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Sexual selection and species recognition play important roles in mate choice; however, sexual selection preferences may overlap with traits found in heterospecifics, producing a conflict between sexual selection and species recognition. We examined female preferences in Xiphophorus pygmaeus for male traits that could provide both types of information to determine how females use multiple cues when preferences for these cues would conflict. We also examined X. pygmaeus behavior in the field to determine if females have the opportunity to choose mates. As no male-male competition was observed in the field, and females occasionally chased males from feeding areas, females apparently have the opportunity to exercise mate choice in their natural habitat. In the laboratory, female X. pygmaeus used body size as a sexual selection cue, preferring large heterospecifics (X. cortezi) to small conspecifics. Females also preferred barless X. cortezi over barred X. cortezi when males were size matched. Because X. pygmaeus males do not have bars, this preference suggests that X. pygmaeus females use vertical bars in species recognition, and that large body size and vertical bars are conflicting cues. However, X. pygmaeus females did not have a preference for males of either species when sexual selection and species recognition cues were presented concurrently. This result was surprising, because preferences for species recognition cues are often assumed to be stronger than sexual selection cues. We suggest that females may be using additional species-specific cues in mate choice to prevent hybridization.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that under elevated predation risk, male guppies (Poecilia reticulata) switch from courtship to less conspicuous coercive mating attempts. This behavioural transition is traditionally interpreted as a 'risk-sensitive' response that makes males less conspicuous to predators. However, predation risk leads to behavioural changes (such as schooling and predator inspection) in females that may result in coercive mating attempts being more profitable in high-risk situations. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the switch to coercive mating by male guppies in high-risk situations is mediated by adjustments in female behaviour, rather than directly by the predator. We used replicate models resembling a known guppy predator to simulate predation risk in wild-caught guppies from a high-predation population in Trinidad. Our results revealed that males performed proportionately more coercive mating attempts when presented with a female that had been exposed previously to a model predator compared to when males were paired with non-exposed females. Total mating activity (combined rates of courtship and forced mating attempts) did not differ significantly among the two treatment groups, indicating that overall mating activity is unaffected by predation risk. Importantly, when we subsequently presented both sexes concurrently with a predator model, total mating activity and the proportion of forced mating attempts remained unchanged in the high-risk treatment. Taken together, these results indicate that the transition from courtship to forced mating attempts under elevated predation risk is mediated by changes in female behaviour, which we suggest may favour the use of coercive mating under high predation risk.  相似文献   

Morphological, territorial, and behavioural characteristics were measured on white-bearded manakin (Manacus manacus) males from two leks in two consecutive years. These data were combined with data on marker-inferred relatedness to study possible co-variation with mating success. In one year, male size and male condition were correlated with mating success. In both years, males holding courts nearer the lek centre gained more matings. No observed male display behaviour appeared to be an independently important factor in explaining variance in male mating success. Successful males made more aggressive displays than non-successful males and more displays were between close relatives. Number of aggressive displays increased as the distance between male courts decreased. Mating success in the white-bearded manakin is most likely mediated by a combination of morphological and behavioural characteristics, influencing both male-male competition and female choice. Females could potentially use centrality on the lek as an indicator of male characteristics. However, levels of relatedness may influence spatial arrangement of males on a lek thereby affecting male-male interactions and ultimately influencing patterns of mating success.  相似文献   

Female preference for dominant males is widespread and it is generally assumed that success in male-male competition reflects high quality. However, male dominance is not always attractive to females. Alternatively, relatively symmetric individuals may experience fitness advantages, but it remains to be determined whether males with more symmetrical secondary sexual traits experience advantages in both intra- and intersexual selection. We analysed the factors that determine dominance status in males of the lizard Lacerta monticola, and their relationship to female mate preference, estimated by the attractiveness of males' scents to females. Sexually dimorphic traits of this lizard (head size and femoral pores) appear to be advanced by different selection pressures. Males with relatively higher heads, which give them advantage in intrasexual contests, were more dominant. However, head size was unimportant to females, which preferred to be in areas marked by relatively heavier males, but also by males more symmetric in their counts of left and right femoral pores. Chemicals arising from the femoral pores and other glands might honestly indicate quality (i.e. related to the symmetry levels) of a male to females and may result from intersexual selection. Females may use this information because the only benefit of mate choice to female lizards may be genetic quality. Chemical signals may be more reliable and have a greater importance in sexual selection processes of lizards than has previously been considered.  相似文献   

