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建立化学工业园区是世界化学工业发展的主要趋势,而整合化工园区内的物质流则成为世界化学工业园区化发展的基本立足点。介绍了环境友好材料理念的内涵;阐述了环境友好材料理念在化工园区规划中的作用,包括环境友好材料理念在单一化工工艺流程中、企业层面和园区层面的运用;并以福建化工园区建设为例,构建环境友好化工的产业链条。  相似文献   

超导体是一种特殊的金属导电材料,内阻为零,传统生产工艺以可燃液体为原料,且生产中会产生化学废物。大多数的超导体质地较脆,不易做成电线或其他类似产品。目前,美国纽约厄普顿Energy’s Brookhaven国家图书馆物理部的化学家Sangmoon Park和Tom Vogt开发出一种生产金属氧化物超导体的新方法,用该方法生产钠钴水合氧化物超导体时可获得较高的产量且生产过程中不产生其他有毒副产物。  相似文献   

试论发展生产力与保护生态环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对“保护生态环境,实现生产力的可持续发展”这一当今世界共同关注的话题,试从生产力概念的本质出发,辨证地阐述了发展生产力与保护生态环境的关系,并提出了自己的观点及看法。  相似文献   

庞晓华 《化工环保》2005,25(3):230-230
据道琼斯纽约2005年4月16日消息,日前美国俄亥俄州州立大学研发成功一种不含毒性金属的制氢催化剂,该催化剂可以大幅度提高制氢产率。目前,虽催化剂仍处于实验室阶段,但其进展表明,美国在以煤替代车用石油燃料领域又向前迈进了重要的一步。研究人员指出,该催化剂由铁、铝等金属组成,用于一氧化碳和水的制氢反应。实验结果表明,该催化剂与现有商业化催化剂相比,氢转化率可提高25%。  相似文献   

用不同掺量的HAS固化剂来固结粉煤灰、石屑及煤渣进行性能试验。试验结果表明:HAS固化粉煤灰是一种良好的衬砌防渗材料,若大规模应用于渠道防渗、大坝护坡等工程,必将会带来社会、经济和环境等多重效益。  相似文献   

我国城市生活垃圾最主要的处理方法是生态填埋,而最关键的是其防渗层的研究.讨论了用HAS土壤固化剂固化粉砂土,结果表明开发出的防渗材料拥有良好的性能,低廉的价格,并能消纳一定量的工业废渣,可用于各种固体废物堆放场及作为路基材料等.  相似文献   

高效除磷材料的除磷特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了高效除磷材料(Efficient Phosphorus Removal Composite,EPRC)的除磷特性,以及以此材料为填料的吸附柱对模拟含磷废水的除磷效果.试验结果表明: EPRC颗粒在15℃、25℃、35℃时的最大饱和吸附量分别达到1.9535mg/g、2.281mg/g、3.6724mg/g.以EPRC颗粒填充吸附柱处理模拟含磷废水时,停留时间8h、连续进水、运行8d,磷的平均去除率为93%,废水pH值略有升高.  相似文献   

甘泉铁路作为从事煤炭输送、分配与服务等活动的国际能源通道运输企业,高度重视建设资源节约型、环境友好型企业.根据煤炭运输企业的机构特点以及资源利用模式,提出甘泉铁路建设资源节约、环境友好企业,建立二级管理组织模式、配套机制的实施建议.  相似文献   

废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫材料的再生   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
杨素屏  赵才 《化工环保》1994,14(2):95-98
通过简单的工艺过程-消泡除杂,造粒,后处理,使废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫材料获得再生。采用本法,消耗原,辅料较少,生产成本较低,生产过程中不产生废气和废渣,仅排出含少量Ca^+和H^+的废水,经简单处理后即可达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   

Pyrolysis of polymer mixtures with a composition similar to that of municipal plastic waste containing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and of municipal plastic waste free of PVC was performed in the presence of components of biomass, namely lignin, cellulose, or both. The pyrolysis products were characterized by standard methods utilized in the petrochemical industry, i.e., paraffins-isoparaffinsolefins-naphthenes-aromatics analysis, proton nuclear magnetic resonance and infrared spectroscopy, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Up to 3 wt% lignin, cellulose, or both in mixed polymers changed the material balance of pyrolysis by decreasing the amount of waxy products. The presence of both PVC and biomass components significantly changed the material balance by decreasing the waxy product yield and increasing the gas and coke yield. The composition of all pyrolysis products was also modified with the addition of PVC, components of biomass, or both.  相似文献   

介绍一种处理报废电冰箱的技术。首先对报废电冰箱进行分解,包括制冷剂回收、压缩机拆卸、散热系统和蒸发系统拆卸、箱体箱门钢板拆卸、箱体内胆拆卸、门衬拆卸和绝热泡沫剥离等。然后对于拆出的材料作进一步处理,钢板、管材经平整或矫直裁剪之后作为旧板材或旧管材;内胆和门衬破碎后作为注塑材料使用;压缩机组经专业检测、修复再利用或作为冶金炉料使用。聚氨酯泡沫需经分离回收R11处理,处理工艺路线包括泡沫粉碎、发泡剂蒸发、混合气收集、除尘、储气、压缩、冷凝、节流以及发泡剂与空气的分离;工艺参数涉及主要工艺环节的热力学计算,包括破碎后的泡沫中的R11发泡剂的蒸发吸热、混合气压缩功耗、冷凝过程的散热。同时还介绍了应用发泡胶接法的聚氨酯硬泡沫碎屑再成型技术。采用该工艺处理报废电冰箱,具有拆解物利用价值高、处理过程能耗低、便于分拣、设备造价低等优点,适合我国国情。  相似文献   

