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<正>6月5日零时56分左右,位于山东省临沂市临港经济开发区的金誉石化有限公司装卸区,一辆运输液化气罐车在卸车作业过程中,该车驾驶员将卸车金属管道万向连接管接入到罐车卸车口,开启阀门准备卸车时,万向连接管与罐车卸车口接口处液化气大量泄漏并急剧气化,瞬间快速扩散,遇点火源发生爆炸,造成10人  相似文献   

在操作各类机械设备时,常常由于忽视生产安全而发生人身事故。为了避免机械事故造成的人员伤亡,制订切实可行伪防范措施,特收集机械伤害死亡事故50例(死54人)进行分析(见表1)。 50例机械伤人事故共涉及25种机械,即皮带运输机8例,球磨机、行车各4例,卷扬机、干燥车、气锤、车床各3例,辊筒机、混砂机、螺旋旋送机、泵各2例,压模具、密炼机、灌肠机、破碎机、推焦机、榨油机、硫化机、卸车机、离心机、搅拌机、轮碾机、制毡撒料机滚筒筛各1例。 对50例机械伤害死亡事故不安全因素的分析见表2。 根据上述分析,消除机械作业中的伤害人体的不安全…  相似文献   

目前武钢陆运矿石,主要由二级厂工业港用卸车设备──链斗卸车机接卸。该机在卸矿石作业过程中,由于无除尘装置而致粉尘飞扬,作业环境污染严重。为了消除粉尘污染,武钢工业港对链斗卸车机进行了技术改造。 国内一般链斗卸车机防尘普遍采用洒水降尘法和卦闭式防尘法。前者是对满载的车皮在卸车前进行洒水,投资大,受水源限制,洒水渗透性差,降尘效果不明显。而后者是被动的防尘方法,防尘效果也不佳。经多次深入现场考察和征求操作人员意见,我们决定采用喷水降尘方式,即在链斗卸车机作业时边作业边喷水降尘的办法。这种装置制作安装简单,工程量…  相似文献   

根治输煤系统粉尘污染的喷水除尘法中国农机院排灌机械研究所兰才有一个中大型燃煤发电厂日耗煤量少则几千吨,多则上万吨。燃煤从进厂到送入原煤仓,要经过卸车(船)、输送、堆放、存取、筛分、破碎等多道工序,这些工序每道都会产生超量粉尘。近几年来,由于统配煤供应...  相似文献   

涂文勇 《安全》2019,40(2):12-14,18
为了提高液化石油气罐车采用压缩机卸车法作业的安全性,通过对某液化石油气罐车卸车作业时其顶部安全阀意外开启泄压的事故原因进行调查,查明了导致罐车顶部安全阀意外开启泄压的直接原因是操作工人违章作业导致储罐与罐车罐体内气相液化石油气压差安全裕量严重不足所致。同时探讨了在夏季高温环境采用压缩机法对液化石油气罐车卸车作业时液化石油气罐车顶部安全阀整定值设定、液化石油气储罐与罐车罐体内气相液化石油气压差安全裕量的重要性。  相似文献   

我们厂每年用原木10万立方米,这些木材由近三千个火车皮运进厂。卸车的任务主要由两台大型龙门吊负担:一台是轨距39米、大梁长51.6米、起重五吨;另一台是轨距42米、大梁长66米、起重十吨。由于木材的粗细、长短、材质不一,又不可能一根根计重,卸车、起吊时,工人只凭经验估算它们的重量.很难掌握准确。卸车工人一般都按车厢标重掌握兜数,如50吨的吊10兜,这样就不可能分得那么均匀,有的少于5吨,有的多于5吨,甚至有7吨、8吨的,同时往往为了卸得快一点,总想多兜上一些,因而经常发生超负荷作业,威胁安全生产。面对着这个问题,大家一直在盼望有那…  相似文献   

卢小平 《安全》2014,35(6):46-47
LNG储配站主要由卸车区、贮罐区、气化区以及控制、配电等辅助区组成,是企业安全管理的重点区域,且LNG储配站电气系统安全又是安全管理重中之重;因此,分析LNG储配站电气系统存在的危险因素,采取有效的防范措施,对保障LNG储配站安全运行,有重要意义。  相似文献   

起重机的传动机构,普遍采用内外齿联轴器和补偿轴传动,内外齿因为长期的磨损,而造成间隙增大,加上运转往返次数频繁,起吊重物及重物翻转时,会引起剧烈振动、冲击和刺耳的噪声,使各传动机构上的电机、减速机的脚螺栓松动,造成电机底座、减速机箱体断裂,易引发事故的发生。而传动机构采用十字轴式万向联轴器,转动灵活,结构紧凑,传动效率高,力矩范围大,维修保养方便,减少了起重机传动机构上的故障率和噪声。  相似文献   

调速式电机振动给料机系机械工业部济南铸造锻压机械研究所研制的一种以振动电机为激振源的新型给料设备。 它与电磁振动给料机相比,具有噪声低(低于75分贝(A)〕、功率因数高、结构简单、调节维修方便、给料性能受电源电压波动影响小等优点。此外,该机可以无级调速(调速比宽为1:10),给料均匀,给料精度较高。可满足各行业对配称精度的要求。 这种低噪声调速式电机振动给料机应用广泛,前不久已被有关部门通过技术鉴定,机械工业部济南铸造锻压机械研究所已技术转让,由济南振动机械厂生产。低噪声调速式电机振动给料机$济南振动机械厂@李曾琨…  相似文献   

