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M. J. Riddle 《Marine Biology》1989,103(2):225-230
To calculate the number of samples required to estimate population density to a specified precision, a prior estimate of the sample variance is needed. Using data from the freshwater benthic literature, Downing (1979, 1980a) calculated a regression equation to predict sample variance from sampler size and population density. He used predicted sample variance to calculate the number of samples, of a range of sizes, required to estimate a range of population densities to a specified precision. He concludes that massive savings (1300 to 5000%) of total surface area sampled may be achieved by using sample units of small surface area. These conclusions are misleading. The data set used for the regression does not adequately cover the combination of a low-density population sampled by a device of small surface area. The benthic community of Belhaven Bay, East Lothian, Scotland was sampled in 1982 with a 0.1 m2 grab and a 0.0018 m2 corer, providing 112 sets of replicate data which were used to test the hypothesis that for a specified precision of the mean a considerable saving of total area sampled may be obtained by sampling with a device of small surface area. The benthos of Loch Creran, Argyll, Scotland was sampled with contiguous corer samples on four occasions in 1980 and 1981, providing 234 independent sets of replicate data. Contiguous samples were grouped to form several simulated series of samples of increasing surface area. A sampler of small surface area provided a saving of total area sampled of about 20%. Whether such a small saving is justifiable will depend on the extra field expenses incurred by taking many small samples.  相似文献   

Ratio estimation of the parametric mean for a characteristic measured on plants sampled by a line intercept method is presented and evaluated via simulation using different plant dispersion patterns (Poisson, regular cluster, and Poisson cluster), plant width variances, and numbers of lines. The results indicate that on average the estimates are close to the parametric mean under all three dispersion patterns. Given a fixed number of lines, variability of the estimates is similar across dispersion patterns with variability under the Poisson pattern slightly smaller than varia-bility under the cluster patterns. No variance estimates were negative under the Poisson pattern, but some estimates were negative under the cluster patterns for smaller numbers of lines. Variance estimates become closer to zero similarly for all spatial patterns as the number of lines increases. Ratio estimation of the parametric mean in line intercept sampling works better, from the viewpoint of approximate unbiasedness and variability of estimates, under the Poisson pattern with larger numbers of lines than other combinations of spatial patterns, plant width variances and numbers of lines.  相似文献   

We show with the results of a study conducted in the Hamadan Province, Iran as to how the use of composite sampling for estimating mean zinc concentration in the soil can help reduce analytical costs by reducing the number of analysis required. We also introduce post-stratification methodology in the composition step to take advantage of possible spatial dispersion. We speculate that the zinc concentration value depends on the sample location, we first stratified the sample set and then composite units from different strata randomly. The results of a simulation study show that the use of this approach not only reduces the total costs but also increases the precision of the estimator.  相似文献   


For many clustered populations, the prior information on an initial stratification exists but the exact pattern of the population concentration may not be predicted. Under this situation, the stratified adaptive cluster sampling (SACS) may provide more efficient estimates than the other conventional sampling designs for the estimation of rare and clustered population parameters. For practical interest, we propose a generalized ratio estimator with the single auxiliary variable under the SACS design. The expressions of approximate bias and mean squared error (MSE) for the proposed estimator are derived. Numerical studies are carried out to compare the performances of the proposed generalized estimator over the usual mean and combined ratio estimators under the conventional stratified random sampling (StRS) using a real population of redwood trees in California and generating an artificial population by the Poisson cluster process. Simulation results show that the proposed class of estimators may provide more efficient results than the other estimators considered in this article for the estimation of highly clumped population.


