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Anthropogenic contaminants like nonylphenols (NP) are added to soil, for instance if sewage-sludge is used as fertilizer in agriculture. A commercial mixture of NP consists of more than 20 isomers. For our study, we used one of the predominate isomers of NP mixtures, 4-(3,5-dimethylhept-3-yl)phenol, as a representative compound. The aim was to investigate the fate and distribution of the isomer within soil and soil derived organo-clay complexes. Therefore, 14C- and 13C-labeled NP was added to soil samples and incubated up to 180 days. Mineralization was measured and soil samples were fractionated into sand, silt and clay; the clay fraction was further separated in humic acids, fulvic acids and humin. The organo-clay complexes pre-incubated for 90 or 180 days were re-incubated with fresh soil for 180 days, to study the potential of re-mobilization of incorporated residues. The predominate incorporation sites of the nonylphenol isomer in soil were the organo-clay complexes. After 180 days of incubation, 22 % of the applied 14C was mineralized. The bioavailable, water extractable portion was low (9 % of applied 14C) and remained constant during the entire incubation period, which could be explained by an incorporation/release equilibrium. Separation of organo-clay complexes, after extraction with solvents to release weakly incorporated, bioaccessible portions, showed that non-extractable residues (NER) were preferentially located in the humic acid fraction, which was regarded as an effect of the chemical composition of this fraction. Generally, 27 % of applied 14C was incorporated into organo-clay complexes as NER, whereas 9 % of applied 14C was bioaccessible after 180 days of incubation. The re-mobilization experiments showed on the one hand, a decrease of the bioavailability of the nonylphenol residues due to stronger incorporation, when the pre-incubation period was increased from 90 to 180 days. On the other hand, a shift of these residues from the clay fraction to other soil fractions was observed, implying a dynamic behavior of incorporated residues, which may result in bioaccessibility of the NER of nonylphenol.  相似文献   

Extracellular, oxidative soil enzymes like monophenol oxidases and peroxidases play an important role in transformation of xenobiotics and the formation of organic matter in soil. Additionally, these enzymes may be involved in the formation of non-extractable residues (NERs) of xenobiotics during humification processes. To examine this correlation, the fate of the fungicide 14C metalaxyl in soil samples from Ultuna (Sweden) was studied. Using different soil sterilization techniques, it was possible to differentiate between free, immobilized, and abiotic (“pseudoenzyme”-like) oxidative activities. A correlation between the formation of metalaxyl NER and soil organic matter content, biotic activities, as well as extracellular phenoloxidase and peroxidase activities in the bulk soil and its particle size fractions was determined. Extracellular soil-bound enzymes were involved in NER formation (up to 8% of applied radioactivity after 92 days) of the fungicide independently from the presence of living microbes and different distributions of the NER in the soil humic subfractions.  相似文献   

The metabolic fate of 14C-phenyl-labeled herbicide clodinafop-propargyl (CfP) was studied for 28 days in lab assays using a soil from Germany (Ap horizon, silt loam, and cambisol). Mineralization amounted to 12.40% of applied 14C after 28 days showing a distinct lag phase until day 7 of incubation. Portions of radioactivity extractable by means of 0.01 M CaCl2 solution (bioavailable fraction) decreased rapidly and were 4.41% after 28 days. Even immediately after application, only 57.31% were extracted with the aqueous solvent. Subsequent extraction using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE; acetonitrile/water 4:1, v/v) released 39.91% of applied 14C with day 0 and 26.16% with day 28 of incubation from the samples. Non-extractable portions of radioactivity thus, increased with time amounting to 11.99% (day 0) and 65.00% (day 28). A remarkable increase was observed between 14 and 28 days correlating with the distinct increase of mineralization. No correlation was found throughout incubation with general microbial activity as determined by DMSO reduction. Analysis of the CaCl2 and ASE extracts by radio-TLC, radio-HPLC and GC/MS revealed that CfP was rapidly cleaved to free acid clodinafop (Cf), which was further (bio-) transformed; DT50 values (based on radio-TLC detection of the parent compound) were far below 1 day (CfP) and about 7 days (Cf). TLC analysis pointed to 2-(4-hydroxyphenoxy)-propionic acid as further metabolite. Due to fractionation of non-extractable residues, most of the 14C was associated with fulvic and humic acids, portions in humin fractions and non-humics were moderate and low, respectively. Using a special strategy, which included pre-incubation of the soil with CfP and then mineralization of 14C-CfP as criterion, a microorganism was isolated from the soil examined. The microorganism grew using CfP as sole carbon source with concomitant evolution of 14CO2. The bacterium was characterized by growth on commonly used carbon sources and by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The sequence exhibited high similarity with that of Rhodococcus wratislaviensis (99.56%; DSM 44107, NCIMB 13082).  相似文献   

