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The oxidation of SO2 on carbon particles at 65 % relative humidity (RH) by O3, NO2 and N2O was investigated gravimetrically and compared with oxidation by air. Approximately 1 mg samples of carbon black were exposed to continuously flowing mixtures of SO2, SO2 + O3, SO2 + NO2, and SO2 + N2O in air (or in N2). Both O3 and NO2 in the 0.07–10ppmv range with 20–40ppmv SO2 were found to produce sorption and desorption coverages significantly higher than those for corresponding SO2 in air exposures. N2O was determined to be much less effective as an oxidant than O3 or NO2. Identical concentrations of O3 or NO2 were found to produce equivalent conversions of SO2 to sulfate on carbon for equal exposure times. Wet chemical analysis of the residue following desorption indicated that sulfate generally accounted for well over half of the retained weight.Exposure at low concentrations (0.10 ppmv SO2 + 0.02 ppmv O3 or NO2), however, appeared to produce little, if any, enhancement in SO2 transformation when compared with equivalent SO2 in air. Weight retentions for these runs were very small, however, and measurement errors of up to 25% would be anticipated.  相似文献   

At 17 long-term pollution monitoring sites throughout the Carpathian Mountains, tree growth patterns and variation in growth rate were examined to determine relationship of tree growth to specific pollutants. Canopy dominant Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica were selected at each site. Basal area increment (BAI) values were calculated from raw ring widths and used as an estimate of tree growth. Across all sites, BAI chronologies were highly variable, therefore local conditions and forest structure accounted for considerable variation. Several significant relationships, however, implicated a role of pollutants on tree growth. Average levels (1997-1999) of NO(2) and SO(2) were inversely related to BAI means (1989-1999). Although average O(3) alone was not related to growth, the maximum O(3) value reported at the sites was negatively correlated with overall growth. A variable representing the combined effect of O(3), NO(2) and SO(2) was negatively correlated with both P. abies and F. sylvatica growth. Pollution data were used to categorize all sites into 'high' or 'low' pollution sites. Difference chronologies based on these categories indicated trends of decline in the 'high' pollution sites relative to 'low' pollution site. In the more heavily polluted sites, the BAI of Fagus sylvatica has declined approximately 50% and Picea abies has declined 20% over the past 45 years.  相似文献   

Due to the dynamic nature of the atmosphere, substantial amounts of gaseous and particulate pollutants are transported to the areas distant from their sources. In order to determine the regional concentration levels of atmospheric pollutants in Lithuania, concentrations of gaseous O3, SO2, NO2 and other pollutants have been measured at the Preila background station (55°20′ N and 21°00′ E, 5 m a.s.l.) since 1981. The long-term concentration data set enabled us to get temporal trends, both on a seasonal and longer time scale, to identify source areas of pollutants and to relate them to the emission data. Based on the data obtained, the different tendencies in the pollutant concentration changes were revealed. Positive trends for ozone (of 2.9% per year during 1983–2000) and a distinct negative trend for both sulphur dioxide (of 3.8% per year during 1981–2000) and nitrogen dioxide (of 3.8% per year during 1983–2000) were found. The air mass back-trajectory analysis was used to assess the source region of air pollutants transported to Lithuania. The pollutant concentration levels were compared with their emission changes in Europe and Lithuania. The general trends in SO2 as well as in NO2 concentrations observed are consistent with changes in SO2 and NO2 emissions in Europe and Lithuania.  相似文献   

分析了2015年南京市二氧化硫(SO2)、二氧化氮(NO2)、一氧化碳(CO)和臭氧(O3)的污染特征。南京市SO2、NO2、CO和O3的年均浓度分别为19.3 μg·m-3、50.2 μg·m-3、0.972 mg·m-3和114 μg·m-3;SO2和CO污染相对较轻,NO2和O3污染相对严重。SO2、CO和O3的日变化呈"单峰型",而NO2的呈"双峰型";SO2、NO2和CO浓度在冬季最高,夏季最低,而O3相反。秸秆焚烧产物的区域输送在夏收(6月)和秋收(11月)时节对南京市CO的贡献显著。各监测点及全市的气态污染物普遍表现出"反周末效应",指示外来污染源。  相似文献   

研究了Na-Ba/γ-Al2O3吸附催化剂上NO和SO2的吸附-脱附性能.Na、Ba质量分数分别为6.2%、5.4%,焙烧温度和焙烧时间分别为600 ℃和10 h,吸附温度为100 ℃,其对NO、SO2的最大吸附量分别为0.052 4、0.344 mmol/g.同时考察了添加第三活性组份的影响,结果表明,Fe最为有效,Na-Ba/Fe/γ-Al2O3的NO、SO2最大吸附量分别为0.062 4、0.486 mmol/g.漫反射红外光谱研究结果表明,Fe降低了硫酸盐分解温度,促进吸附催化剂的再生.  相似文献   

