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This study investigates the assessment of uncertainty contribution in projected changes of high and low flows from parameterization of a hydrological model and inputs of ensemble regional climate models (RCM). An ensemble of climate projections including 15 global circulation model (GCM)/RCM combinations and two bias corrections (change factor (CF) and bias correction in mean (BC)) was used to generate streamflow series for a reference and future period using the Hydrologiska Byråns Vattenbalansavdelning (HBV) model with the 25 best-fit parameter sets based on four objective functions. The occurrence time of high flows is also assessed through seasonality index calculation. Results indicated that the inputs of hydrological model from ensemble climate models accounts for greater contribution to the uncertainty related to projected changes in high flows comparing to the contribution from hydrological model parameterization. However, the uncertainty contribution is opposite for low flows, particularly for CF method. Both CF and BC increases the total mean variance of high and low flows. The variability in the occurrence time of high flows through RCMs is greater than the variability resulted from hydrological model parameters with and without statistical downscaling. The CF provides more accurate timing than BC and it shows the most pronounced changes in flood seasonality.  相似文献   

Mapping forest biomass is fundamental for estimating CO2 emissions, and planning and monitoring of forests and ecosystem productivity. The present study attempted to map aboveground woody biomass (AGWB) integrating forest inventory, remote sensing and geostatistical techniques, viz., direct radiometric relationships (DRR), k-nearest neighbours (k-NN) and cokriging (CoK) and to evaluate their accuracy. A part of the Timli Forest Range of Kalsi Soil and Water Conservation Division, Uttarakhand, India was selected for the present study. Stratified random sampling was used to collect biophysical data from 36 sample plots of 0.1 ha (31.62 m?×?31.62 m) size. Species-specific volumetric equations were used for calculating volume and multiplied by specific gravity to get biomass. Three forest-type density classes, viz. 10–40, 40–70 and >70 % of Shorea robusta forest and four non-forest classes were delineated using on-screen visual interpretation of IRS P6 LISS-III data of December 2012. The volume in different strata of forest-type density ranged from 189.84 to 484.36 m3 ha?1. The total growing stock of the forest was found to be 2,024,652.88 m3. The AGWB ranged from 143 to 421 Mgha?1. Spectral bands and vegetation indices were used as independent variables and biomass as dependent variable for DRR, k-NN and CoK. After validation and comparison, k-NN method of Mahalanobis distance (root mean square error (RMSE)?=?42.25 Mgha?1) was found to be the best method followed by fuzzy distance and Euclidean distance with RMSE of 44.23 and 45.13 Mgha?1 respectively. DRR was found to be the least accurate method with RMSE of 67.17 Mgha?1. The study highlighted the potential of integrating of forest inventory, remote sensing and geostatistical techniques for forest biomass mapping.  相似文献   

Deforestation and fragmentation are important concerns in managing and conserving tropical forests and have global significance. In the Indian context, in the last one century, the forests have undergone significant changes due to several policies undertaken by government as well as increased population pressure. The present study has brought out spatiotemporal changes in forest cover and variation in forest type in the state of Odisha (Orissa), India, during the last 75 years period. The mapping for the period of 1924–1935, 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2010 indicates that the forest cover accounts for 81,785.6 km2 (52.5 %), 56,661.1 km2 (36.4 %), 51,642.3 km2 (33.2 %), 49,773 km2 (32 %) and 48,669.4 km2 (31.3 %) of the study area, respectively. The study found the net forest cover decline as 40.5 % of the total forest and mean annual rate of deforestation as 0.69 %?year?1 during 1935 to 2010. There is a decline in annual rate of deforestation during 1995 to 2010 which was estimated as 0.15 %. Forest type-wise quantitative loss of forest cover reveals large scale deforestation of dry deciduous forests. The landscape analysis shows that the number of forest patches (per 1,000) are 2.463 in 1935, 10.390 in 1975, 11.899 in 1985, 12.193 in 1995 and 15.102 in 2010, which indicates high anthropogenic pressure on the forests. The mean patch size (km2) of forest decreased from 33.2 in 1935 to 5.5 in 1975 and reached to 3.2 by 2010. The study demonstrated that monitoring of long term forest changes, quantitative loss of forest types and landscape metrics provides critical inputs for management of forest resources.  相似文献   