Anthropogenic contaminants like nonylphenols (NP) are added to soil, for instance if sewage-sludge is used as fertilizer in agriculture. A commercial mixture of NP consists of more than 20 isomers. For our study, we used one of the predominate isomers of NP mixtures, 4-(3,5-dimethylhept-3-yl)phenol, as a representative compound. The aim was to investigate the fate and distribution of the isomer within soil and soil derived organo-clay complexes. Therefore, (14)C- and (13)C-labeled NP was added to soil samples and incubated up to 180 days. Mineralization was measured and soil samples were fractionated into sand, silt and clay; the clay fraction was further separated in humic acids, fulvic acids and humin. The organo-clay complexes pre-incubated for 90 or 180 days were re-incubated with fresh soil for 180 days, to study the potential of re-mobilization of incorporated residues. The predominate incorporation sites of the nonylphenol isomer in soil were the organo-clay complexes. After 180 days of incubation, 22 % of the applied (14)C was mineralized. The bioavailable, water extractable portion was low (9 % of applied (14)C) and remained constant during the entire incubation period, which could be explained by an incorporation/release equilibrium. Separation of organo-clay complexes, after extraction with solvents to release weakly incorporated, bioaccessible portions, showed that non-extractable residues (NER) were preferentially located in the humic acid fraction, which was regarded as an effect of the chemical composition of this fraction. Generally, 27 % of applied (14)C was incorporated into organo-clay complexes as NER, whereas 9 % of applied (14)C was bioaccessible after 180 days of incubation. The re-mobilization experiments showed on the one hand, a decrease of the bioavailability of the nonylphenol residues due to stronger incorporation, when the pre-incubation period was increased from 90 to 180 days. On the other hand, a shift of these residues from the clay fraction to other soil fractions was observed, implying a dynamic behavior of incorporated residues, which may result in bioaccessibility of the NER of nonylphenol.  相似文献   

Pesticide residues were determined in about 120 soil cores taken randomly from the top 15 cm layer of two sunflower fields about 30 days after preemergence herbicide treatments. Samples were extracted with acetone-ethyl acetate mixture and the residues were determined with GC-TSD. Residues of dimethenamid, pendimethalin, and prometryn ranged from 0.005 to 2.97 mg/kg. Their relative standard deviations (CV) were between 0.66 and 1.13. The relative frequency distributions of residues in soil cores were very similar to those observed in root and tuber vegetables grown in pesticide treated soils. Based on all available information, a typical CV of 1.00 was estimated for pesticide residues in primary soil samples (soil cores). The corresponding expectable relative uncertainty of sampling is 20% when composite samples of size 25 are taken. To obtain a reliable estimate of the average residues in the top 15 cm layer of soil of a field up to 8 independent replicate random samples should be taken. To obtain better estimate of the actual residue level of the sampled filed would be marginal if larger number of samples were taken.  相似文献   

