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采用高通量测序技术,探究了黄河三角洲光板地和4种盐生植被(翅碱蓬、獐茅、白茅和罗布麻)下土壤真菌群落结构组成及分布特征,揭示其与盐生植被演替的关系.结果表明,随盐生植被正向演替,土壤质量有不断改善的趋势.轻度耐盐群落(罗布麻群落、白茅群落)土壤中真菌丰富度相对较高,其Shannon多样性指数分别为5.21、5.84;在重度耐盐群落(翅碱蓬、獐茅)土壤中真菌丰富度较低,其Shannon多样性指数分别为4.64、4.66.在不同演替阶段时,土壤真菌群落结构差别相对较大(Unifrac Metric值为0.48~0.67).土壤中全氮含量是影响真菌OTU数、ACE指数和Shannon指数的主要因素.5个土壤样本共获得60174条有效序列,可归到子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)、球囊菌门(Glomeromycota)、毛霉亚门(Mucoromycotina)5个真菌门;其中,子囊菌门在重度耐盐植物群落(翅碱蓬、獐茅)中相对丰度较高(2.69%、69.97%),担子菌门在轻度耐盐群落(罗布麻群落、白茅群落)中相对丰度较高(9.43%、6.64%).  相似文献   

黄土高原子午岭林区主要林分生态化学计量学特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论文以黄土高原子午岭林区4种林分(侧柏、油松、辽东栎、刺槐)的绿叶、凋落物(凋落叶、枯枝、果实)为研究对象,分析其C、N、P含量及化学计量学特征,并计算养分再吸收率,为黄土高原植被恢复建设及人工林合理种植规划提供理论依据。结果显示:植物叶片凋落前N、P均发生营养转移,油松N养分再吸收率最高(44.73%),刺槐P养分再吸收率最高(41.10%);刺槐相比于其他3种林分,绿叶C含量(413.94 g·kg-1)略低,且其4个组分N含量略高于其他林分的相应组分,绿叶、果实P含量相对较高;4种林分的枯枝C∶N、C∶P值最大,碳蓄积功能较强;叶片N∶P值均小于14,表明生长旺盛期林分主要受N限制。油松、刺槐养分再吸收能力强,是黄土高原森林区适宜植被恢复的造林树种。  相似文献   

除草剂对水稻土微生物的影响   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
以阿特拉津、丁草胺和甲磺隆 3种除草剂为例 ,采用熏蒸提取法和BIOLOG碳素利用法研究了土壤中除草剂污染与水稻土微生物之间的关系及其环境意义 .结果表明以 10mg·kg-1含量施入水稻土的甲磺隆在施用初期导致微生物生物量下降 ,随培养时间的推移 ,生物量有所恢复 ;相同浓度的阿特拉津和丁草胺对水稻土微生物生物量影响不明显 .BIOLOG数据显示 ,3种除草剂施用初期 (第 2d)微生物碳源利用多样性变化不明显 ,随着培养时间的增加微生物碳源利用多样性发生变化 ,变化趋势因除草剂类型不同而异 :甲磺隆除草剂污染水稻土微生物碳源利用多样性先有明显降低 ,培养后期呈上升趋势 ;阿特拉津和丁草胺除草剂污染水稻土微生物碳源利用多样性基本不受影响 .  相似文献   

衡山酸性云水对森林冠层的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用现场同步采样的方式采集并分析了衡山山顶针叶、阔叶林冠层云水和纯云水样品。比较表明这三类样品的化学组成有很大差别。与云水比较,针叶林冠层云水酸度增加,说明针叶林冠层可放出酸性物质,增加云水的酸度;而阔叶林冠层云水则相反,对云水中的酸有中和作用。在酸性云水作用下,森林冠层被淋失一定的营养物质,这将对植物的生长发育构成危害。同时,研究还表明植物等天然源排放出的有机酸可对云水体系构成一定影响。   相似文献   

