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Biodegradability and ecotoxicity of amine oxide based surfactants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
García MT  Campos E  Ribosa I 《Chemosphere》2007,69(10):1574-1578
The aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability as well as the aquatic toxicity of two fatty amine oxides and one fatty amido amine oxide were investigated. Aerobic biodegradation was evaluated using the CO(2) headspace test (ISO 14593) and biodegradation under anaerobic conditions was assessed employing a standardised batch test. The three amine oxide based surfactants tested were readily biodegradable under aerobic conditions but only the alkyl amido amine oxide was found to be easily biodegradable under anaerobic conditions. Toxicity to Photobacterium phosphoreum and Daphnia magna was evaluated. Bacteria (EC(50) from 0.11 to 11 mg l(-1)) proved to be more sensitive to the toxic effects of the amine oxide based surfactants than crustacea (IC(50) from 6.8 to 45 mg l(-1)). The fatty amido amine oxide showed the lowest aquatic toxicity.  相似文献   

Biodegradability of biofilm extracellular polymeric substances   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Zhang X  Bishop PL 《Chemosphere》2003,50(1):63-69
This study discovered that biofilm extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) are biodegradable by their own producers and by other microorganisms when they are starved. The study was performed in a comparative fashion to examine the biodegradability of biofilm EPS by the microorganisms from the original biofilm (its own producers) and from activated sludge (other microorganisms). Four distinctive phases were observed during EPS biodegradation. In the first phase, instantaneous concentration increases of carbohydrate and protein in the test solutions were observed when EPS was added; in the second phase, easily biodegradable EPS from the added EPS was quickly utilized; in the third phase, microorganisms began to produce soluble EPS, using the minimally biodegradable EPS left from the previously added EPS; in the fourth phase, cells consumed the newly produced EPS and microbial activity gradually stopped. This study suggests that EPS can be used as a substrate, and that the EPS carbohydrate can be utilized faster than the EPS protein. The EPS utilization rates (including carbohydrate and protein) in the activated sludge suspension were greater than those in the biofilm suspension. It may take microorganisms longer to get acclimated to a new nutrient environment if they are in a starved state.  相似文献   

The removal of trans-chlordane (C(10)H(6)Cl(8)) from aqueous solutions was studied using UV, UV/H(2)O(2), UV/H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+), UV/TiO(2), or UV/TiO(2)/H(2)O(2) treatment using either UV/Vis blue lamps or UVC lamps (254 nm). H(2)O(2), FeSO(4) and TiO(2) were added at 1700, 456, and 2500 mgL(-1), respectively. trans-Chlordane was not significantly removed in non-irradiated controls and in samples irradiated with UV/Vis. It was also not removed in the absence of surfactant Triton X-114 added at 250 mgL(-1). In the presence of the surfactant, trans-chlordane concentration was reduced by 95-100% after 48 h of UVC and UVC/H(2)O(2) treatments and 70-80% after UVC/H(2)O(2)/Fe(2+), UVC/TiO(2) and UVC/H(2)O(2)/TiO(2) treatments. Based on these results, UVC, UVC/H(2)O(2) and UVC/TiO(2) treatments were further investigated. UVC treatment supported the highest pollutant removal (100% in 48 h), dechlorination efficiency (81% in 48 h), and detoxification to Lepidium sativum seed germination and activated sludge respiration although irradiated samples remained toxic to Chlorella vulgaris. Biodegradation of the UVC irradiated samples removed the source of algae toxicity but this could not be clearly attributed to the removal of trans-chlordane photoproducts because the surfactant interfered with the chemical and biological assays. Evidence was found that trans-chlordane was photodegraded through photolysis causing its successive dechlorination. trans-Chlordane removal was well described by a first order kinetic model at a rate of 0.21±0.01h(-1) at the 95% confidence interval.  相似文献   

Pitter P  Sýkora V 《Chemosphere》2001,44(4):823-826
The biological degradability (Zahn-Wellens test) of ethylenediamine derivatives with carboxymethyl and 2-hydroxyethyl groups was investigated. Mixed bacterial culture (activated sludge) was used as inoculum (non-adapted sludge and sludge adapted at different mean biomass retention time, the so-called sludge age). Biodegradability of ethylene(propylene)di(tri)amine-based complexing agents depends on the character and number of substituents and nitrogen atoms in the molecule. Tetra(penta)substituted derivatives with two or more tertiary nitrogen atoms and carboxymethyl or 2-hydroxyethyl groups in the molecule (EDTA, DTPA, PDTA, HEDTA) are very stable from an environmental point of view. On the contrary, disubstituted derivatives with two secondary nitrogen atoms in the molecule (e.g., EDDA) are potentially degradable.  相似文献   

