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滦河流域大型底栖动物生物完整性指数健康评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
生物完整性指数能够综合反映河流健康状况,是管理者制定科学保护恢复策略的有效评价工具。为全面了解滦河流域水生态健康状况,于2016年10—11月在滦河流域布设53个采样点,同时监测环境数据和大型底栖动物物种数据。通过构建底栖动物生物完整性指数(B-IBI)体系,对53个采样点进行生物完整性健康评价。B-IBI计算结果显示,滦河流域53个采样点中,"健康"和"亚健康"等级共有24个,"一般"等级有12个,"差"等级有10个,"极差"等级有7个。"健康"和"亚健康"的采样点多分布在承德市上游和冀东地区的部分干流和支流,而中下游大部分采样点表现为"差"和"极差"的健康状况。非参数检验结果显示,参照点B-IBI要显著高于受损点,表明所构建的B-IBI评价体系适用于在滦河流域开展河流健康评价。  相似文献   

The Ephemeroptera family Baetidae is one of the most specious families in the Neotropical region and a great effort to improve the taxonomy of this group has been made over the last 10 years in South America. Such studies now enable the development of biomonitoring tools at species-level in the region. A total of 2,199 baetids were collected from seven sampling sites, collected three times (autumn, winter and summer), representing an environmental gradient, draining an area of Atlantic Forest remnants. We describe the mesohabitat of nine Baetidae species and evaluate their responses to environmental degradation and water chemistry by means of biological measures (richness and abundance) and multivariate analysis (Canonical Correspondence Analysis), in order to assess their potential capacity as indicators of these impacts. Most species were found predominantly associated with stony substrates, but some were associated with pool litter, and one species was found predominantly in riffle litter substrate. Species distribution was influenced by the environmental gradient. Based on the CCA ordination, we were able to identify which species were found in pristine versus the most impaired areas, therefore enabling us to establish the sensitivity of each species.  相似文献   

开展水生态环境质量评价方法研究,建立合适的河流健康评价体系是解决河流健康问题的前提和实现河流健康管理的重要手段。黄河自上而下生态环境现状迥异,水生态环境脆弱,寻求一种或多种适合黄河流域水生态环境质量的评价方法具有重要意义。该文介绍了国内外水生态环境质量评价方法及在黄河流域的应用进展,总结了鱼类生物完整性指数(F-IBI)、底栖无脊椎动物完整指数(B-IBI)、着生藻类生物完整性指数(P-IBI)及水生态环境质量综合评价法的主要指标,以及黄河流域不同区域生物种类的评价指标,分析了各评价方法优缺点及应用范围,并根据目前研究基础评述了黄河流域水生态环境质量评价存在的问题,对黄河流域水生态环境质量评价方法、指示生物的选择及水生态环境质量综合评价法的研究等提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

利用生物完整性指数评价河流健康状态,对于水环境管理决策具有重要的实践意义。基于大型底栖动物构建生物完整性指数(B-IBI),并评价松花江流域的水生态系统健康状况。在松花江主要干支流设定37个采样点,分别于2016年6、9月进行环境因子和大型底栖动物调查研究。最终从28个候选参数中确定了种类总数、摇蚊种类数、敏感种百分比、Hilsenhoff指数、Marglef指数作为核心参数构建B-IBI。通过0~10赋分法,计算得到了松花江流域全部采样点的生物完整性评价得分。结果显示,松花江流域内60%区域生物状态存在不同程度的损害。另外,B-IBI能够综合反映松花江大型底栖动物群落多样性、生境质量、理化水质等,具有一定的适用性。  相似文献   

Benthic algal assemblages, water chemistry, and habitat were characterized at 25 stream sites in the Willamette Basin, Oregon, during low flow in 1994. Seventy-three algal samples yielded 420 taxa — mostly diatoms, blue-green algae, and green algae. Algal assemblages from depositional samples were strongly dominated by diatoms (76% mean relative abundance), whereas erosional samples were dominated by blue-green algae (68% mean relative abundance).Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of semiquantitative and qualitative (presence/absence) data sets identified four environmental variables (maximum specific conductance, % open canopy, pH, and drainage area) that were significant in describing patterns of algal taxa among sites. Based on CCA, four groups of sites were identified: streams in forested basins that supported oligotrophic taxa, such as Diatoma mesodon;small streams in agricultural and urban basins that contained a variety of eutrophic and nitrogen-heterotrophic algal taxa; larger rivers draining areas of mixed land use that supported planktonic, eutrophic, and nitrogen-heterotrophic algal taxa; and streams with severely degraded or absent riparian vegetation (> 75% open canopy) that were dominated by other planktonic, eutrophic, and nitrogen-heterotrophic algal taxa. Patterns in water chemistry were consistent with the algal autecological interpretations and clearly demonstrated relationships between land use, water quality, and algal distribution patterns.  相似文献   

