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Maps of the distribution of environmental pollution by sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), and arsenic (As) for the territory of Poland and the Warsaw (Warszawa) district were developed on the basis of chemical analysis of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles collected from randomly selected sampling points during 1983-1985. The maps show deposition zones for the studied elements and can help in identification of sources and directions of air pollution dispersion. This study indicated that vegetation in Poland is greatly endangered by sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) and other sulfurous air pollutants, whereas Zn, Cd, Pb, and As do not pose an immediate threat to vegetation in most of the country's territory. However, in the urban-industrial agglomeration of Katowice-Cracow, very high pollution with Z, Cd, Pb and As could limit growth and development of some sensitive plant species. Higher than normal levels of As in some areas of Poland (Upper Silesia, Glogow-Lubin Copper Region, and areas close to the Russian border near Braniewo) might affect the health of humans and animals. Results of this study indicated that Poland's environment was not contaminated with Cu.  相似文献   

This research investigates atmospheric pollution from an isolated and increasingly productive lead-smelting site by examining the dendrochemistry of Pinus sylvestris growing in the local environment and at control sites. Tree increment cores and soil in the rooting environment were analysed for lead content. Inter-site comparisons of lead-in-soil suggest that contamination of the soil may be a less important pathway for lead inclusion within wood than pathways via bark or needles. Levels of lead-in-wood (up to 38mgkg(-1)) are at the upper end of those previously reported. There is evidence of radial translocation of lead towards the heartwood and variability in intra-site dendrochemical records. Mean site lead-in-wood records can however be related to a well-documented pollution chronology and also suggest the importance of local topography in the dispersal and deposition of particulate lead. This study demonstrates that P. sylvestris can be used to estimate the scale and timing of past pollution episodes in similar environmental contexts to those investigated at Darley Dale, where precisely dated pollution chronologies are lacking.  相似文献   

Foliar phenol concentrations (total and simple phenols) were determined in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) needles collected in June 2000, from 6 sites affected by various forms of atmospheric pollutants (NO, NO(2), NO(x), O(3) and SO(2)) monitored during two months. Results show an increase in total phenol content with exposure to sulphur dioxide and a reduction with exposure to nitrogen oxide pollution. p-Coumaric acid, syringic acid and 4-hydroxybenzoic acid concentrations increase with exposure to nitrogen oxide pollution, whereas gallic acid and vanillin decrease in the presence respectively of sulphur dioxide and ozone. This in situ work confirms the major interest of using total and simple phenolic compounds of P. halepensis as biological indicators of air quality.  相似文献   

In a Cd-contaminated environment, not only mature trees but also their seeds and young seedlings can be exposed to Cd. Cadmium taken up by young seedlings may influence mycorrhizal infection, which might in turn influence resistance to Cd toxicity. In order to eliminate soil-mediated responses of mycorrhizal infection to Cd, Pinus sylvestris seedlings were exposed to Cd prior to fungal inoculation and replanted to clean substrates with fungal inoculum. Cadmium pretreatment reduced the proportion of living mycorrhizal short roots of seedlings inoculated with Paxillus involutus. However, no such effect was observed for seedlings inoculated with Suillus bovinus and Rhizopogon subcaerulescens. Therefore, infection by P. involutus appeared to be affected by Cd taken up by seedlings. Overall stem length and biomass of the seedlings were reduced by Cd pretreatment. Infection by S. bovinus and R. subcaerulescens increased stem length and biomass of the seedlings. Root soluble carbohydrate concentrations were lower in mycorrhizal seedlings than non-mycorrhizal seedlings.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate composition of the essential oils in the needles of Pinus sylvestris growing in the areas affected by a cement factory (CF), and an oil refinery (OR). Volatile components of the needles were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The most heavily polluted CF stand had significantly higher concentration of gamma-Terpinene, Caryophyllene oxide in the current-year needles, while higher concentration of delta-3-Carene, alpha-Terpinene, gamma-Terpinene and Terpinolene was documented for 1-year-old needles. The most heavily polluted OR stand had a significantly higher concentration of Sabinene+beta-Pinene, 1-epi-Cubenol in the current-year needles and a significantly higher concentration of Camphene, Sabinene+beta-Pinene, Myrcene, alpha-Cadinene, 1-epi-Cubenol in the 1-year-old needles than the least polluted site. Along transects an increase in the amount of some diterpenes and a decrease in the components of the shorter chain essential oils was observed. These effects could be at least partially attributed to SO(2).  相似文献   