A field manipulation experiment was carried out to test the effects of sediment characteristics (particle size and organic content) on colonization of soft-bottom benthos. Defaunated mud and sand in experimental trays were exposed at sub-tidal levels of two sites with sandy and muddy sea bottom, and retrieved monthly for examination of benthic composition. Seventy-eight out of the 107 species recorded, and 50% of the dominant species identified in the present study, were common in both the sand and mud trays. Classification analysis revealed higher faunal similarity of benthic composition in both sediment types within each of the two study sites. Results of three-way ANOVA (Sediment, Site and Time) showed that sediment effect was only significant for colonization of bivalves and gastropods, but not for polychaetes, amphipods, total species and individual numbers, or overall benthic diversity and evenness. This suggested that many of the benthic species can colonize both sediment types, and that factors other than sediment particle size and organic content may play a significant role in determining colonization of these species. The faunal composition of the same sediment type between sites was found to be different, indicating that the availability and abundance of benthic larvae/adults may be more important than sediment characteristics in determining benthic settlement. An increase in faunal similarity between mud and sand was observed over the study period, implying that the importance of sediment characteristics to benthic colonization decreased with exposure time. Received: 29 November 1996 / Accepted: 16 January 1997  相似文献   

The “Tsesis” oil spill in October 1977 resulted in the release of over 1 000 tons of medium grade fuel oil in an archipelago in the brackish Baltic Sea. Considerable oil quantities reached the benthos by sedimentation. Within 16 d benthic amphipods of the genus Pontoporeia, as well as the polychaete Harmothoe sarsi Kinberg, showed reduction to less than 5% of pre-spill biomasses at the most impacted station. The clam Macoma balthica (L.) was more resistant, and showed little or no mortality, but was heavily contaminated by oil (about 2 000 μg g-1 dry wt total hydrocarbons). The meiofauna was strongly affected, with ostracods, harpacticoids, Turbellaria and kinorhynchs showing clear reductions in abundance, while nematodes, as a group, were more resistant. In the winter following the spill gravid Pontoporeia affinis Lindström females showed a statistically significant increase in the frequency of abnormal or undifferentiated eggs. Food-chain transfer of oil to flounder [Platichthys flesus (L.)] was indicated. Not until the second summer after the spill were the first signs of recovery noted at the most heavily impacted station: Amphipods, H. sarsi and harpacticoids increased and the oil concentrations in M. balthica decreased (to about 1 000 μg g-1). In the area where amphipods had been virtually eliminated, there was an unusually heavy recruitment of M. balthica, reaching 4 000 juveniles, of 1.5–2 mm length, per square metre, probably from settling in summer 1978. Three years after the spill Pontoporeia spp. biomass was still depressed in the most affected area, while H. sarsi showed normal biomass, and M. balthica abundance was inflated. Oil concentrations in M. balthica (about 250 μg g-1) and flounder were only slightly elevated and the oil could no longer be confidently ascribed to “Tsesis” origin, even using GC/MS-analysis. Recovery was thus underway, but the long lifespan of M. balthica implies that the disturbed community composition may persist for many years at this station. Full recovery is likely to require more than 5 yr and may take a decade or more. An effort to evaluate the accumulated monetary loss to fishery from the accident indicates that direct costs of shoreline cleanup and vessel damage were considerably greater.  相似文献   

Alldredge  A. L.  King  J. M. 《Marine Biology》1985,84(3):253-260
The distance demersal zooplankton (mobile, benthic organisms which periodically emerge from the benthos and move up into the water column) swim vertically above the bottom at night was measured quantitatively on a subtidal sand flat in the Gulf of California during July, 1979. Three patterns of migration were observed: (1) small-bodied animals, including copepods, ostracods and the amphipod Metaceradocus occidentalis, remained within 30 cm of the bottom except at full moon when a significantly higher proportion of these animals swam up at least 1 m into the water column, (2) syllid polychaetes swam up at least 2 m into the water column irregardless of the phase of the moon, and (3) large-bodied forms (animals >2 mm) swam throughout the water column but in gradually decreasing abundances nearer the surface. Since nocturnally foraging planktivorous fishes feed primarily on the large-bodied, readily visible animals, we had predicted that these large forms would remain near the relative safety of the benthos. However, the movement of the larger demersal zooplankton higher into the water column than the smaller, less visible forms, suggests that factors other than predation, possibly dispersal, may be major selective pressures governing the distance demersal zooplankton swim above the benthos.  相似文献   

