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Colidotea rostrata (Benedict, 1898) is the only known commensal idoteid isopod, living on and mimicking the color of two northeastern Pacific sea urchins of the genus Strongylocentrotus. The population dynamics and reproductive biology of C. rostrata on its host urchins were studied at a low rocky intertidal area in southern California (33°40N; 118°30W) from December 1984 to December 1986. Isopod populations remained relatively stable throughout the 2 yr study, with isopods inhabiting an average of 56.1% of the urchins at 6.1±0.6 (x±2 SE) isopods per urchin. Female isopods reach sexual maturity at a length of 6.8 mm. Fecundity in C. rostrata averaged 11.8±0.9 (x±2 SE) embryos per brood, and increased with female body size. Breeding occurs all year long in C. rostrata, with a main reproductive period between the warmer spring and summer months. Newly released mancas and juvenile isopods were present during all months of the study. C. rostrata differs from the free-living Idoteidae in its smaller maximum size, reduced fecundity, 1:1 sex ratio, and low juvenile mortality. These features may represent adaptations to a commensal life style that reflect a reduced mortality pressure on these isopods.  相似文献   

There are many reported associations between mussels and other invertebrates, such as pea crabs, polychaetes, turbellarians and copepods, which live in their mantle cavities. The boundary between commensalism and parasitism is often indistinguishable because of insufficient knowledge or because the interaction is variable. Preliminary evidence led to a closer examination of the relationship between the mussel, Mytilus edulis platensis, and an isopod, Edotia doellojuradoi, previously described as commensalism. Monthly intertidal samples of mussels were taken from September 2004 to August 2005 at Caleta Cordova Norte (45°43′S, 67°22′W) in southern Argentina and assessed for the prevalence and abundance levels of isopods. Mussels with and without isopods were measured, examined for evidence of gill damage and their condition (soft tissue dry weight) was determined. The overall isopod prevalence in mussels was 57.9% and infestation varied with mussel length, with maximum occurence at 30.2 mm (medium-sized mussels). Experimental evidence indicated that the position of the isopod inside the mussel depended on the feeding activity of the mussel. Female isopods were observed grasping the ventral food groove of the gill demibranchs and feeding on the mucous food strand produced by the mussel. Juveniles and males were observed clustered together on the dorsal side of the single female in each occupied mussel, suggesting extended maternal care. Gill damage was observed in 58.2% of mussels at the Argentine site and was significantly associated with isopod occurrence. Categorical regression analysis showed that the most important factor associated with the degree of gill lesions was the number of male and juvenile isopods per mussel, followed by the length of female isopods and the developmental stage of juveniles. Conversely, the degree of gill damage decreased with increasing mussel length. Overall, E. doellojuradoi had a significant effect on mussel condition throughout the year, with low flesh weight in mussels with isopods, except during the austral summer and early autumn. In contrast to previous studies, which concluded that the isopod was a commensal, the present study clearly demonstrates that E. doellojuradoi is a parasite of M. edulis platensis. Other symbiotic interactions formerly classified as commensal might not be innocuous on further investigation, especially if samples are taken at multiple sites and at different times of the year.  相似文献   

The food of four species of asellote isopods (Crustacea, Malacostraca), Haploniscus rostratus, Haploniscus unicornis, Acanthocope galatheae and Betamorpha fusiformis, was evaluated by analysis of their gut contents. The isopods were sampled at several stations on the abyssal plains of Guinea Basin, Angola Basin and Cape Basin (southeast Atlantic), the Weddell Sea abyssal plain and the Antarctic continental slope during the DIVA and ANDEEP expeditions in 2000, 2001 and 2005. While all species had mineral particles in their guts and mucus material was the most frequent food item, the remaining gut contents differed among species. Betamorpha fusiformis fed mostly on phytodetritus, especially in the Southern Ocean basins and ingested along with it whole calcareous foraminifers. Acanthocope galatheae showed some differences in gut contents between basins, but in the Guinea Basin, the contents were to a large extent stercomata, i.e., waste pellets of soft-walled foraminifers, i.e., the Komokiaceae. Indications were that the haploniscids were feeding on detritus and agglutinating foraminifers (stercomata). This indicates spatial differences in food availability for this diverse group of deep-sea isopods and the importance of poorly known foraminiferal groups, like the Komokiaceae, as a food source in the deep sea.  相似文献   