Analyzing the spatial extent and distribution of forest fires is essential for sustainable forest resource management. There is no comprehensive data existing on forest fires on a regular basis in Biosphere Reserves of India. The present work have been carried out to locate and estimate the spatial extent of forest burnt areas using Resourcesat-1 data and fire frequency covering decadal fire events (2004–2013) in Similipal Biosphere Reserve. The anomalous quantity of forest burnt area was recorded during 2009 as 1,014.7 km2. There was inconsistency in the fire susceptibility across the different vegetation types. The spatial analysis of burnt area shows that an area of 34.2 % of dry deciduous forests, followed by tree savannah, shrub savannah, and grasslands affected by fires in 2013. The analysis based on decadal time scale satellite data reveals that an area of 2,175.9 km2 (59.6 % of total vegetation cover) has been affected by varied rate of frequency of forest fires. Fire density pattern indicates low count of burnt area patches in 2013 estimated at 1,017 and high count at 1,916 in 2004. An estimate of fire risk area over a decade identifies 12.2 km2 is experiencing an annual fire damage. Summing the fire frequency data across the grids (each 1 km2) indicates 1,211 (26 %) grids are having very high disturbance regimes due to repeated fires in all the 10 years, followed by 711 grids in 9 years and 418 in 8 years and 382 in 7 years. The spatial database offers excellent opportunities to understand the ecological impact of fires on biodiversity and is helpful in formulating conservation action plans.  相似文献   

For the past 60 years, Istanbul has been experiencing an accelerated urban expansion. This urban expansion is leading to the replacement of natural surfaces by various artificial materials. This situation has a critical impact on the environment due to the alteration of heat energy balance. In this study, the effect upon the urban heat island (UHI) of Istanbul was analyzed using 2009 dated Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) data. An Index Based Built-up Index (IBI) was used to derive artificial surfaces in the study area. To produce the IBI index, Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Built-up Index, and Modified Normalized Difference Water Index were calculated. Land surface temperature (LST) distribution was derived from Landsat 5 TM images using a mono-window algorithm. In addition, 24 transects were selected, and different regression models were applied to explore the correlation between LST and IBI index. The results show that artificial surfaces have a positive exponential relationship with LST rather than a simple linear one. An ecological evaluation index of the region was calculated to explore the impact of both the vegetated land and the artificial surfaces on the UHI. Therefore, the quantitative relationship of urban components (artificial surfaces, vegetation, and water) and LST was examined using multivariate statistical analysis, and the correlation coefficient was obtained as 0.829. This suggested that the areas with a high rate of urbanization will accelerate the rise of LST and UHI in Istanbul.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces play a significant role in management of physical activity, psychological well-being, and public health of urban residents. With the expansion of urban areas in Turkey during the past decades, urban green spaces have been fragmented and dispersed causing impairment and environmental degradation. The purpose of this study is to model urban green space distribution by focusing on the landscape fragmentation in city of Osmaniye using remote sensing and geographic information system technology. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and urban landscape ratio (ULR) were used to assess the proximity and spatial arrangement of urban green spaces within the neighbor landscapes to quantify the urban land use effect. The geospatial analysis results showed that increase in total built-up area and population has significantly decreased the urban green space cover because of high levels of landscape fragmentation in urban city center. Also, due to high levels of landscape fragmentation, approximately 45% of the Osmaniye city is estimated to become urbanized by 2030. This study demonstrated the benefits of directional vegetation index application with geospatial analyses in characterizing the environmental quality for planning and management of urban green spaces. This approach could be used for determining the future urban land development scenarios correlating with regional planning procedures.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to explore an accurate and fast way of estimating chlorophyll-a amount, a water quality parameter (WQP), using IKONOS satellite sensor image and in situ measurements. Since the in situ data of WQPs are limited with the number of sampling locations, deriving a correlation between these measurements and remotely sensed image allows synoptic estimates of the related parameter over large areas even if the areas are in remote and inaccessible locations. In this study, simultaneously collected satellite image data and in situ measurements of chlorophyll-a were correlated using multivariate regression model. Different experiments were designed by changing the numbers and distributions of in situ measurements. Regression coefficients of each design and differences between model-derived data and in situ measurements were calculated to find out the optimum design to produce chlorophyll-a map of study region. Results illustrated that both the number and distribution of in situ measurements have impact on regression analysis, therefore should be selected attentively. Also, it is found that IKONOS imagery is an efficient and effective source to derive chlorophyll-a map of the large areas using limited number of ground measurements.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to identify the factors influencing the sinuosity of the Pannagon river, using the IRS P6 LISS III data and Geographical Information System (GIS) on 1:50,000 scale. The river follows meandering course and exhibits a narrow, highly sinuous and incised channel. Several lines of evidence including satellite and topographic data, geological maps and field investigations and the generated themes on lithology, structure, geomorphology, slope, riparian vegetation and hydrology have analyzed to understand the controls on the channel morphology of the Pannagon river. The average of sinuosity index of the selected reaches in the river on 1967 was 1.6 and of 2004 was 1.8. The sinuous patches are more in the lower reaches of the river and most of the area comes under floodplain with thick column of alluvial deposits. The analysis shown that the style and degree of sinuosity of the Pannagon river depends on a number of geological factors, including tectonics and the riparian vegetation also plays a major role.  相似文献   

