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A three-dimensional representation of the structure of the endosymbiont-containing gills of Lucinoma aequizonata, L. annulata and Lucina floridana was constructed using light and electron microscopy of fresh and plastic-embedded thin-sectioned samples. The gills of these lucinids are identical in overall structure, each being composed of three structurally and functionally distinct regions here called the ctenidial filament zone (CFZ), the transition zone (TZ), and the bacteriocyte zone (BZ). Rather than a simple medial extension of the filament tissue, the bacteriocyte tissue is organized as an array of cylindrical tubes, the walls of which are composed primarily of bacteriocyte cells covered by a thin microvillar epithelium. The physical relationship between the symbionts, the host tissues and the external environment are examined, and structural constraints on the potential functions of bacteria in this host-symbiont system are discussed.  相似文献   

A number of previous studies have shown that the relationships of symbiosis existing between mussels and microorganisms are directly dependent on the environmental conditions. However, little is known about existing relationships between mussels and bacteria in hydrocarbon-impacted marine environments. The aim of this preliminary study is to investigate the presence of oil-degrading bacteria in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis during growth in polluted ecosystems. All the experiments were carried out in a mesocosm system designed to simulate chronic pollution and to enable direct exposure of mussels to chemicals. Quantitative (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, colony-forming units, Most Probable Number) analyses and screening (presence/absence) of metabolic functional genes were performed to analyse bacterial populations inside the gills of mussels exposed and not exposed to hydrocarbons. The data obtained show that the presence of hydrocarbons affected the abundance of bacteria inside the gills of specimens and determines selection for specific (hydrocarbon-degrading) bacteria (i.e. Alcanivorax sp. and Marinobacter sp.). However, is not yet clear whether the presence of such genera of bacteria inside the mussel is due to symbiosis or as a result of filtration.  相似文献   

The distributions and diets of the six most abundant species of teleost in the shallows of a large south-western Australian estuary were examined from samples collected between March 1988 and February 1989. Fish were collected monthly by seine net from over bare sand and from within patchy and dense areas of the aquatic macrophyte Ruppia megacarpa. Their gut contents were compared with samples of the benthos and plankton collected from each of these three habitat types. The densities of the atherinids Leptatherina wallacei and Atherinosoma elongata and of the goby Favonigobius suppositus were greatest in dense R. megacarpa, whereas those of the atherinid L. presbyteroides and the goby F. lateralis were greatest over bare sand. The density of the goby Pseudogobius olorum was greater in patchy R. megacarpa than in the other two habitat types. The gut contents of each of the six species was dominated by crustaceans and/or polychaetes, with detritus also making a major contribution to the diet of P. olorum and F. lateralis. The relative proportions of prey items in the guts of fish in a particular habitat corresponded to the preys' relative occurrence in the environment. This indicates that the fish had been feeding predominantly in one particular habitat prior to capture. Within each habitat type, the six species partitioned the available food, the major components of the diet of each species being different. The gobiid species fed mainly on the benthos and the atherinids typically fed higher in the water column; A. elongata and P. olorum tended to be less selective as to where they foraged. There were no consistent differences in either the dietary breadth or the fullness of the guts of any species among habitat types.  相似文献   

We assessed the utility of separated carotenoid mixtures for sponge systematics. Carotenoids were extracted from 29 species of 22 genera of 6 families for the demosponge order Poecilosclerida. Mixtures were separated (by thinlayer chromatography on silica gel) without chemical modification and after alteration by saponification, reduction or acetylation or a combination thereof. This approach allowed analysis of individual colonies of less than 1 g wet weight. Relationships among taxa were determined through use of Lawson's similarity index and discriminative analysis. Analysis of multiple runs of fractions from one individual of Ophlitaspongia pennata showed the method to be consistent and reliable. Comparison of specimens of species collected at different localities and times showed high correspondence of carotenoid patterns except in those species suspected of representing species complexes. Analysis of members of the family Clathriidae and of relationships within the order Poecilosclerida suggest that fatty acids esterified to carotenoids may be family-specific and of more taxonomic value than carotenoids. The importance of testing for seasonal, geographic and habitat variability in biochemical patterns is stressed. We discuss the significance of these methods to sponge systematics and their use in comparative studies.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic sulfur bacteria oxidize the sulfide produced by dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria, thus preventing the occurrence of pollution by these compounds in the oxygenic zone of aquatic systems. Zinc is one of the most abundant heavy metals. Its toxic effects have been documented in various organisms that can photosynthesize, but a lack of information prevails in this respect, about photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the toxic effects of zinc on green sulfur bacteria (Chlorobiaceae) and purple sulfur bacteria (Chromatiaceae) in a microcosm as well to explore the possible relationships between the bacterial population growths with the physicochemical properties of the metalimnion of Zimapan Reservoir (Mexico) during a 1-year period. Hydrosoluble organic carbon (HOC) and light availability in the metalimnion were the limiting factors for growth in these bacteria. Higher HOC levels occurred in Spring, at the end of the wet season and in Winter. Current zinc levels in the reservoir seem to elicit toxic effects. At lethal zinc concentrations, the best concentration-response relationship was shown. The biomarker for purple sulfur bacteria was the bacteriochlorophyll content, while total reducing sugar was the best biomarker for green sulfur bacteria. At sublethal concentrations, zinc alters adenosine triphosphate levels, total reducing sugar, total protein content, and bacteriochlorophyll content. The observed responses indicate that green sulfur bacteria are more sensitive than purple sulfur bacteria and are suitable target organisms for use in establishing the accepted threshold concentration of zinc (NOEC 0.056–0.097 mg L?1 of Zn) in anoxic deep water.  相似文献   

