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Irving  A. D.  Connell  S. D.  Gillanders  B. M. 《Marine Biology》2004,144(2):361-368
Across subtidal coasts of temperate Australasia, canopy–benthos associations are mostly understood from broadly defined studies of kelp forests within eastern Australia and north-eastern New Zealand. We tested the hypotheses that (1) benthic assemblages differ between monospecific stands of Ecklonia radiata and stands that comprise E. radiata mixed with other canopy-forming species, (2) patterns observed locally (i.e. within sites 1–10 km apart) match those observed among regions (>1,000 km apart) for which (3) eastern Australia and northern New Zealand are representative of other regions of temperate Australasia. Benthic assemblages almost always differed among monospecific, mixed, and open stands indicating that failure to distinguish between superficially similar habitats can lead to over-generalised conclusions about the ecology of kelp forests. Patterns of differences among stands did not change between western and southern Australia but differed from eastern Australia, and patterns from all regions were distinct from New Zealand (WA=SAEANZ). Whilst local patterns were complex, the major morphological groups that often characterise benthos (i.e. encrusting coralline algae and turf-forming algae) revealed patterns that could be related across space from local to regional scales. These findings demonstrate that knowledge about the configuration of canopy-forming species will improve confidence about the representativeness of results and that any local complexity need not impede searches for generality when the spatial limits of patterns are also understood.Communicated by M.S. Johnson, Crawley  相似文献   

The shortjaw mudsucker, Gillichthys seta, an intertidal goby endemic to the Sea of Cortez, has been proposed to be the paedomorphic derivative of the longjaw mudsucker, Gillichthys mirabilis. G. mirabilis is a disjunct species, with populations found along the Pacific coast of central California to central Baja California, and with isolated populations found in the northern Sea of Cortez. Previous studies have suggested that the endemic paedomorph form speciated in sympatry with the Sea of Cortez population of G. mirabilis. Alternatively, this speciation event could have occurred before the separation of G. mirabilis populations into two disjunct entities. To test these alternative hypotheses, we collected adult individuals from both species throughout their ranges from December 1997 to November 1998. We amplified and sequenced 142 partial [527 base pairs (bp)] mitochondrial cytochrome b regions and 18 nuclear creatine kinase introns (140 bp). We found that Pacific populations of G. mirabilis separated into two distinct clades, possibly reflecting a phylogeographic break found in other fish species along the Baja California coast at Punta Eugenia. These two Pacific populations were well separated from Sea of Cortez populations. Furthermore, our results indicate that the split between Sea of Cortez and Pacific populations of G. mirabilis occurred well after the speciation event that separated G. mirabilis from its paedomorphic counterpart, G. seta. Received: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 4 September 2000  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - We report levels of trace elements in commercially harvested species from the Far Eastern seas of Russia from 2010 to 2018. The best studied organisms in this...  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) accumulation in fishes is a serious threat for food security because mercury induces dieseases. Here we studied the total mercury content in four species of Pacific salmon (pink, chum, sockeye and chinook), caught in the Sea of Okhotsk, the Bering Sea, and the Kuril oceanic waters. Results show that the lowest concentration of mercury was found in the pink salmon, and the highest was 5–6 times higher in sockeye. Hg concentrations exceed several times those in other species of Pacific salmon from the North Pacific  相似文献   

