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利用Visual Basic语言和Microsoft Access数据库相结合的技术,建立伤亡事故统计分析信息管理系统,对企业历年来发生的伤亡事故进行统计分析从而预防事故的发生.  相似文献   

归纳了企业职工伤亡事故统计分析的主要内容及其方法,以此为基础结合数据库管理信息系统特点,提出了企业职工伤亡事故统计分析管理系统软件数据库结构、模块划分、系统功能分析和功能设计。该管理系统解决了伤亡事故基本情况难以掌握,事故统计数据收集繁琐、统计分析速度慢且不全面等问题。通过管理软件的应用实例说明了该系统软件的实用性,并在此基础上对21世纪伤亡事故的管理、统计及分析,建立全国企业职工伤亡事故基本信息数据库和信息网络,科学地利用伤亡事故基本信息数据对各类伤亡事故进行控制,以减少各类事故的发生等方面内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

建立工伤死亡事故统计分析数据库,可利用计算机对大量的伤亡事故的原始数据进行处理,得出不同要求的统计分析结果,从中找出伤亡事故发生的一些规律,为今后的安全生产提出应该重视的问题,为采取预防措施提供依据。  相似文献   

鞍钢的一炼钢、二炼钢和化工总厂,建厂以来发生了139例工业伤亡事故。这里对其进行初步分析,以期为摸索事故规律,采取预防措施,减少伤亡事故提供参考。伤亡事故与几种因素的关系对139例伤亡事故的统计分析表明,工业伤亡事故与岗位、工种、工人年龄、工人  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市劳动(劳动人事)厅(局):为尽快掌握全国企业职工伤亡事故的总体情况,提高企业职工伤亡事故各种信息数据资料分析的速度和工作效率。现决定于1997年8月1日开始统一使用《企业职工伤亡事故统计分析管理系统)软件。具体事项通知如下:一、每月“企业职工伤亡事故快报表”用新程序中“伤亡事故情况综合月报表(表四)”代上报,于下一个月的6日以前将(企业职工伤亡事故统计分析管理系统)软件(即新程序)的上报以电子邮件或特快专递邮寄的方式上报劳动部。伤亡事故综合月报表仍应按伤亡事故报表制度执行,于20日前…  相似文献   

《铁路交通事故统计分析系统》"从业人员伤亡事故报告统计系统"已启用2年,为使事故统计分析和事故信息管理进一步规范化,笔者通过对该系统的使用,将事故录入、统计分析、结案归档等技术应用处理进行归纳总结并作以介绍,欲使各级统计分析监察在使用该系统时,规范录入事故信息,准确判定事故性质,提高事故分析质量,掌握事故发生规律,为铁路从业人员伤亡事故信息管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

工业伤亡事故是一种偶然事件。但它又具有统计规律性。我公司在1980~1986年期间,共发生127起工伤事故,其中重伤103人,死亡36人,现统计分析如下。一、伤亡事故按时间统计分析 1.历年伤亡事故变化趋势图1是近七年发生的伤亡事故与产值的关系图。由图1可见,除了1982年和1986年的伤亡事故是随着产值上升而下降以外,其它年份的伤亡事故都是随着产值的升降而升降的。我们所期望的是产量上升,伤亡事故下降。但是,这一期望值的实现并不是轻而易举能达到的。它与领导的重视程度、企业的安全管理水平、职工的素质、设备的安全程度以及环境状况等等因素密切相关。 2,伤亡事故随月份的变化趋势  相似文献   

杨元标 《安全》1994,(5):41-42
笔者对云南省四营煤矿1991年到1993年3年间发生的48起伤亡事故的原因、伤亡者年龄结构、伤亡事故月份、工龄结构进行统计、分析和归纳,从中找出伤亡事故的规律,以便更好地预防伤亡事故,制定有效的措施和对策,指导今后的安全生产管理工作。 具体统计分析如下: 1.1991年至1993年伤亡事故原因统计表  相似文献   

为适应国民经济调整的需要,坚持预防为主,大幅度降低伤亡事故,把冶金工业的安全工作提高到新的水平,中国金属学会冶金安全学术委员会拟于1982召开“冶金工业重大伤亡事故分析学术讨论会”,对冶金工业中的重大伤亡事故,从技术或技术管理等方面进行典型或综合分析,探讨事故发生的规律,研究防止和避免事故的措施。征文范围如下:一、伤亡事故的统计分析方法;二、冶金生产(矿山、有色、钢铁)和检修中的重大伤亡事故发生原因及预防对策;  相似文献   