Biodegradability of a polyacrylate superabsorbent in agricultural soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Superabsorbent polymers (SAP) are used, inter alia, as soil amendment to increase the water holding capacity of soils. Biodegradability of soil conditioners has become a desired key characteristic to protect soil and groundwater resources. The present study characterized the biodegradability of one acrylate based SAP in four agricultural soils and at three temperatures. Mineralisation was measured as the 13CO2 efflux from 13C-labelled SAP in soil incubations. The SAP was either single-labelled in the carboxyl C-atom or triple-labelled including additionally the two C-atoms interlinked in the SAP backbone. The dual labelling allowed estimating the degradation of the polyacrylate main chain. The 13CO2 efflux from samples was measured using an automated system including wavelength-scanned cavity ring-down spectroscopy. Based on single-labelled SAP, the mean degradation after 24 weeks varied between 0.45 % in loamy sand and 0.82 % in loam. However, the differences between degradation rates in different soils were not significant due to a large intra-replicate variability. Similarly, mean degradation did not differ significantly between effective temperature regimes of 20° and 30 °C after 12 weeks. Results from the triple-labelled SAP were lower as compared to their single-labelled variant. Detailed results suggest that the polyacrylate main chain degraded in the soils, if at all, at rates of 0.12–0.24 % per 6 months.  相似文献   

Synthetic nanoparticles have already been detected in the aquatic environment. Therefore, knowledge on their biodegradability is of utmost importance for risk assessment but such information is currently not available. Therefore, the biodegradability of fullerenes, single, double, multi-walled as well as COOH functionalized carbon nanotubes and cellulose and starch nanocrystals in aqueous environment has been investigated according to OECD standards. The biodegradability of starch and cellulose nanoparticles was also compared with the biodegradability of their macroscopic counterparts. Fullerenes and all carbon nanotubes did not biodegrade at all, while starch and cellulose nanoparticles biodegrade to similar levels as their macroscopic counterparts. However, neither comfortably met the criterion for ready biodegradability (60% after 28 days). The cellulose and starch nanoparticles were also found to degrade faster than their macroscopic counterparts due to their higher surface area. These findings are the first report of biodegradability of organic nanoparticles in the aquatic environment, an important accumulation environment for manmade compounds.  相似文献   

The optimised biodegradability test system "O2/CO2 Headspace Test with GC-TCD" is used for the assessment of synthetic ester lubricants. The effects of both additives and usage on biodegradability are examined and discussed. Ester based cutting fluids and hydraulic fluids with and without additives are used under defined conditions at machine tools and hydraulic and plain bearing test benches. The lubricants are characterised additionally with respect to kinematic viscosity, acidity and elemental composition. Furthermore, a formulated mineral oil is characterised before and after usage at an hydraulic test bench. The results clearly show that the mineral oil is far less biodegradable than the ester oils and that their biodegradability is not affected by usage. Biodegradability of the ester oils is mainly depending on the characteristics of the base fluids and not affected by the additives. Antioxidants are influencing stability respectively biodegradability indirectly, since they prevent oxopolymerisation effects. Other effects of usage on biodegradation are not detected. In this context, the antioxidants ensure ready biodegradability and have a positive effect on the environmental fate of synthetic ester lubricants.  相似文献   

针对剩余污泥可生物降解性差的问题,以热水解作为预处理手段,研究了其对剩余污泥可生化性的提高作用。热水解在175℃,0.6~0.8 MPa条件下进行30 min。结果表明,剩余污泥经热水解后,水解率可达48%,挥发性脂肪酸浓度提高7~8倍,COD当量平均7 800 mg·L-1,生化产甲烷潜力提高43%左右。厌氧消化实验中,组合有热水解预处理的温度两相工艺和中温单相工艺容积产甲烷率为0.760和0.719 L·(L·d)-1,甲烷产率为0.288 L·g-1和0.255 L·g-1,均显著高于传统中温单相工艺的0.376 L·(L·d)-1和0.138 L·g-1。组合工艺的挥发性有机物去除率为48.64%和46.51%,比传统工艺高8%~11%。比甲烷产率提高约50%,表明这些被转化的有机物较传统工艺中被转化者产能更多。工艺对比发现,虽然热水解联合温度两相工艺效率最高,但热水解联合中温单相工艺几乎同样高效且工艺更简单实用。  相似文献   

