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生命周期评价与清洁生产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以清洁生产为主的污染“防止”战略将取代以末端处理为主的污染“防治”战略。评价一项清洁生产技术,需要采用生命周期评价的方法对工艺、产品和能源进行整个生命周期的环境影响和资源消耗的分析。本文主要介绍生命周期评价的基本概念和基本方法,评述生命周期评价的研究结果的应用范围,并给出了生命周期评价研究的一些实例。  相似文献   

环境保护与国际贸易   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从国际环境标准,绿色产品环境标志,国际环保公约等方面研究了近几年环境保护对国际贸易的影响,并根据目前国际环保发展趋势,提出了保护环境和促进我国对外贸易的对策。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾生命周期管理   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
生命周期评价是一种全面的环境管理工具,具有潜在的发展前景。0它通过对产品,产品系统,工艺活动整个生命周期的环境影响环境改善的机会进行评价。根据国际环境毒理与化学学会1993年和ISO14000环境管理体系中关于生命周期评价的技术框架,本文应生命周期评价在城市生产垃圾管理系统中的作用及管理系统的清单分析,影响评价和改善评价进行研究。  相似文献   

作为一种模式生物,斑马鱼具有很多优点,包括体积小、成本低、适应性广、繁殖周期短、胚胎透明且产卵量高等,因而被广泛应用于生态毒理学等领域。斑马鱼的生命阶段主要包括胚胎、仔鱼和成鱼3个阶段。近年来,斑马鱼全生命周期的毒理学研究所占比重不断上升并呈稳定增长的趋势。本文对斑马鱼3个生命阶段及整个生命周期的毒性试验展开综述,介绍了斑马鱼全生命周期实验在毒理学中的研究进展,总结了各生命阶段国内外的标准规范和资源库信息、毒理学终点及转基因斑马鱼的研究进展,归纳了多阶段毒性评价和整个生命周期毒性评价的应用。最后,对全生命周期和基于斑马鱼毒性测试的应用做出展望,对未来开展的相关研究提出建议。  相似文献   

促进生命周期方法的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在清洁生产第7次国际高级研讨会(CP7)上联合国环境规划署(UNEP)/环境毒理学与化学协会(SETAC)发起的生命周期举措,通过以战略和实践的观点看待产品、服务等的整个生命周期,推动清洁生产和可持续消费.在最近可持续发展世界峰会上,改变生产和消费方式的需求已经提到议程上.生命周期思想是造成这种转变的关键,且生命周期方法也为人和团体提供了从这种生命全过程出发去做的手段.生命周期思想是一种从整体上解决环境问题和机会的途径,且以减少整个生命周期中潜在的环境影响为目标来评价和设计产品的服务体系.生命周期各个阶段的影响都应该考…  相似文献   

精炼铜行业的生命周期节能减排目标评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照生命周期评价方法,建立了精炼铜的生命周期模型,采用生命周期节能减排评价指标(ECER),对比评价了原生铜和再生铜生产的生命周期节能减排效果,计算了改变再生铜市场份额所能带来的节能减排削减幅度,并与精炼铜行业实现节能减排政策目标所需的综合削减幅度进行了对比.结果表明,再生铜比原生铜的ECER指标小62.5%,因此废铜的再生循环明显有利于节能减排政策目标的实现.但是,当再生铜市场份额由2010年的38.5%提升至《有色金属“十二五”发展规划》中要求的40%时,其综合削减幅度仅为13%,远未达到铜冶炼行业的目标综合削减幅度27.8%.因此,精炼铜行业不仅需要更大幅度地提高铜再生比例,同时还需要采用更多清洁技术和改进措施.本文方法可用于计算各种行业的节能减排目标综合削减幅度,从而帮助判断各种改进方案和措施是否足以达到节能减排宏观政策目标的要求.  相似文献   

生命周期理念,在与建筑和建设部门的关系中,特别应该进行建筑产品分析,在提高建筑物能源效率并为经济繁荣有所贡献的时候,这些产品发挥着基本的作用,已经做出的概算披露,在从自然索取的物质资源和产生的垃圾总量中,有一半来自建筑部门,为了对建筑产品的影响进行管理并把它降到最低,就必须利用生命周期的方法对所产生的影响进行检测,本文评论了生命周期理念并思考了最新的发展,材料与可持续建筑、环境产品宣言、所体现的能源以及北方与南方建筑产品评估中产生的差异,都是要讨论的话题。  相似文献   