The persistence of fenoxaprop ethyl {Ethyl (RS)-2-[4-(6-chloro-1,3-benzoxazol-2-yloxy) phenoxy] propionate} herbicide and its active metabolite fenoxaprop acid was investigated in soil and wheat crop. Fenoxaprop acid was prepared by alkaline hydrolysis of fenoxaprop ethyl. A HPLC method was developed in which fenoxaprop ethyl herbicide and its acid metabolite showed sharp single peak at 6.44 and 2.61 min respectively. The sensitivity of the method for ester and acid was 2 and 1 ng respectively with limit of detection of 0.1 and 0.05 μg mL?1. The recovery of fenoxaprop ethyl and fenoxaprop acid from soil, wheat straw and grain ranged between 73.8–80.2%. In a field experiment fenoxaprop ethyl (Puma super® 10 EC) when applied to wheat crop at the rate of 120 g and 240 g a.i. ha-1 as post emergence spray, fenoxaprop ethyl converted to fenoxaprop acid. Residues of fenoxaprop ethyl and acid dissipated in soil with a half-life of 0.5 and 7.3 days, respectively. At harvest no detectable residues of fenoxaprop ethyl or acid were observed in soil, wheat grain and straw samples.  相似文献   

Phosphate fertilizers and herbicides such as glyphosate and MCPA are commonly applied to agricultural land, and antibiotics such as tetracycline have been detected in soils following the application of livestock manures and biosolids to agricultural land. Utilizing a range of batch equilibrium experiments, this research examined the competitive sorption interactions of these chemicals in soil. Soil samples (0-15 cm) collected from long-term experimental plots contained Olsen P concentrations in the typical (13 to 20 mg kg?1) and elevated (81 to 99 mg kg?1) range of build-up phosphate in agricultural soils. The elevated Olsen P concentrations in field soils significantly reduced glyphosate sorption up to 50%, but had no significant impact on MCPA and tetracycline sorption. Fresh phosphate additions in the laboratory, introduced to soil prior to, or at the same time with the other chemical applications, had a greater impact on reducing glyphosate sorption (up to 45%) than on reducing tetracycline (up to 13%) and MCPA (up to 8%) sorption. The impact of fresh phosphate additions on the desorption of these three chemicals was also statistically significant, but numerically very small namely < 1% for glyphosate and tetracycline and 3% for MCPA. The presence of MCPA significantly reduced sorption and increased desorption of glyphosate, but only when MCPA was present at concentrations much greater than environmentally relevant and there was no phosphate added to the MCPA solution. Tetracycline addition had no significant effect on glyphosate sorption and desorption in soil. For the four chemicals studied, we conclude that when mixtures of phosphate, herbicides and antibiotics are present in soil, the greatest influence of their competitive interactions is phosphate decreasing glyphosate sorption and the presence of phosphate in solution lessens the potential impact of MCPA on glyphosate sorption. The presence of chemical mixtures in soil solution has an overall greater impact on the sorption than desorption of individual organic chemicals in soil.  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-labeled difloxacin (14C-DIF) was studied in time course experiments after application on soil (Ap horizon of silt loam) and amendment of authentic DIF containing pig manure (146 mL kg?1; 4.17 MBq kg?1; 0.85 mg kg?1) or water (124 mL kg?1; 0.42 MBq kg?1; 0.09 mg kg?1) for 56 and 120 days of incubation, respectively.

Mineralization of 14C-DIF was below 0.2% in both experiments after 56 days or 120 days. In the course of the experiments, portions of extractable radioactivity (Accelerated Solvent Extraction (ASE); acetonitrile-water) decreased to 19–21% depending only little on manure amendment. Non-extractable residues of 14C-DIF increased to 70–74% after 56 days and 120 days, respectively, and therefore were the main route of 14C-DIF in soil. According to radioanalytical HPLC and LC-MS/MS, only the parent compound was found in all extracts over the whole time of the experiment. According to fractionation of the non-extractable residues (NER) into particle size fractions, 14C portions were associated to the water used for fractionation, the silt and clay fractions, whereas no radioactivity was detected in the sand fraction. The majority of 14C was found within the clay fractions.

