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Summary A study of social organization in an herbivorous lizard Ctenosaura hemilopha investigated the role of dominance in group member behavior. Attention focused on a very populous (16 ind.) colony to examine causes and effects of crowding with respect to competitive factors. Lizards were colonial, with a top-rank male, one or more adult females, and various subadults and juveniles. Top-rank males defended harems, with colonies female-biased (1:4 in focal colony). Dominance hierarchy was observed, with females more aggressive than males, except for the top-rank male. Group awareness facilitated adaptive responses to threatening dominants and predators. Strong correlations existed among individual size, rank, and aggression. Top-rank male aggressiveness was partly explained by harem defense. Food resource competition, which causes aggression in female insectivorous lizards, did not explain female C. hemilopha behavior. Response to predators, predator fecal pellet analysis, and tail break frequencies implicate crevice escape sites for predator avoidance as a prime controller of social and population structure in these lizards.  相似文献   

Bright colours often communicate important information between conspecifics. In sexually dichromatic species where males exhibit bright colours, two hypotheses are often invoked to explain the function of the colour. First, if a male’s bright colour contains information about his quality, females may prefer brighter males. Equally, male colour may reliably provide other males with information about fighting ability or resource holding potential. In such circumstances, brighter males may win altercations and/or males may use rival colour to assess their likelihood of winning an interaction. In the chameleon grasshopper (Kosciuscola tristis), males but not females turn bright turquoise when their body temperature exceeds 25 °C. In this study, we tested whether the turquoise phase of colour change has a signaling role in inter- and intrasexual contexts. We predicted that females would prefer bright turquoise males over dull males, but found no evidence from several choice experiments to support this hypothesis. We also predicted that brighter males would win more fights than duller males. Whilst we did not find that brighter males won more fights in staged experiments, we found that the brightness of males who chose to enter fights was significantly correlated with their opponents’ brightness. Our results suggest that the brightness of males’ turquoise phase may provide competitors with important information about their rival’s fighting ability.  相似文献   

Stricker KB  Stiling P 《Ecology》2012,93(8):1902-1911
The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) is often cited to explain why some plants successfully invade natural communities while others do not. This hypothesis maintains that plant populations are regulated by coevolved enemies in their native range but are relieved of this pressure where their enemies have not been co-introduced. Some studies have shown that invasive plants sustain lower levels of herbivore damage when compared to native species, but how damage affects fitness and population dynamics remains unclear. We used a system of co-occurring native and invasive Eugenia congeners in south Florida (USA) to experimentally test the ERH, addressing deficiencies in our understanding of the role of natural enemies in plant invasion at the population level. Insecticide was used to experimentally exclude insect herbivores from invasive Eugenia uniflora and its native co-occurring congeners in the field for two years. Herbivore damage, plant growth, survival, and population growth rates for the three species were then compared for control and insecticide-treated plants. Our results contradict the ERH, indicating that E. uniflora sustains more herbivore damage than its native congeners and that this damage negatively impacts stem height, survival, and population growth. In addition, most damage to E. uniflora, a native of Brazil, is carried out by Myllocerus undatus, a recently introduced weevil from Sri Lanka, and M. undatus attacks a significantly greater proportion of E. uniflora leaves than those of its native congeners. This interaction is particularly interesting because M. undatus and E. uniflora share no coevolutionary history, having arisen on two separate continents and come into contact on a third. Our study is the first to document negative population-level effects for an invasive plant as a result of the introduction of a novel herbivore. Such inhibitory interactions are likely to become more prevalent as suites of previously noninteracting species continue to accumulate and new communities assemble worldwide.  相似文献   