Using the differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) technique and a Fourier transform spectrometer, NO2, SO2, O3, benzene. and toluene were measured during three measurement campaigns held in Brussels in 1995, 1996, and 1997. The O3 concentrations could be explained as the results of the local photochemistry and the dynamical properties of the mixing layer. NO2 concentrations were anti-correlated to the O3 concentrations, as expected. SO2 also showed a pronounced dependence on car traffic. Average benzene and toluene concentrations were, respectively 1.7 ppb and between 4.4 and 6.6 pbb, but high values of toluene up to 98.8 ppb were observed. SO2 concentrations and to a lesser extent, those of NO2 and 03, were dependent on the wind direction. Ozone in Brussels has been found to be influenced by the meteorological conditions prevailing in central Europe. Comparisons with other measurements have shown that 03 and SO2 data are in general in good agreement, but our NO2 concentrations seem to be generally higher.  相似文献   

The oxidation of SO2 to sulfate in air at 65%, relative humidity on carbon particles was investigated gravimetrically in the presence of NO2 and O3. Approximately 1 mg samples of carbon black were exposed to continuously flowing ppbv mixtures of SO2, SO2 + NO2 and SO2 + O3 for prescribed periods of time before desorption into dry N2. Wet chemical analysis of the particles followed desorption. NO2 and O3 were found to have little, if any, effect relative to air on sulfate yields at the concentrations studied.  相似文献   

Two cultivars of Igri and Gerbel winter barley Horteum vulgare L. were grown in open-top chambers in filtered and unfiltered air at a site with approximately 10 nl litre(-1) SO2 and 12 nl litre(-1) NO2 (seasonal mean). The experiment ran for three consecutive seasons 1982-1983, 1983-1984, 1984-1985, and significant effects of filtration were observed for each crop. In years 1982-1983 and 1984-1985, the crops in unfiltered air yielded larger grain dry matter, 9% in 1982-1983, and 8% in 1984-1985. For both crops, the differences were statistically significant at the 5% level. Differences were also observed for the remaining above-ground dry matter, and these were consistent in direction in each year but statistically significant only in 1984-1985. In both growing seasons (1982-1983 and 1984-1985), there were no major pest infestations and no long-term water stress or photochemical ozone episodes. In the remaining experiment (1983-1984) similar air concentrations of SO2 and NO2 produced effects of the opposite sign to those observed in 1982-1983 and 1984-1985. Significant reductions in grain yield (13%) were obtained in unfiltered air. The only major environmental difference for the 1983-1984 crop was a notable dry period in May and June 1984 with marked water stress in the crop, requiring irrigation. These results suggest that the relationship between yield and pollutant concentration may be confounded by additional stresses, many of which are a common component of the growing season for major crops.  相似文献   

Pea aphids feeding from birth to maturity on pea plants (Pisum sativum) exposed to SO(2) concentrations of 50 nl litre(-1) or 80 nl litre(-1) showed a significant 19% increase in the rate of nymph production during the reproductive period, compared to control aphids feeding on plants in charcoal-filtered air. The higher nymph production resulted in a mean 4.6% increase in the intrinsic rate of population increase (rm). In longer term glasshouse fumigation experiments pea aphid populations were, on average, 1.8 times greater on pea plants in ambient air plus 45 nl litre(-1) SO(2) than in ambient air alone. Aphid infestation in ambient air caused a 42% reduction in pea yield and affected most plant parameters adversely. Ambient air plus SO(2) had no direct effect on yield, but, in combination with aphid infestation, a further 10% reduction in yield was recorded.  相似文献   

二氧化硫和氮氧化物是电厂产生的主要大气污染物,研究焦点越来越集中在在一个反应器内实现同时脱硫脱硝。实验以H2O溶液作为吸收液,在自制的鼓泡反应器内,对模拟烟气进行同时脱硫脱硝的实验研究,实验结果表明:H2O浓度、反应温度、NO浓度、SO2浓度、烟气流量对脱除率影响显著,pH、氧含量对脱硝率影响不大。在整个实验范围内脱硫效率总是保持在98.5%以上,脱硝效率最高达到67.4%。  相似文献   


