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美国水环境标准及其实施体系述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从立法和技术角度系统分析了美国水环境标准及其实施的体系。美国水环境标准体系由环境水质标准和废水排放标准构成,制定这两种标准时不是力求完美,而是着重其实用性,考虑其在职能上互为补充;同时在实施中水环境标准也不是孤立起作用,而是依赖法律制度如许可证制度,市场手段如排放权交易等,构成一个完整的水环境标准及其实施体系。这对我国环境标准的制定和实施颇有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

介绍了美国大气固定源排放标准的体系、标准内容、标准制定程序与标准实施的有关规定。并分析了其特点。  相似文献   

美国大气污染物排放标准体系综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了美国大气固定源排放标准的体系、标准内容、标准制定程序与标准实施的有关规定,并分析了其特点。  相似文献   

为了加快建立长三角区域环境一体化保护制度,推进一体化标准统一管理,通过对水、大气、土壤与生态环境4方面地方标准分类统计分析,对长三角区域各省级、市级环境保护地方标准开展研究。结果表明,长三角各地区水、大气、土壤及生态环境地方标准的发展进程及分布特征存在显著差异。水环境管理技术规范与大气固定源污染排放标准在地方水环境与大气环境标准中占据主要部分,土壤环境地方标准集中在江浙沪地区发布,且各类地方标准主要由省级制定。区域地方标准集中在“十三五”时期发布,紧跟国家政策导向,但各地方环境标准发布存在显著的时间差。现阶段,长三角区域一体化标准聚焦在环境保护领域,其他领域的一体化标准暂为空白,长三角一体化标准体系仍有待进一步建立健全。  相似文献   

水环境中痕量重金属生物活性形态的分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
水环境中痕量重金属的生物活性形态,包括生物可吸收态和生物毒性形态,这种形态的分析是重金属形态分析研究的一个重要发展方向。对于水环境中重金属对生物的毒害现状评价、潜在危害预测以及水环境容量的确定、排放标准和污染治理方案的制定,具有重要意义。本文总结了各种物理化学法重金属形态分析的结果与生物测试重金属形态测定结果之间的相关性,进而探讨了应用物理化学方法进行金属生物活性形态分析的可行性和特点。  相似文献   

用排放情景分析系统研究北京市机动车污染问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对北京市动车污染非常严重,机动车排放控制涉及的方面较多,解决起来比较复杂的特点,开发了城市机动车排放情况分析系统,以国内外的先进理论和技术为基础,采用系统化的方法研究这个问题,对北京市未来车污染控制的几种情况进行了分析和比较,证明了北京市目前实施新排放标准,采用车辆定期报废制度对控制污染的巨大作用,提出进一步强化I/M制度,完善在用车监测维修体系等控制机动车污染的具体方法。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了天津市恶臭污染物排放标准中臭气浓度标准制定的程序、方法、步骤及有关参数确定要素。并将天津市的臭气浓度排放标准与日本、美国及我国台湾省的同类标准进行了分析比较。  相似文献   

针对《辽宁省污水综合排放标准》(DB21/1627—2008)实施以来暴露出的一些值得商榷的问题,对比分析了发达国家的污水排放标准,指出了在《辽宁省污水综合排放标准》(DB21/1627—2008)执行过程中应以建设时间为节点区别对待污水处理厂,应适当放宽总氮指标,分流域制定标准,建立标准的技术支撑体系等4个方面对《辽宁省污水综合排放标准》进行改进,以使《辽宁省污水综合排放标准》更适应社会、经济、技术的发展。  相似文献   

在镇江金东造纸工程环境影响评价中,提出了长江镇江段全江段COD排放量控制方案,通过模式进行分段定量计算,分析了工程实施所造成的环境损失和实施区域排放量控制所产生的环境效益。结果表明,拟用控制方案环境效益显著,其实施将明显改善内江江段和畅洲江段南汊的水环境质量;金东造纸工程选址合理,充分利用了大港江段水环境容量大的优势,其实施所造成的环境损失较小。考虑到污染负荷削减的环境效益,对我国实施污染物排放总量控制提出了4条建议。  相似文献   