为揭示植被自然恢复过程中植物组成多样性和群落稳定性与土壤团聚体的关系,防治水土流失,提高土壤质量.通过野外调查采样,确定并分析黄土高原近150年植被演替不同阶段的植被特征与土壤团聚体数据.结果表明:该过程共有种子植物39科99属128种,优势科是菊科、蔷薇科、禾本科和豆科,优势属是蒿属,单种属是该过程植物属的主体,出现频率较高的植物有大披针薹草、胡枝子、白刺花、水栒子、青蒿、虎榛子、辽东栎、茶条枫、油松、绣线菊、狗娃花等.植物地理成分在属级水平上有11个分布区类型8个变型,温带性质明显,热带性质(R值)与温带性质(T值)的比值(R/T)随恢复年限的增加而降低,R值与R/T值显著正相关,热带成分扩散分布受到限制.植物丰富度呈单峰曲线,在恢复年限为40~70年时最高.依照不同恢复年限对群落稳定性进行排序:70>120>135>150>40>10>20>0年.R值与植物种系分化度(SD值)极显著正相关,T值与稳定性极显著正相关.>5mm粒径团聚体与受热带性质物种驱动的植物丰富度有关.>0.25mm粒径团聚体总体上与群落稳定性保持一致,均受...  相似文献   

谢丹妮  仰东星  段雷 《环境科学》2023,44(5):2681-2693
大气氮沉降是全球变化的重要影响因素之一,而过量氮沉降导致森林出现氮饱和,引起土壤酸化、硝酸根淋溶、氧化亚氮排放增加、植物物种多样性和植被生产力下降.在欧洲、北美和我国大气氮沉降降低的背景下,总结森林生态系统对氮输入降低的响应,不仅能够完善氮沉降对森林生态系统影响的知识体系,也能评估各国已开展的减排行动的成效,为我国制定进一步的减排政策提供科学依据.回顾了欧洲和北美的温带森林以及我国亚热带森林的土壤、地表水、氮循环和植被对大气含氮污染气体和氮沉降降低的响应.土壤溶液中硝酸根浓度对氮沉降的减少响应迅速,但具体响应规律未出现统一趋势.土壤酸化和氮循环过程从高氮沉降中的恢复过程出现滞后现象.森林氮矿化和固持、土壤碳储量和净初级生产力可能需要几十年的时间对氮沉降的减少作出响应.相对而言,虽然有一两年的延迟,土壤无机氮库和氮淋溶量会随着氮沉降的下降而下降.地表水氮浓度与森林生态系统氮状态密切相关.当氮沉降降低时,在历史高氮沉降地区,森林生态系统的氮淋溶下降,因此地表水氮浓度的响应较明显.而在氮缺乏的森林中,普遍较低的地表水氮浓度受到氮沉降变化的影响不显著.地表水酸化的恢复受到土壤硫解吸-矿化和硝化...  相似文献   

杨树人工林碳循环对淹水的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用涡度相关方法对安徽怀宁杨树人工林的碳通量进行监测,得到微气象数据和通量数据。通过坐标旋转、密度校正和数据插补处理提高数据质量。选取2005年9月淹水期间的数据。分六个阶段进行分析。得到以下结果:(1)在半小时尺度上,在淹水期表观量子效率α随着土壤含水量SWC上升而降低;在未淹水期最大。为-0.0023μmolphoton^-1;退水期最低,为-0.00122mgCO2μmolphoton^-1,退水后恢复到-0,00168mgCO2μmolphoton^-1;α在淹水中2期降低速率最大,在整个淹水期间α的恢复速率是大于降低速率的。(2)生态系统总初级生产力(GEP)在淹水后不断降低.耒淹水期为8.0gCm^-2day^-1.退水后为4.7gCm^-2day^-1,在淹水中2期降幅是最大的达到了16%。(3)生态系统呼吸(Reco)在完全被水淹的第一天降到最低,仅为2.2gCm^-2day^-1;由于温度的影响其变化规律比较复杂。在淹水中2期的变化幅度是最大的;退水后Reco为4.2gCm^-2day^-1恢复到来淹水前的87%。(4)淹水期净生态系统CO2交换量(NEE)的变化表现为先上升后下降的趋势,在淹水中1期最大为-4.2gCm^-2day^-1。退水后最低。为0.6gCm^-2day^-1是未淹水前的17%。  相似文献   