We tested the effect of near-future CO2 levels (≈490, 570, 700, and 960 μatm CO2) on the olfactory responses and activity levels of juvenile coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus, a piscivorous reef fish that is also one of the most important fisheries species on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Juvenile coral trout reared for 4 weeks at 570 μatm CO2 exhibited similar sensory responses and behaviors to juveniles reared at 490 μatm CO2 (control). In contrast, juveniles reared at 700 and 960 μatm CO2 exhibited dramatically altered sensory function and behaviors. At these higher CO2 concentrations, juveniles became attracted to the odor of potential predators, as has been observed in other reef fishes. They were more active, spent less time in shelter, ventured further from shelter, and were bolder than fish reared at 490 or 570 μatm CO2. These results demonstrate that behavioral impairment of coral trout is unlikely if pCO2 remains below 600 μatm; however, at higher levels, there are significant impacts on juvenile performance that are likely to affect survival and energy budgets, with consequences for predator–prey interactions and commercial fisheries.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition is a pervasive phenomenon with important ecological and evolutionary consequences, yet its effect in natural populations remains controversial. Although numerous studies suggest that in many cases populations across all organisms are limited by density-dependent processes, this conclusion often relies on correlative data. Here, using an experimental approach, we examined the effect of intraspecific competition on population regulation of the ant Aphaenogaster senilis. In this species females are philopatric while males disperse by flying over relatively long distances. All colonies were removed from 15 experimental plots, except for one focal colony in each plot, while 15 other plots remained unmanipulated. After the first reproductive season, nest density in the experimental plots returned to a level nonsignificantly different from that in the control plots, which was not expected if the populations were indeed regulated by density-independent phenomena. In both the control plots and the experimental plots colonies remained overdispersed throughout the experiment, suggesting colony mutual exclusion. Nests outside the plots rapidly extended their foraging span, but we did not detect any significant inward migration into the experimental plots. Experimental reduction in density did not significantly affect the focal colonies' biomass, measured just before the first reproductive season. However, the ratio of males to workers-pupae biomasses was smaller in experimental plots, suggesting that colonies there had redirected part of the resources normally allocated to male production to the production instead of new workers. Microsatellite analysis indicated that, after the reproductive season, many colonies in the experimental plots were headed by a young queen that was the mother of the brood but not of the old workers, indicating that reduction in colony density stimulated fission of the remaining colonies. Finally, at the end of the experiment, 14 months after experimental reduction in density, colonies that derived from fission were smaller in the experimental than in the control plots, suggesting that the former had undergone fission at a smaller size than in control plots, which presumably allowed them to colonize the emptied areas. We conclude that colonies adjust resource allocation and colony fission to the degree of intraspecific competition.  相似文献   

Sexually selected traits that act as signals of quality often display some degree of condition dependence. In birds, condition dependence of ornamental plumage is often mediated by production costs related to acquisition or allocation of dietary resources. White plumage ornaments, however, have often been assumed to be inexpensive because their production requires neither pigment nor specialized feather structure. In male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis), the size of a white patch on the tail contributes to attractiveness and mating success. Using captive males, we examined the effects of diet quality on the size and brightness of the tail-white patch. After removing four tail feathers to induce replacement, we maintained subjects on a subsistence (low-protein) or enriched (high-protein) diet while induced feathers grew. Birds that received an enriched diet grew their feathers more quickly and grew larger, brighter white patches. Feather growth rate was positively correlated with the increase in the size of the tail-white patch, a relationship that was stronger in the subsistence diet group. However, within diet treatments, faster-grown feathers were slightly duller. Taken together, these results suggest that variation in diet quality may lead to condition-dependent expression of tail white and that condition dependence may be stronger in more stressful environments. We suggest a mechanism by which increased feather growth rate may lead to an increase in the size of the tail-white patch and discuss potential trade-offs between signal size and brightness.  相似文献   