Scylla serrata (Forskål, 1775) is widely distributed throughout mangrove habitats of the Indo-West Pacific (IWP) coastal waters. This study investigated the phylogeographic distribution of S. serrata mitochondrial DNA haplotypes sampled throughout the species range. Adults were sampled from three west Indian Ocean locations (N?=?21), five west Pacific sites (N?=?28) and three sites from northern and eastern Australia (N?=?76). Temperature-gradient gel-electrophoresis and sequencing of 549 base pairs of a mtDNA gene (cytochrome oxidase 1) identified 18 distinct haplotypes. Haplotypes cluster into two clades separated by ?2% sequence-divergence. One clade is widespread throughout the IWP, the other is strictly confined to northern Australia. Genealogical assessment of sequenced haplotypes suggests that the historical spread of S. serrata throughout the IWP has occurred rapidly and recently (<1 million years before present) from a west Pacific origin. The fact that many locations contain a single unique haplotype suggests limited contemporary gene flow between trans-oceanic sites, and that recent historical episodes of population founding and retraction have both determined and affected the current distribution of S. serrata populations. Contrary to that reported for other widespread species of IWP taxa, there is no pattern of regional separation of Indian from Pacific Ocean populations. However, results do suggest a vicariant separation of northern Australian crabs prior to the IWP radiation. We speculate that this separation may have resulted in the formation of a new species of Scylla.  相似文献   

We measured the relationship between symbiont diversity, nutritional potential, and symbiotic success in the cnidarian–dinoflagellate symbiosis, by infecting aposymbiotic (i.e. symbiont-free) specimens of the model sea anemone Aiptasia sp. with a range of Symbiodinium types. Four cultured heterologous Symbiodinium types (i.e. originally isolated from other host species) were used, plus both cultured and freshly isolated homologous zooxanthellae (i.e. from Aiptasia sp.). Rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and symbiont growth were measured during symbiosis establishment and used to estimate the contribution of the zooxanthellae to the animal’s respiratory carbon demands (CZAR). Anemones containing Symbiodinium B1 (both homologous and heterologous) tended to attain higher CZAR values and hence benefit most from their symbiotic partners. This was despite Symbiodinium B1 not achieving the highest cell densities, though it did grow more quickly during the earliest stages of the infection process. Rather, the heterologous Symbiodinium types A1.4, E2, and F5.1 attained the highest densities, with populations of E2 and F5.1 also exhibiting the highest photosynthetic rates. This apparent success was countered, however, by very high rates of symbiosis respiration that ultimately resulted in lower CZAR values. This study highlights the impact of symbiont type on the functionality and autotrophic potential of the symbiosis. Most interestingly, it suggests that certain heterologous symbionts may behave opportunistically, proliferating rapidly but in a manner that is energetically costly to the host. Such negative host–symbiont interactions may contribute to the host–symbiont specificity seen in cnidarian–dinoflagellate symbioses and potentially limit the potential for partner switching as an adaptive mechanism.  相似文献   

Thyroid dysfunction during pregnancy has been shown to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Consequently, this study was undertaken to assess the thyroid health of the pregnant females in the United States. Publically available data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for the cycles 1999–2002 and 2007–2012 were analyzed for this purpose. Over 22% (SE: 5.7%) of the pregnant females based on the unweighted data in their first trimester had higher than the recommended levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) or 2.5 mIU/L. Free triiodothyronine (FT3) and free thyroxine (FT4) levels decreased over pregnancy trimesters. Based on unweighted data, about 6% (SE: 2.6%) pregnant females were positive for thyroglobulin antibodies and 34.9% (SE: 5.2%) pregnant females were positive for thyroid peroxidase antibodies. Over 55% (SE: 3.5%) pregnant females based on the unweighted data were iodine deficient. As many as 41% (SE: 3%) first trimester pregnant females having TSH > 2.5 mIU/L is of concern. Future research should concentrate on developing educational and other materials that can advise pregnant females during their prenatal care and other appointments about the adverse effects of high TSH levels and what they can do to keep their TSH levels within the recommended levels.  相似文献   