Adaptive female choice is thought to have led to the evolution of nutritionally valuable nuptial gifts in many insect species. However, in several dance fly species, males offer and females accept “empty gifts” with no nutritional value. In the species studied here, Empis snoddyi Steyskal, males produce empty balloons comprised of hundreds of silk bubbles and form mating swarms that females approach to investigate males. Males within the swarm engage in agonistic interactions. The empty balloon has been hypothesized to be an indicator of male condition such that males with larger balloons are predicted to have higher mating success and be more successful in male-male interactions than males with smaller balloons. We examined the role of male body size and balloon size in the context of intersexual and intrasexual selection. We found that neither male body size nor balloon size affected the outcome of pairwise male-male interactions. Using multiple-regression techniques, we found significant linear selection for increasing male body size and decreasing balloon size associated with mating success, a surprising result given a positive relationship between male body size and balloon size. A visualization of selection showed the highest peak of male mating success for larger males with intermediate-size balloons. These results can be explained by a trade-off between long-range attraction of females using large balloons and close-range attraction of females via improved flying efficiency associated with smaller balloons. Both male body size and balloon size are important components in determining male mating success; however, the empty balloon does not appear to play a typical role as a sexually selected ornament. Received: 29 December 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

The costs of courtship and mating may include increased risks of predation, the transmission of pathogens, and a loss of foraging opportunities. Thus, a female's decision to tolerate a courting male will depend upon how these costs offset the benefits of mating, which will depend on her reproductive and nutritional status. While these costs may be similar for mated and unmated females, the benefits of mating will be less for mated than virgin females. However, the cost of lost foraging opportunities may be higher for females with fewer nutritional reserves necessary for forming eggs. We examined how these costs and benefits influence the courtship and mating behaviour of male and female orb-web spiders, Argiope keyserlingi. In the field, females on webs that also contained a courting male intercepted fewer prey items per hour than females on webs without a male. In the laboratory, the presence of a courting male at the hub also attracted mantid predators to the web, increasing the risk of predation for both male and female. Staged mating experiments in the laboratory revealed that the frequency of female attacks and pre-copulatory cannibalism was greater among mated than virgin females. Feeding history did not affect aggression in virgin females but, among mated females, food-deprived spiders attacked and cannibalized males more frequently than sated females and only the latter ever remated. These differences in female behaviour influenced male mating strategies. Choice experiments demonstrated that males preferred to venture onto the silk threads of virgin rather than those of mated females. Similar patterns of mate selectivity were observed in the field; females with narrow abdomens attracted more males to the webs than females with broad abdomens, and copulations were observed more frequently among females with narrow abdomens. These smaller females are likely to be virgins that have recently molted. Males that preferentially mate with virgin females will not only avoid potentially fatal attacks but also obtain, on average, a higher fertilization success.  相似文献   

The importance of socially imposed costs for the evolution and maintenance of honest sexual signals has received less attention than other costs. Here I show that male-male competition can increase the honesty of sexual signaling in relation to male parental ability in a species with flexible signaling. When four three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) males were allowed to court a female first separately and then in competition, red nuptial coloration under competition reflected male parental ability more accurately than red coloration when separated. Parental ability was determined as the ability of the male to raise a clutch of eggs to the hatching stage under interaction with other breeding and non-breeding males. The increased honesty under competition was probably due to subordinate males of poor parental ability decreasing their color expression under interaction to reduce the risk of fights with superior males. However, socially imposed costs of signaling were probably not the main factors maintaining honest signaling, as red coloration reflected male parental ability also in the absence of competition, although less accurately. Nevertheless, the small-scale differences that male-male competition induced can significantly facilitate adaptive female choice and have large impacts on sexual selection. Received: 7 July 2000 / Revised: 31 August 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

