment can be burned or composted with the possible recovery of some of the treatment costs.  相似文献   

Poultry litter is a valuable nutrient source for crop production. Successful management to reduce ammonia and its harmful side-effects on poultry and the environment can be aided by the use of litter amendments. In this study, three acidifiers, two biological treatments, one chemical urease inhibitor and two adsorber amendments were added to poultry litter. Chemical, physical and microbiological properties of the litters were assessed at the beginning and the end of the experiment. Application of litter amendments consistently reduced organic N loss (0-15%) as compared to unamended litter (20%). Acidifiers reduced nitrogen loss through both chemical and microbiological processes. Adsorbent amendments (water treatment residuals and chitosan) reduced nitrogen loss and concentrations of ammonia-producing bacteria and fungi. The use of efficient, cost-effective litter amendments to maximum agronomic, environmental and financial benefits is essential for the future of sustainable poultry production.  相似文献   

Various governmental regulatory agencies are responsible for establishing regulations on the discharge of chlorinated organic compounds from pulp and paper mills. The procedures for setting permit limits are the basic topic of this article. Different methods of determining permit limits are set forth and discussed in a number of references, including documents of the Environmental Protection Agency. This paper discusses in detail the application of one particular methodology—the lognormal model approach. In this paper we utilize a real data set and include the necessary calculations required to set up permit limits. The basic tenets of the permit process are such that if limits are set too low, operators who are in full regulatory compliance will still be frequently cited, and if limits are set too high, operators who are not in compliance will seldom if ever be cited. Thus there is a great need for these effluent limits to be determined with great care, both to protect the environment receiving the wastewater and the industry producing the wastewater.  相似文献   

In this study treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) was investigated using aerobic oxidation based on an activated sludge process. The effects of sludge volume index, scum index and mixed liquor suspended solids during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase were investigated in order to ascertain the reactor stability. The efficiency of the activated sludge process was evaluated by treating anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME obtained from Golden Hope Plantations, Malaysia. The treatment of POME was carried out at a fixed biomass concentration of 3900+/-200mg/L, whereas the corresponding sludge volume index was found to be around 105+/-5mL/g. The initial studies on the efficiency of the activated sludge reactor were carried out using diluted raw POME for varying the hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30 and 36h and influent COD concentration, viz: 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000mg/L, respectively. The results showed that at the end of 36h of hydraulic retention time for the above said influent COD, the COD removal efficiencies were found to be 83%, 72%, 64%, 54% and 42% whereas at 24h hydraulic retention time they were 57%, 45%, 38%, 30% and 27%, respectively. The effectiveness of aerobic oxidation was also compared between anaerobically digested and diluted raw POME having corresponding CODs of 3908 and 3925mg/L, for varying hydraulic retention time, viz: 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60h. The dissolved oxygen concentration and pH in the activated sludge reactor were found to be 1.8-2.2mg/L and 7-8.5, respectively. The scum index was found to rise from 0.5% to 1.9% during the acclimatizing phase and biomass build-up phase.  相似文献   

The occurrence of broad-host-range (BHR) plasmid amplicons belonging to incompatibility (Inc) groups IncA/C, IncN, IncP, and IncW in two wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents and effluent-receiving streams in Northwest Arkansas, Mud Creek and Spring Creek, was determined. Community DNA captured on filter membranes and plasmid DNA extracted from antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from Mud Creek was used for polymerase chain reaction at amplification of partial gene sequences specific to BHR plasmids. IncP plasmid amplicons were detected in effluent and downstream sites in both streams, while IncN and IncW plasmid amplicons were detected in Spring Creek in effluent and downstream but not upstream. IncA/C plasmid amplicons, in contrast, were detected at all sites, including upstream in most samples in Spring Creek and in one sample from Mud Creek. One IncP and two IncN were the only BHR plasmid amplicons found in 85 screened antibiotic-resistant E. coli isolates, and were detected only in isolates from effluent and downstream samples. Broad-host-range plasmids frequently carry antibiotic-resistance genes and can facilitate horizontal transfer of those genes. While BHR plasmids have been detected in WWTPs, WWTPs do not target these genetic elements for destruction. This study indicates that BHR plasmids are in WWTP effluent and are introducing BHR plasmids into streams. Additionally, species other than E. coli may be better targets as indicator bacteria for future studies of the impact of treated effluent on environmental dissemination of BHR plasmids.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation of dairy effluent by constructed wetland technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Constructed wetlands are artificial wastewater treatment systems consisting of shallow ponds or channels which have been planted with aquatic plants and which rely upon natural microbial, biological, physical and chemical process to treat wastewater and are gaining acceptance in the recent years as a viable option for the treatment of industrial effluents and removal of toxic components. In this study, an attempt was made to compare the efficiency of aquatic macrophytes like Typha sp., Eichhornia sp., Salvinia sp., Pistia sp., Azolla sp. and Lemna sp. to treat the effluents from dairy factory, under laboratory conditions in constructed wetlands. The biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand of dairy effluent were reduced up to 65.4–83.07% and 70.4–85.3%, respectively, after treatment with constructed wetland technology.  相似文献   