Bafa Lake Nature Park is one of Turkey’s most important legally protected areas. This study aimed at analyzing spatial change in the park environment by using object-based classification technique and landscape structure metrics. SPOT 2X (1994) and ASTER (2005) images are the primary research materials. Results show that artificial surfaces, low maqui, garrigue, and moderately high maqui covers have increased and coniferous forests, arable lands, permanent crop, and high maqui covers have decreased; coniferous forest, high maqui, grassland, and saline areas are in a disappearance stage of the land transformation; and the landscape pattern is more fragmented outside the park boundaries. The management actions should support ongoing vegetation regeneration, mitigate transformation of vegetation structure to less dense and discontinuous cover, control the dynamics at the agricultural–natural landscape interface, and concentrate on relatively low but steady increase of artificial surfaces.  相似文献   

The development activities in mountainous region though provide comfort to the human being and enhance the socioeconomic status of the people but create pressure on the bio-resources. In this paper, the current status of land use/landcover and the vegetation communities of the Solang valley watershed in Himachal Pradesh of Indian western Himalaya has been mapped and presented using remote sensing. This watershed area was dominated by alpine and sub-alpine pastures (30.34%) followed by scree slopes (22.34%) and forests (21.06%). Many tree, shrub, and herb species identified in the study area are among the prioritized species for conservation in the Indian Himalayan Region. Thus, scientific interventions and preparation of action plans based on ecological survey are required for conservation of the Solang valley watershed.  相似文献   

The water used in dental unit waterlines (DUWLs) acts as a coolant for the high-speed equipment and as an irrigant during dental treatments. There are kind of water tanks. DUWLs provide a favorable environment for microbial biofilm and multiplation primarily due to the high surface in the tubing and the character of fluid dynamics in narrow, smooth-walled waterlines. Biofilms can harbour opportunist pathogens such as Legionella sp., Pseudomonas sp. Several studies have shown that DUWLs have high levels of microbial contamination. Presence of high level of microbial contamination is an important problem for dentists and dental patients who are immunocompromised. We collected water samples from DUWLs of 20 private dental offices. We have determined that only 2 (3.4%) out of 59 dental unit water samples were found to meet the standard (<200 CFU.ml(-1)) for DUWLs water quality by American Dental Association (ADA). Of the 59 water samples examined, 14 (24%) were positive for Pseudomonas sp. and 18 (30.5%) were positive for fungi. The most common 14 bacterial strains and seven fungi were isolated. Of bacterial strains, 57.1% were identified: Majority of the bacterial species isolated from our samples was identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pasteurella haemolytica, Photobacterium damsela, Ochrobacter anthropi, Moraxella sp., Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium expansum. Legionella sp. were not detected in all water samples.  相似文献   