Adult zebraperch, Hermosilla azurea, were found to be functional herbivores in that animal matter constituted <0.01% of the total dry weight of stomach contents of fish collected off Santa Catalina Island in southern California waters. The diet of these fish consisted mainly of red algae (88.2% by dry wt) and also small amounts of brown (7.8%) and green (4.0%) algae. The most important dietary item, the filamentous red algae Polysiphonia spp., was found in >78% of the stomachs and comprised >60% of the contents by dry weight. The digestive tract was long, on average 4.0 times the standard length of the fish, and was composed of the stomach, pyloric caeca, intestine, hindgut chamber with a blind caecum, and rectum. The mean pH of the cardiac stomach was acidic (3.9), whereas that of the intestine was nearly neutral (6.9) and that of the hindgut and blind caecum slightly acidic (6.3 and 6.6, respectively). Algal foods are apparently digested by acid lysis in the stomach and by microbial fermentation in the hindgut. Zebraperch assimilated nutritional constituents from six species of algae with varying degrees of efficiency: carbon (73.7 to 89.7%), nitrogen (72.4 to 84.5%), and protein (71.9 to 94.9%). The fish assimilated these constituents as efficiently or more efficiently from three species of nondietary brown algae as from three species of dietary red and green algae. These results show that zebraperch, like their tropical and subtropical relatives (members of the genus Kyphosus), can digest a wide variety of algae including brown algae containing defensive secondary compounds. Received: 3 November 1997 / Accepted: 19 June 1998  相似文献   

The persistence of endangered species may depend on the fate of a very small number of individual animals. In situ conservation alone may sometimes be insufficient. In these instances, the International Union for Conservation of Nature provides guidelines for ex situ conservation and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) indicates how ex situ management can support the CBD's objectives by providing insurance policies for species. The circumstances that justify its use are uncertain. To evaluate the current in situ extinction risk and ex situ management of 43 critically endangered species of mammalian megafauna, we used nonmetric multidimensional scaling and geopolitical variables related to governance, economics, and national policy within their extant ranges. We then fitted generalized additive models to assess the contribution of each variable to the ordination. Fifteen (almost one-third) of the world's terrestrial mammalian megafauna are not the subject of any ex situ management. Seventy-three percent of these taxa occur in areas characterized by political uncertainty, such as border zones or areas affected by armed conflicts, mainly in Africa and the Middle East. A further 23% of taxa in ex situ programs do not meet sustainability criteria for inbreeding avoidance. Strategic conservation planning, such as the One Plan approach, may improve ex situ management for these taxa. Given the escalating trend in threats afflicting megafauna, ex situ management should be considered more rigorously, particularly in politically unstable regions, to achieve CBD Target 12 (prevent extinction of threatened species).  相似文献   

一株拮抗烟草青枯病菌的真菌的筛选与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为寻找烟草青枯病的生防微生物,研究采用平板涂布法从重庆烟田健康土壤中分离根际微生物,纯化后得到了59株真菌。用滤纸片法从中筛选出1株对青枯雷尔氏菌(Ralstonia solanacearum)有稳定拮抗效果的真菌,其抑菌圈为10.0 mm。其抑制活性优于或接近于近期发现的其他生防微生物。测定该株活性真菌的全细胞脂肪酸组成,进行菌落和分生孢子形态学观察,以及rDNA ITS区测序,结果表明:该菌株全细胞脂肪酸属性未被收录于TSBA6脂肪酸数据库,而根据形态学观察结果,以及对所获rDNA ITS区序列的分析,鉴定该株真菌为烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)。  相似文献   

A preliminary screening of crude acetone extract of Cuscuta hyalina Roth. was conducted against the laboratory reared preadult stages of common house mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae). 24 h LC50 of third and fourth instar larvae and pupae were 303 ppm, 306.44 ppm and 97.66 ppm respectively. The extract completely restrained the adult mosquito emergence at sublethal doses (50 ppm for third instar and 75 ppm for fourth instar), by disrupting the normal morphogenesis. The extract was found to be an effective oviposition deterrent at 80 ppm. The plant was also found to be effective in suppressing the adult emergence when directly sprinkled as dry powder on the water surface.  相似文献   