Accumulating and maintaining sufficient energy reserves is critical for winter survival of birds. Because high fat levels are assumed to be associated with higher risk of predation, birds have been hypothesized to regulate their body mass as a trade-off between risk of starvation and risk of predation. Theoretical models of energy management in birds typically assume that predation risk is constant throughout the day. However, this important assumption has little empirical support, and there is some evidence suggesting that it might not always be correct and that predation risk may vary during the day. Because predation risk is a critical component of the predation-starvation trade-off, any change in its value through the day might have a profound effect on birds' optimal daily tactics of energy accumulation. We used a dynamic optimization model to investigate how changes in predation risk might affect birds' energy management decisions. Daily patterns of fat accumulation and feeding activity were predicted to change with predation risk in a manner consistent with previous models (lower mass gain and less feeding when predation risk is high). Our more counterintuitive results concern daily patterns of food caching and cache retrieval. When predation risk was assumed to peak at midday, birds were predicted to cache primarily in the afternoon and not in the morning even though predation risk was identical in the morning and afternoon. With other temporal patterns of predation risk, caching intensity was highest when predation risk was lowest. Surprisingly, the daily pattern of cache retrieval was predicted to be unaffected by daily patterns of predation risk: birds were always predicted to retrieve their caches primarily during the late afternoon with a small peak in the morning. Highest mortality was predicted with predation risk decreasing from morning to evening whereas lowest mortality was predicted with predation risk increasing from morning to evening. Our model helps explain large variations in observed daily patterns of energy management in birds and provides testable predictions that could help us understand the daily dynamics of predation risk and how birds should respond to it.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - New technologies, systems, societal organization and policies for energy saving are urgently needed in the context of accelerated climate change, the Ukraine...  相似文献   

No differences in development time and mortality were detected between starved and fed laboratory raised megalopa of Pagurus bernhardus. The average time of development in 138 megalopa was determined as 7.3±0.1 (95% CI) days. During megalopa development P. bernhardus loses about 7% in dry weight (DW), 17% in carbon (C), 6% in nitrogen (N) and 17% in hydrogen (H). During development C/N ratio and individual energy content descend about 14 and 22% respectively. Weight specific energy content decreases by 17% in the first 3 d and remains constant at 12.3±0.3 (95% CI) J·(mg DW)-1 thereafter. About another 25% in individual energy content was lost by molting to crabs. The measured compounds do not follow a steady decrease. The possibility is discussed that a period of low energy cost (about the first half of development) alternates with times of higher energy expenditure mainly based on lipids. A fixed physiological program different from starvation capability is indicated for P. bernhardus megalopae. By comparing megalopae hatched in two different seasons and years reference is given to the variability in growth pattern.  相似文献   

Decision tree models were developed to investigate and predict the relative abundance of three key pasture plants [ryegrass (Lolium perenne), browntop (Agrostis capillaris), and white clover (Trifolium repens)] with integration of a geographical information system (GIS) in a naturalised hill-pasture in the North Island, New Zealand, and were compared with regression models with respect to model fit and predictive accuracy. The results indicated that the decision tree models had a better model fit in terms of average squared error (ASE) and a higher percentage of adequately predicted cases in model validation than the corresponding regression models. These decision tree models clearly revealed the relative importance of environmental and management variables in influencing the abundance of these three species. Hill slope was the most significant environmental factor influencing the abundance of ryegrass while soil Olsen P and annual P fertilizer input were the most significant factors influencing the abundance of browntop, and white clover, respectively. Soil Olsen P of approximately 10 μg/g, or a slope of about 10.5° was critical points where the competition between ryegrass and browntop tended to come to an equilibrium. Integrating the decision tree models with a GIS in this study not only facilitated the model development and analyses, but also provided a useful decision support tool in pasture management such as in assisting precision fertilizer placement. The insights obtained from the decision tree models also have important implications for pasture management, for example, it is important to maintain a soil Olsen P higher than 10 μg/g in order to keep the dominance of ryegrass in the hill-pasture.  相似文献   