An annual quarterly survey of six stations in Yantian Port, Shenzhen, China was conducted from January 2020 to October 2020 to investigate the spatial and temporal distribution of dinoflagellate cysts in the surface sediment of Yantian Port. In total, 36 species representing five groups and two uncertain taxa were identified. The dominant species were Scrippsiella trochoidea, Alexandrium spp., Gymnodinium catenatum, Cochlodinium spp., and Lingulodinium polyedrum. The seasonal difference was not obvious in terms of temporal distribution. The number of species ranged from 32 to 36, and the abundance varied from 297 to 996 cysts/g. The annual average values of the diversity index, richness index, and evenness index were 3.65, 1.55, and 0.93, respectively. The annual number and abundance of heterotrophic species were higher than those of autotrophic species. The number and abundance of species at stations near the dock zone were lower than those near the adjacent area. Notably, six toxic dinoflagellate cysts were found in the surface sediment of Yantian Port, indicating a potential outbreak risk for their vegetative cells in the local coastal area. This study provides a picture of the “Seed Bank” of dinoflagellates near Yantian Port, Shenzhen, and provides a reference value for predicting the occurrence of algal blooms. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

During the last decades, fragmentation has become an important issue in ecological research. Habitat fragmentation operates on spatial scales ranging over several magnitudes from patches to landscapes. We focus on small-scale fragmentation effects relevant to animal foraging decision making that could ultimately generate distribution patterns. In a controlled experimental environment, we tested small-scale fragmentation effects in artificial sea grass on the feeding behaviour of juvenile cod (Gadus morhua). Moreover, we examined the influence of fragmentation on the distribution of one of the juvenile cod’s main prey resources, the grass shrimp (Palaemon elegans), in association with three levels of risk provided by cod (no cod, cod chemical cues and actively foraging cod). Time spent by cod within sea grass was lower in fragmented landscapes, but total shrimp consumption was not affected. Shrimp utilised vegetation to a greater extent in fragmented treatments in combination with active predation. We suggest that shrimp choose between sand and vegetation habitats to minimize risk of predation according to cod habitat-specific foraging capacities, while cod aim to maximize prey-dependent foraging rates, generating a habitat-choice game between predator and prey. Moreover, aggregating behaviour in grass shrimp was only found in treatments with active predation. Hence, we argue that both aggregation and vegetation use are anti-predator defence strategies applied by shrimp. We therefore stress the importance of considering small-scale behavioural mechanisms when evaluating consequences from habitat fragmentation on trophic processes in coastal environments.  相似文献   

The 17-year time-series study at Station M in the NE Pacific has provided one of the longest datasets on deep-sea ophiuroids to date. Station M is an abyssal site characterized by low topographical relief and seasonal and interannual variation in surface-derived food inputs. From 1989 to 2005, over 31,000 ophiuroid specimens were collected. Size–frequency distributions of the four dominant species, Ophiura bathybia, Amphilepis patens, Amphiura carchara and Ophiacantha cosmica, were examined for recruitment and the role of surface-derived food supplies on body size distributions. Juveniles were collected in sediment traps and used to investigate settlement patterns and seasonality. Trawl samples showed no indication of seasonal changes in recruitment to larger size classes; however, there was evidence of seasonal settling of juveniles. Interannual differences in median disk diameters and size distributions of trawl-collected adults are greater than those at the seasonal scale. Three of the four species, O. bathybia, A. patens and O. cosmica, had co-varying monthly median disk diameters, suggesting they may have a similar factor(s) controlling their growth and abundance. Interannual differences in monthly size distributions were generally greater than those between seasons. Cross-correlations between the particulate organic carbon (POC) flux (food supply) and size distribution indices for O. bathybia, A. patens and O. cosmica all were significant indicating that increases in food supply were followed by increases in the proportion of smaller size classes after approximately 17–22 months. These findings suggest that food inputs are indeed an important factor influencing deep-sea ophiuroid populations on interannual time scales, more generally supporting the long-hypothesized connection between food availability and population size structure in the deep sea. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