Covid-19 lockdowns have improved the ambient air quality across the world via reduced air pollutant levels. This article aims to investigate the effect of the partial lockdown on the main ambient air pollutants and their elemental concentrations bound to PM2.5 in Hanoi. In addition to the PM2.5 samples collected at three urban sites in Hanoi, the daily PM2.5, NO2, O3, and SO2 levels were collected from the automatic ambient air quality monitoring station at Nguyen Van Cu street to analyze the pollution level before (March 10th–March 31st) and during the partial lockdown (April 1st–April 22nd) with “current” data obtained in 2020 and “historical” data obtained in 2014, 2016, and 2017. The results showed that NO2, PM2.5, O3, and SO2 concentrations obtained from the automatic ambient air quality monitoring station were reduced by 75.8, 55.9, 21.4, and 60.7%, respectively, compared with historical data. Besides, the concentration of PM2.5 at sampling sites declined by 41.8% during the partial lockdown. Furthermore, there was a drastic negative relationship between the boundary layer height (BLH) and the daily mean PM2.5 in Hanoi. The concentrations of Cd, Se, As, Sr, Ba, Cu, Mn, Pb, K, Zn, Ca, Al, and Mg during the partial lockdown were lower than those before the partial lockdown. The results of enrichment factor (EF) values and principal component analysis (PCA) concluded that trace elements in PM2.5 before the partial lockdown were more affected by industrial activities than those during the partial lockdown.


The native ground vegetation of a beech forest was fumigated with moderate doses of SO(2), NO(2), and O(3) in open-top chambers. The effects of fumigants on growth and above-ground development were dependent on species. The treatments caused early senescence in several of the species present. The epicuticular waxes were attacked by fumigation, which was shown by higher wettability of the leaf surfaces and by leaching of ions. Interspecific differences were observed in the responses of transpiration and photosynthesis to fumigation. Similar patterns of effects on transpiration and photosynthesis, however, were found in the same species. Carbohydrate metabolism was altered by fumigation, leading to starch accumulation in the leaves. Besides effects on higher plants, fumigations also resulted in alterations of the soil microflora. The bacteria/fungi ratio was depressed at the fumigation plots.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks are functional alternative techniques in modelling the intricate vehicular exhaust emission dispersion phenomenon. Pollutant predictions are notoriously complex when using either deterministic or stochastic models, which explains why this model was developed using a neural network. Neural networks have the ability to learn about non-linear relationships between the used variables. In this paper a recurrent neural network (Elman model) based forecaster for the prediction of daily maximum concentrations of SO2, O3, PM10, NO2, CO in the city of Palermo is proposed. The effectiveness of the presented forecaster was tested using a time series recorded between 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2004 in eight monitoring stations in urban area of Palermo (Italy). Experimental trials show that the developed and tuned model is appropriate, giving small values of root mean square error (RMSE) , mean absolute error (MAE) and mean square error (MSE). In addition, the related correlation coefficient ranges from 0.72 to 0.97 for each forecasted pollutant, underlying a small difference between the forecasted and the measured values. The above results make the proposed forecaster a powerful tool for pollution management systems.  相似文献   

The use of passive sampler systems is reviewed and discussed. These devices are able to determine both spatial and temporal differences in canopy exposure, as is demonstrated by their use in extensive monitoring of air-pollution exposure in forest health plots. Categorising forest health monitoring plots according to air-pollution exposure permits cause-effect analysis of certain forest health responses. In addition, passive sampling may identify areas affected by interaction between different gaseous pollutants. Passive samplers at the stand level can be used to resolve vertical profiles of ozone within the stand, and edge effects, which are important in exposure of understorey and ground flora. Recent case studies using passive samplers to determine forest exposure to gaseous pollutants indicate a potential for the development of spatial models on regional-, landscape-, and stand-level scales and the verification of atmospheric transport models.  相似文献   

Ostrya spp. and Carpinus spp. pollen was in vitro exposed to three atmospheric pollutants: CO, O3 and SO2. Two levels of each pollutant were used, and the first level corresponds to a concentration about the atmospheric hour-limit value acceptable for human health protection in Europe and the second level to about the triple of the first level. Experiments were done under artificial solar light with temperature and relative humidity controlled. The viability of the exposed pollen samples showed a significant decrease. Also, the germination percentage showed a significant decrease in both exposed pollens, and the effect was most pronounced for SO2, followed by O3 and CO. A general decreasing trend in the total soluble protein content of the exposed pollen samples when compared with the control was observed, but it was only statistically significant for the Ostrya spp pollen. The results showed marked effects were observed on the Ostrya spp. and Carpinus spp. pollen when exposed to air pollutant levels that can be considered safe for human health protection.  相似文献   