We provide evidence for the proximate role of food in sex allocation by an ant species, and demonstrate how identity of the homopteran partner affects benefits to colonies of a plant-symbiotic ant. The system studied includes a plant-ant that nests in swollen hollowed internodes of a myrmecophyte, and two species of homopteran trophobionts (a coccid and a pseudococcid) tended inside domatia by these ants, for which they are an essential source of food. Total investment in pupae was greater for ant colonies that tended solely or primarily coccids than for those that tended pseudococcids. In particular, biomass invested in sexuals increased more rapidly with size of the colony in trees where ants tended coccids. This greater investment in sexuals was not made at the expense of investment in workers, but reflected increased resources available to coccid-tending colonies. Higher reproductive output indicates that ant fitness may be greater when they tend coccids. These additional resources led to a greater increase in production of alate females than in that of males. Consequently, the sex investment ratio of coccid-tending colonies was more female biased than in those that tended pseudococcids. Differences in resource supply affected numbers of individuals produced but not per-individual investment, with one partial exception: in very small colonies, pseudococcid-tending colonies produced small workers while coccid-tending colonies did not, further underlining the higher resource supply to coccid-tending colonies. This study provides evidence for the proximate role played by food in sex allocation at the colony level. We discuss our results in the context of hypotheses aimed at explaining sex ratio at the colony and population levels.  相似文献   

The diet of three cooccurring abundant fish species (Eucinostomus argenteus, Diapterus rhombeus and Micropogonias furnieri) and its ontogenetic changes in a mudflat area of a tropical bay in southeastern Brazil were described. The working hypothesis is that these three species shift the use of the available resources throughout their growth. Early juveniles of D. rhombeus and M. furnieri fed mainly on Cyclopoida copepods, shifting to Nematoda (D. rhombeus) and errant Polychaeta (M. furnieri) as they increased in size. In contrast, the early life stages of E. argenteus fed mainly on errant Polychaeta and Calanoida copepods, with increasing niche breadth as they grew. The relative degree of individual specialisation in resource use indicated specialism for M. furnieri and E. argenteus, and generalism for D. rhombeus. The largest intraspecific overlap was found for the smallest size classes. Niche breadth increased during ontogeny, with a higher average niche breadth at lower prey length/predator length ratios. Therefore, species-specific differences in diet across the resource gradient and increased niche breadth during ontogeny characterised the shifts of resource use, and probably account for the coexistence of these species in zones of sympatry in mudflat areas of southeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

E. Lopez 《Marine Biology》1979,53(3):201-211
The ultrastructure and pigment content of algal chloroplasts (derived from Bacillariophyceae or Chrysophyceae) are described from 3 benthic species of brackish-water foraminiferans.Elphidium williamsoni Haynes contains 4×106 chloroplasts mg-1, whereas the contents ofNonion germanicum (Ehrenberg) andE. excavatum (Terquem) are about 10% of this value. The two former contain chlorophyllsa andc and fucoxanthin, but these pigments were not detectable in the latter.E. williamsoni andN. germanicum had a net uptake of14C–HCO 3 - , proportional to their content of chlorophyll and number of chloroplasts, increasing linearly up to approximately 10 Klux. At light saturation the former assimilates 2.3x10-3 mg C mg-1 h-1 and the latter only about 20% of this value. Dark uptake was insignificant in all cases. Uptake could not be demonstrated inE. excavatum. The photosynthesis effected by these species is trivial in terms of the total benthic carbon fixation effected by the microflora. The chloroplasts survived longer in forminiferans kept in the dark than in light/dark adapted individuals. To keep a steady state population of chloroplasts under light/dark conditions,E. williamsoni must eat at least 65 chloroplasts individual-1 h-1, whereas the minimum consuption rate inN. germanicum is 20.  相似文献   