Degradation of pyrene by immobilized microorganisms in saline-alkaline soil   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is very difficult in saline-alkaline soil due to the inhibition of microbial growth under saline-alkaline stress. The microorganisms that can most effectively degrade PAHs were screened by introducing microorganisms immobilized on farm byproducts and assessing the validity of the immobilizing technique for PAHs degradation in pyrene-contaminated saline-alkaline soil. Among the microorganisms examined, it was found that Mycobacterium sp. B2 is the best, and can degrade 82.2% and 83.2% of pyrene for free and immobilized cells after 30 days of incubation. The immobilization technique could increase the degradation of pyrene significantly, especially for fungi. The degradation of pyrene by the immobilized microorganisms Mucor sp. F2, fungal consortium MF and co-cultures of MB+MF was increased by 161.7% (P < 0.05), 60.1% (P < 0.05) and 59.6% (P < 0.05) after 30 days, respectively, when compared with free F2, MF and MB+MF. Scanning electron micrographs of the immobilized microstructure proved the positive effects of the immobilized microbial technique on pyrene remediation in saline-alkaline soil, as the interspace of the carrier material structure was relatively large, providing enough space for cell growth. Co-cultures of different bacterial and fungal species showed different abilities to degrade PAHs. The present study suggests that Mycobacterium sp. B2 can be employed for in situ bioremediation of PAHs in saline-alkaline soil, and immobilization of fungi on farm byproducts and nutrients as carriers will enhance fungus PAH-degradation ability in saline-alkaline soil.  相似文献   

Response of soil catalase activity to chromium contamination   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact of chromium(III) and (VI) forms on soil catalase activity was presented. The Orthic Podzol, Haplic Phaeozem and Mollic Gleysol from di erent depths were used in the experiment. The soil samples were amended with solution of Cr(III) using CrCl3, and with Cr(VI) using K2Cr2O7 in the concentration range from 0 to 20 mg/kg, whereas the samples without the addition of chromium served as control. Catalase activity was assayed by one of the commonly used spectrophotometric methods. As it was demonstrated in the experiment, both Cr(III) and Cr(VI) have an ability to reduce soil catalase activity. A chromium dosage of 20 mg/kg caused the inhibition of catalase activity and the corresponding contamination levels ranged from 75% to 92% for Cr(III) and 68% to 76% for Cr(VI), with relation to the control. Catalase activity reached maximum in the soil material from surface layers (0–25 cm), typically characterized by the highest content of organic matter creating favorable conditions for microorganisms.  相似文献   

土地利用方式对土壤有机质及其碳库管理指数的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
采用野外调查和室内分析的方式对子午岭不同土地利用方式下,土壤有机质、3种活性有机质及其碳库管理指数(CMI)进行了研究,结果表明,土壤有机质、3种活性土壤有机质含量均随土层的加深逐渐降低,在土壤剖面基本表现为林地、撂荒未翻耕地>撂荒翻耕地>农用地.同一土层,3种土壤活性有机质含量及其有效率表现为低活性有机质>中活性有机质>高活性有机质.不同利用方式下,活性有机质有效率随有机质活性增强,呈现撂荒未翻耕地>林地>撂荒翻耕地>农用地的趋势.不同利用方式之间的CMI的差异随有机质活性的增强而增大,且影响深度也逐渐加深.在0~30cm土层内,林地3种活性有机质的CMI高于撂荒翻耕地和农用地;而在30cm之下土层,3种利用方式低活性有机质的CMI相差不大,但中活性有机质和高活性有机质的CMI表现为林地>撂荒翻耕地>农用地.3种活性土壤有机质与其他生物化学性质之间均表现为显著或极显著相关关系,表明活性有机质可以指示土地利用方式对土壤有机质和CMI的影响.  相似文献   

采用高通量测序技术,探究黄河三角洲光板地和4种典型盐生植被类型(翅碱蓬、獐茅、白茅和罗布麻)下土壤古菌群落组成和数量分布特征,揭示其对盐生植被演替的响应.结果表明,植被覆盖有利于降低土壤盐化程度、增加土壤营养物质含量,土壤速效磷随盐生植被在光板地-重盐土壤(翅碱蓬、獐茅)-轻盐土壤(白茅、罗布麻)中的正向演替有不断升高的趋势.5种覆被类型下土壤古菌在种群组成上差异明显,无植被覆盖的光板地具有最高的古菌群落多样性和丰富度,广古菌门为优势菌群.土壤古菌群落结构与盐生植被演替顺序不具有严格的一致性:当植被处于相同演替阶段时,土壤古菌群落结构不具明显的相似性;在不同演替阶段时,土壤古菌群落结构也未均表现出更大的差异性.随着盐生植被正向演替,土壤温度、电导率(含盐量)对土壤古菌群落结构多样性起促进作用,土壤全氮、碱解氮、有机质起抑制作用.  相似文献   

