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针对冬季运行工况下表面凝汽式间接空冷系统冻结损坏问题,从散热器基管堵塞、循环水质、操作方式等方面分析原因,采取循环水管道清淤和冲洗、散热器易泄漏部位加装防冻挡风板和补水泵入口加装过滤网等方法进行改造,提出了有效的防范措施。改造结果表明:空冷系统散热器泄漏率下降了92%,保证了机组运行的安全性和经济性,提高了供热可靠性。  相似文献   

为了保证对空冷发电机组的水汽系统在机组运行初期硅含量监督指标的控制,对影响水汽中SiO2含量的因素进行分析,提出洗硅的有效方法和措施。应用结果表明:采用洗硅、投运前冲洗、合理的凝结水精处理以及调节pH值等控制手段,可有效改善并解决水汽系统硅含量长期超标的问题,保证机组合格的水汽品质。  相似文献   

空冷机组冷却性能受外界气象条件的影响较大,高温时期凝结水水温易超过离子交换树脂的承受范围,影响系统的正常投运。对不同的阴树脂产品进行耐热性能研究,探求其性能随温度的变化情况,以指导电厂的设备运行。  相似文献   

<正> 我局研制的WSC型数字传输系统是一套远程无线数字传输系统。它用微机进行自动观测、自动传输、自动贮存,实现了台站无人值守,用计算机编辑处理观测数据。  相似文献   

目前应用的隔震系统往往处于非线性工作状态,隔震设计仍基本停留在线性隔震理论的基础上,使隔震系统的设计存在诸多缺陷,因此加强对非线性隔震理论的研究十分重要。用指数型刚度表示的隔震系统在非线性隔震系统中有较强的代表性,只要改变指数参数的正负号就可以简单地反映出隔震材料或隔震元件的硬特性或软特性。通过对隔震系统建立的数学模型在核爆近区和远区的地冲击加速度作用下的隔震性能进行数值计算分析,证明隔震系统刚度特性对隔震性能有很大影响,该分析方法对隔震材料的选择和系统的设计有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

Two three-stage cluster surveys were conducted in South Dade County, Florida, 14 months apart, to assess recovery following Hurricane Andrew. Response rates were 75 per cent and 84 per cent. Sources of assistance used in recovery from Hurricane Andrew differed according to race, per capita income, ethnicity, and education. Reports of improved living situation post-hurricane were not associated with receiving relief assistance, but reports of a worse situation were associated with loss of income, being exploited, or job loss. The number of households reporting problems with crime and community violence doubled between the two surveys. Disaster relief efforts had less impact on subjective long-term recovery than did job or income loss or housing repair difficulties. Existing sources of assistance were used more often than specific post-hurricane relief resources. The demographic make-up of a community may determine which are the most effective means to inform them after a disaster and what sources of assistance may be useful.  相似文献   

China’s counterpart assistance policy is of vital importance in providing guidance for emergency management and post-disaster reconstruction. However, the amount of assistance that partner provinces should provide as well as the criteria that partners should abide by in offering counterpart assistance remain a main challenge. The goal of this research is to fill this gap by proposing a new framework consisting of an interregional input–output (IRIO) model and a resilience index. Subsequently, the indirect economic loss is obtained by utilizing the index system of provincial economic resilience assessments, with measures of indirect economic loss developed from the IRIO. Furthermore, to examine the internal validity and systematic error, the reliability of the adopted models, the calculation methods, and the index systems are investigated. To assess the external validity of the proposed measures and resilience index of the framework, data from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake are applied for estimating parameter values of the framework, and a follow-up investigation was conducted for examining the fairness and enhanced effectiveness of the new counterpart assistance criteria. In summary, this paper attempts to present some new ideas about the analysis of economic motivations of mutual aid and the improvement of the counterpart assistance policy.  相似文献   

张磊 《灾害学》2021,(2):159-165,175
韧性理论引入灾害风险管理领域,为世界防灾减灾实践提供了新理念,并在国内外韧性城市社区建设中得到广泛应用,但针对乡村地区,尤其是高脆弱性的贫困村韧性社区建设的研究还较为鲜见.该文以韧性理论为基础,结合乡村振兴战略规划,通过对贫困村社会生态系统特征的分析,探讨了新时期我国贫困村灾后恢复重建与灾害风险管理发展方向及特点.研究...  相似文献   

灾害伦理文化对灾害管理制度的评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灾害伦理文化通过对灾害涉及的伦理问题进行研究,能够对灾害管理制度的发展和完善起到促进作用.这一作用是通过灾害伦理文化具有的评价功能实现的.而这一评价功能主要是通过确立灾害管理制度的价值尺度、对于制度安排的具体评价和对于制度安排效果的评价等三方面实现的.  相似文献   

通过对线性工程特征的分析,首先提出了针对大型线性工程风险评价的线评价(或带状评价)的概念,并对其涵义进行了分析。然后以公路岸坡这类大型的线性工程为例,提出了库水作用下公路岸坡灾害风险分析的基本定义,并结合公路不同勘察阶段的目的、任务、要求等方面的差别,阐明了线评价的特征并建立了相应的风险分析理论体系。最后,通过对岸坡灾害类型及承灾体特征的研究,建立了相应的危险性与易损性评价指标体系,同时还对岸坡灾害风险防治体系进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

中国幅员辽阔,人口众多,灾害多发,因此自然灾害问题对中国来说无疑具有更为重要的意义。结合对自然灾害的科学研究、应对管理以及深层的伦理思考,我们已经形成了灾害共同体,并且,在应对自然灾害上正在逐渐走向责任共同体和伦理共同体。  相似文献   

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