Bayesian entropy for spatial sampling design of environmental data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We develop a spatial statistical methodology to design national air pollution monitoring networks with good predictive capabilities while minimizing the cost of monitoring. The underlying complexity of atmospheric processes and the urgent need to give credible assessments of environmental risk create problems requiring new statistical methodologies to meet these challenges. In this work, we present a new method of ranking various subnetworks taking both the environmental cost and the statistical information into account. A Bayesian algorithm is introduced to obtain an optimal subnetwork using an entropy framework. The final network and accuracy of the spatial predictions is heavily dependent on the underlying model of spatial correlation. Usually the simplifying assumption of stationarity, in the sense that the spatial dependency structure does not change location, is made for spatial prediction. However, it is not uncommon to find spatial data that show strong signs of nonstationary behavior. We build upon an existing approach that creates a nonstationary covariance by a mixture of a family of stationary processes, and we propose a Bayesian method of estimating the associated parameters using the technique of Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo. We apply these methods for spatial prediction and network design to ambient ozone data from a monitoring network in the eastern US.  相似文献   

底栖动物在水生生态系统健康评价中的作用分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从生态系统健康的概念入手,通过对生态系统健康评价方法的研究和分析,对底栖动物尤其是大型底柄无脊椎动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用进行了分析和总结.生物监测法和多指标评价法是水生态系统健康评价的主要手段,而利用指示物种、预测模型和底柄生物的完整性指数等多种方法可以对水生态系统健康进行快速和准确的评价.如何完善底栖动物在生态系统健康评价中的作用并综合运用其他评价技术,以及结合评价结果对受损水生态系统进行生态修复和重建将是这一领域未来研究的重点所在.  相似文献   

Growth increments of the male rock lobster Jasus lalandii vary systematically with location within a small (38 km2) fishing ground off the South African west coast. High growth rates were recorded from an area where the availability of benthos suitable as rock-lobster food was also high. Increments could also be shown to vary significantly in different years, but over the size range examined, growth did not appear to be a function of size. Benthic biomass was found to be inversely related to depth. However, comparisons between biomass values from the same depths in two different areas of the fishing ground suggested that biomass was higher in areas which were in proximity to shallow water, where extensive kelp beds were found. Mussels (Aulacomya magellanica) formed an important constituent of the rock lobster's diet; these were prevalent at depths between 20 and 40 m, and especially in areas where rock-lobster growth rates were high.  相似文献   

At 8 wk intervals, from December 1975 through March 1978, we took a census of the infaunal benthic invertebrates at a natural petroleum seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA and at an area nearby where no fresh petroleum occurred in the sediments. Both sites had in common 72% of the populations representing over 90% of the individuals, strongly suggesting that the two sites are part of the same community. At the petroleum seep there were higher densities of individuals in many populations (60%), but no dramatic difference in diversity (Shannon-Wiener or dominance-diversity). The seep populations tended to be more variable from one sampling period to the next, possibly due, at least in part, to large larval settlements there. The most abundant populations at the seep site were dominated by deposit feeders (14 of the 15 species considered), especially oligochaetes which are extremely rare at the comparison site. The discussion includes a hypothesis of trophic enrichment of the seep populations by bacterial growth stimulated by fresh petroleum.  相似文献   

Composite sampling techniques for identifying the largest individual sample value seem to be cost effective when the composite samples are internally homogeneous. However, since it is not always possible to form homogeneous composite samples, these methods can lead to higher costs than expected. In this paper we propose a two-way composite sampling design as a way to improve on the cost effectiveness of the methods available to identify the largest individual sample value.  相似文献   