The Prairie Pothole Region of the northern GreatPlains is an important region for waterfowl production becauseof the abundance of shallow wetlands. The ecologicalsignificance of the region and impacts from intensiveagriculture prompted the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to select it as one ofthe first areas for developing and evaluating ecologicalindicators of wetland condition. We examined hypothesizedrelations between indicators of landscape and wetlandconditions and waterfowl abundance on 45 40 km2 study sites in North Dakota for1995–1996. Landscape condition was defined a priori as the ratio of cropland area to total upland area surroundingwetlands. Measures of waterfowl abundance included estimatednumbers of breeding pairs (by species and total numbers) and , a species-specific correction factor which effectively adjusts breedingpair estimates for annual or area-related differences in pondsize. Landscape indicators and waterfowl measures varied among regions. Results indicated that most areas in the Coteau region are ofmuch higher quality for ducks than those in the Drift Plain,and areas in the Red River Valley are of the poorest qualityfor ducks. Regression models demonstrated the impact ofagricultural development on breeding duck populations in the PrairiePothole Region. The most consistent landscape indicators ofwaterfowl abundance were percent of cropland and grassland. Models were inconsistent among years and species. Thepotential biotic indicators of landscape and wetland condition examined here wouldbe appropriate for temporal trend analyses, but because ofinherent geographic variability would not be appropriate forsingle-year geographic trend analyses without more extensiveevaluations to improve explanatory models.  相似文献   

利用2012年松花江流域生物、生境和水质的调查数据,采用生物完整性指数(IBI)评价松花江流域的水生态环境质量,并着重对IBI评价结果与生境质量、水质间的关系及生物与生境和化学参数间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,松花江流域IBI评价结果与其生境质量存在显著正相关,与水质评价结果基本一致。生境质量及大多数生境参数均与多项生物参数间存在显著/极显著的相关关系;其次,COD、CODMn、BOD5、TN、TP等超标化学因子也与多项生物参数存在显著/极显著的相关关系,说明生境受损和有机污染压力是引起松花江流域水生态环境质量变化的主要压力。为恢复和改善松花江流域的水生态质量,研究建议针对流域生境质量和超标化学污染开展相应的保护和控制措施。  相似文献   

针对太湖流域断头河道微循环过程中水质效应和生物响应不清楚的问题,笔者通过水槽模拟实验,分析了氮磷和有机物等水质指标随水体微循环时间、频率的变化关系;通过常州武进洛阳镇徐家头浜实际河道微循环实验,探讨了微循环运行过程中实际河道水质的稳定性,微循环过程中实际河道的生物响应,及浊度、溶解氧、pH等环境因素的影响。结果表明:水槽模拟实验条件下微循环对水体氨氮去除的影响最为明显(去除率达62.91%),COD去除率变化幅度受微循环频率的影响最大(可达50%);微循环设置后实际河道COD浓度下降趋势明显(降幅约30%);微循环过程中河道水体浮游动物和浮游植物数量均呈上升趋势,而河道边坡和底泥中Proteobacteria、Bacteroidetes、Actinobacteria、Acidobacteria等优势微生物菌群的丰度却有不同程度的变化。同时,浊度对总磷和COD的影响程度相当,溶解氧和pH对水体氨氮浓度的影响均最显著。该研究为改善断头河道水质提供新方向,为微循环技术的实际应用提供数据参考。  相似文献   