A total of 38 219 specimens representing 63 species of marine isopods (Crustacea) from deep and shallow Arctic waters were studied in a search for epizoic foraminifers (Protozoa). Foraminifers occurred on 21 species, and their frequency was generally low. A total of 290 foraminifer individuals were found, of which 289 belonged to Cibicides wuellerstorfi, C. refulgens and Cibicides spp. (juveniles) (Cibicidae), while only a single individual belonged to Cornuspira sp. (Cornuspiridae). The foraminifers were most frequent on species of the families Munnidae, Ischnomesidae (suborder Asellota) and on Gnathia stygia (suborder Gnathiidea), but were totally absent from the asellote families Janiridae, Haploniscidae, Nannoniscidae and from the suborder Epicaridea. The foraminifers were mainly located on the legs (Munna acanthifera), the anterior part of the body (Haplomesus quadrispinosus, heteromesus frigidus), or on the head (G. stygia adults). The epizoic foraminifers occur mainly on epibenthic isopods, which do not or only rarely clean themselves. The foraminifers are known to prefer elevated substrata, and in this the habitat of the isopods and the foraminifers coincide. The size of individual isopods was not related to the presence or absence of foraminifers.  相似文献   

The survival of the salt-marsh isopod Sphaeroma rugicauda (Leach) was investigated under varying conditions of salinity and temperature following thermal acclimation. It was found that the isopods showed increased resistance to high temperatures following warm-acclimation, and that this increase was greater in adults than in juveniles. S. rugicauda were able to withstand salinity changes event at high experimental temperatures, although this was more pronounced in the older individuals. Behavioural responses in a temperature gradient showed that the isopods could avoid potentially lethal temperatures.  相似文献   

Daytime observations on the isopods Idotea phosphorea and I. baltica and the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus held in laboratory microcosms showed that I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus spent 45% and 30% respectively, of their active time feeding on dead, intact eelgrass leaves which had been recently released from plants. I. baltica spent 41% of its active time consuming intact green leaves. The shredding of intact dead leaves by I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus resulted in production of small detrital particles which were liberated from the faeces of the invertebrates and this type of feeding led to the breakdown of whole leaves. Field experiments which separated the effects of shredding by invertebrates and grinding by waves and ice on the loss of weight from leaf packs showed that relative to controls isopods significantly increased weight loss from dead leaves. Loss of weight from leaf packs exposed to both biotic and physical shredding forces was not significantly different from that found on those exposed only to shredding by isopods. However, trends in the data indicated that fragmentation of whole, dead leaves in the field probably is a result of the synergistic effects of shredding by invertebrates and physical factors, particularly ice grinding. The role played by invertebrates in fragmenting intact, dead leaves is discussed in the light of energy flow and nutrient cycling within seagrass systems.  相似文献   

Summary Nymphs and adult females ofBlatta orientalis and nymphs ofEurycotis floridana produce a proteinaceous sticky secretion which accumulates on the last abdominal tergites. The proteic patterns do not differ between individuals of the same species. HPLC analyses show that all the common amino acids are found in both species, aspartic and glutamic acids representing 24 to 37% of the total amount of amino acids. InB. orientalis, glutamic acid is the more abundant amino acid whereas inE. floridana it is the aspartic acid. The secretion appears and accumulates rapidly on isolated insects. Behavioural assays revealed that these secretions have a defensive role.  相似文献   

A. Clarke 《Marine Biology》1979,52(2):157-160
When fed shrimp every 2 days, the isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus Eights assimilated over 90% of the ingested food. Errors in this estimate due to loss of food material during maceration by G. antarcticus were investigated and allowed for. These results are discussed in relation to data for other isopods and marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