放射性核素水环境质量标准研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
地球环境中广泛存在的放射性核素对人类和其他物种产生辐射安全风险,成为水环境质量的重要指标之一。随着人类生活水平和环境保护意识的提升,以及核与辐射安全复杂的国际形势,放射性核素水环境质量标准的关注度越来越高。饮用水水质标准中的放射性核素限值基于个人辐射剂量标准,评估方法已经建立,并在世界卫生组织、美国、加拿大和日本等国际组织和国家的饮用水水质标准中得到广泛应用。水环境质量标准中的放射性核素限值基于辐射环境、参考生物、个体单位时间内的辐射剂量限值,对此各国际组织和国家相继开展了放射性核素的生态风险评价研究,并逐步制定相关标准。与国际水平相比,我国水环境质量标准存在放射性核素指标数量少、修订频率滞后、科学适用性有待提升等问题。在我国核能发展与生态文明建设的新形势下,加强放射性核素的健康风险和生态风险评价研究,建立健全水环境质量标准中放射性核素指标体系成为我国水环境研究的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

The literature on noncompliant firms in transferable emissions permit systems offers little guidance to policymakers that must determine how to commit resources to monitor firms and punish violations in such systems. We consider how a budget-constrained enforcement authority that seeks to minimize aggregate noncompliance in a transferable emissions permit system should allocate its monitoring and enforcement efforts among heterogeneous firms. With a conventional model of firm behavior in a transferable permit system, we find that differences in the allocation of monitoring and enforcement effort between any two types of firms should be independent of differences in their exogenous characteristics.  相似文献   

三氯生对水生生物的毒性效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三氯生(TCS)作为一种广谱抗菌剂,在个人护理品中的广泛应用,将使其不可避免地释放到水环境中.随着在河流、湖泊、河口系统等水环境以及水生生物体内检测到TCS,TCS对于水生生物的生态毒理效应引起了学者们的广泛关注.本文概述了TCS在水环境及水生生物体内的赋存状况,归纳总结了TCS对水生生物的急性毒性、亚急性毒性、酶及基因毒性、内分泌干扰性及其降解产物毒性,最后展望了TCS对水生生物的生态毒理效应这一研究领域的发展方向.  相似文献   

The global consumption and production of pharmaceuticals is increasing concomitantly with concern regarding their environmental fate and effects. Active pharmaceutical ingredients are mainly released into the aquatic environment through wastewater effluent discharge. Once in the environment, pharmaceuticals can undergo processes of natural attenuation, i.e. dilution, sorption, transformation, depending on physico-chemical properties of the compound, such as water solubility, lipophilicity, vapour pressure, and environmental conditions, such as pH, temperature and ionic strength. A major natural attenuation process is the sorption on dissolved organic matter, colloids, suspended solids and sediments, which in turn control pharmaceuticals distribution, residence time and persistence in aquatic systems. Here we review studies of sorption capacity of natural sorbents to pharmaceuticals. These report on the importance of several environmental and sorbent-specific properties, such as the composition, quality, and amount of the sorbent, and the environmental pH, which determines the speciation of both the sorbent and compound. The importance of accounting for distribution processes on freshwater sorbents for any determination of environmental concentrations of pharmaceuticals is apparent, while the reliability of surrogate standards for measuring dissolved organic matter (DOM) distribution is evaluated in the context of the need for robust environmental risk assessment protocols.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the measurement of five heavy metals viz., Cd, Cu, Mn, Pb and Zn in water of the rivers Hooghly and Haldi at Haldia during June 1999 to October 2002. The industrial effluent out fall (OF) at Patikhali, Haldia was also taken as sampling site along with above out fall (AOF) and below out fall (BOF) sites. Most of the metals exhibited their least concentration at the sampling site above the Haldia industrial area of river Hooghly. The average concentrations of the studied metals were Cd 2-14, Cu 5-19, Mn 8-88, Pb 17-41 and Zn 22-37 microg l(-1). Comparison of the data with the Criterion Continuous Concentration (CCC) of USA revealed that Cd, Cu and Pb were the pollutants present at alarming level to disturb the aquatic life process in the zone. The effect was found to reflect on the tissue level aberrations in the residential fishes. The other two metals viz., Mn and Zn were probably less harmful to the aquatic ecosystem. In India, necessity is felt to develop the CCC values, which will be more appropriate for protection of aquatic environment than comparing with drinking water standards.  相似文献   