为支撑流域水生态目标的业务化管理,提高水生态监测和评价的可操作性,突破物种分类鉴定的技术瓶颈,以大型底栖无脊椎动物为研究对象,在江苏省太湖流域布设120个采样点,于2013年1—3月、7—8月和10—11月开展3次监测。以最小干扰为参照状态,对涉及物种丰度、物种多度组成、耐污能力和摄食类群的72个候选指数进行分布范围、判别能力及相关性分析,结合指数获取的便利性及物种分类的难易程度,最终筛选出3个核心指数构成大型底栖无脊椎动物完整性业务化评价指数,其中湖荡、河流和水库的指数为软体动物分类单元数、优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数,溪流的指数为ETO分类单元数、前三位优势分类单元相对多度和BMWP指数。经验证,业务化指数与环境梯度有较好的响应关系,且可操作性强,具备开展业务化应用的前景。但目前的流域水生态目标管理尚处于摸索阶段,技术体系还须在业务化过程中不断修正和完善。  相似文献   

水生态监测能够为水生态环境监督、管理和保护提供重要的数据和技术支撑。加强黄河水生态监测,维护流域水生态系统健康,对促进黄河流域高质量发展具有重要意义。从常规水质监测、生境监测和生物监测3个方面,分析了中国水生态监测方法的研究进展及在黄河流域的应用实践。结合黄河流域水生态监测尤其是生物监测相对滞后的现状,探讨了流域水生态监测的发展方向。建议加快黄河流域水生态监测能力建设,建立适用于黄河流域的水生态监测与评价标准体系,探索新兴监测技术与传统技术的有机结合。  相似文献   

太湖流域严峻的水生态环境形势备受关注,而水生态环境功能分区管理体系实施现状和效果无法被准确把握。以太湖流域水生态环境功能分区为研究对象,基于四象限法则和二维向量结构指标体系等方法论,综合障碍因子分析与目标可达性分析,对太湖流域水生态环境功能分区管理绩效评估目标达成效率进行评估和预警,为水生态环境功能分区管控提供技术指导。结果表明,江苏省太湖流域目标达成效率情况较好,"高效"、"一般"、"低效"的比例依次下降,高预警级别的区域较少;环境效率指标中单位面积污染物减排管控效率较高,环境质量指标整体表现良好,须谨防向"低效"转变。  相似文献   

The condition of 25 stream sites in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, were assessed by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Multimetric condition indices were developed and used to rank sites on the basis of physical, chemical, and biological characteristics. These indices showed that sites in the Cascades and Eastern Cascades ecoregions were largely unimpaired. In contrast, all but two sites in the Columbia Basin ecoregion were impaired, some severely. Agriculture (nutrients and pesticides) was the primary factor associated with impairment and all impaired sites were characterized by multiple indicators of impairment. All indices of biological condition (fish, invertebrates, and algae) declined as agricultural intensity increased. The response exhibited by invertebrates and algae suggested a threshold response with conditions declining precipitously at relatively low levels of agricultural intensity and little response at moderate to high levels of agricultural intensity. This pattern of response suggests that the success of mitigation will vary depending upon where on the response curve the mitigation is undertaken. Because the form of the community condition response is critical to effective water-quality management, the National Water-Quality Assessment Program is conducting studies to examine the response of biota to gradients of land-use intensity and the relevance of these responses to water-quality management. These land-use gradient pilot studies will be conducted in several urban areas starting in 1999.  相似文献   

During 1992–93, 27 organochlorine compounds (pesticides plus total PCB) and 17 trace elements were analyzed in bed sediment and aquatic biota from 20 stream sites in the Willamette Basin as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment Program. Data from each medium were compared to evaluate their relative effectiveness for assessing occurrence (broadly defined as documentation of important concentrations) of these constituents. Except for Cd, Hg, Se, and Ag, trace element concentrations generally were higher in bed sediment than in biota. Conversely, although frequencies of detection for organochlorine compounds in biota were only slightly greater than in bed sediment, actual concentrations in biota (normalized to lipid) were as much as 19 times those in sediment (normalized to organic carbon). Sculpin (Cottus spp.) and Asiatic clams (Corbicula fluminea), found at 14 and 7 sites, respectively, were the most widespread taxa collected during the study. Concentrations of trace elements, particularly As and Cu, were typically greater in Asiatic clams than in sculpin. In contrast, almost half of the organochlorine compounds analyzed were found in sculpin, but only DDT and its degradation products were detected in Asiatic clams; this may be related to the lipid content of sculpin, which was about three times higher than for clams. Thus, the medium of choice for assessing occurrence depends largely on the constituent(s) of interest.  相似文献   

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