A large amount of hazardous trichloromonofluoromethane (CFC-11) is contained in the polyurethane (PUR) foam of refrigerator cabinet. How to recover the cabinet of waste refrigerator with environmental awareness has been the pressing problem in the treatment of waste refrigerator. The published literature of waste refrigerator cabinets recovering mainly focuses on policy making and conceptual design. Little information relates to the production line of waste refrigerator cabinet recovering and its detailed operation, which is the urgent needed literature. In this paper, an environmental friendly production line for recovering the cabinet of waste refrigerators was reported for helping enterprise or government to construct line to recover the obsolete refrigerators. It included closed shearing process, activated carbon fiber absorption (ACFA) process, air current separation, and magnetic/eddy current separation. The optimized operating parameters of every process were obtained from the experiments. Then, experiment of recovering 50 waste refrigerator cabinets by the production line was performed in factory. Mass balances of the recovered materials were carried out. The result shown the recovery rate of waste refrigerator cabinet could reach 97.6%. Finally, comparison between the production line and other recovery technologies was made. The results indicated that the proposed line provided environment-friendly recovery of waste refrigerator cabinets while achieving low cost of production.  相似文献   

废旧线路板非金属材料综合利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息时代的到来,废印刷线路板处理技术日益成熟,大量的废线路板非金属粉亟需处理。从环境保护和资源回收的角度,综述了废印刷线路板非金属粉的资源化利用。  相似文献   

Environmentally friendly use of non-coal ashes in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The aim of this work is to present the structure and the application of a decision support system (DSS) designed to help decision makers of a municipality in the development of incineration, disposal, treatment and recycling integrated programs. Specifically, within a MSW management system, several treatment plants and facilities can generally be found: separators, plants for production of refuse derived fuel (RDF), incinerators with energy recovery, plants for treatment of organic material, and sanitary landfills. The main goal of the DSS is to plan the MSW management, defining the refuse flows that have to be sent to recycling or to different treatment or disposal plants, and suggesting the optimal number, the kinds, and the localization of the plants that have to be active. The DSS is based on a decision model that requires the solution of a constrained non-linear optimization problem, where some decision variables are binary and other ones are continuous. The objective function takes into account all possible economic costs, whereas constraints arise from technical, normative, and environmental issues. Specifically, pollution and impacts, induced by the overall solid waste management system, are considered through the formalization of constraints on incineration emissions and on negative effects produced by disposal or other particular treatments.  相似文献   

Some 20 years ago Dutch society became very aware of the problem of the increasing production of waste materials and of the need to find solutions. Technical solutions had to be developed and introduced into society. Due to the discovery of many soil pollution problems and other environmental calamities, people asked for clear criteria on which proper and safe solutions could be based. Therefore a large number of environmental aspects had to be taken into account in the developing field of environmental policy. The Dutch building materials decree is one of the steps on the road towards a sustainable society. The decree is based on the soil protection act and the surface water protection act. The decree gives quality criteria for the application and re-use of stony materials and earth used as building materials. No difference is made between primary materials, secondary materials and waste materials. The decree is applicable in case these materials are used in constructions where they are in contact with rain, surface water and ground water (e.g. in embankments, road building, outside walls of buildings, foundations and roofs). For implementation of the decree in the construction industry it was necessary to develop standards, methods for testing and certification schemes. In order to guarantee independent testing and judgement, laboratories had to meet quality standards put forward in an accreditation scheme. Although this legislation does not cover all environmental aspects, it has proved to be an important element in judging the environmental quality of construction materials in a direct or indirect way, and a contribution to the management of waste materials. The question of clear and fair criteria was easily put forward. Answering this question, however, turned out to be a complex task in which a great number of aspects had to be considered and a great many tools had to be developed, checked and thoroughly discussed. In some cases practical choices had to be made in order to prevent an unclear situation continuing too long. After an introduction period of three years, the decree came into full operation on 1 July 1999.  相似文献   

Waste treatment facilities are often shared among different municipalities as a means of managing wastes more efficiently. Usually, management costs are assigned to each municipality depending on the size of the population or total amount of waste produced, regardless of important environmental aspects such as per capita waste generation or achievements in composting or recycling. This paper presents a feebate (fee+rebate) system aimed to foster urban waste reduction and recovery. The proposal suggests that municipalities achieving better results in their waste management performance (from an ecological viewpoint) be recompensated with a rebate obtained from a fee charged to those municipalities that are less environmentally sound. This is a dynamic and flexible instrument that would positively encourage municipalities to reduce waste whilst increasing the recycling.  相似文献   

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