Bacteriophages (phages) associated with Salmonella were collected from nine swine manure lagoons in Mississippi. Phages were isolated by an enrichment protocol or directly from effluent. For enrichment, chloroform-treated samples were filtered (0.22 mum) and selectively enriched by adding a cocktail of Salmonella strains in trypticase soy broth. After overnight incubation at 35 degrees C, chloroform was added and samples stored at 5 degrees C. Enriched samples were tested by double agar layer (DAL) plaque assay against individual Salmonella isolates. Phage titers of 2.9 x 10(8) to 2.1 x 10(9) plaque forming units (pfu) per mL were produced, but estimation of phage titers in lagoons was not possible. For direct isolation, effluent was clarified by centrifugation, filtered (0.22 microm), and used in DAL plaque assays to select single-plaque isolates for 15 Salmonella strains. Plaque counts varied among Salmonella strains and lagoons. The most sensitive strain for direct phage recovery was ATCC 13311. Phage titers estimated by direct isolation with ATCC 13311 ranged among lagoons from 12 to 148 pfu per mL. In limited host range tests, 66 isolates recovered by the enrichment protocol produced plaques only on Enteritidis and Typhimurium strains of Salmonella and none produced plaques on lagoon isolates of Citrobacter, Escherichia, Proteus, Providencia, or Serratia. Electron microscopy (EM) showed purified enrichment isolates had Podoviridae morphology (tailless 50-nm icosahedral heads with tail spikes). Electron microscopy of clarified concentrated effluent showed 5.5:1 tailless to tailed phages. The isolated phages have potential as typing reagents, specific indicators, and biocontrol agents of Salmonella.  相似文献   

Woodchip corrals are increasingly used as cost effective means of over-wintering livestock in temperate regions but there is little information on their potential environmental impact. Four woodchip corrals of varying characteristics were instrumented to capture and quantify the flows reaching the base, where pollutant fluxes may move either vertically to groundwater, or laterally to a water course. Samples for chemical analysis were collected daily by auto-sampler. Samples for bacterial analysis were aseptically hand-sampled. Sampling frequency was increased during high flow events and sampling was conducted over a 12-month period. Microbiological samples were analysed for total coliform (TC), presumptive Escherichia coli (EC) and intestinal enterococci (IE). Leachate was also analysed for total phosphorus, phosphate, total nitrogen, ammonium, total oxidised nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate. Each corral had a recording rain gauge sited within 10 m of the corral surface. Mean total nitrogen concentration in leachate was 339.5 mg l(-1), of which ammoniacal-N comprised approximately 57%. Mean total phosphorus concentration was 94.7 mg l(-1). Geometric mean concentrations of TC, EC and IE were 95,461, 94,983 and 55,552 cfu100 ml(-1), respectively. Significant flows of leachate occurred at the base of the corrals on most days during the 1-year sampling period and flow rate increased with stocking density. Strong positive linear relationships were found between the concentrations of the nutrient parameters and discharge. Strong positive curvilinear relations were found between faecal indicator concentrations and discharge. Different relationships were observed in the stocked and unstocked corrals. The resulting fluxes are sufficient to give concern and to indicate that corral development is worthy of regulatory attention.  相似文献   

孙东兴 《四川环境》1991,10(4):36-40
我们对原来因废水超标排放而被关闭的电镀车间,提出了废水达标排放的优化设计改造方案,经过电解,物理法对原来的处理工艺进行综合改造以后,废水达标循环使用,实现了设计予定目标,恢复了生产,做到经济效益、环境效益共同提高,行进合理,有推广应用价值。  相似文献   

Pulp and paper mills are one of the major effluent generating industries in the world. In most cases, mill effluent (treated or raw) is discharged back into a river, creek, stream or other water body; resulting in negative environmental impacts, as well as social concerns, among the downstream users. Pulp and paper mill effluent management, which could result in zero discharge into downstream water bodies, would present the best management option to address socio-environmental concerns. This paper presents such an effort aimed at closing the water cycle by using treated effluent from the mill to irrigate forage and fodder crops for producing animals feed. The treated effluent is delivered from the mill through gravity into a winter storage dam of 490ML capacity. For irrigation applications on 110ha of farmland, which is 42% of the total farmland, the water is pumped from the winter storage dam to five individual paddocks with Centre Pivot (CP) irrigators and one rectangular paddock with a Soft Hose Travelling (SHT) irrigator. From October 2001 to June 2006, a total of 2651mm of wastewater was applied at the farm. The impact assessment results, obtained from field monitoring, investigations and analysis, indicated that the closed water cycle effluent management strategy described had resulted in a lessening of the impact on water resources usually associated with paper mills. However, social attitudes to the use of crops that have been irrigated with recycled waters and the resulting impact on market value of the produce may still be a major consideration.  相似文献   

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