Three isopod species (Crustacea: Isopoda), commonly found in the intertidal and supratidal zones of the North American Pacific coast, were studied with respect to symbiotic microbiota in their midgut glands (hepatopancreas). Ligia pallasii (Oniscidea: Ligiidae) contained high numbers of microbial symbionts in its hepatopancreatic caeca. Numbers of endosymbionts were strongly reduced by ingestion of antibiotics. By contrast, the hepatopancreas of Idotea wosnesenskii (Valvifera: Idoteidae) and Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense (Sphaeromatidea: Sphaeromatidae) did not contain any microbiota. Results of feeding experiments suggest that microbial endosymbionts contribute to digestive processes in L. pallasii, the most terrestrial of the three isopods that we studied. The acquisition of digestion-enhancing endosymbionts may have been an important evolutionary step allowing isopods to colonize terrestrial habitats where relatively indigestible leaf litter is the primary food source. By contrast, the ability to digest phenolic compounds was most developed in one of the more marine species, suggesting that this trait may have evolved independently in isopod species that consume a phenolic-rich diet, whether in marine habitats or on land. Received: 28 August 2000 / Accepted: 8 December 2000  相似文献   

In order to test three hypotheses on digestive constraints that may have affected the colonization of land by isopods, two marine isopods and one semi-terrestrial species were screened for their ability to oxidize phenolic compounds and digest cellulose in natural and artificial diets. Ligia pallasii (Isopoda: Oniscidea) and Gnorimosphaeroma oregonense (Isopoda: Sphaeromatidea) oxidized dietary phenolics, but Idotea wosnesenskii (Isopoda: Valvifera) did not, even though it feeds on seaweeds that are rich in phenolics. All three species were able to digest some cellulose, but this ability was least developed in the marine phytophagous species, Idotea wosnesenskii, and best developed in the semi-terrestrial L. pallasii. After reducing the number of endosymbiotic bacteria in the hepatopancreas (midgut digestive gland) by feeding antibiotics, cellulose digestion in L. pallasii was significantly reduced. Our results are consistent with the hypotheses that (1) the ability to oxidize phenolics is absent in phytophagous marine isopods, but present in saprophagous marine and semi-terrestrial species, (2) the ability to digest cellulose was an important pre-adaptation facilitating a fully terrestrial life-style in isopods, and (3) endosymbiotic bacteria in the hepatopancreas aid digestion in terrestrial isopods, and to a lesser degree in semi-terrestrial species, but not in marine isopods.  相似文献   

Bacteria and fungi associated with the marine wood-boring isopods Limnoria lignorum and Sphaeroma serratum, and with their wood burrows and seawater were investigated. Plate counts using nutrient agar and Czapex Dox agar media in natural and in artificial seawater were used. The diversity and number of bacteria associated with the two isopods were much higher than those associated with wood or seawater, whereas the opposite was true for fungi. The hydrolytic activity of the predominant genera on carboxymethylcellulose and on different types of wood was investigated. The magnitude of fungal cellulase activity exceeded that of bacteria. Activities of bacterial extracellulases exceeded those of intracellulases, while the opposite was observed for fungi. Cellulolytic activity of the predominant isolates biodegraded labkh, peach, white oak and mahogany in decreasing order of activity. Evidence provided by the cellulolytic activities, detected in woodcontaining cultures, suggests that the predominant micro-organisms isolated may play an important role in the woodboring process. Specimens used in the present study were collected from Port Fouad at Port Said Harbour, Egypt.  相似文献   

In south-western Australia, the isopod Limnoria agrostisa commonly burrows into leaf clusters and immature shoots of Amphibolis griffithii. The isopod also burrows into the sheath and rhizomes of Posidonia species. In A. griffithii, the isopod consumes new tissue within the sheath, damaging or destroying the meristem. This results in malformation of new leaves or destruction of whole leaf clusters with the potential to reduce the photosynthetic area of a shoot. The isopod has been found in all but one meadow of A. griffithii examined over 1,000 km of the Western Australian coastline. It was present throughout the year and showed little variation in abundance. Young were produced year round, but were more abundant in the summer months. Females, 3.5 mm in length or larger, produced 2–5 young that were brooded within the leaf cluster or base of an immature shoot. Within a meadow, 40–70% of shoots and 10–20% of leaf clusters were damaged by isopods. Seasonal trends were not consistent, but damage appeared to be higher in summer when isopod abundance was higher. Approximately 40% of clusters were destroyed by isopod damage. Isopods attack shoots of all ages, but damage was often located on apical clusters. There was no evidence that isopod damage initiated branching or leaf cluster formation. Estimations of clusters damaged or destroyed may be conservative, as only those clusters remaining on a shoot could be counted, and cluster loss could not be quantified. Examination of defoliated stems on upright shoots and horizontal rhizomes indicated that many were destroyed by isopods. The effect of L. agrostisa although substantial appears to be a feature of healthy seagrasses throughout southern Australia.  相似文献   