本文在对我国多年来伤亡事故统计分析基础上,探讨了伤亡事故高发原因和近期发展态势,提出了影响伤亡事故发生的五个基本因素:经济发展水平、产业结构变化、总体经济规模、经济增长速度和国家干预措施。作者认为在2004年以后几年内,伤亡事故总量下降的可能性较小,其中交通和矿山企业的伤亡人数可能呈上升趋势。由于经济增长速度对事故发生影响显著,为减少伤亡事故风险,我国2004年GDP指数不宜超过8%。建议以强化法治作为安全生产最主要的国家干预方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of motorcycle helmets seen in prospective on-the-street motorcycle accident investigations. The data are drawn from two detailed, in-depth studies of motorcycle accidents, in which trained investigators collected extensive accident evidence on-scene immediately after the crash. This article compares helmeted and unhelmeted motorcycle riders on a per-accident basis for fatality rates, the rate of serious (AIS > 2) brain injuries among survivors, or an outcome that involved either of the two. METHODS: Nine hundred motorcycle crashes in Los Angeles and 969 crashes in Thailand were investigated in detail at the accident scenes, including photos of vehicles, skids, damage, and sometimes the rider. Helmets were collected and injury information was obtained from riders and care providers. This evidence was then used to reconstruct collision events to identify speeds, precrash motions, collision contacts, injury causation, and helmet performance. RESULTS: In both studies, approximately 6% of riders were killed and 20-25% were hospitalized. Overall, unhelmeted riders were two to three times as likely to be killed, and three times as likely to suffer either death or survival with AIS > 2 brain injury. Unhelmeted survivors had three to four times as many AIS > 2 brain injuries as helmeted riders on a per-crash basis. Nearly 100% of riders with AIS > 4 somatic injuries died. Such injuries were 30% of Thailand fatalities and 57% of L.A. fatalities, but only about 2-3% of the overall accident population. Among the 97-98% of riders with AIS < 5 somatic injuries, helmet use could prevent about three-fourths of fatalities and brain injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Helmets were extremely effective in preventing brain injury and death in 97% of the accident population in less-than-extreme crashes. Helmet use cannot prevent all fatalities because many of those killed succumb to below-the-neck injuries that a helmet cannot prevent.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(4):449-471
Traditional approaches on the prevention of accidents/injuries in mines reached its limit of effectiveness in improving safety performance and a fresh approach is utmost required. Behavioral safety analysis has been identified as an effective alternative in many industries. This paper is therefore sought to examine the role of behavioral factors on the occurrence of mine accidents and injuries through a case study. Data were collected from two neighboring underground coalmines operating under a large public sector organization of India. High–low plots and t-test were done to explore the differences between behavioral characteristics of accident involved (case) and non-involved (control) workers. How these differences could cause accidents/injuries in mines was estimated through structural equation modeling. The case study results show that accident group of workers (cases) are more job dissatisfied, negatively affected, and highly risk taking compared to the non-accident group of workers (controls). The accident model path analysis shows that negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors predict an increased number of injuries in mines. Apart from direct influences to work injuries, negative affectivity and job dissatisfaction make workers to take more risks and behave unsafely. These findings contribute to the design of safety programs including safety training, which should be behaviorally motivated. Mine safety management of the case study mines should outskirt their age old belief that accidents/injuries are due to hazardous nature of mining and only engineering control and regulatory monitoring are sufficient for improving safety of the mines. The multivariate analysis also shows that experience bears no relationships with work injury indicating that a less experienced worker is equally likely to be injured as an experienced worker. It implies that experience though helps workers in understanding the physical hazards, however, avoiding the imminent danger is much more behavioral. The variables negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and risk taking behaviors are therefore crucial in avoiding accident/injuries in mines.  相似文献   