Heavy metal pollution affects soil ecological function. Biochar and compost can effectively remediate heavy metals and increase soil nutrients. The effects and mechanisms of biochar and compost amendments on soil nitrogen cycle function in heavy-metal contaminated soils are not fully understood. This study examined how biochar, compost, and their integrated use affected ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in heavy metal polluted soil. Quantitative PCR was used to determine the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and bacteria (AOB). Ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) activity was evaluated by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results showed that compost rather than biochar improved nitrogen conversion in soil. Biochar, compost, or their integrated application significantly reduced the effective Zn and Cd speciation. Adding compost obviously increased As and Cu effective speciation, bacterial 16S rRNA abundance, and AMO activity. AOB, stimulated by compost addition, was significantly more abundant than AOA throughout remediation. Correlation analysis showed that AOB abundance positively correlated with NO3?-N (r = 0.830, P < 0.01), and that AMO activity had significant correlation with EC (r = -0.908, P < 0.01) and water-soluble carbon (r = -0.868, P < 0.01). Those seem to be the most vital factors affecting AOB community and their function in heavy metal-polluted soil remediated by biochar and compost.  相似文献   

Significant quantities of cadmium (Cd) have been added to the soils globally due to various anthropogenic activities, raising concerns for environmental health. Microorganisms play a unique role in the soil ecosystem, because of their contributions to soil fertility. Contrasting trends, reported on the toxic effects of heavy metals including Cd on soil microorganisms and their activities, are attributable to short-term studies often limited to a single soil type and conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. There is a paucity of reliable field data on Cd alone, since most field studies on Cd-microorganism interactions in soils are based on sewage sludge containing multimetals and organic substances. No single parameter can be used to generalize Cd toxicity and different parameters can provide contrasting results. A battery of relevant tests, rather than just one single assay, involving important microbial activities should therefore be included in ecotoxicity studies. The bioavailability of Cd and associated toxicity to soil biota vary with time, soil type, speciation, ageing, Cd-source, organisms and the environmental factors. The available fraction or soil solution Cd, and not the total concentration of Cd, seems to correlate well with the toxicity parameters.  相似文献   

Significant quantities of cadmium (Cd) have been added to the soils globally due to various anthropogenic activities, raising concerns for environmental health. Microorganisms play a unique role in the soil ecosystem, because of their contributions to soil fertility. Contrasting trends, reported on the toxic effects of heavy metals including Cd on soil microorganisms and their activities, are attributable to short-term studies often limited to a single soil type and conducted under controlled laboratory conditions. There is a paucity of reliable field data on Cd alone, since most field studies on Cd-microorganism interactions in soils are based on sewage sludge containing multimetals and organic substances. No single parameter can be used to generalize Cd toxicity and different parameters can provide contrasting results. A battery of relevant tests, rather than just one single assay, involving important microbial activities should therefore be included in ecotoxicity studies. The bioavailability of Cd and associated toxicity to soil biota vary with time, soil type, speciation, ageing, Cd-source, organisms and the environmental factors. The available fraction or soil solution Cd, and not the total concentration of Cd, seems to correlate well with the toxicity parameters.  相似文献   

氨氧化反应是硝化作用的关键步骤,参与这一反应的微生物是氨氧化细菌(AOB)和氨氧化古菌(AOA).对新疆艾比湖湿地盐节木根际和非根际土壤的氨氧化微生物进行群落结构和丰度分析,并探究其与土壤理化因子的相关性.同时,以氨单加氧酶基因(amo A)为分子标记,构建克隆文库和测序并与q-PCR法结合研究AOA、AOB的群落结构和丰度,利用Pearson相关分析法探究其与环境因子的相关性.结果表明,根际土壤中AOB的多样性高于AOA,amo A基因序列多属于土壤/水体沉积物分支,AOB克隆文库中的所有序列均属于亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas).根际土壤中AOA amo A和AOB amo A的数量分别为2.09×104和2.91×105copies·g~(-1),AOB/AOA的比值为13.9;非根际土壤中AOA amo A和AOB amo A的数量分别为3.85×104和4.76×105copies·g~(-1),AOB/AOA的比值为12.36.相关分析显示,氨氧化微生物的群落结构和丰度与电导率(EC)、有机质(OM)、速效氮(AN)、氨氮(NH_4~+-N)和总氮(TN)等环境因子显著相关.这些结果表明,根际土壤中AOB的群落多样性高于AOA,根际和非根际土壤中AOB的丰度均高于AOA,说明在艾比湖湿地AOB是氨氧化微生物的优势种群,且EC、OM、AN、NH_4~+-N和TN可能会影响氨氧化微生物的群落结构和丰度.  相似文献   