New, large-scale collections have been made of marine benthic macroalgae (seaweeds) on the east coast of South Africa, and the distributions of shallow-water species were analyzed in detail by multivariate, clustering and -diversity methods. The two northernmost sites are distinct, with a predominance of tropical species, and it is concluded that the changeover from a tropical Indian Ocean flora to a temperate South African flora occurs most rapidly in the vicinity of St. Lucia, 135 km south of the Mozambique border. It is imperative that all future biogeographical studies on the South African inshore marine biota include detailed collections north of St. Lucia. The remaining 440 km of the South African east coast (southern and central Kwazulu-Natal Province) is populated by a mixture of tropical and temperate elements, with only 2% endemism in this data set. This, thus, represents a true overlap region, with relatively equal numbers of species with affinities in the temperate Agulhas and tropical Indo–West Pacific floras, rather than a distinctive sub-tropical marine province, as the South African east coast is considered to be by most previous authors. The distinction between this overlap region and the south coast (Agulhas) region proper is not as clearly distinct. The change from a temperate to a tropical flora shows a relative increase in green algae from 15% to 25% of the species present. Criteria for the delineation of marine biogeographical regions are critically discussed, and it is concluded that the monitoring of distributions of all species, including rare species, is necessary. This is particularly relevant with regard to using these data to assess effects of potential changes in seawater temperature, including those which may be caused by global warming. Criteria for the delimitation of biogeographic entities such as "marine provinces" need to be clearly spelt out in all investigations.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to quantify and assess geospatial land-use and land-cover (LULC) changes in the coastal counties of Mobile and Baldwin, Alabama using nine Landsat images from 1974–2008. A study-specific classification scheme was devised comprising upland herbaceous, upland forest, non-woody and woody wetlands, open water, and urban categories. Upland forest was the most dominant terrestrial cover type. Wetlands averaged 17% and urban averaged 7%. A majority of the urban expansion occurred between 1974 and 1979 (26%). Thirty-four percent of the 2008 urban areas were upland forest in 1974. Watershed-scale analysis of Three Mile Creek and D’Olive Bay highlights the temporal and spatial differences of urbanization for watersheds found within the same region. This study is a Gulf of Mexico Alliance (GOMA) Application Pilot project that uses NASA data products to benefit coastal environmental managers and community members. Results have led to increased effectiveness of coastal conservation decision-making, increased understanding of post-hurricane LULC change, continued research on habitat change impacts, and contributed to timely conservation planning efforts. This study has benefited the development of watershed management plans by the Mobile Bay National Estuary Program, which is especially important given projected climate change.  相似文献   

Converging flows at stream confluences often produce highly turbulent conditions. The shear layer/mixing interface that develops within the confluence hydrodynamic zone (CHZ) is characterized by complex patterns of three-dimensional flow that vary both spatially and temporally. Previous research has examined in detail characteristics of mean flow and turbulence along mixing interfaces at small stream confluences and laboratory junctions; however few, if any, studies have examined these characteristics within mixing interfaces at large river confluences. This study investigates the structure of mean velocity profiles as well as spatial and temporal variations in velocity, backscatter intensity, and temperature within the mixing interfaces of two large river confluences. Velocity, temperature, and backscatter intensity data were obtained at stationary locations within the mixing interfaces and at several cross sections within the CHZ using acoustic Doppler current profilers. Results show that mean flow within the mixing interfaces accelerates over distance from the junction apex. Turbulent kinetic energy initially increases rapidly over distance, but the rate of increase diminishes downstream. Hilbert–Huang transform analysis of time series data at the stationary locations shows that multiple dominant modes of fluctuations exist within the original signals of velocity, backscatter intensity, and temperature. Frequencies of the largest dominant modes correspond well with predicted frequencies for shallow wake flows, suggesting that mixing-interface dynamics include wake vortex shedding—a finding consistent with spatial patterns of depth-averaged velocities at measured cross sections. Spatial patterns of temperature and backscatter intensity show that the converging flows at both confluences do not mix substantially, indicating that turbulent structures within the mixing interfaces are relatively ineffective at producing mixing of the flows in the CHZ.  相似文献   

