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Goal, Scope, and Background

Soil organisms play a crucial role in terrestrial ecosystems. Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are known to affect these organisms and might have negative impacts on soil functions influenced by these organisms. Little research has been done to day on the impact of PPPs on tropical ecosystems. Therefore, in this study it was investigated whether the effects of pesticides differ between tropical and temperate regions and whether data generated under temperate conditions can be used for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in tropical regions.


The effects of one fungicide (Carbendazim) and one insecticide (lambda-Cyhalothrin) on soil invertebrates (earthworms and arthropods) and functional parameters (organic matter (OM) breakdown, feeding rate) were evaluated in semi-field tests using Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs) and in field tests using litter-bags. The soil for the TMEs was extracted from the same site near Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil) where the field test was conducted (see Part 1, Römbke et al. 2005 〈DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/uswf2004.12.088.1〉). The soil was acid clay, typical for tropical regions. In the TMEs the standard test species as well as native tropical species were introduced. Several application scenarios, selected according to their relevance for practical conditions, were realized in TME-tests and field (duration: 150 and 365 days, respectively). Finally, an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for the two chemicals was performed.

Results and Conclusions

The results from the TME-tests show that both test chemicals (depending on their concentration) had toxic effects on the tested organisms and organic matter breakdown, but not on the feeding rates. In the field organic matter breakdown was affected for some time too, but effects on single species were, with one exception (the native earthworm Andiorrhinus amazonicus) not observed; a result probably influenced by the small size of the test plots. Observed differences in OM breakdown between control and treated TMEs were often significant, while due to the higher variability even with differences >10% between means this was not the case in the field.

Recommendation and Perspective

According to the preliminary results of the Environmental Risk, Assessment presented here, the use of the three model chemicals in the tropics (e.g. in Brazil) can cause a damage to the environmental compartment soil. Therefore, a more detailed investigation of these PPPs is recommended, in particular a better evaluation of the exposure (residue analysis). In general, the work performed in Amazonia can be summarised as follows: (1) Depending on the properties of the PPP, the effects of pesticides in tropical resp, temperate regions can differ. (2) If a PPP is going to be used in the tropics, data from tests modified for these conditions should be performed and their results should be incorporated in an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for tropical regions.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope, and Background

Soil organisms play a crucial role in the terrestrial ecosystem. Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are known to affect soil organisms and might have negative impacts on soil functions influenced by these organisms. Little research has been done to day on the impact of PPs on tropical ecosystems. Therefore, in this study it was investigated whether fate and effects of pesticides differ between tropical and temperate regions and whether data generated under temperate conditions can be used for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in tropical regions.


In the first part of this study, the effects of two fungicides (Benomyl and Carbendazim) and one insecticide (lambda-Cyhalothrin) on soil invertebrates (i.e. earthworms and arthropods) were evaluated in laboratory tests modified for tropical conditions (temperature, soil, test species). Besides using some native species, the tests were done mainly with two (temperate and tropical) strains of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and the peregrine isopod speciesPorcellionides pruinosus as standard test species. The chemicals were spiked in two natural and two artificial soils. A tropical artificial soil (TAS), containing a tropical fern product (Xaxim) or coconut coir dust as organic matter, was developed in this study.

Results and Conclusions

The results from the laboratory tests showed that all three test chemicals differed from those gained under temperate conditions. In the case of the fungicides the toxicity was lower but in the case of the insecticide higher under tropical than under temperate conditions. The native tropical earthwormPontoscolex corethrurus reacted more sensitively against Carbendazim in comparison to the standard test speciesEisenia fetida.

Recommendation and Perspective

Details of the environmental risk assessment of the three model chemicals based on the results of the laboratory described here (and including the results of higher tier tests (semi-field and field tests)) will be described in Part 2 of this series  相似文献   


Aims and Scope

Compared to mineral oil products, cooling lubricants based on fatty acid esters have technological advantages. Moreover, they are more environmentally compatible and make a contribution to a sustainable economy. Nevertheless, they are rarely applied in practice, because of their comparably high price, that is based on raw-material and synthesis costs. Alternatives concerning raw-materials and synthesis pathways are considered and properties of resulting ester products are compared.


The investigations aimed at three fatty acid-2-ethyl-hexylesters that were synthesized in an enzymatic-catalytic routine based on peanut oil, suet, and waste edible fat and at esters that were conventionally produced from animal and plant fats and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. Physical properties, fatty acid patterns, contents of free fatty acids, as well as oxidative and hydrolytic stabilities were determined. Thermolysis experiments were performed.


The physical properties of the seven esters, density, viscosity, pourpoint, and flash point, were comparable and gave reason for the assumption, that the products could be used as basis oils in lubricant formulations. Hydrolysis stabilities of the esters were high and thermal stress did not point at high potential of hazardous compounds formation. Especially the enzymatic-catalytically produced esters showed deficits concerning oxidation stabilities and free fatty acid contents.