生命周期评价(LCA)在提供数据、管理工具、软件和方法论中再加之更精确的测定方面已经取得了巨大的进步,然而与此同时仍然还有许多问题要解决.许多这些问题涉及到LCA方法在世界范围内的推广,以及这些方法如何通过建立数据库和按当地需要定制管理工具而适应发展中国家.这类问题的解决可以在一个现有的结构内实现,诸如国家清洁生产中心,但所需投资必需要由工业、政府和国际机构分担.据《生命周期评价国际杂志》的编辑WalterKloepffer所论,可持续性是产品开发的最终目的.LCA举措已经集中在测定产品在超过其整个生命周期的经济和环境影响上…  相似文献   

随着人们对环境问题的日益关注,一场以保护环境为宗旨的绿色消费运动在全世界蓬勃发展.本文以绿色标志运动的发展过程为线索,详细论述了目前世界各国开展这场运动的现状、组织形式及不同的实施手段.文中介绍了几种已被采用的环境标志的设计思想,列举了绿色标志产品所涉及的种类及不同评审标准,并对绿色标志的管理作了充分说明.此外,文章还着重分析了绿色标志运动对改善环境的影响,为我国开展此项运动提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

联合国环境署出版物可供全球使用的生命周期评价方法生命周期评价 (L CA)方法用于评价一种产品在其整个寿命期间 ,即从原料提取和加工 ,通过制造、分销和使用 ,直至最后予以处置等整个寿命周期各个阶段上对环境所造成的影响 .它既可以作为一种定量工具加以使用 ,又可作为一种思想方法供我们考虑生产和消费问题 .虽然这个L CA概念是 15年前就提出了 ,但有证据表明迄今还没有充分发挥它的潜力 .联合国环境署的这本新书的出版就是旨在评价 L CA方法和促进它的应用 .本书的内容包括一篇对 L CA方法的扼要综述以及一项对 L CA使用情况的全…  相似文献   

With efforts made by the International Standard Organization (ISO) to standardize life cycle assessment procedures, considerable progress could be reached in the year 1996. Standardizations of the “Principles and Framework” (ISO 14040) and the “Inventory” (ISO 14041) will come into force in 1997. Drafts of the “Impact Assessment” and “Interpretation” were specified in 1996. The case studies presented here give an overview on different approaches of “Impact Assessment” and “Interpretation”. The main advantage of an ISO-standard will not be the standardization of the impact assessment approach itself. More important than merely the outcome of a life cycle assessment is to assign additional information on the reliability of the results in respect to the formulation of questions.  相似文献   

建筑物对环境有着巨大的影响。基于生命周期评价(LCA)理论,从材料的开采生产,建筑物的建造、运行直至建筑物被拆除来研究建筑物的环境影响。在一个涉及建筑材料、建筑设备以及建设场地的环境影响数据库的基础上,开发了一个建筑物的环境影响的评价模型BEPAS(BuildingEnvironmentalPerformanceAnalysisSystem)。模型从3个方面:建筑设备运行、建筑材料和建筑场地来研究建筑的环境影响。最后,测算了一个案例,分析了其环境影响水平。  相似文献   

This review defines the differences between impact assessment as component of life cycle assessment (LCA) and risk assessment. From the early LCAs, the article describes the development to the LCAs in the current meaning, deals with today’s practice of impact assessment, reviews the philosophy of impact assessment and ends with the “new” impact categories which have not yet found their way into the practice of LCA.  相似文献   