Connectivity in benthic marine animals with complex life cycles occurs primarily during the pelagic larval stage and depends deterministically on oceanographic dynamics. The scale of such larval dispersal is highly uncertain due the difficulty of direct measurement and poor knowledge of larval dynamics and ocean flow variability. This study characterizes the pattern of genetic connectivity in the ecosystem engineer Perumytilus purpuratus between latitudes 23°S and 33°S, which includes the ecological discontinuity reported for many taxa north to 32°S at the southeast Pacific. The genetic discontinuity observed in P. purpuratus around 26°S is described herein while that detected at 28°S is in line with the ecological discontinuity (in coverage, recruitment and density) previously reported for this mussel between 28°S and 32°S. Both discontinuities delimitate two major gene pools upon Bayesian inferences on geographical variation of five microsatellite loci. Interestingly, marker Pepu1 was responsible for most variation between pools and was potentially under selection. In fact, inferences excluding Pepu1 produced a single gene pool (k = 1) in central-northern Chile. The IBD connectivity pattern observed among P. purpuratus beds distributed in the interval 23°S–33°S is congruent with processes driven by larval dynamics, and the dominant equatorward Humboldt Current along a coast largely unaffected by ice during the last Pleistocene glaciation. However, the selective scenario unveiled by microsatellite Pepu1 inside the 25°S–28°S ecological discontinuity is consistent with selective processes associated with specific mesoscale properties operating in this area. This study highlights the usefulness of integrating different oceanographic scales, ecological data and population genetics to better understand connectivity of benthic marine species.  相似文献   

Although coexistence with wildlife is a key goal of conservation, little is known about it or how to study it. By coexistence we mean a sustainable though dynamic state in which humans and wildlife coadapt to sharing landscapes, where human interactions with wildlife are effectively governed to ensure wildlife populations persist in socially legitimate ways that ensure tolerable risk levels. Problems that arise from current conflict-oriented framing of human–wildlife interactions include reinforcing a human–nature dichotomy as fundamentally oppositional, suggesting coexistence requires the absence of conflict, and skewing research and management toward direct negative impacts over indirect impacts and positive aspects of living with wildlife. Human behavior toward wildlife is framed as rational calculus of costs and benefits, sidelining emotional and cultural dimensions of these interactions. Coexistence is less studied due to unfamiliarity with relevant methodologies, including qualitative methods, self-reflexivity and ethical rigor, and constraints on funding and time. These challenges are illustrated with examples from fieldwork in India and Africa. We recommend a basic approach to case studies aimed at expanding the scope of inquiries into human–wildlife relations beyond studies of rational behavior and quantification of costs and benefits of wildlife to humans.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Continuous flow of toxic and persistent compounds to the environment is&nbsp;a global health&nbsp;issue. However, assessing the toxic effects of compounds...  相似文献   

Large rivers often present a river–lakedelta system, with a wide range of temporal and spatial scales of the flow due to the combined effects of human activities and various natural factors, e.g., river discharge, tides, climatic variability, droughts, floods. Numerical models that allow for simulating the flow in these river–lakedelta systems are essential to study them and predict their evolution under the impact of various forcings. This is because they provide information that cannot be easily measured with sufficient temporal and spatial detail. In this study, we combine one-dimensional sectional-averaged (1D) and two-dimensional depth-averaged (2D) models, in the framework of the finite element model SLIM, to simulate the flow in the Mahakam river–lakedelta system (Indonesia). The 1D model representing the Mahakam River and four tributaries is coupled to the 2D unstructured mesh model implemented on the Mahakam Delta, the adjacent Makassar Strait, and three lakes in the central part of the river catchment. Using observations of water elevation at five stations, the bottom friction for river and tributaries, lakes, delta, and adjacent coastal zone is calibrated. Next, the model is validated using another period of observations of water elevation, flow velocity, and water discharge at various stations. Several criteria are implemented to assess the quality of the simulations, and a good agreement between simulations and observations is achieved in both calibration and validation stages. Different aspects of the flow, i.e., the division of water at two bifurcations in the delta, the effects of the lakes on the flow in the lower part of the system, the area of tidal propagation, are also quantified and discussed.  相似文献   