Fractionation of humic components showed that radioactivity derived from 14C-DIF was associated with humic acids, fulvic acids, humins and minerals and very little with soluble, non-humic HCl fraction. The highest portions of radioactivity were found in the fulvic acid fraction. Results obtained by size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of the purified fulvic acids were similar for every sample analyzed. One large portion of 14C co-eluted with fulvic acids of a molecular weight below 910 g mol?1. Both fractionation methods demonstrated that the parent compound DIF or initial metabolites were rapidly integrated into humic materials and, thus, were major components of NER.  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-labeled herbicide prosulfocarb was studied in an agricultural soil and in a sediment-water system, the sediment part of which was derived from Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Time-course studies were performed for 28 d and 49 d, respectively. Main transformation routes of 14C-prosulfocarb were mineralization to 14CO2 and formation of nonextractable residues amounting to 12.13% and 10.43%, respectively, after 28 days (soil), and 9.40% and 11.98%, respectively, after 49 d (sediment-water system). Traces of prosulfocarbsulfoxide were detected by means of TLC, HPLC, and LC-MS; other transformation products were not found. Initial extraction of soil assays using 0.01 M CaCl2 solution showed that the bioavailability of the herbicide was considerably low; immediately after application (0.1 d of incubation), only 4.78% of applied radioactivity were detected in this aqueous fraction. DT50 values of 14C-prosulfocarb estimated from radio-TLC and -HPLC analyses were above 28 d in soil and ranged between 29 d and 49 d in the sediment-water system. Partitioning of 14C from water to sediment phase occurred with DT50 slightly above 2 d. With regard to the sediment-water system, adsorption occurred with log Koc = 1.38 (calculated from 2 day assays) and 2.35 (49 d assays). As similarly estimated from portions of 14C found in CaCl2 extracts of the 0.1 d assays, 14C-prosulfocarb's log Koc in soil was 2.96. With both experiments, similar portions of nonextractable radioactivity were associated with all soil organic matter fractions, i.e. nonhumics, fulvic acids, humic acids, and humin/minerals. Throughout all sample preparation, the experiments were severely impaired by losses of radioactivity especially with concentration of samples containing water in vacuo. All findings pointed to volatility of parent prosulfocarb in presence of water rather than volatility of transformation products. According to literature data, this behavior of prosulfocarb was not expected, though volatility was demonstrated under field conditions.  相似文献   

Effects of repeated applications of the herbicide butachlor (N-(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro -N-2′,6′-dimethyl acetanilide) in soil on its persistence and soil microbial functional diversity were investigated under laboratory conditions. The degradation half-lives of butachlor at the recommended dosage in soil were calculated to be 12.5, 4.5, and 3.2 days for the first, second, and third applications, respectively. Throughout this study, no significant inhibition of the Shannon-Wiener index H′ was observed. However, the Simpson index 1/D and McIntosh index U were significantly reduced (P ≤ 0.05) during the initial 3 days after the first application of butachlor, and thereafter gradually recovered to a similar level to that of the control soil. A similar variation but faster recovery in 1/D and U was observed after the second and third Butachlor applications. Therefore, repeated applications of butachlor led to more rapid degradation of the herbicide, and more rapid recovery of soil microorganisms. It is concluded that repeated butachlor applications in soil had a temporary or short-term inhibitory effect on soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