Estimating the effectiveness of protected areas (PAs) in reducing deforestation is useful to support decisions on whether to invest in better management of areas already protected or to create new ones. Statistical matching is commonly used to assess this effectiveness, but spatial autocorrelation and regional differences in protection effectiveness are frequently overlooked. Using Colombia as a case study, we employed statistical matching to account for confounding factors in park location and accounted for for spatial autocorrelation to determine statistical significance. We compared the performance of different matching procedures—ways of generating matching pairs at different scales—in estimating PA effectiveness. Differences in matching procedures affected covariate similarity between matched pairs (balance) and estimates of PA effectiveness in reducing deforestation. Independent matching yielded the greatest balance. On average 95% of variables in each region were balanced with independent matching, whereas 33% of variables were balanced when using the method that performed worst. The best estimates suggested that average deforestation inside protected areas in Colombia was 40% lower than in matched sites. Protection significantly reduced deforestation, but PA effectiveness differed among regions. Protected areas in Caribe were the most effective, whereas those in Orinoco and Pacific were least effective. Our results demonstrate that accounting for spatial autocorrelation and using independent matching for each subset of data is needed to infer the effectiveness of protection in reducing deforestation. Not accounting for spatial autocorrelation can distort the assessment of protection effectiveness, increasing type I and II errors and inflating effect size. Our method allowed improved estimates of protection effectiveness across scales and under different conditions and can be applied to other regions to effectively assess PA performance.  相似文献   

The objective of a long-term soil survey is to determine the mean concentrations of several chemical parameters for the pre-defined soil layers and to compare them with the corresponding values in the past. A two-stage random sampling procedure is used to achieve this goal. In the first step, n subplots are selected from N subplots by simple random sampling without replacement; in the second step, m sampling sites are chosen within each of the n selected subplots. Thus n · m soil samples are collected for each soil layer. The idea of the composite sample design comes from the challenge of reducing very expensive laboratory analyses: m laboratory samples from one subplot and one soil layer are physically mixed to form a composite sample. From each of the n selected subplots, one composite sample per soil layer is analyzed in the laboratory, thus n per soil layer in total. In this paper we show that the cost is reduced by the factor m — 1 when instead of the two-stage sampling its composite sample alternative is used; however, the variance of the composite sample mean is increased. In the case of positive intraclass correlation the increase is less than 12.5%; in the case of negative intraclass correlation the increase depends on the properties of the variable as well. For the univariate case we derive the optimal number of subplots and sampling sites. A case study is discussed at the end.  相似文献   

O. Defeo  M. Rueda 《Marine Biology》2002,140(6):1215-1225
We discuss methodological aspects directed to quantify the across-shore population structure and abundance of sandy beach macroinfauna. The reliability of estimates derived from design-based (stratified random sampling) and model-based (geostatistics, kriging) approaches is discussed. Our analysis also addresses potential biases arising from environmentally driven designs that consider a priori fixed strata for sampling macroinfauna, as opposed to species-driven sampling designs, in which the entire range of across-shore distribution is covered. Model-based approaches showed, spatially, highly autocorrelated and persistent structures in two intertidal populations of the Uruguayan coast: the isopod Excirolana armata and the yellow clam Mesodesma mactroides. Both populations presented zonation patterns that ranged from the base of the dunes to upper levels of the subtidal. The Gaussian model consistently explained the spatial distribution of species and population components (clam recruits and adults), with a minor contribution (Е%) of unresolved, small-scale variability. The consistent structure of spatial dependence in annual data strongly suggests an across-shore-structured process covering close to 35 m. Kriging predictions through cross-validation corroborated the appropriateness of the models fitted through variographic analysis, and the derived abundance estimates were very similar (maximum difference=7%) to those obtained from linear interpolation. Monthly analysis of E. armata data showed marked variations in its zonation and an unstable spatial structure according to the Gaussian model. The clear spatial structure resulting from species-driven sampling was not observed when data was truncated to simulate an environmentally driven sampling design. In this case, the linear semivariogram indicated a spatial gradient, suggesting that sampling was not performed at the appropriate spatial scale. Further, the cross-validation procedure was not significant, and both density and total abundance were underestimated. We conclude that: (1) geostatistics provides useful additional information about population structure and aids in direct abundance estimation; thus we suggest it as a powerful tool for further applications in the study of sandy beach macroinfauna; and that (2) environmentally driven sampling strategies fail to provide conclusive results about population structure and abundance, and should be avoided in studies of sandy beach populations. This is especially true for microtidal beaches, where unpredictable swash strength precludes a priori stratification through environmental reference points. The need to use adaptive sampling designs and avoid snapshot sampling is also stressed. Methodological implications for the detection of macroecological patterns in sandy beach macroinfauna are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper we summarize research issues for spatial environmental sampling stemming from a NISS/USEPA workshop held on 21-22 September 1994 at Chapel Hill, NC.  相似文献   