A field-based intercomparison study was conducted to evaluate the performance of a line-integrating monitoring technique (a commercial differential optical absorption spectroscopy, DOAS, system by Opsis AB, Sweden) in concert with a conventional in situ monitoring technique (MACSAM-2 (or MS2) system, Japan). In the course of our study, the mixing ratios of three trace gases including SO2, NO2, and O3 were measured routinely from the Ban Po district of Seoul during a 13 month period (June 1999–August 2000). The data obtained from two different systems were used to evaluate various aspects of DOAS performance. The differences in the observed mixing ratios between two techniques, if assessed in terms of the percent difference (PD) values between different data sets, were in general rather compatible not only among different species but also as a function of varying time scale. The differences in the measured mixing ratio between the two systems were also examined statistically using linear regression analysis. Results of the regression analysis indicated the existence of significant correlations among all trace gases monitored, confirming the strong compatibility between the two systems. The effects of meteorological factors on the DOAS performance were also examined through investigation of the mixing ratio differences between two systems and the concurrently determined environmental parameters. According to our analysis, it is concluded that the level of agreement between the two systems can be affected by the variations in the spatial mixing conditions. Although some uncertainties remain to be resolved, our preliminary attempts to evaluate an open path monitoring technique clearly demonstrated that consideration of meteorological conditions may be required to properly assess the DOAS performance due to its capacity to cover spatial scale over the open path length.  相似文献   

Cucumber and bean plants were pretreated with different SO2 concentrations for various lengths of time and subsequently exposed to an injurious O3 exposure. In cucumber, increasing levels of SO2 and increasing length of pre-exposure progressively enhanced O3 injury. In bean O3 sensitivity progressively decreased with both increasing SO2 concentration and length of pre-exposure. The effect of SO2 was not related to measurable increases in tissue S content. SO2 concentrations as low as 20 ppb can increase O3 sensitivity in cucumber.  相似文献   

Interest in air pollution injury to native vegetation has been generated with the construction and planned construction of large coal-fired power plants near the coal reserves in the southwest desert areas of the United States. Since information on the effects of SO2 on these native species was not available in the literature, fumigation studies were conducted with portable chambers placed over native species in the field with SO2 and SO2 + NO2. Pollutant concentrations were measured and controlled with instruments located in a mobile laboratory. Each fumigation was of two hours duration and the concentration ranged from 0.5 to 11 ppm SO2 and from 0.1 to 5 ppm NO2. Concentrations of SO2 above 2 ppm were required to cause injury to all but a few of the 87 species studied. Many of the native desert species proved to be highly resistant to injury from these gases.  相似文献   

A large eddy simulation (LES) model that accounts for chemical reactions between oxides of nitrogen and ozone has been used to investigate the effect of local shading within an idealised street canyon on pollutant concentrations. It has shown that local shading can have a substantial impact on kerbside concentrations (>6 ppb difference for some situations presented) and that this may need to be taken into account to set up numerical model runs as well as sampling sites. A sensitivity study has been performed to investigate the effect of various governing parameters. A strong influence was found for the actual reduction of the photolytic rate constant within the shaded areas. A near linear relationship appeared between the reduction and the effect on pollutant concentrations. The chemical regime above and within the street canyon (determined by background concentrations aloft and emission rates at the ground) was also shown to be of high importance. The geometrical layout of the shading within the canyon and the wind speed in the canyon was shown to affect the spatial distribution of the shading effect rather than its overall magnitude.  相似文献   

以甲烷为还原剂的选择性催化脱硝技术(SCR-CH_4)是一种很有潜力的新的脱硝方法,但催化剂的催化活性比较低。为了提高催化剂的活性以及抗水能力,可使用Fe对Al_2O_3负载的Ga_2O_3催化剂进行改性。采用共沉淀法,制备了xFe/Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3催化剂,在固定床反应器中测试其选择性催化CH_4还原NO的性能。使用XRD、N_2吸附脱附、XPS、H_2-TPR、Py-IR等方法进行表征。结果表明:经过Fe改性后的催化剂提高了中高温的催化活性,提高了催化剂的N_2选择性,并改善了催化剂的抗水特性;5Fe/Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3催化剂在500℃、富氧条件下,达到76%的NO转化率和100%的N_2选择性;在5%水蒸气条件下,5Fe/Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3在500℃仍保持60%以上的NO转化率。N_2吸附脱附结果显示,引入Fe后,催化剂保持了原有比表面积,并且大大增加了催化剂孔径,可提高催化剂抗水能力。XPS与UV-vis显示,5Fe/Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3具有高含量的游离态Fe~(3+),可提高催化剂的中高温活性。H2-TPR结果显示,Fe的引入提高了催化剂氧化还原能力,增强了原有Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3中高温的还原活性。Py-FT-IR结果显示,催化剂表面同时存在Lewis酸和Br?nsted酸,铁的引入增加了催化剂表面的Lewis酸量。因此,Fe修饰Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3是提高Ga_2O_3-Al_2O_3催化剂的SCR-CH_4脱硝性能的有效方法。  相似文献   

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