Biodegradability of aged pyrene and phenanthrene in a natural soil   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Hwang S  Cutright TJ 《Chemosphere》2002,47(9):891-899
A study was conducted to evaluate the biodegradability of pyrene (PYR) and phenanthrene (PHE) aged in a natural soil. Both the single and binary systems were either biostimulated via a nutrient amendment or bioaugmented via an inoculation of the enriched bacteria and nutrients. Aging resulted in higher concentration of both compounds and smaller bacterial activity in the solution-phase. Surprisingly, the total biodegraded extent was greater in the aged soil system than in the freshly spiked system. As anticipated, biostimulation was not appropriate to attain an effective biodegradation in this study, and bioaugmentation achieved a substantial increase the total biodegradation extent. The above findings were attributed to indigenous Pseudomonas aeruginosa entering a stationary-phase during the 200-day aging and producing rhamnolipid biosurfactants. In addition, a different sampling technique (i.e., after vigorous hand-shaking) revealed a 15 times higher microbial population than the normal sampling from the stagnant solution. Therefore, PAH bioavailability in the aged soils can be underestimated when the microbial activity is determined only from the stagnant solution. Furthermore, cometabolism enhanced PYR degradation when PHE was present as a primary substrate.  相似文献   

糖蜜酒精废水厌氧可生化性实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自制的球形反应器对糖蜜酒精废水进行厌氧可生化性研究.实验持续了40 d,CODcr从38 652 mg·L-1下降到6 094 mg·L-1,总去除率达84.23%.说明糖蜜酒精废水的厌氧可生化性较好;硫酸盐浓度由最初的3 860 mg·L-1下降到470 mg·L-1,去除率为87.82%.同时,有机污染物的去除高峰期比其硫酸盐延迟了2~4 d,说明可以通过控制运行反应条件和参数,对该废水采用两相厌氧处理工艺,在产酸相提前去除大部分的硫酸盐,减弱高浓度硫酸盐对厌氧反应的抑制作用.  相似文献   

Niels Nyholm 《Chemosphere》1990,21(12):1477-1487
Manometric respirometry (UK-MITI test) was found convenient for biodegradability testing of poorly soluble chemicals. Various dispersion techniques were evaluated with anthraquinone (solid) and di-isooctylphtalate (liquid). Application on silica gel via a solvent (dichloromethane) was found generally suitable. Ultrasonic dispersion was found suitable only if a stable emulsion forms.  相似文献   

K. Urano  M. Saito 《Chemosphere》1985,14(9):1333-1342
Changes of BOD/TOD and DOC with time were obtained for solutions of 9 synthetic surfactants and 2 fatty acid salts under various conditions. The cationic surfactants, ABM and ABDM, were not biodegraded at all and inhibited the biodegradation of a synthetic sewage. LAS was not biodegraded at concentration of 30 mg/l and higher and inhibited the biodegradation of the sewage.  相似文献   

Etoposide susceptibility to microbiological breakdown was studied in a batch biotransformation system, in the presence or absence of artificial wastewater containing nutrients, salts and activated sludge at two concentration levels. The primary focus of the present study was to study etoposide transformation products by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). Data-dependent experiments combining full-scan MS data with product ion spectra were acquired to identify the molecular ions of etoposide transformation products, to propose the molecular formulae and to elucidate their chemical structures. Due to the complexity of the matrix, visual inspection of the chromatograms showed no clear differences between the controls and the treated samples. Therefore, the software package MZmine was used to facilitate the identification of the transformation products and speed up the data analysis. In total, we propose five transformation products; among them, four are described as etoposide transformation products for the first time. Even though the chemical structures of these new compounds cannot be confirmed due to the lack of standards, their molecular formulae can be used to target them in monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Human pharmaceutical active ingredients that are orally or parenterally administered may be metabolised in the body and after excretion may be further transformed in the receiving environmental compartments. The optimal outcome from an environmental point of view—complete mineralisation—is rarely observed. Small molecule pharmaceuticals are commonly not readily biodegradable according to Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 301 tests. However, primary transformation is often observed. To gain information on the transformation of active ingredients in the environment, long-term studies like transformation in aquatic water/sediment systems according to OECD guideline 308 are required for the environmental risk assessment for human active pharmaceutical ingredients. Studies received until mid 2010 as part of the dossiers for marketing authorisation applications were evaluated concerning transformation products. The evaluation revealed that in 70 % of the studies, at least one transformation product (TP) is formed above 10 % of the originally applied dose, but in only 26 % of the studies are all TP identified. The evaluation also revealed that some TP of pharmaceutical active ingredients show a considerably longer DT50 compared to the parent compound. An example is the TP (val)sartan acid that is formed from an antihypertensive compound.  相似文献   