E. Sparrevik 《Marine Biology》1999,133(3):437-441
Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effects of sediment texture and presence of non-moulting conspecifics on size-specific moulting survival of the omnivorous benthic isopod Saduria entomon (L.). The moult survival of S. entomon was significantly higher in coarse sand than in very soft muddy clay sediment. However, there was no size-related difference in moult survival between the substrates. Due to cannibalism, moult survival of S. entomon was substantially reduced in the presence of non-moulting conspecifics. Moult survival was higher when the moulter was larger than the non-moulters compared to when the moulter was smaller. In contrast, the absolute size of the moulter or the non-moulters did not affect moult survival. The sex of the moulting or non-moulting isopods had no effect on the survival of the moulters. Based on the results from laboratory experiments, sediment texture and cannibalism are suggested to affect survival during moult of S. entomon in the field. Received: 12 February 1998 / Accepted: 14 November 1998  相似文献   

K. Iwasaki 《Marine Biology》1995,123(1):109-119
Mussel bed community structure of two intertidal mytilids, Septifer virgatus (Wiegmann) and Hormomya mutabilis (Gould), whose beds were contiguous vertically on a rocky intertidal shore (Wakayama Prefecture, Japan), was compared between 1982 and 1983. In the upper S. virgatus bed, crustaceans and bivalves were dominant in terms of both number of individuals and biomass. There were three barnacle species representative of the epizoans, two isopods and one amphipod as mobile fauna, and two bivalves as infauna. The lower H. mutabilis bed supported virtually no epizoans or mobile fauna. Infaunal free-ranging polychaetes and sipunculids were dominant in terms of both number of individuals and biomass. The H. mutabilis bed contained a much greater amount of sediment than did the S. virgatus bed, and the interstices among individual H. mutabilis and among their byssal threads were filled with sediment. The biomass of six of nine species dominant in the S. virgatus bed was negatively correlated with the amount of sediment. Recruitment of these faunal assemblages into artificial mussel clumps was examined in mussel enclosure experiments, and a negative sediment effect in H. mutabilis clumps was detected for one isopod and one limpet species. Factors causing the differences between two mussel bed communities are discussed, focusing on the effects of sediment.  相似文献   

Biology and population dynamics of the intertidal isopod Cirolana harfordi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of Cirolana harfordi (Lockington) populations is determined largely by the availability of loose boulders on sandy beaches. The isopods swim out from under the rocks at high tide to feed. Their diet consists primarily of minute polychaetes and crustaceans. In addition, the isopods locate and utilize any available dead animal matter in the surf zone. Breeding occurs throughout most of the year, except for a brief lull in the fall. Females produce 1 or 2 broods of 18 to 68 young during their 2-year life-span. Marsupial incubation lasts 3 to 4 months. The population size and structure remained relatively constant from one year to the next. Mortality rates estimated for juveniles, males and females showed that newly emergent young and post-reproductive females suffer the greatest losses (up to 75% mortality per month).  相似文献   

In order to assess diet composition and niche breadth of this species, we analysed the stomach content of 182 specimens collected monthly along the eastern coast of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea). Overall, 50 prey taxa belonging to five major groups (algae, gastropods, crustaceans, polychaetes, fishes) were identified in 102 full stomachs. Benthic or epibenthic crustaceans, such as decapods, amphipods and isopods were the most important prey, whereas algae, gastropods, polychaetes and fishes were only occasionally ingested. In terms of composition by species, the diet of Scorpaena maderensis was characterized by a variety of rare or unimportant prey, which was consumed by few individuals only, although sometimes in large amount. As a result, S. maderensis can be considered a generalized and opportunistic feeder. The feeding intensity followed roughly a seasonal trend, with a minimum food intake in summer. The individual fish size was the most important factor affecting diet. According to the observed ontogenetic shift, small-sized individuals fed primarily on small crustaceans (i.e. amphipods and isopods), whereas large-sized specimens consumed preferably bigger and more vagile prey, such as walking and swimming decapods. No significant differences in diet were observed in relation to sex of predator and sampling season.  相似文献   