Needles of 20-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings were studied in an ultraviolet (UV) exclusion field experiment (from 2000 to 2002) in northern Finland (67 °N). The chambers held filters that excluded both UV-B and UV-A, excluded UV-B only, transmitted all UV (control), or lacked filters (ambient). UV-B/UV-A exclusion decreased nitrate reductase (NR) activity of 1-year-old needles of Scots pines compared to the controls. The proportion of free amino acids varied in the range 1.08-1.94% of total proteins, and was significantly higher in needles of saplings grown under UV-B/UV-A exclusion compared to the controls or UV-B exclusion. NR activity correlated with air temperature, indicating a “chamber effect”. The study showed that both UV irradiance and increasing temperature are significant modulators of nitrogen (N) metabolism in Scots pine needles.  相似文献   

Growth of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) suffered considerably in forests close to fur farms in western Finland, with the occurrence of winter time dieback in the youngest shoots and leading to a bush-like, flat crown canopy. One reason for this growth disturbance may be a serious imbalance in nitrogen metabolism caused by the extra N supply, emitted as NH3 from the dung of the animals. Total N and NH4+ concentrations in the needles and soluble nitrogen concentration in the soil increased considerably in the vicinity of the fur farms. The extra N in the needles was bound in the first place in arginine, the concentration of which increased 10(2)-10(3) fold compared with control trees, and to a lesser extent in glutamine and other amino acids. Alterations in the quantitative and qualitative protein patterns of the needles were obtained. The extra N increased the concentration of total soluble proteins, although it inhibited the formation of certain polypeptides (particularly in the areas of 30, 38, 50 and 65-90 kDa) which were possibly essential for the normal wintering processes. One reason for the winter time dieback in the high N area could thus be found in the altered protein profiles.  相似文献   

The effects of prolonged simulated acid rain on the biochemistry of Scots pine needles were studied in Finnish Lapland. Pine trees were exposed by spraying the foliage and soil with either clean water or simulated acid rain (SAR; both sulphuric and nitric acids) over the period 1985-1991. The concentrations of carbohydrates (starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose) in one-year-old pine needles were not affected by SAR-treatments. The SAR-treatments did not have significant effects on protein bound amino acids, which was true also for most of the free amino acids. However, the citrulline concentration was over three-fold greater in the foliage of pines exposed to SAR of pH 3 compared to irrigated controls. The concentrations of total phenolics, individual low molecular weight phenolics and soluble proanthocyanidins were not affected by the treatments, but insoluble proanthocyanidins had increased in acid-treated trees. Some of the studied biochemical compounds showed significant differences between two sub-areas (similar treatments) only 120 m apart.  相似文献   

Changes of genetic structures due to viability selection are likely to occur in populations exposed to rapidly and extremely changing environmental conditions after catastrophic events. However, very little is known about the extent of selective responses and in particular the proportion of the genome involved in putatively adaptive reactions for non-model plants. We used amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) in order to investigate genetic differences between pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees which were partially exposed to extreme environmental conditions. Genetic variation patterns of pines exposed to high radiation in the Chernobyl exclusion zone with or without phenotypic stress symptoms were compared to control trees with a similar origin. Six percent of the investigated loci (15 of 222 loci) were identified as candidates for selective responses. Moderate differentiation was observed between groups of trees showing either weak or strong phenotypic responses to high radiation levels.  相似文献   

Scots pine seedlings were exposed to wet-deposited nickel (Ni) and removal of lichen cover in a dry heath Scots pine forest. Ni deposition affected the colonization of roots by indigenous ectomycorrhizal fungi in contrasting ways in intact and skimmed quadrats. Highest frequencies of tubercle morphotypes of ectomycorrhiza were found in quadrats exposed to 100 mg m(-2) year(-1) Ni in lichen covered treatment, while in skimmed quadrats these peaked after the treatment with 10 mg Ni m(-2) year(-1). Removal of the lichen layer increased the value of diversity index (H') of ectomycorrhizal fungal community, probably due to the increase in the evenness of the morphotype distribution. Lichen removal seemed also to improve the condition of the short roots, as the frequencies of poor and senescent short roots were decreased by the removal.  相似文献   

In the present field study the role of ascorbate in scavenging the harmful atmospheric trace gases O3 and NO2 was examined. For this purpose ascorbate contents were determined in needles of adult Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) during three consecutive years. Ascorbate contents were correlated with ambient tropospheric O3 and NO2 concentrations and with meteorological parameters. The results showed a strong correlation of atmospheric O3 but not of atmospheric NO2 concentrations with the apoplastic content of ascorbate during the seasonal course. Ascorbate contents in needle extracts did not correlate with ambient trace gas concentrations. In the apoplastic space, but not in needle extracts ascorbate contents correlate highly significantly with global radiation. From these results it is assumed that apoplastic ascorbate in Scots pine needles is adapted to the actual atmospheric O3 concentration to mediate immediate detoxification of O3, while the atmospheric O3 concentration itself is largely dependent on light intensity.  相似文献   