The relative influence of habitat loss vs. habitat fragmentation per se (the breaking apart of habitat) on species distribution and abundance is a topic of debate. Although some theoretical studies predict a strong negative effect of fragmentation, consensus from empirical studies is that habitat fragmentation has weak effects compared with habitat loss and that these effects are as likely to be positive as negative. However, few empirical investigations of this issue have been conducted on tropical or wide-ranging species that may be strongly influenced by changes in patch size and edge that occur with increasing fragmentation. We tested the relative influence of habitat loss and fragmentation by examining occupancy of forest patches by 20 mid- and large-sized Neotropical mammal species in a fragmented landscape of northern Guatemala. We related patch occupancy of mammals to measures of habitat loss and fragmentation and compared the influence of these two factors while controlling for patch-level variables. Species responded strongly to both fragmentation and loss, and response to fragmentation generally was negative. Our findings support previous assumptions that conservation of large mammals in the tropics will require conservation strategies that go beyond prevention of habitat loss to also consider forest cohesion or other aspects of landscape configuration.  相似文献   

Lightweight aggregates commonly used as construction materials contain high percentages of metal oxides and thus are potential sorbents in aqueous systems. Here, ammonia is used as the model compound to be removed by aggregates since it is toxic for the aquatic life and is regulated in physical systems. The point of zero charge of aggregates is determined at pH values higher than 9. The aggregates made with raw materials from Larisa, Milos, and Samos presented ammonia sorptive capacities of 210, 220 and 400 μmol/kg, respectively. However, the LWA made from wollastonite (Samos) resulted in high pH (10.6) solutions and thus, production of toxic unionized ammonia. Thus, a combination of high sorptive uptake and neutral pH in solution is desired and can be achieved in future studies by selecting the appropriate raw materials for the preparation of aggregates.  相似文献   

Typically, studies of the disturbance effect on metapopulation dynamics are limited to understanding the effect of habitat loss although, recently, the spatial pattern of the disturbance has been shown to influence dynamics. In this study, we used a stochastic patch-dynamic model to investigate the effects of spatial disturbance patterns on the persistence of an open woodland community of Juniperus spp. and Pinus spp. First, we estimated patch-occupancy dynamics by using the coefficients that best predicted the occupancy observed in 1998 based on occupancy data from 1957. Next, we evaluated the effects of the rate and pattern of the disturbance on the extinction probability. In modeling the disturbance, we considered (1) the degree of disturbance produced by scenarios of complete destruction or degradation (with the potential for recolonization), (2) the overall rate of disturbance, and (3) the spatial autocorrelation of habitat destruction. Twenty 40-year simulations predicted a 25% increase in the number of patches, and when 50% of the habitat was removed, the impact was more pronounced after complete destruction than it was after degradation of the area. Predictions based on scenarios of complete destruction, including random, contiguous, Brownian, and autoregressive noise, demonstrated that the impact of disturbance depends upon the spatial structure of the disturbance regimen. The autocorrelated structure of the disturbance regimen had the greatest impact on patch persistence. Patch-occupancy was higher after 20 40-year simulations when habitat loss was randomly distributed than when it followed an autocorrelated patch destruction, which was simulated using autoregressive noise to produce 50% habitat destruction. In addition, while habitat loss was negatively linearly correlated with patch persistence when habitat destruction was randomly distributed, a dramatic transition shift occurred when habitat destruction was simulated following an autoregressive spatial distribution after a certain threshold of habitat destruction (40% of the actual open woodland habitat). Our study suggests that the spatial patterns of the disturbance should be considered when predicting the consequences of fragmentation and improving management strategies.  相似文献   

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