The lipid content and fatty acid composition of the small common wrasse Symphodus ocellatus was analysed within two populations located in very different biotopes on the French shore: a Caulerpa taxifolia meadow located in Cap Martin and a Posidonia oceanica bed located in Villefranche. Polar lipids represented 82–90% of the total lipid in adult female livers, gonads and in eggs. Cholesterol in gonads and eggs and triacylglycerols in livers were the dominant neutral lipids. Differences in lipid classes were found in livers between the two populations, but not in their gonads and eggs. Moreover, a quantitative difference in total lipid content was evident. Young fish living on the C. taxifolia meadow in winter had 21% less lipid than those living on the P. oceanica bed. The populations of S. ocellatus showed differences between triacylglycerol versus phospholipid fatty acid compositions and between gonad versus liver fatty acid compositions. Moreover, a significant difference was found between both populations in their liver triacylglycerol fatty acid compositions, suggesting a difference in diet. Gut content analysis supported this hypothesis as it showed important differences in the ingested preys between the two populations in January (planktonic vs. benthic, frequency of isopods) and in June (frequency of gastropods). Thus, we found that the fish populations from Villefranche and Cap Martin showed significant differences in body lipids due to different nutritional habits.Communicated by S.A. Poulet, Roscoff  相似文献   

G. Guerao 《Marine Biology》1995,122(1):115-119
Diel activity rhythms of the prawn Palaemon xiphias Risso, 1818 from Alfacs Bay, Ebro Delta, were studied by time-lapse videorecordings. Activity displayed an endogenous circadian rhythm, with maximum activity at night. Feeding habits were studied by frequency of occurrence and by the points method. The food of P. xiphias consisted mainly of crustaceans; the remains of amphipods, isopods, mysids, copepods, decapods and ostracods were identified. The remaining items consisted of molluscs, polychaetes, ophiuroids, plant material, sand, and unidentified organic debris. The results indicate that P. xiphias is a predator of benthic invertebrates rather than a scavenger or detritus feeder. Diet composition changes with increasing size of the prawn.  相似文献   

Ecological overlap between macrourids in the western mediterranean sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stomachs from over 323 specimens of Hymenocephalus italicus, 168 Nezumia aequalis, 160 Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus and 1670 Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus were collected from September 1976 to September 1978 from the West Mediterranean continental slope at depths between 200 and 800 m. Copepods, amphipods and other pelagic crustanceans form the main fraction of the diet of H. italicus. The diets of N. aequalis and C. coelorhynchus consist largely of polychaetes, isopods, amphipods, mysids and decapod crustaceans. T. trachyrhynchus feed heavily on decapods. Decreasing fractions of small crustaceans are found in diets of all species as fish size increases. The mean size of prey increases with the body size of the fish. A positive size-depth correlation has been observed in macrourids. Juveniles and intermediates of N. aequalis, C. coelorhynchus and T. trachyrhynchus were found in shallow-water zones (<400 m), while adults were more common in deeper areas. Niche breadth and niche overlap were calculated between size groups. Niches are relatively broader with respect to habitat and narrower for prey size and prey type. The food overlaps between N. aequalis C. coelorhynchus and between C. coelorhynchus and T. trachyrhynchus are notably the greatest. Overlap in relation to habitat is high, while the correlation between niche parameters is very poor, indicating a certain degree of independence between these factors. Alpha matrices were estimated using both multiplicative ( product) and additive ( summation) multidimensional estimates for niche overlaps. Rates of competitive exclusion are low.  相似文献   

Analyses of gut contents of freshly collected Ligia pallasii (Brandt) showed that the principal foods were encrusting diatoms, insect larvae, occasional members of the same species, and a variety of red and green seaweeds growing in the upper interiidal tidepool habitat. L. pallasii prefers to eat the green seaweed Ulva sp., and the brown alga Nereocystis luetkeana, when given a choice between several seaweeds, although neither of these forms is normally accessible to the isopods. The absorption (assimilation) of food-energy was 78% on a diet of Ulva and 55 to 76% on a diet of N. luetkeana—representative values for an algivorous invertebrate. A correlation analysis on the relationship of feeding preference of L. pallasii with calorific value of 7 potential seaweed foods suggested that feeding preference in this species is related to factors other than energy content of the food. Food preferences of invertebrates are discussed in relation to calorific value, accessibility, and to various nutritional factors.  相似文献   

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