The fate of 14C-labeled sulfadiazine (14C-SDZ) residues was studied in time-course experiments for 218 days of incubation using two soils (Ap horizon of loamy sand, orthic luvisol; Ap horizon of silt loam, cambisol) amended with fresh and aged (6 months) 14C-manure [40 g kg?1 of soil; 6.36 mg of sulfadiazine (SDZ) equivalents per kg of soil], which was derived from two shoats treated with 14C-SDZ. Mineralization of 14C-SDZ residues was below 2% after 218 days depending little on soil type. Portions of extractable 14C (ethanol-water, 9:1, v/v) decreased with time to 4–13% after 218 days of incubation with fresh and aged 14C-manure and both soils. Non-extractable residues were the main route of the fate of the 14C-SDZ residues (above 90% of total recovered 14C after 218 days). These residues were high immediately after amendment depending on soil type and aging of the 14C-manure, and were stable and not remobilized throughout 218 days of incubation. Bioavailable portions (extraction using CaCl2 solution) also decreased with increasing incubation period (5–7% after 218 days). Due to thin-layer chromatography (TLC), 500 μg of 14C-SDZ per kg soil were found in the ethanol-water extracts immediately after amendment with fresh 14C-manure, and about 50 μg kg?1 after 218 days. Bioavailable 14C-SDZ portions present in the CaCl2 extracts were about 350 μg kg?1 with amendment. Higher concentrations were initially detected with aged 14C-manure (ethanol-water extracts: 1,920 μg kg?1; CaCl2 extracts: 1,020 μg kg?1), probably due to release of 14C-SDZ from bound forms during storage. Consistent results were obtained by extraction of the 14C-manure-soil samples with ethyl acetate; portions of N-acetylated SDZ were additionally determined. All soluble 14C-SDZ residues contained in 14C-manure contributed to the formation of non-extractable residues; a tendency for persistence or accumulation was not observed. SDZ's non-extractable soil residues were associated with the soluble HCl, fulvic acids and humic acids fractions, and the insoluble humin fraction. The majority of the non-extractable residues appeared to be due to stable covalent binding to soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The fate of glyphosate and its degradation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) was studied in soil. Labeled glyphosate was used to be able to distinguish the measured quantities of glyphosate and AMPA from the background values since the soil was sampled in a field where glyphosate had been used formerly. After addition of labeled glyphosate, the disappearance of glyphosate and the formation and disappearance of AMPA were monitored. The resulting curves were fitted according to a new EU guideline. The best fit of the glyphosate degradation data was obtained using a first-order multi compartment (FOMC) model. DT50 values of 9 days (glyphosate) and 32 days (AMPA) indicated relatively rapid degradation. After an aging period of 6 months, the leaching risk of each residue was determined by treating the soil with pure water or a phosphate solution (pH 6), to simulate rain over a non-fertilized or fertilized field, respectively. Significantly larger (p < 0.05) amounts of aged glyphosate and AMPA were extracted from the soil when phosphate solution was used as an extraction agent, compared with pure water. This indicates that the risk of leaching of aged glyphosate and AMPA residues from soil is greater in fertilized soil. The blank soil, to which 252 g glyphosate/ha was applied 21 months before this study, contained 0.81 ng glyphosate/g dry soil and 10.46 ng AMPA/g dry soil at the start of the study. Blank soil samples were used as controls without glyphosate addition. After incubation of the blank soil samples for 6 months, a significantly larger amount of AMPA was extracted from the soil treated with phosphate solution than from that treated with pure water. To determine the degree of uptake of aged glyphosate residues by crops growing in the soil, 14C-labeled glyphosate was applied to soil 6.5 months prior to sowing rape and barley seeds. After 41 days, 0.006 ± 0.002% and 0.005 ± 0.001% of the applied radioactivity was measured in rape and barley, respectively.  相似文献   

The behavior and fate of triasulfuron (TRS) in water and soil systems were examined in laboratory studies. The degradation of TRS in both buffer solution and soil was highly pH-sensitive. The rate of degradation could be described with a pseudo first-order kinetic and was much faster at pH 4 than at pH 7 and 9. Aqueous hydrolysis occurred by cleavage of the sulfonylurea bridge to form 2-(2-chloroethoxy) benzenesulfonamide (CBSA) and [(4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)amino] (AMMT). AMMT was unstable in aqueous solutions in any pH condition but it degraded more quickly at pH 4 and 9. CBSA did not degrade in aqueous solutions or in enriched cultures but it underwent a quick degradation in the soil. The rates of TRS degradation in sterile and non-sterile soils were similar, suggesting that microorganisms played a minimal role in the breakdown process. This hypothesis is supported by the results of studies on the degradation of TRS by enriched cultures during which the molecule underwent a prevalently chemical degradation.  相似文献   