For practice it will be necessary to define minimum qualities for raw-materials and resulting ester oils to be used as lubricant basis oils. Moreover, processes have to be developed, that yield high quality ester products from waste edible and animal fats without loosing the advantage of low-cost raw-materials by high production and refinement costs. Surely, one contribution is the further development of the energy-saving enzymtic alcoholysis for ester production.  相似文献   

“In contrast to other fields of politics, a few, minor measurements (indicators) are still lacking in the environmental policies which enable one to evaluate the environmental situation and to consequently take over a major role in political discussions” (BMU 1998). There are a multitude of suggestions for such environmental indicators on both a national and an international level. To date, however, there are still no indicators through which the ecological effects of biosphere pollution can be evaluated. This work provides two examples how biomonitoring data can be connected to environmental indicators. Based on the background concentrations of a multitude of heavy metals and dioxins/furans in two individual bioindicators (standardized grass and kale cultures), which have been combined to act as indicators for the topic in question, indices have been calculated through the determination of reference values. The results are indicators for the pollution effects of traffic-related emissions, the pollution effects from the emissions of fossil fuels and the pollution effects of dioxins and furanes. These indicators may still be combined further through the methods of calculation which are described. The further, methodical development of bioindicators, however, turned out to be problematic. Only data whose survey methods have been standardized to such an extent that the results are comparable with each other over longer periods of time can be combined to represent indicators: an inalienable requirement for the presentation of trends.  相似文献   

Treibhausgas-Emissionen zukünftiger Erdgas-Bereitstellung für Deutschland   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  


Natural gas makes a significant contribution to the current energy supply and its importance, in relation to both the German and worldwide energy supplies, will increase further in decades to come. In addition to its high degree of efficiency, the low level of direct GHG combustion emissions is also an advantageous factor. However, around 90% of natural gas is methane (CH4), which is the second most significant GHG due to its high greenhouse potential (21 times higher than CO2). Therefore, high levels of direct gas losses of natural gas in its production, processing, transport and distribution could neutralise its low emission advantages. This is particularly apparent when considering the growing distances between production and use, the demanding production processes and the upcoming worldwide market for LNG (liquefied natural gas).


This paper aims to analyse and illustrate the future GHG emissions of the whole process chain of natural gas (indirect emissions) to be supplied to the German border over the next 2 decades. This should allow the comparison of total GHG emissions (indirect and direct) of natural gas with the GHG emissions of other fossil fuels. By considering likely changes in gas origin as well as dynamic changes in the infrastructure and technology of gas production, processing and transport until 2030, all relevant factors are included. The study focuses on the emissions of Russian natural gas as Russia is already, and will be in the future, the most important gas supplier to the German and European gas markets.

Results and Discussion

The analysis illustrates a significant change in the gas supply over the next two decades. The EU Gas Fields are in decline and it is predicted that these will run dry. In parallel the share of Russian and Norwegian natural gas, and also the levels of LNG production (e.g. from Algeria or Egypt), will increase. Although the potential for GHG emissions tends to grow as a result of greater transport distances and demanding production and processing activities, high investment in necessary mitigation options (e.g. through replacing older and inefficient technology; updating to state-of-the-art technology) may neutralise the increase. The overall result of these counteracting trends will be to decrease GHG emissions, in a range of around 12% per TJ of direct emissions of natural gas, depending on the level of investment in the modernisation of the Russian gas infrastructure and the improvements of the LNG process. In the two given scenarios the indirect emissions of the natural gas used in Germany will decrease from about 23 million t CO2-eq (2005) to 19.5 or 17.6 million t CO2-eq in the year 2030. In spite of a significant higher gas consumption the emissions are reduced in the first scenario due to technical modifications. In the second scenario the emission reduction is based on the lower gas consumption.


At present, the indirect GHG emissions of the natural gas process chain are comparable to the indirect emissions produced by oil and coal. The emission trend of the natural gas process chain will markedly decrease if the mitigation options are followed consistently. However, in order to ensure the long-term security of natural gas supply for future decades, a high level of investment is essential. With regard to future emissions, the best available technology and, therefore, that which is most economically feasible in the long term, should be used. Under these conditions natural gas — as the fossil fuel with the lowest levels of GHG emissions — can play a major role in the transition to a renewable energy supply for the future.  相似文献   

The term ‘sustainable development’ is defined and discussed with regard to its significance and its application in the field of chemistry. This is presented using the synthetic organic chemistry as an example. A review of the history of chemistry indicates clearly the necessity for further developments in the course of concepts involving sustainability. Following the eras of bituminous coal tar and mineral oil in both of the two past centuries, a search for new raw materials and a reduction in the global ecotoxicological potential for danger is being strived for. Critical contemplations are mandatory in order to avoid making this term ‘persistence’ into a keyword. Consequently, one must take into consideration the field of research and development as well as reflecting about the classification of chemical and scientific research projects, and their political as well as social relationships. Aside from the new methods of synthesis, this will also require the formulation of other decision-relevant criteria.  相似文献   

The general results of material flow analyses for agricultural farms presented in Part I are now specified for three farms in Lower Saxony. For this, the existing material flow net for winter wheat is extended by the crops of winter barley, winter rye, summer barley, rape, sugar beets and potatoes. The assessment is essentially done regarding the impact categories of resource depletion, cumulated energy demand (CED) and emissions to atmosphere. Besides the assessment of single farms or crops, also the comparison, of different agricultural production systems is possible, whereby the choice of the functional unit and the basis of comparison (with reference to input or output) is of major importance. Additionally, as for agricultural means of production, the material flows and emissions resulting from the provision of carbolime — an often employed carbonate fertiliser as for sugar-beet cultivation — are derived completely within this article. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses on the subject of detail intensity of agricultural basic data are presented for the example of machine employment. The material flow nets are regarded as transferable to other farms with similar crop rotation systems, with an appropriate expenditure of information gathering and parameterisation. The complete net can be used as a module within further investigations, e.g. of the industrial processing of food, as a pre-production chain for agricultural resources being part of the production process (winter wheat — mill, brewing barley — brewery, sugar beets — sugar-factory).  相似文献   

This article deals with the question of how to consider data from aquatic mesocosm tests in the registration procedure of plant protection products. The legal framework is presented. This type of test must fulfill special methodological requirements in order to become a valuable tool for risk assessment. If this is the case, the data from mesocosm studies is more important than that from laboratory tests. Such studies must only be submitted if the risk assessment on the basis of standard laboratory tests indicate a risk for aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

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