Groundwater resource forms a significant component of the urban water supply. Declining groundwater levels in Bangalore Urban District is generally due to continuous overexploitation during the last two decades or more. There is a tremendous increase in demand in the city for good quality groundwater resource. The present study monitors the groundwater quality using geographic information system (GIS) techniques for a part of Bangalore metropolis. Thematic maps for the study area are prepared by visual interpretation of SOI toposheets on 1:50,000 scale using MapInfo software. Physicochemical analysis data of the groundwater samples collected at predetermined locations form the attribute database for the study, based on which spatial distribution maps of major water quality parameters are prepared using MapInfo GIS software. Water quality index was then calculated by considering the following water quality parameters--pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium hardness, magnesium hardness, alkalinity, chloride, nitrate and sulphate to find the suitability of water for drinking purpose. The water quality index for these samples ranged from 49 to 502. The high value of water quality index reveals that most of the study area is highly contaminated due to excessive concentration of one or more water quality parameters and that the groundwater needs pretreatment before consumption.  相似文献   

Mentougou District acts as a crucial component in the ecological buffer in western Beijing mountainous areas, Beijing, China. Using two Landsat MSS/TM images acquired on July 14, 1979 and July 23, 2005, the vegetation coverage of Mentougou District was calculated based on normalized difference vegetation index and spectral mixture analysis (NDVI-SMA) model. Its temporal and spatial changes were analyzed according to digital elevation model (DEM) image, social and economic data. The results showed that the vegetation coverage decreased from 76.4% in 1979 to 72.7% in 2005. Vegetation degradation was probably the result of human disturbance, such as outspreading of resident areas, and coal and stone mining activities, while vegetation restoration might be contributed by the combined effects of both natural processes and ecological construction effort. Vegetation changes were closely related to topographical characteristics. Plants at high altitude were more stable and less degraded than the plants at low altitude, while the plants on steep slope or northwest aspect were more vulnerable to degradation. During the period of 26 years, landscape appeared to become more fragmental, and ecological quality of the land seemed deteriorated sharply in that highly-covered vegetation area has been decreased by 24%.  相似文献   

Striped hyenas (Hyaena hyaena L.) are one of the large carnivores whose numbers have rapidly decreased in Turkey. To monitor and assess the distribution of striped hyenas in Mediterranean region of Turkey, geographical information systems (GIS) and remote sensing technologies were implemented. For this purpose, the GIS database was generated and digital maps were produced in ArcGIS 9.2 program, considering some of the main factors including signs of striped hyenas, elevation, slope, land use types, feeding sources, and road network. The land use types in the distribution area of striped hyenas were classified by using ERDAS Imagine program. The results from the land use classification indicated that the signs of striped hyenas mostly distributed over the agricultural areas especially with olive groves, and followed by maquis. It was found that there was a spatial relationship between the signs of striped hyenas and feeding sources such as organic waste centers and a chicken farm in the region.  相似文献   