Residue disappearance and leaching of 14C‐allyl‐alcohol from different soils were studied in laboratory experiments. Additionally, the uptake of residues by lettuce and carrots was investigated in the greenhouse. In laboratory experiments, residue disappearance and leaching from soils was correlated negatively to the organic matter content. In greenhouse experiments with a sandy loam soil at an application rate normally used in practice, an average of 12.5 % of the applied radioactivity was recovered after an eight day interval between application and sowing. Furthermore, an average of 8 % (sum in soil and plants) of the applied radioactivity was recovered after lettuce or carrot growing. Uptake of residues was higher by carrots than by lettuce, and higher by lettuce roots than by lettuce tops. No bioaccumulation was observed. The residues in soils and plants were, to a high percentage, unextractable and, to a smaller extent, fully water‐soluble products. Unchanged allylalcohol could not be detected by the analytical methods used.  相似文献   


Dissipation, degradation and leaching of fresh 14C coumaphos, alkylated 14C coumaphos and aged residues of 14C coumaphos from vats were studied in alkaline sandy loam soil in soil columns in the field under subtropical conditions in Delhi for a year. Dissipation, degradation and bound residue formation was more in case of alkali treated coumaphos than fresh coumaphos. After 365 days total residues of fresh coumaphos accounted for 33.25% while that of alkali treated coumaphos was 19.12%. Bound residue formation was almost double in case of alkali treated coumaphos (18.95%) than fresh coumaphos (9.53%) after 150 days followed by release of bound residue in both the cases. The proportion of metabolites 4 ‐ methylumbelliferone, chlorferon and potasan collectively was 86.05% in fresh coumaphos extractable residues while the same was 91.74% in alkali treated coumaphos after 365 days. Aged residues from vats containing copper sulphate and buffer were found to be more persistent in soil as total residues remained were 95.58% in comparison with 83.09% total residues of aged residues from vats containing only buffer after 150 days of treatment. Copper sulphate seems to inhibit the degradatiion of coumaphos in soil by microorganisms. Chlorferon was the major metabolite in generally all the samples. Coumaphos did not leach below 10 cm in all the cases.  相似文献   

含磷材料对矿区铅镉污染土壤重金属形态转化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以湖南郴州东江湖风景区矿区遗留地重金属污染土壤为研究对象,研究了3种含P材料,及其与蒙脱石的组合材料,对矿区土壤铅镉污染的修复效果。实验设6组处理,分别为P1组、P2组、P3组、P1+M组、P2+M组、P3+M组,通过添加5%的稳定剂,稳定2d后,分析土壤中铅镉的形态变化。实验结果表明:添加含P材料,及组合材料后,土壤中铅镉的离子交换态、铁锰结合态、有机结合态大幅度降低,残渣态显著升高。对Pb离子转化效果均在90.00%以上, Cd离子的转化效率相对较差,最优P1处理效果为74.20%。离子交换态的减少,有效地降低了重金属的生物有效性,有效地降低了环境风险。同时,含P材料均增加了土壤有效磷的含量,对矿区土壤的肥力也有一定提升。  相似文献   