In most species, only one sex searches for mates while the other waits. Models of sex-specific mate-searching behavior predict single-sex searching, but the factors that determine which sex searches are not understood. In this study, we examine the effects of density and predation risk on mate-searching behavior in the fiddler crab Uca beebei. U. beebei is one of the few fiddler-crab species in which both sexes search for mates. In a field experiment conducted in Panama, we manipulated crab density and perceived predation risk in replicate plots. Females searched more and males searched less at high densities. At high levels of perceived predation risk, both sexes similarly reduced their search rates. Observations of plots that naturally varied in crab density show that females were more likely to search for mates in areas of higher density, where there were more males. Females may preferentially search for mates in high-density areas because the abundance of nearby burrows, into which they can run to escape predators, decreases their costs of searching and because the abundance of males and male burrows facilitates comparisons and thus may increase their benefits from searching. Males at high densities decrease their mate-searching rate perhaps in response to the increase in female searching and to the corresponding increase in the intensity of their competitors' mate-attraction signals.  相似文献   

Sexual selection may operate through either direct selection on preference genes or indirect genetic benefits. However, in many species both direct and indirect selection may operate and can influence female mate and oviposition choice. Adaptations by males for sperm competition can also affect female mate and oviposition choice and can lead to sexual conflict. We investigated the role of direct and indirect benefits and male adaptation to sperm competition for female oviposition decisions in the bitterling, Rhodeus sericeus, a freshwater fish that spawns on the gills of living unionid mussels. Field experiments showed that females chose mussels for spawning on the basis of the number of embryos already in mussels and the body size and/or extent of red coloration of the eyes of territorial males. There was also a significant interaction between these direct and indirect benefits of oviposition choice. Territorial male bitterling avoided leading females to mussels into which rivals had already released sperm. Males also increased their rate of sperm release into mussels in response to sperm release by sneaking males. We discuss the possibility that sexual conflict in oviposition choice occurs in this species.  相似文献   

Sexual selection via female choice can afford preferred males comparably higher mating success than those males that lack preferred traits. In addition, many models of sexual selection assume that both male traits and female preferences are heritable. In this study we test whether females of the poeciliid fish, Heterandria formosa, have repeatable pre-copulatory preferences for larger males. We also test whether female pre-copulatory preferences are always reliable indicators of male mating success. When given a choice between a large and a small male, females prefer larger males, and the repeatability of this preference is high. Although there are no overall differences in male mating success between large and small males, large males have a higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they are the second to mate. Likewise, preferred males also have higher mating success when they are the first to mate than when they mate second. Therefore, the repeatable female preferences observed in this study only predict male mating success when the preferred male mates first. These results illustrate that even significantly repeatable female preferences do not translate into male mating success, which is an assumption of many examinations of the importance of female choice in sexual selection.  相似文献   

The effect of predation risk and male-male competition on male courtship behaviour and attractiveness to females was studied in the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) by presenting dummy or live females to solitary and competing males under different predation risks. In the presence of a predator, males decreased courtship activity. Different courtship components were, however, adjusted to different extents and in opposing directions to predation risk, probably because the single components may have varied in riskiness. The presence of a competing male decreased overall courtship activity, but increased the frequency of zigzags, suggesting zigzagging to be a competitive strategy against other males. In the presence of a predator male courtship activity was not affected by a competitor. Female mate choice correlated with the males' previous frequency of zigzags towards a dummy female. However, when a live female paid attention to a male, the male decreased zigzagging and instead increased leading and fanning behaviours, probably trying to attract the female to the nest to mate. Predation risk affected the attractiveness of males as females reduced their attention to a male when he faced a predator and reduced his courtship activity. As females instead increased their attention to a competing male that had increased his courtship activity, due to decreased competition, males clearly are balancing mating opportunities against predator avoidance. When males vary in their susceptibility to predators, predation risk may thus affect mating success of competing males. Received: 31 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

Both intra-sexual competition between males and female mate choice have been found to affect mating behaviour in rodents. We studied female choice in the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) under circumstances where male-male competition was excluded and the female could interact and mate freely with the males. Mating behaviour was observed in two situations: (1) the female encountered two males with a clear dominance relationship; and (2) the two males were equal in their social status. In all tests where a female in postpartum oestrus had a choice between males of different social rank she mated with the dominant one. When choosing between an even pair of males there was no difference in the frequency of lordotic responses, mounts or intromissions the female exhibited with either male before mating with one of them. The mean ejaculation latency was significantly longer in the tests with an even pair of males than in the tests where male hierarchy was clear. These results show that bank vole females are able to discriminate males according to their social status and strongly prefer dominant males as mating partners. However, when the females were presented with two equal males, they seemed to be unable to make a choice. The ability to choose the mating partner when the males are clearly different may be an important direct benefit for the female in terms of time saved during mating and thus decreased risk of predation and infanticide. Received: 16 March 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 February 1996  相似文献   