To evaluate the long-term effects of reforestation types on soil erosion on degraded land, vegetation and soil properties under conventional sloping farmland (CSF) and three different reforestation types including a Pinus massoniana secondary forest (PSF), an Eucommia ulmoides artificial economic forest (EEF) and a natural succession type forest (NST), were investigated at runoff plot scale over a six-year period in a red soil region of southern China. One hundred and thirty erosive rainfall events generating runoff in plots were grouped into four rainfall types by means of K-mean clustering method. Erosive rainfall type I is the dominant rainfall type. The amount of runoff and the soil loss under erosive rainfall type III were the most, followed by rain-fall type II, IV and I. Compared with CSF treatment, reforestation treatments decreased the average annual runoff depth and the soil loss by 25.5%–61.8% and 93.9%– 96.2% during the study period respectively. Meanwhile, runoff depth at PSF and EEF treatments was significantly lower than that in NST treatment, but no significant difference existed in soil erosion modulus among the three reforestation treatments. This is mainly due to the improved vegetation properties (i.e., vegetation coverage, biomass of above- and below-ground and litter-fall mass) and soil properties (i.e., bulk density, total porosity, infiltration rate and organic carbon content) in the three reforestation treatments compared to CSF treatment. The PSF and EEF are recommended as the preferred reforestation types to control runoff and soil erosion in the red soil region of southern China, with the NST potentially being used as an important supplement.  相似文献   

为探究番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)对镉污染的修复潜力,采用土壤盆栽试验方法,研究了在土壤镉施加含量为2,4,8,16,24,48mg/kg条件下,番茄生长、光合荧光特性及其镉吸收响应特点.结果表明,在土壤中施加镉含量大于8mg/kg时,番茄叶片叶绿素含量、光合性能和荧光参数,以及生物量显著低于没有施加镉的对照(P<0.05),表现出较强的Cd敏感性.同时,在所有镉处理中,番茄叶片对镉的富集系数(2.48~6.60)和转移系数(1.21~3.90)均大于1,表现出较强的富集能力,但经计算其土壤Cd去除率较低.因此,供试番茄品种是Cd的敏感作物,对土壤镉污染修复的潜力较小.  相似文献   

在耕翻、少耕和免耕条件下研究了早稻秸秆还田量对晚稻土壤养分与微生物的影响,结果表明,①秸秆还田显著提高土壤有效磷和速效钾含量,对土壤碱解氮含量的提高体现在水稻生育后期;秸秆还田对土壤碱解氮和有效磷含量的提高效果在免耕条件下最好,而对速效钾含量的提高效果在少耕条件下最好;②不同耕作方式下宜实行不同秸秆还田量,就提高有效磷和速效钾含量而言,耕翻和少耕条件下宜实行全部秸秆还田,而免耕条件下宜实行2/3秸秆还田;③秸秆还田使土壤真菌和嫌气性细菌数量减少,放线菌和好气性细菌数量增加;耕翻使土壤真菌和嫌气性细菌数量减少,好气性细菌数量增加;④土壤耕作有利于晚稻生育前期与后期土壤微生物活度的提高,秸秆还田量对土壤微生物活度的影响在不同耕作方式下表现不同,耕翻条件下以2/3还田量处理的土壤微生物活度最高,而少免耕条件下1/3还田量处理最高.  相似文献   

为了解氮沉降和降雨变化对短花针茅荒漠草原土壤线虫的影响,试验设计采用主区为增雨30%(W)和减雨30%(R)、自然降雨(CK)3种水分处理,副区为0(N0)、30(N30)、50(N50)和100(N100)kg/(hm2·a)4个氮素梯度共12个处理.结果表明:研究区共鉴定土壤线虫隶属41属,群落优势属为丽突属(Ac...  相似文献   

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