Summary. Adult tiger moths exhibit a wide range of palatabilities to the insectivorous big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus. Much of this variation is due to plant allelochemics ingested and sequestered from their larval food. By using a comparative approach involving 15 species from six tribes and two subfamilies of the Arctiidae we have shown that tiger moths feeding on cardiac glycoside-containing plants often contain highly effective natural feeding deterrents. Feeding on pyrrolizidine alkaloid-containing plants is also an effective deterrent to predation by bats but less so than feeding on plants rich in cardiac glycosides. Moths feeding on plants containing iridoid glycosides and/or moths likely to contain biogenic amines were the least deterrent. By manipulating the diet of several tiger moth species we were able to adjust their degree of palatability and link it to the levels of cardiac glycosides or pyrrolizidine alkaloids in their food. We argue that intense selective pressure provided by vertebrate predators including bats has driven the tiger moths to sequester more and more potent deterrents against them and to acquire a suite of morphology characteristics and behaviors that advertise their noxious taste.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Mercury is widely found in nature, however, in low concentrations, but anthropological activities have increased its concentration considerably. This causes...  相似文献   

Kelp and other seaweeds are traditionally used in many parts of the world as a soil amendment on arable fields. Seaweeds contain biochemical compounds that can act as plant growth regulators in terrestrial plants. In a low-intensity arable grassland in northwest Scotland an organic fertilizer, kelp (Laminaria digitata) has been used for hundreds of years, due to its anticipated positive effect as a soil conditioner and provider of plant nutrients. In this study the effects of kelp on germination and rooting of crops and native plants from this area were investigated in soil-free media. Germination was studied by incubation in the presence of kelp solutions. Rooting of plant cuttings was assessed after a pulse treatment with kelp solutions, and indole-3 acetic acid (IAA) as a reference plant growth regulator. Germination percentage of Plantago lanceolata, Trifolium repens and Avena strigosa seeds increased significantly when incubated with 0.05% kelp solutions. Total root weight and the individual weight of roots produced in cuttings of Vigna radiata and P. lanceolata were significantly increased when exposed to a 0.5% solution of kelp. Plant vigour, assessed visually, decreased significantly for P. lanceolata exposed to kelp at concentrations of 0.5 and 5.0% indicating the presence of a threshold level for an inhibitory effect of kelp at these concentrations, which may be due to high salinity. The results confirmed the presence of plant growth regulators in kelp, and indicates that amendment with kelp may potentially affect plant community composition. The threshold levels where some plants responded negatively to kelp amendment were close to or lower than the theoretical concentrations of kelp in soil water at field conditions with the current doses used on the machair, indicating that care should be taken in either administering kelp at the appropriate dose or leaching out salt before application.  相似文献   

Latrunculia apicalis is a spherically shaped demosponge that previous investigations have shown is rarely preyed upon by sea stars which are the dominant spongivores in antarctic benthic communities. Prior studies have also demonstrated that L. apicalis produces organic compounds that elicit a tube foot retraction response in the keystone spongivorous sea star Perknaster fuscus that can be used as a reliable assay for feeding deterrence. L. apicalis is known to contain discorhabdin alkaloids which serve, among other roles, as the source of its green coloration. To assess the defensive nature of the discorhabdin alkaloids toward P. fuscus, we have determined discorhabdin G concentrations in discrete sponge layers and evaluated those concentrations in the P. fuscus bioassay. In discorhabdin G-bearing sponges, we found a gradient of discorhabdin G that falls off rapidly toward the center of the sponge. On average, 52% of total discorhabdin G in a given sponge was found within 2 mm of the sponge surface. Tube foot retraction responses to extracts from the surface tissues (0–2 mm depth) of L. apicalis were compared to those of an inner layer (8–10 mm depth) and to a sample comprised of the same inner layer spiked with discorhabdin G at a concentration equivalent to that of the surface tissues. Tube foot retraction response times to extracts of the surface layers and the spiked inner layers were not statistically different, but were significantly greater than responses to the unaltered inner layer and controls. These results support the predictions of the optimal defense theory as L. apicalis sequesters its defensive chemistry (discorhabdin G) in its most vulnerable surface tissues, where the likelihood of predation from sea stars is highest. As antarctic sponges are generally preyed upon by extraoral feeding sea stars rather than deeper biting predators such as fish, surface sequestration may be uniquely adaptive in sessile macroinvertebrates occurring in antarctic marine benthic environments.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

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