Some pharmaceuticals such as antineoplastics are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and fetotoxic. Antineoplastics and their metabolites are excreted by patients into waste water. In laboratory testing the frequently used isomeric anti-tumour agents cyclophosphamide (CP) and ifosfamide (IF) were shown to be not biodegradable. They are not eliminated in municipal sewage treatment plants and therefore detected in their effluents. Structural related compounds are beta-D-glucosylisophosphoramidmustard (beta-D-Glc-IPM; INN = glufosfamide) and beta-L-glucosylisophosphoramidmustard (beta-L-Glc-IPM). beta-L-Glc-IPM has no antineoplastic effects whereas beta-D-Glc-IPM is active against tumours. In contrast to IF and CP and almost all other investigated antineoplastics beta-D-Glc-IPM is inherently biodegradable. Improved biodegradability of beta-D-Glc-IPM compared to IF shows that reducing the impact of pharmaceuticals on the aquatic environment is feasible by changing the chemical structure of a given compound exerting a similar mode of action and therapeutic activity. Stereochemistry may be crucial for pharmaceutical activity of the compounds as well as for its biodegradability in the environment.  相似文献   


Regulatory limits on cadmium (Cd) content in food products are tending to become stricter, especially in cereals, which are a major contributor to dietary intake of Cd by humans. This is of particular importance for durum wheat, which accumulates more Cd than bread wheat. The contamination of durum wheat grain by Cd depends not only on the genotype but also to a large extent on soil Cd availability. Assessing the phytoavailability of Cd for durum wheat is thus crucial, and appropriate methods are required. For this purpose, we propose a statistical model to predict Cd accumulation in durum wheat grain based on soil geochemical properties related to Cd availability in French agricultural soils with low Cd contents and neutral to alkaline pH (soils commonly used to grow durum wheat). The best model is based on the concentration of total Cd in the soil solution, the pH of a soil CaCl2 extract, the cation exchange capacity (CEC), and the content of manganese oxides (Tamm’s extraction) in the soil. The model variables suggest a major influence of cadmium buffering power of the soil and of Cd speciation in solution. The model successfully explains 88% of Cd variability in grains with, generally, below 0.02 mg Cd kg?1 prediction error in wheat grain. Monte Carlo cross-validation indicated that model accuracy will suffice for the European Community project to reduce the regulatory limit from 0.2 to 0.15 mg Cd kg?1 grain, but not for the intermediate step at 0.175 mg Cd kg?1. The model will help farmers assess the risk that the Cd content of their durum wheat grain will exceed regulatory limits, and help food safety authorities test different regulatory thresholds to find a trade-off between food safety and the negative impact a too strict regulation could have on farmers.


Cho J  Zein MM  Suidan MT  Venosa AD 《Chemosphere》2007,68(2):266-273
The biodegradability of alkylate compounds in serum bottles was investigated in the presence and absence of ethanol or benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and p-xylene (BTEX). The biomass was acclimated to three different alkylates, 2,3-dimethylpentane, 2,4-dimethylpentane and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane in porous pot reactors. The alkylates were completely mineralized in all three sets of experiments. They degraded more slowly in the presence of BTEX than in their absence because BTEX inhibited the microbial utilization of alkylates. However, in the presence of ethanol, their slower biodegradation was not related to inhibition by the ethanol. Throughout the experiments alkylates, ethanol, and BTEX concentrations did not change in the sterile controls.  相似文献   

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