The environmental burdens of Chinese copper production have been identified and quantified in the context of typical technologies, materials supplies and environmental emissions by a life cycle approach. Primary and secondary copper production using copper ores and scraps, respectively, were analyzed in detail. The flash and bath smelting approaches and the recycling of copper scraps were selected as representative copper production processes. A quantitative analysis was also conducted to assess the influence of material transport distance in copper production. Life cycle assessment (LCA) results showed that resources depletion and human health contribute significantly to environmental burdens in Chinese copper production. In addition, the secondary copper production has dramatically lower environmental burdens than the primary production. There is no obvious distinction in overall environmental burdens in primary copper production by flash or bath smelting approach. However, resources depletion is lower and the damage to human health is higher for flash smelting approach. Ecosystem quality damage is slight for both approaches. Environ- mental burdens from the mining stage contribute most in all life cycle stages in primary copper production. In secondary copper production, the electrolytic refining stage dominates. Based on the life cycle assessment results, some suggestions for improving environmental performance were proposed to meet the sustainable development of Chinese copper industry.  相似文献   

In this paper, a quantitative life cycle model for carbon emission accounting was developed based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) theory. A residential building in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city (Tianjin, China) was selected as a sample, which had been constructed according to the concept of green environmental protection and sustainable development. In the scenario of this research, material production, construction, use and maintenance, and demolition phases were assessed by building carbon emission models. Results show that use and maintenance phase and material production phase are the most significant contributors to the life cycle carbon emissions of a building. We also analyzed some factor influences in LCA, including the thickness of the insulating layer and the length of building service life. The analysis suggest that thicker insulating layer does not necessarily produce less carbon emissions in the light of LCA, and if service life of a building increases, its carbon emissions during the whole life cycle will rise as well but its unit carbon emission will decrease inversely. Some advices on controlling carbon emissions from buildings are also provided.  相似文献   

A life cycle assessment (LCA) method was used to examine the environmental impact of the winter wheat-summer maize production system on the North China Plain. The LCA considered the entire system required to produce 1 ton each of winter wheat and summer maize. The analysis included raw material extraction and transportation, agrochemical production and transportation, and arable farming in the field. First, all emissions and resource consumption connected to the different processes were listed in a life cycle inventory (LCI) and related to a common unit (1 ton of grain). Subsequently, a life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) was conducted, in which the inventory data were aggregated into indicators for environmental effects, including energy depletion, climate change, acidification, aquatic eutrophication, human toxicity, aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity. For winter wheat systems, energy depletion and acidification were the most relevant environmental impacts, and energy depletion and aquatic eutrophication were the primary concerns for summer maize systems. The results revealed that the most important source of environmental impact in the winter wheat-summer maize production system in Huantai County was the production and application of nitrogen fertilisers. The environmental impacts of winter wheat were much stronger than those of summer maize due to higher inputs and lower use efficiency of agrochemicals.  相似文献   


Global industrialization and excessive dependence on nonrenewable energy sources have led to an increase in solid waste and climate change, calling for strategies to implement a circular economy in all sectors to reduce carbon emissions by 45% by 2030, and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Here we review circular economy strategies with focus on waste management, climate change, energy, air and water quality, land use, industry, food production, life cycle assessment, and cost-effective routes. We observed that increasing the use of bio-based materials is a challenge in terms of land use and land cover. Carbon removal technologies are actually prohibitively expensive, ranging from 100 to 1200 dollars per ton of carbon dioxide. Politically, only few companies worldwide have set climate change goals. While circular economy strategies can be implemented in various sectors such as industry, waste, energy, buildings, and transportation, life cycle assessment is required to optimize new systems. Overall, we provide a theoretical foundation for a sustainable industrial, agricultural, and commercial future by constructing cost-effective routes to a circular economy.



Goal and Scope

Which impact does the use of non-energetic abiotic resources (ores, minerals, etc.) have in life cycles of energy systems based on biogenic and fossil fuels? Is this kind of resource use less or more environmentally harmful than the utilisation of energetic abiotic resources (mineral oil, natural gas, etc.) in the same life cycles? This paper aims at answering these questions. In Part 1, a methodology is presented and applied to the life cycles of selected energy systems. Part 2 presents and discusses the results.


This study looks at the complete life cycles of selected energy systems. The methodology used bases on the state-of-the-art of life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. For the assessment of energetic abiotic resource use, a widely recognised method can be used. For the assessment of non-energetic abiotic resource use, no overall recognised methodological approach exists. That is why for this aspect two different methods are exemplarily applied and compared with each other.

Results and Conclusion

Results will be presented and discussed in Part 2.

Recommendation and Perspective

Recommendation and conclusions will be derived from study results in Part 2.  相似文献   

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