This paper examines how enforcement affects the structure and performance of emissions trading programs with price controls under uncertainty about firms' abatement costs. The analysis highlights how an enforcement strategy can cause abatement-cost risk to be transmitted to enforcement costs via the price of permits. When this occurs, accommodating the effect of abatement-cost risk with an optimal policy results in higher expected emissions and lower expected permit price than their second-best optimal values. However, it is possible to design an enforcement strategy that shields enforcement costs from abatement-cost risk by tying sanctions directly to permit prices. This enforcement strategy stabilizes enforcement effort, the optimal permit supply and price controls are independent of enforcement costs, and the policy produces the second-best optimal outcome.  相似文献   

邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯(DEHP)污染及其毒性研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邻苯二甲酸二乙基己酯(DEHP)作为重要的增塑剂被广泛应用于涂料、食品包装、医疗器材、儿童玩具等产品中。研究表明DEHP在水、土壤、空气等各个环境要素以及食物、饮用水中已被普遍检出,并对环境产生潜在的危害。本文通过分析国内外DEHP的环境暴露和毒性效应的研究成果,总结了DEHP在室外大气、室内空气、土壤、地表水、地下水、食品和饮用水中的污染现状,并对DEHP的替代产品进行总结;此外,本文深入探讨了DEHP对水生生物和陆生生物的生态毒性效应,以及对生殖发育、肝脏、呼吸系统和神经系统等的健康毒性效应。最后,结合DEHP在环境暴露调查和毒性效应研究方面的不足,指出需要进一步加强我国DEHP的环境暴露调查,制定相关环境基准值与标准限值,开展慢性生态毒性效应和人体健康毒性效应等方面的研究。  相似文献   

Public aid to encourage the adoption of superior emissions-control technologies is combined with monitoring to achieve a predetermined level of compliance to firm-specific abatement standards. Technological aid serves as an indirect enforcement tool in the sense that its provision reduces the direct enforcement effort necessary to reach the compliance goal. Furthermore, when direct enforcement effort and technological aid are combined to minimize the costs of reaching the compliance goal, more aid should be provided when direct enforcement effort is expensive. As a consequence, regulated firms adopt better control technologies, which, in turn, may serve to promote further innovative activity.  相似文献   

The evident physical continuity in the cycles of water in air, soil, lake, river, estuary and sea is difficult to describe accurately; there is also a chemical continuity that is impossibly complex in detail but has unifying principles that need to be explored. Amid current somewhat myopic concern about the effects of certain toxic metals in the environment specifically in relation to man it is appropriate to reflect on the wider issues of aquatic chemistry that affect the human environment. These issues embrace the aquatic chemistry of the countryside and the health of the population and reciprocally the impingement of human activities on the aquatic realm. If one can demonstrate a coherent core of chemical principles there may also be an implied need for more enlightened co-ordination in the study of aquatic chemistry, its applications and developments. At present, fundamental chemistry, water and wastewater technologies, environmental chemistry and epidemiology are discrete provinces of aquatic science. Insularity is even more serious in professional affiliations and consequently job qualifications; also among the central, local and industrial bodies who establish legislation and set and administer standards for water.

Benefits of greater collaboration and co-ordination would reach not only scientists, learned institutions, managers and the general public here but would also lead to much more effective understanding and practical help in other lands where water supply and water-related problems are enormously more acute.  相似文献   

离子液体具有极低挥发性等良好理化性质而被公认为是传统有机溶剂的替代品,然而其较强的水溶性对水环境造成的潜在威胁受到关注。本文归纳总结了国内外有关不同类型离子液体对不同营养级水生生物个体、组织器官、细胞、酶等的毒性影响,并对碳链长度、阴阳离子以及环境因子等毒性影响因素的最新研究进展进行了综述,为设计绿色离子液体及合理控制管理水环境提供参考。  相似文献   

美国瑞典日本农药环境管理综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国是个农业大国 ,农药的使用量大 ,使用品种多 ,农药对生态环境污染较为严重。长期以来 ,我国的农药环境管理极其薄弱 ,农药环境管理体系不完善。国外一些国家如美国、瑞典、日本等农药管理体制比较健全 ,在农药环境管理方面取得了一些成功经验 ,这对我国建立农药管理体系有很好的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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