In an agonistic interaction, the assessment of the probable outcome of future encounters with the same individuals may be the best way of decreasing costs of fighting, but this may only be accomplished if animals are able to recognize individual conspecifics. We staged encounters between male lizards, Podarcis hispanica, to examine whether odoriferous cues are involved in rival recognition during agonistic interactions. We experimentally manipulated the odour of intruding males, creating familiar males with their own odour or bearing odours of unfamiliar males, and unfamiliar males bearing unfamiliar odours or odours of familiar males. The results showed that when familiar males were impregnated with scents from unfamiliar males, they elicited an aggressive response by resident unmanipulated males similar to that observed for a new unfamiliar male with unfamiliar odour. This suggests that resident males were unable to recognize familiar males when their own scents were removed. In contrast, responding males were less aggressive towards familiar males impregnated with their own odour and towards unfamiliar males impregnated with scents of familiar males, suggesting that when two males have already interacted, their scents become familiar for both males, and that the detection in successive encounters of the familiar scent suffices to reduce the aggressive response of territorial males. Therefore, recognition mechanisms based on chemical cues during agonistic encounters may contribute to reducing the intensity and the costs of fighting in P. hispanica and may play an important role in the organization of their social system.  相似文献   

Summary Postcopulatory mate guarding in crustaceans traditionally has been viewed as a behavioral mechanism that prevents predation on the soft post-molt female. This study tests the effects of sexual selection and predation on the postcopulatory guarding durations of male stone crabs, Menippe mercenaria, M. adina, and their hybrid. Male stone crabs were held with a pre-molt female, and either another adult male stone crab, an intermolt female, or a male blue crab, which corresponded to intermale competition, control, and predation treatments, respectively. The mating behavior of the heterosexual pair was recorded with a time lapse video system and the durations of copulation and postcopulatory guarding were measured. Males guarded longer in the intermale competition treatment than either the control or predation treatments. In the competition treatment, agonistic encounters occurred between the males at the den containing the female and several mate takeovers occurred. Females survived the predation treatment in trials in which the guarding durations were the longest, whereas females were eaten by the blue crab in trials with the shortest guarding durations. Sexual selection appears to be important in maintaining postcopulatory mate guarding in stone crabs.  相似文献   

Models for the evolution of ejaculate expenditure predict that ejaculate size (ES) depends on male body condition, on female fecundity, or on the risk of sperm competition. These ideas were tested in the grasshopper Chorthippus parallelus. ES ranged over four orders of magnitude, around a mean of 442,000 sperm. ES was independent of male body size and female fecundity. None of the male condition parameters - age, degree of parasitism, macropterism score (a measurement of competitive energy allocation to other sources), and the mass-femur length residuals - explained variation in ES. As expected in species where females are cyclically non-receptive after mating, male-male encounters before copulation were a more reliable indicator of the risk of sperm competition than the number of males present during copulation. In particular, the summative number of male-male encounters rather than the male-male encounter frequency was a significant predictor of ES variation (24.9%).  相似文献   

The increasing spread of contaminants in the environment affects the behaviour of individuals and can be predicted to modify population characteristics in the long run. It is thus crucial to investigate the effect of contaminants on fitness-related traits. Nitrate is a major pollutant that disrupts oxygen fixation and steroid metabolism and is expected to affect adult behaviour. In water breeding newts, reduced oxygen supply may increase predation risk by elevating surfacing rate and limiting the capacity to evade a predator. It may also reduce mating success by altering sexual behaviour. We assessed the effect of nitrate on fitness-related behavioural traits in male palmate newts Lissotriton helveticus. We measured courtship and breathing during sexual encounters and escape performance in exposed and non-exposed adults. Unexpectedly, exposed males courted females more often than control males. Body size and breathing rate were also positively related in control males but not in exposed males. Results only partially support the hypothesis of oxygen transfer disruption. Alternatively, exposed males seem to compensate their reduced olfactory attractiveness by decreasing surfacing and increasing courtship frequency. Surprisingly, nitrate did not affect escape performance possibly because anaerobic respiration supplies most of energy during unsustainable activity. Nitrate exposure altered time budget in exposed adults and shifted behavioural trade-offs between competing activities like breathing and courting. Ecological and evolutionary consequences, driven by changes on predation risk or sexual selection regimes, can be expected. This study calls for more attention on amphibian adult stages and the evolutionary response of populations in contaminated environments.  相似文献   