This article provides national data on the types of injuries reported on death certificates, the external causes of these injuries, and diseases that are frequently reported with them. Injuries were a factor in 11 % (213,366 deaths) of the deaths to residents of the United States in 1978. Of 11 broad categories of injuries, three (fractures, sprains, strains, and dislocations, intracranial injuries, and adverse effects) were mentioned on almost 50,000 deaths each. There was considerable variation in the distribution of injury types by age, sex, and race. The most notable example was fractures of the lower limb which were mentioned on 29% of the deaths involving an injury to 65 + year olds but no less than 5% of such deaths for all other age groups. For white females, the percentage with a fracture of the lower limb was 23 % compared to 12 % overall. In 25 % of the deaths involving an injury, the immediate cause was a motor vehicle accident. In 51 %, the immediate cause of the injury was a non-motor-vehicle accident. In 73 % of the deaths involving non-motor-vehicle accidents, disease conditions as well as injuries were a factor; and, 69% of the time, the disease condition was actually the underlying cause of the death with the injury being a contributing factor or complication. For example, over 14,000 deaths in 1978 involved a circulatory condition as the underlying cause of death which was complicated by an accidental fracture, sprain, or dislocation. Although diseases more often assumed the role of the underlying cause of death, they were also a nonunderlying cause in 24,000 non-motor-vehicle accident deaths. Over 12,000 of such deaths involved circulatory diseases.  相似文献   

煤矿事故预防中的行为激励机制研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在分析矿业及非矿业事故现状及其原因的基础上,对人的不安全行为进行研究,激励安全行为,抑制不安全行为,将大大减少工作中产生的意外情况,提高人的可靠性,从而降低事故发生的频率。笔者以行为科学和安全激励理论为基础,分析激励与安全行为的关系,依据煤矿事故控制和预防机理,提出煤矿安全行为激励体系构建的思路和构架,该研究成果对减少事故与伤害、提高矿业安全绩效有一定的实用意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

瓦斯爆炸中的火球伤害效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对瓦斯爆炸事故3种危害中的高温热辐射伤害进行研究,结合火灾爆炸事故中的火球热辐射的传播公式,得出适合井下瓦斯爆炸事故的火球传播规律公式.依据该公式划分了瓦斯爆炸事故中火球热辐射的死亡、重伤、轻伤的半径公式,为瓦斯爆炸事故安全评价提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

为查找冬瓜山铜矿安全生产事故规律,提出有效的改进措施,预防和减少事故发生,运用三维预防安全管理体系研究成果,对冬瓜山铜矿2003~2013年的安全生产事故,按照严重程度、伤残等级、事故类型等分别进行统计与分析,查找事故发生规律。统计表明,冬瓜山铜矿死亡事故按类别主要以车辆伤害和中毒窒息死亡为多,其次是片帮冒顶;从原因分析看,排在第一的是事故隐患,其次是管理缺陷和违章。针对事故发生的原因,提出了一系列的改进措施,目前这些改进措施已经逐步在冬瓜铜矿得到落实,取得了明显的效果,2012年以来,事故率明显下降,员工安全意识和安全操作技能一定程度得到提高,矿山安全管理环境得到显著改善。  相似文献   

某电力工程施工总承包一级资质、综合性大型国有电网基建施工企业,以施工导致人员重伤和死亡的事故资料和数据为基础,运用科学数理统计的原理和方法,着重对事故类型、事故原因以及伤亡人员用工形式等方面特征进行分析,找出事故发生的规律,揭示该企业的安全管理状况。并根据统计分析结果,提出在预防人身安全事故方面需要加强的管理对策和建议,为进一步加强安全管理,防止事故重复发生起到指导作用。  相似文献   

工业机器人是高科技机电产品,在工业领域广泛应用,可以代替人们从事繁重的、危险性的工作,但由于工业机器人故障所造成的人身伤害事故也时有发生,从工业机器人的可靠性、工业机器人事故案例、能量类型分类等多角度对工业机器人事故进行了分析,从事故树分析法(FTA)、基本安全性原则、工业安全技术等几方面提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

加油站安全监控预警系统研发与应用   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
加油站安全监控系统采用分散监控、集中管理与网络传输的监控策略,不仅可实现传统的视频监控和记录功能,还对加油站进出车辆情况、收费情况、设备运行情况以及加油站工作情况进行实时监视和记录;在可实现加油站现场安全参数(如温度、液位、可燃气体浓度等)的实时采集与处理,对在加油站内部及周边动态安全状况实时分析的基础上,根据警情设定自动作出相应的应急反应,如打开声光报警装置等;同时,对危险源可能发生的事故后果(包括死亡、重伤和轻伤等)进行模拟与分析,进而为事故的应急救援提供决策与支持。  相似文献   

介绍了新型伤亡事故信息管理系统适用范围(企业、行业主管部门和劳动部门),收集信息种类(工伤事故、微伤、险肇、比照工伤事故),数据处理类型(统计上报数据和内部考核数据)及开发的技术关键(强调事故资料标准化)等。  相似文献   

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