The results of long-term investigations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growth and condition in the impact zone of one of the biggest air pollution sources in Lithuania--mineral fertilizers plant "Achema" are presented. The main attention is laid to the recovery of damaged stands since annual emissions to air were reduced essentially. The investigations indicated, that the recovery of tree increment was mostly caused by distinct reduction of emissions of nitrogen and sulphur oxides and dust of mineral fertilizers. Despite reduced pollution, crown defoliation of investigated stands has continued to increase for a certain period. After the crown recovery of damaged stands has started, the recovery of most damaged survived trees was most intensive and convergence of defoliated to a different extend stands and trees is characteristic feature of this period. No defoliation threshold has been determined beyond of which recovery of trees would be impossible. Recovery of more than a quarter of damaged trees was registered even in the case of 90% of defoliation. Recovery of dominant trees occurs to be faster of that for suppressed trees within the same level of defoliation. The impact of stand density on the crown recovery rate is negative, the higher density (more intensive competition), the slower recovery of damaged trees. The dependence of growth rate on defoliation was found to be of logistic character: while crown defoliation consists up to 25-30%, tree increment losses are rather inconsiderable, further increase of defoliation leads to the essentially higher increment losses, however having achieved 65-70% defoliation, further increase of defoliation does not result such intensive decrease of radial increment.  相似文献   

The rapid economic development in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD), China in the last three decades has had a significant impact on the environment of the East China Sea (ECS). Lead isotopic compositions of a 210Pb dated sediment core collected from the coastal ECS adjacent to the Yangtze River Estuary were analyzed to track the Pb pollution in the region. The baseline Pb concentration in the coastal ECS sediments before the industrialization in China was 32 μg g−1, and the corresponding 206Pb/207Pb ratio was 1.195. The high-resolution profiles of Pb flux and 206Pb/207Pb ratios had close relationships with the economic development and the history of the use of leaded gasoline in China, and they were clearly different from those of most European countries and United States.  相似文献   

Norway spruce seedlings were grown under greenhouse conditions in Rootrainers with a vermiculite-peat moss mixture under various N-regimes for 6 months. Either ammonium or nitrate was applied in loads of 100 or 800 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) to seedlings which were either non-mycorrhizal or inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma crustuliniforme or Laccaria bicolor. The use of increasing N loads enhanced shoot and total biomass, whereas root/shoot ratio, number of short roots and mycorrhization decreased. A significant enhancement of the concentration and content was obvious for the element N, whereas a significant decrease was obvious for P and Zn concentrations. The use of ammonium, as opposed to nitrate, significantly enhanced the biomass and the numbers of short roots, and reduced the root/shoot ratios, but did not influence the mycorrhization. It further significantly enhanced the N concentrations in roots and shoots. Fungal inoculation with H. crustuliniforme or L. bicolor compared to non-inoculated controls significantly enhanced shoot and total biomass, but reduced root/shoot ratios. The mycorrhization further significantly enhanced N and P concentrations and contents, but reduced Mn. Overall, the mycorrhization improved the P nutrition of the seedlings independently on the applied N loads or N sources. Dose response curves using ammonium nitrate as N source with a maximum load of 1600 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) applied on seedlings associated with H. crustuliniforme revealed that the maximum growth was reached at a load of 800 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) with a simultaneous decrease of the mycorrhization. In both shoots and roots, N concentrations increased constantly with increasing N loads, while P, Ca, and Zn concentrations decreased constantly.  相似文献   

Studies were done on the effects of elevated soil concentrations of copper (Cu) and (Ni) on foliar carbohydrates and phenolics in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Four year-old seedlings were planted in pots filled with metal-treated mineral forest soil in early June. The experimental design included all combinations of four levels of Cu (0, 25, 40 and 50 mg kg(-1) soil dw) and Ni (0, 5, 15 and 25 mg kg(-1) soil dw). Current year needles were sampled for soluble sugar, starch and phenolics at the end of September. Ni increased sucrose concentration in the needles, indicating disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism. Trees exposed to Ni had higher concentrations of condensed tannins compared with controls. In contrast, concentrations of several other phenolic compounds decreased when seedlings were exposed to high levels of Cu or to a combination of Ni and Cu. The results suggest that concentrations of phenolics in Scots pine needles vary in their responses to Ni and Cu in the forest soil.  相似文献   