In this study, landslide risk assessment for Izmir city (west Turkey) was carried out, and the environmental effects of landslides on further urban development were evaluated using geographical information systems and remote sensing techniques. For this purpose, two different data groups, namely conditioning and triggering data, were produced. With the help of conditioning data such as lithology, slope gradient, slope aspect, distance from roads, distance from faults and distance from drainage lines, a landslide susceptibility model was constructed by using logistic regression modelling approach. The accuracy assessment of the susceptibility map was carried out by the area under curvature (AUC) approach, and a 0.810 AUC value was obtained. This value shows that the map obtained is successful. Due to the fact that the study area is located in an active seismic region, earthquake data were considered as primary triggering factor contributing to landslide occurrence. In addition to this, precipitation data were also taken into account as a secondary triggering factor. Considering the susceptibility data and triggering factors, a landslide hazard index was obtained. Furthermore, using the Aster data, a land-cover map was produced with an overall kappa value of 0.94. From this map, settlement areas were extracted, and these extracted data were assessed as elements at risk in the study area. Next, a vulnerability index was created by using these data. Finally, the hazard index and the vulnerability index were combined, and a landslide risk map for Izmir city was obtained. Based on this final risk map, it was observed that especially south and north parts of the Izmir Bay, where urbanization is dense, are threatened to future landsliding. This result can be used for preliminary land use planning by local governmental authorities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to develop techniques for assessing and analysing land desertification in Yulin of Northwest China, as a typical monitoring region through the use of remotely sensed data and geographic information systems (GIS). The methodology included the use of Landsat TM data from 1987, 1996 and 2006, supplemented by aerial photos in 1960, topographic maps, field work and use of other existing data. From this, land cover, the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), farmland, woodland and grassland maps at 1:100,000 were prepared for land desertification monitoring in the area. In the study, all data was entered into a GIS using ILWIS software to perform land desertification monitoring. The results indicate that land desertification in the area has been developing rapidly during the past 40 years. Although land desertification has to some extent been controlled in the area by planting grasses and trees, the issue of land desertification is still serious. The study also demonstrates an example of why the integration of remote sensing with GIS is critical for the monitoring of environmental changes in arid and semi-arid regions, e.g. in land desertification monitoring in the Yulin pilot area. However, land desertification monitoring using remote sensing and GIS still needs to be continued and also refined for the purpose of long-term monitoring and the management of fragile ecosystems in the area.  相似文献   

The effect of land cover change, from natural to anthropogenic, on physical geography conditions has been studied in Kayisdagi Mountain. Land degradation is the most important environmental issue involved in this study. Most forms of land degradation are natural processes accelerated by human activity. Land degradation is a human induced or natural process that negatively affects the ability of land to function effectively within an ecosystem. Environmental degradation from human pressure and land use has become a major problem in the study area because of high population growth, urbanization rate, and the associated rapid depletion of natural resources. When studying the cost of land degradation, it is not possible to ignore the role of urbanization. In particular, a major cause of deforestation is conversion to urban land. The paper reviews the principles of current remote sensing techniques considered particularly suitable for monitoring Kayisdagi Mountain and its surrounding land cover changes and their effects on physical geography conditions. In addition, this paper addresses the problem of how spatially explicit information about degradation processes in the study area rangelands can be derived from different time series of satellite data. The monitoring approach comprises the time period between 1990 and 2005. Satellite remote sensing techniques have proven to be cost effective in widespread land cover changes. Physical geography and particularly natural geomorphologic processes like erosion, mass movement, physical weathering, and chemical weathering features etc. have faced significant unnatural variation.  相似文献   

Istanbul is one of the largest metropolitan cities in the World. The city has experienced rapid industrialization and urbanization in the second half of the twentieth century. Between 1950 and 2000, the city has grown by an average of 4.5% annually. Given the scale of the growth, neither local nor the central governments have shown capability of controlling the influx of migration, most of which settled illegally on public lands. Most of the settlements lack the basic sewerage facilities, and a significant portion of which are on the major water resource basins. As of today, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) not only has to cope with the infrastructure problems, but also has to find ways of solving the problem of illegal occupations of public lands and water resource basins. This paper presents the land use changes in the water resource basins providing water to the Istanbul Metropolitan Area. Using four consecutive Landsat images between 1990 and 2005, the changes in 12 different land use categories are obtained via overlay operations by GIS for water resource basins surrounding the City of Istanbul. It has been observed that the most critical land use changes are in the nearest basins to the city. The capability of Landsat and IKONOS images in determining the alterations in the macro form of the city are also discussed. Finally, possibility of utilization of new technologies in policy making regarding environmental management in Istanbul is discussed.  相似文献   

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