制动器是起重机重要的零部件,它对起重机械的安全运行起着重要作用.针对它的检验检测,设计了1种制动器动态制动力矩测量系统,该测量系统主要由机械结构、控制系统、数据分析系统组成.它可以对鼓式、盘式、钳盘式制动器和制动电机的动态制动力矩进行测量,通用性较强.本文对它的设计思路和工作原理进行了详细阐述,并利用2台不同型号的制动...  相似文献   

从创新教育的基本理念出发,通过对安全工程专业本科与研究生专业课程的创新教学进行对比分析与研究认为:应对在安全工程专业课程教学中实施创新教育的必要性及可行性进行研究;根据安全工程专业学士和硕士的不同就业特点,结合笔者多年为本科生和研究生开设《防火与防爆》课程的教学实践,必须从激发学生创新意识、培养创新思维、提高创新能力等方面对专业课程教学进行改革和创新,并在教学内容和教学方式上应该有所侧重;实践表明在本科与研究生专业课教学中既要实施创新教育,在教学方式上又要有所不同,才能为社会培养不同层次的更多的优秀安全工程专业人才。  相似文献   

This paper discusses noise generation mechanisms and techniques for noise reduction in fluid power units. Major noise sources in fluid power units can be identified with a sound intensity method. It has been proved that components of power units with larger sound radiating surfaces such as an electric motor and an oil reservoir produce a major part of global noise radiation.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2006,44(7):583-597
Safe behaviour programs are currently a popular strategy for improving safety in large organizations. This paper provides a critical look at the assumptions that underlie such programs and identifies some of their limitations.Safe behaviour programs run the risk of assuming that unsafe behaviour is the only cause of accidents worth focusing on. The reality is that unsafe behaviour is often merely the last link in a causal chain and not necessarily the most effective link to focus on, for the purposes of prevention.One major drawback of these programs is that they miss critically important unsafe behaviour, such as attempts by workers to re-start processes that have been temporarily interrupted. Conventional safe behaviour programs aimed at front line workers are also of no use in preventing accidents in which the behaviour of front line workers is not involved.Given that it is the behaviour of management that is most critical in creating a culture of safety in any organization, behavioural safety observations are likely to have their greatest impact if directed upwards, at managers.The paper concludes with an appendix about accident repeater programs that are sometimes introduced along with safe behaviour programs.  相似文献   

医院安全保障体系的技术构成包括安全的诊疗救护技术、后勤供养技术和安全保卫技术。其技术特点是以人为本 ,服务健康 ,应急性强 ,发展迅速 ,互相影响。本文提出了医院安全保障体系改革的构想和建立医院安全保障体系中应考虑的技术因素。  相似文献   

The uncertainty and the complexity associated with the domino effect is a barrier to assessing the frequency of such accidents analytically. The use of simulation techniques, such as Monte Carlo, to examine the domino effect instead of analytical techniques has shown great promise. In this paper, a new method to assess the frequency of domino accidents is proposed—FREEDOM II—which is an improvement on the recent algorithm proposed by the authors (FREEDOM). The modifications on FREEDOM were carried out to overcome a limitation of the method and to extend its capabilities. A key shortcoming of the earlier method was its inability to handle multiple failure scenarios. This shortcoming has been overcome in FREEDOM II. A new and improved algorithm has been developed that carries out the simulation in a significantly shorter run time. The applicability of the new model is shown by performing a multi-scenario case study.  相似文献   

随着电梯的广泛使用,钢丝绳断丝、断股导致的事故时有发生,电梯电动机运转时间限制器的重要性越来越凸显出来。针对电梯电动机运转时间限制器落后的检验现状,根据实际现场检验经验,通过分析电梯的控制原理,总结了一种新的检验方法,该方法安全性高,实用性强,操作方便。  相似文献   

梁慧 《安全》2021,42(3):55-60
为进一步提高甲醇精馏装置的综合自动化水平,稳定工艺指标,根据装置安全稳定运行的重要性,采用先进控制技术,应用预测控制、智能控制、软测量等先进控制技术,研究模型预测和反馈控制。结果表明:精馏装置相关工艺参数波动明显变小,工艺参与运行趋于更加平稳,产品质量也得到提升。  相似文献   

针对以煤为原料的合成氨企业现状,提出了合成氨、尿素、碳铵、甲醇、三废处理设施等工序的现场环境监察技术要点,为环境监察工作提供技术指南。重点监察COD、氨氮、SO2与烟尘的达标排放、危险固废安全处置及环境风险应急预案与应急措施到位情况。  相似文献   

Regulation is generally perceived as an important way to achieve safety. Controversy about enforcing, amending, reforming, reducing, improving, and evaluating safety regulations abounds. Questions about the need for, validity, and effectiveness of safety regulations also continue. This paper explores the nature of a safety regulation, what can be expected of a safety regulation in view of its nature, and what this means to persons affected by safety regulation. The role of regulation in safe task performance is reviewed. Consequences of these findings on regulation promulgation, employee training, and regulatory enforcement programs are discussed. Steps to enhance the effectiveness of safety regulations are suggested.  相似文献   

All oil and gas pipeline systems are run by human operators (called controllers) who use computer-based workstations in control rooms to "control" pipelines. Several human factor elements could contribute to the lack of controller success in preventing or mitigating pipeline accidents/incidents. These elements exist in both the work environment and also in the computer system design/operation (such as data presentation and alarm configuration). Some work environment examples include shift hours, shift length, circadian rhythms, shift change-over processes, fatigue countermeasures, ergonomics factors, workplace distractions, and physical interaction with control system computers. The major objective of this paper is to demonstrate the critical effects of human and organizational factors and also to highlight the role of their interactions with automation (and automated devices) in the safe operation of complex, large-scale pipeline systems. A case study to demonstrate the critical role of human organizational factors in the control room of an oil and gas pipeline system is also presented.  相似文献   

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