Huang TL  Huang HJ 《Chemosphere》2008,71(7):1377-1385
Lead (Pb2+) is a cytotoxic metal ion in plants, the mechanism of which is not yet established. The aim of this study is to investigate the signalling pathways that are activated by elevated concentrations of Pb2+ in rice roots. Root growth was stunted and cell death was accelerated when exposed to different dosages of Pb2+ during extended time periods. Using ROS-sensitive dye and Ca2+ indicator, we demonstrated that Pb2+ induced ROS production and Ca2+ accumulation, respectively. In addition, Pb2+ elicited a remarkable increase in myelin basic protein (MBP) kinase activities. By immunoblot and immunoprecipitation analysis, 40- and 42-kDa MBP kinases that were activated by Pb2+ were identified to be mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases. Pre-treatment of rice roots with an antioxidant and a NADPH oxidase inhibitor, glutathione (GSH) and diphenylene iodonium (DPI), effectively reduced Pb2+-induced cell death and MAP kinase activation. Moreover, calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK) antagonist, W7, attenuated Pb2+-induced cell death and MAP kinase activation. These results suggested that the ROS and CDPK may function in the Pb2+-triggered cell death and MAP kinase signalling pathway in rice roots.  相似文献   

The ammonium content and the base cation content, expressed relative to ammonium, are enhanced in the soil of Dutch forests, due to the extremely high deposition of ammonium to the forest floor. A nation-wide investigation was carried out to establish whether and how these changed nitrogen fluxes in deposition and soil affect the nutritional status of coniferous trees. The chemical composition of needles of Douglas fir, Scots pine and Corsican pine showed a regional trend similar to that of deposition and soil solution. Particularly nutrients, expressed relative to nitrogen, decreased from North to South. Of the macronutrients phosphorus was most often deficient and therefore probably limiting in the Douglas fir stands. Many pine trees suffered from relative magnesium shortages. In all stands, magnesium and, in Douglas stands, also phosphorus contents of the needles were negatively correlated with ammonium and ammonium/cation ratios in deposition. However, in contrast to pine trees, nutrient contents in needles of Douglas fir showed correlation with nitrate rather than with ammonium in the soil solution. Correlation analyses indicate that nitrogen fluxes in the soil, indirectly affect the nutritional status of coniferous trees.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of ozone in Europe are high enough to cause negative effects on vegetation. Therefore, many efforts have been made to determine exposure indices and critical levels for protection of vegetation. In this context, the choice of a suitable attribute to determine the pollutant effect is of paramount importance. Until now, much of the work has been done with attributes such as biomass or growth. In the present work correlation factors have been established between biochemical parameters (peroxidase activity, ascorbate and sulfhydryl contents) of Pinus radiata trees and exposure indices of ozone. Our results show that peroxidase cannot be used as an indicator of effects of long-term exposure to ozone but still remains as an excellent indicator of short-term ozone fluctuations in the field. Ascorbate may act as an intermediate indicator responding to both short fluctuations and long-term exposures to ozone. Finally, sulfhydryl may be used as a long-term indicator in relation to the AOT (average over threshold) exposure index. Our results also point to the fact that Pinus radiata may be affected by ozone at AOT values lower than 10 ppm.h as already observed with other tree species.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to evaluate the annual dynamics of needle surface wax erosion and wettability in Scots pines exposed to a gradient of industrial pollutants emitted from the main factories of Lithuania: a nitrogen fertilizer factory, an oil refinery and a cement factory. Decreased emissions (in the case of the oil refinery and the cement factory) were reflected in the increased structural surface area (SSA, i.e. area covered by tubular waxes) on the needles. The nearly constant amount of emissions from the nitrogen fertilizer factory within the 1994-2000 period corresponded to negligible annual differences in SSA. Annual changes in the hydrophobicity of needles on the investigated transects were small. Despite the decreased pollution within the 7-year period, industrial emissions are still causing significantly accelerated wax erosion and increased wettability in needles sampled from the stands most heavily affected by pollutants.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of exposure to copper pollution on the Atlanto-Mediterranean sponge Chondrosia reniformis. We transplanted sponges from an unpolluted control area to a harbour with a moderately high concentration of copper and measured several biological sponge variables. No effect of this habitat was detected on sponge growth, shape, heat-shock protein expression or metal accumulation. However, a decrease in the clearance rate, an increase in the collagen/cell rate (due to a decrease in the cellular components) and a lower survival rate after 4 months of the sponges transplanted to the harbour was observed. We suggest that copper may alter the sponge physiology, by reducing pumping capacity, which may ultimately lead to sponge death. Consequently, copper pollution exerts strong negative effects on this organism.  相似文献   

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