Females often base their mating preferences on male sexual secondary traits that are used to settle contests among males. Such traits are likely to be honest indicators of male quality if they are constantly used during costly male–male agonistic interactions. Carotenoid signals have been shown to work as a handicap because they are costly to produce. However, the role of carotenoids as “honest” signals during male contests is less clear, and it is not known whether a carotenoid-based trait can serve in both male–male competition and female choice. In this study, we studied the dual function of a carotenoid feather ornament in the rock sparrow (Petronia petronia), a bird species in which both sexes have a yellow throat patch whose size positively correlates with phenotypic measures. First, we investigated, in a field study, whether the size of a male’s yellow patch correlates with his ability to acquire a territory. Second, we tested the signal function of the yellow patch in two male–male interaction in captivity experiments. Finally, we measured female preference for males differing in throat patch size in a mate choice experiment. Our experiments revealed that the size of a male’s throat patch positively correlated with the number of nest boxes he was able to defend. Moreover, in controlled conditions, males with relatively large yellow patches had earlier access to food than those with small patches. Also, in an experiment in which a dummy rock sparrow with an experimentally manipulated yellow patch was positioned near a feeder, latency to feed by focal birds positively correlated with dummy patch size. Lastly, in a dichotomous mate choice experiment, females showed a proximity preference for males whose patch was experimentally enlarged. Taken together, these results suggest that the same carotenoid feather signal may be used in both male–male competition and female choice in this passerine bird.  相似文献   

Summary Polygyny was studied for 1 year in a great reed warbler population breeding in southern Germany. Data on various parameters of male and territory characteristics were collected and subjected to multivariate statistical analysis in order to assess their relative importance in female choice. Differences in territory characteristics appeared to be more important (Tab. 1), but there was a strong correlation between male and territory characteristics (Fig. 2, 3). Although the evolutionary advantages of polygyny to males are obvious (Fig. 5), those to females are far from clear. Models based upon the polygyny threshold and sexy son hypotheses predict that females should gain evolutionary advantage in either the short or long-term. Our data did not confirm such predictions, and secondary females showed greatly reduced breeding success (Fig. 4). If females were able to assess the status of mated males, they should instead select unmated males. Great reed warblers are a migrant species with a short breeding cycle in which the male plays relatively little part. They defend large territories in reed beds where visibility is reduced. These factors may permit males to practice a form of deception, by moving and attracting a second female who has little chance to assess that he is already mated.  相似文献   

N. A. Muthiga 《Marine Biology》2006,149(3):585-593
The sea cucumber Holothuria arenacava was discovered in the Mombasa marine reserve in 1997 and described by Samyn et al. (2001). The reproductive biology of this holothurian was investigated in order to (1) characterize the reproductive pattern, (2) examine the relationship among environmental parameters including temperature, light and lunar period, and (3) examine the relationship between the reproductive pattern and feeding of this new species. The gonad index method and microscopic examination of gonads was used to analyze samples collected for a period of 13 months. H. arenacava displayed an annual reproductive cycle with gametogenesis commencing in July during the south-east monsoons, when temperature and light intensity are lowest along the Kenyan coast. Gonad growth peaked in February–March at the end of the north-east monsoons when temperatures and light reach their annual maxima along the Kenyan coast. The higher correlation between light intensity and gonad growth (r=93) than temperature (r=0.71), coupled with the fact that temperatures continued to drop for a month after gametogenesis had already commenced, suggests that light intensity and not temperature is the cue for the onset of gametogenesis in this species. Spawning was synchronized between females and males and occurred during a short period between March and May (inter-monsoonal period) when both temperature and light intensity decrease along the Kenyan coast. Male and female gonad indices showed significant variation with lunar day and no lunar periodicity was observed in this sea cucumber. The sex ratio of the population of H. arenacava was skewed towards significantly more females than males, and females were significantly larger and had larger gonads and gonad indices than males. These life history strategies including spawning during a short discrete period, more and larger females that have larger gonads (i.e., typically more fecund), and spawning just prior to the peak in phytoplankton concentrations, a time that is probably more favorable for larval development, may serve to increase the reproductive success of this sea cucumber.  相似文献   

The upper thermal limits for burrowing and survival were compared with micro-habitat temperature for anomalodesmatan clams: Laternula elliptica (Antarctica, 67°S); Laternula recta, (temperate Australia, 38°S) and Laternula truncata (tropical Singapore, 1°N). Lethal limits (LT50) were higher than burrowing limits (BT50) in L. elliptica (7.5–9.0 and 2.2°C) and L. recta (winter, 32.8–36.8 and 31.1–32.8°C) but the same range for L. truncata (33.0–35.0 and 33.4–34.9°C). L. elliptica and L. truncata had a BT50 0.4 and 2.4–3.9°C, respectively, above their maximum experienced temperature. L. recta, which experience solar heating during midday low tides, had a BT50 0.7–2.4°C below and a range for LT50 that spanned their predicted environmental maximum (33.5°C). L. recta showed no seasonal difference in LT50 or BT50. Our single genus comparisons contrast with macrophysiological studies showing that temperate species cope better with elevated temperatures. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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