通过土壤培养实验,研究畜牧养殖过程中阿散酸污染在土壤中的降解规律和形态变化特征。设计阿散酸污染水平为0、30、75、150、225和300 mg·kg-1,分别于培养的2~48 h和5~60 d采集土样,测定其中砷(As)、阿散酸、水溶态As、吸附态As、铁型砷(Fe-As)、铝型砷(Al-As)、钙型砷(Ca-As)、可还原态As和残渣态As。结果表明:阿散酸水平为30~75mg·kg-1时,48 h内降解率为42.99%~71.77%,40 d时降解率100%;阿散酸水平为150~300 mg·kg-1时,降解较慢,降解最快时间段为5~10 d时,但60 d时各组仍有部分阿散酸未被降解;阿散酸污染水平对土壤砷形态的影响表明,随着污染水平增加,对土壤水溶态As和吸附态As影响最大,对Ca-As和残渣态As影响最小。阿散酸污染水平从30~300 mg·kg-1变化时,土壤水溶态As和吸附态As分别增加了4.84~50.29倍和10.43~106.14倍;相反,Ca-As和残渣态As仅增加1.6~1.3倍和1.3~1.62倍;阿散酸污染时间对土壤砷形态的影响表明,污染后10~60 d,随着时间延长,土壤中水溶态As和交换态As呈逐渐下降趋势,而 Ca-As、Fe-As和Al-As含量逐渐增加,残渣态As相对稳定。阿散酸在土壤中降解因污染水平而存在差异,低污染水平降解快,高污染水平降解慢。同时,阿散酸污染能够不同程度改变土壤各种砷形态,并随着污染时间延长,由可利用态逐渐变为稳定态。  相似文献   

分别以孤东油区石油污染土壤中的原油、柴油馏分(180~360℃)、蜡油馏分(360 ~ 500℃)为研究对象,采用BC-Ⅰ和BC-E 2种菌剂,对其进行微生物降解.研究表明,BC-Ⅰ和BC-E菌剂对石油污染土壤中石油烃的降解效果明显,BC-E菌剂对孤东油区石油污染土壤中石油烃的降解率达35.7%.2种菌剂对石油烃中轻馏分的降解效率均远远高于其对重馏分的降解效率.柴油馏分降解产物中鉴定出O1、O2、N1等多种分子类型,其中O2相对丰度远高于O1、N1类型,研究表明,该类化合物是脂肪酸,油样中脂肪酸存在明显的C16、C18优势,降解后低碳数脂肪酸相对丰度略有增加.蜡油(VGO)降解后以m/z=293(C19双环环烷酸)为中心正态分布,烷基咔唑中C5-咔唑丰度最高,苯并咔唑相对丰度很低.O2类化合物丰度很低,表明脂肪酸含量很低,DBE为4或5的O2类化合物明显占优势,对应3~4环环烷酸丰度较高.  相似文献   

微生物法治理油污土壤具有成本低、效果好的特点 ,其原理是微生物利用油烃作为碳源合成自身物质 ,进行生长繁殖 ,从而使油烃的含量得到减少。而与此同时 ,微生物的数量也会发生相应的变化。目前油污土壤微生物的研究主要局限于对污染土壤中分离提纯的单一菌种的降解效能的研究。本文对土著油污土壤微生物在适宜条件下的数量和种类变化进行了实验分析 ,并对油烃的化学组成作了初步探讨。分离出 4株对石油具有耐受性和降解能力的微生物。结果表明 ,在 4株微生物数量都增加的时候 ,石油烃的降解速度最快。  相似文献   

Atrazine degrading enrichment culture was prepared by its repeated addition to an alluvial soil and its ability to degrade atrazine in mineral salts medium and soil was studied. Enrichment culture utilized atrazine as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen in mineral salts medium and degradation slowed down when sucrose and/or ammonium hydrogen phosphate were supplemented as additional source of carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Biuret was detected as the only metabolite of atrazine while deethylatrazine, deisopropyatrazine, hydroxyatrazine and cyanuric acid were never detected at any stage of degradation. Enrichment culture degraded atrazine in an alkaline alluvial soil while no degradation was observed in the acidic laterite soil. Enrichment culture was able to withstand high concentrations of atrazine (110 μg/g) in the alluvial soil as atrazine was completely degraded. Developed mixed culture has the ability to degrade atrazine and has potential application in decontamination of contaminated water and soil.  相似文献   

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