Male traits and behaviours acting in mate choice and intrasexual competition are expected to be congruent. When studying their evolution, this often makes it difficult to differentiate between these two components of sexual selection. Studies are therefore needed on mate choice in conjunction with the role of displays and dominance. We present the results from two experiments conducted to investigate the effects of male dominance and courtship displays on female choice in the ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus, controlling for differences in morphological male traits. We found: (1) different courtship behaviours had different effects on female choice: females were mainly attracted by the feeding courtship behaviour, while another courtship display (the lateral display) was effective in producing the copulation-acceptance response by the females; (2) subordinate males performed the courtship behaviour before females less frequently than dominant males, and females reinforced intrasexual selection by choosing dominant males, and (3) subordinate males in visual contact with a dominant became less attractive to females. The results support the idea (armament-ornament model) that female pheasants may benefit from using traits selected in male-male competition as clues for mate choice. Received: 23 October 1997 / Accepted after revision: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

Male fiddler crabs Uca musica sometimes build sand hoods and male Uca beebei sometimes build mud pillars next to their burrows to which they attract females for mating. Mate-searching females preferentially approach these structures and subsequently mate with structure builders. Here we show that the preference for structures is not species-specific and argue that it may not have evolved for mate choice. When not near burrows, many species of fiddler crabs approach and temporarily hide near objects, suggesting that hoods and pillars may attract females because they elicit this general predator-avoidance behavior. To test this sensory trap hypothesis we individually released female U. musica, U. beebei and Uca stenodactylus, a non-builder, in the center of a circular array of empty burrows to which we added hoods and pillars and then moved a model predator toward the females. All species ran to structures to escape the predator and the two builders preferred hoods. Next, we put hood replicas on male U. beebei burrows and pillar replicas on male U. musica burrows. When courted, females of both species preferentially approached hoods as they did when chased with a predator. However, males of both species with hoods did not have higher mating rates than males with pillars perhaps because hoods block more of a male's visual field so he sees and courts fewer females. Sexual selection may often favor male signals that attract females because they facilitate general orientation or navigation mechanisms that reduce predation risk in many contexts, including during mate search.  相似文献   

Some birds exploit the aggressiveness of others that are more capable of defending their nests against predators. Usually this behaviour is selected for through improved breeding success for the timid (associate) species. The risk of predation from the more aggressive (host) species is generally rare but may select against the behaviour. The breeding success of red-breasted geese (Branta ruficollis) nesting in association with peregrine falcons (Falco peregrinus) in arctic Siberia was investigated from 1995 to 1999. Nest-predation risk for geese within colonies was positively correlated with distance from the falcons' eyries and negatively correlated with colony size. Though predation risk from the hosts was low, the risk of being attacked by the falcons was high, which we suggest explains why the likelihood of geese deserting their nests was negatively correlated with distance from the eyries. The optimal distance geese nested from eyries was 46 m, though only 37% of pairs managed to nest within 20 m of this. In years with low predation pressure, some geese within colonies nested farther from the falcons. This may be the first evidence to suggest a trade-off between costs and benefits in a nesting association, both of which are directly mediated by the host's nest defence behaviour.  相似文献   

Females from a wide range of species have been shown to prefer males producing exaggerated, elaborate sexual displays. The question of whether males can adapt their behaviour in order to accentuate these preferred aspects has received less attention. Male bowerbirds provide an excellent system in which to address this question. Males build and decorate structures--bowers--which females use to assess males. Males exhibiting high numbers of particular decorations on their bowers receive increased mating success. Males can choose what objects to place on bowers and where to put them. Therefore, their behaviour can directly influence their mating success. I studied a population of spotted bowerbirds Chlamydera maculata in central Queensland, Australia. I show, using two sets of observations and a choice experiment, that males exhibit strong and consistent preferences for certain objects. The male's preferences have an adaptive value, targeting objects that predict his mating success. Such behaviour operates at three levels. Fundamentally, object selection and acquisition is biased in favour of certain objects for use as decorations. These decorations are then placed prominently on the bower, within the avenue. Finally, males actively proffer influential decorations, used as props, to visiting females, ensuring that crucial components of the sexual display cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

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