Gage  J. 《Marine Biology》1972,14(4):281-297
The diversity of the macrobenthos was measured, using the rarefaction method of Sanders (1968), from bottom samples from Loch Etive, Loch Creran and the Firth of Lorne (Scottish west coast). Each sample (representing 1.6 m2 of bottom area) was accumulated as a series of separate hauls taken consecutively in a systematic pattern with a van Veen grab. Two habitats were considered: soft mud and muddy sand. Within-habitat comparison of species diversity clearly indicates that diversity is lower in Loch Etive than in Loch Creran or the Firth of Lorne. The reasons for this are probably connected with the relatively high freshwater runoff into Loch Etive, possibly limiting the survival of planktonic larval stages of the benthos. The values of species diversity measured for the soft-mud areas in Loch Creran and the Firth of Lorne are thought to be representative for this habitat along the west coast of the British Isles. They agree well with the diversity predicted by Sanders for such a boreal inshore area, where a maritime climate prevails, on the basis of his time-stability hypothesis and the results of his sampling elsewhere.  相似文献   

The community structure of soft-bottom infauna is described for the Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica, Central America, with special reference to the relationship between diversity and a tropical estuary. Of the 205 species of invertebrates collected in July, 1980, polychaetes comprised 58.6% by number of species and 68.1% by number of individuals. Density ranged from zero to 8 744 m-2 with a mean of 1 269 m-2 per station, and biomass ranged from zero to 10.986 g m-2 with a mean of 2.010 g m-2. Numerical analysis indicated considerable faunal homogeneity, characterized by polychaetes. Five major polychaete feeding guilds were recognized. From measures of diversity we concluded that the soft-bottom community of the Gulf of Nicoya was not rich for a tropical estuary. Physical processes (riverine runoff and frontal systems) mainly influenced community structure and function in the lower Gulf whereas biological processes (predation) seemed to prevail in the upper Gulf.Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium Contribution No. 23  相似文献   

The infaunal benthos of a natural oil seep in the Santa Barbara channel   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We are studying a diverse infaunal benthic community that exists in the fine sand sediments of a shallow (16 m) natural oil seep near Santa Barbara, California, USA. The study area and sampling methods are described in this introductory paper. Data presented indicate the adequacy of sampling in revealing horizontal patchiness and vertical faunal distributions. The infauna of the seep and of a nearby comparison area, without seepage but of similar depth and sediment type, are compared. The data indicate a consistently larger but fluctuating density of organisms at the seep station. However, Shannon-Weaver diversity (H=1.6 to 1.7), Peilou's evenness (J=0.80 to 0.81), and measures of dominance-diversity with estimates of graphical skewness (0.66 to 0.68) and kurtosis (1.2 to 1.4) are all similar for the two stations. The rank correlation of common species at the stations is significant according to Spearman's rho. Species common to both stations account for 85 to 95% of the individuals, further indicating the high degree of similarity between stations. Denser populations of oligochaetes and the maldanid polychaete Praxillella affinis pacifica suggest some advantages for deposit feeders at the seep station. Mats of the bacterium Beggiatoa sp. are associated with localized intense oil seepage. Hypotheses suggesting trophic enrichment and biochemical adaptation at the seep are presented.  相似文献   

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