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赵葆红  陈云锋 《安全》2014,35(7):15-18
以液化天然气储存总容量为10000m3的液化天然气储罐区为例,结合当地的气候条件,依据相关国家标准,详述了LNG储罐区周边防护距离的确定过程。  相似文献   

研究基于风险指数RI的选址评价方法,确定评价方法的框架和程序,并将该评价方法用于某拟建LNG储备库的选址.结果表明,沸腾液体扩展蒸气爆炸在拟建LNG储备库可能发生的事故中的后果最严重.以沸腾液体扩展蒸汽爆炸的计算结果为依据,在GIS中对LNG储备库进行缓冲区分析,得到直观显示的事故影响区域和影响对象.计算拟建LNG储备库的选址风险并与可接受风险水平进行比较,确定选址的合理性且适当调整周边布局.研究表明,基于风险指数RI的选址评价方法对合理确定重大工程选址是切实可行的.  相似文献   

针对TNT当量法在LNG储罐蒸气云爆炸模拟中的应用进行了改进,考虑并分析了使用传统TNT模型时所忽略的LNG液池蒸发过程,通过建立LNG与地面的传热模型得出了LNG液池蒸发速率随时间变化的关系,液池的蒸发速率在最初随时间的增长较快,在增至最大值后与时间的平方根成反比逐渐减小。以3万m~3 LNG储罐连续泄漏20 min为例,根据蒸发速率与时间的关系算出了蒸气云团中的燃料量,再结合蒸气云爆炸模型利用Matlab软件进行了事故后果模拟计算,得出发生蒸气云爆炸时的死亡半径为36.629 5 m,重伤半径为83.557 6 m,轻伤半径124.725 m,财产损失半径为109.017 9 m。相较于无蒸发过程的传统模型,此计算结果更加具有参考意义。  相似文献   

为了研究LNG动力船在通航隧洞这一新型半封闭空间结构船舶通航设施中的航行安全问题,以贵州乌江构皮滩隧洞中LNG动力船发生泄漏事故为研究对象,通过建立仿真模型,利用Fluent对LNG动力船的LNG燃料在有风和无风2种状态下发生阀门泄漏、管系泄漏和罐体破损的气体扩散过程进行模拟,分别计算得出LNG泄漏造成人员窒息、火灾、爆炸等后果的影响范围和程度.结果表明:无风状态下的泄漏危害高于有风状态下的泄漏危害,泄漏点孔径与危害范围呈正相关关系;在人员窒息、爆炸、火灾3种危害中,火灾危险范围最广,其次为爆炸危险范围,最小为人员窒息危险范围,无风状态下罐体发生泄漏造成火灾面积可达609.942 0 m2,有风状态下阀门发生泄漏可导致人员窒息的危险范围面积仅0.008 0 m2.以此为依据,从LNG动力船和通航隧洞两方面分别提出了安全保障措施.  相似文献   

液化天然气(LNG)做为清洁能源近年来在我国得到广泛应用,随着LNG加气站建设规模日益扩大,发展合理的安全评价方法对LNG加气站选址与安全评估具有重要的现实意义。为此,首先利用计算流体力学(CFD)方法研究了围堰尺寸与风速对LNG泄漏扩散的影响规律,在此基础上对道化学评价方法进行改进,并利用改进后的模型对立式LNG储罐进行了分析。研究结果表明:储罐泄漏扩散的范围随着围堰尺寸的增大而增大,随着风速的增大而减小,这种变化规律在进行评价时应充分予以考虑;通过规定围堰尺寸补偿系数C_k与风速补偿系数C_c,改进道化学评价方法,使其在LNG储罐安全评级的应用中更准确灵活。  相似文献   

充装的LNG低温储罐(夹套内的接管)发生泄漏,通过分析泄漏产生的原因,用改良后的弯管段更换和加装管支架,改善受力情况,保证储罐安全运行。  相似文献   

火灾事故后果评价方法在LNG储罐发生BLEVE爆炸上的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
勒自兵 《火灾科学》2004,13(4):256-261
介绍了LNG储罐站的发展背景和现状;采用火灾事故后果分析方法建模,分析计算了LNG储罐站发生BLEVE爆炸所产生的火球直径、持续时间、提升高度、热辐射能量、冲击波破坏的范围、火灾爆炸事故对人及周围设施破坏的程度等;提出了在我国开展此类工程评估工作过程中的一些观点和设想。  相似文献   

国内LNG接收站产业发展日益壮大,LNG储罐的规模也随之呈现大型化的趋势,其带来对周边储罐的安全问题成为关注的焦点.针对大型LNG储罐防火间距的分析,依据国际广泛接受的美国NFPA 59A-2009和欧洲EN1473-2007标准,分别采用事故后果模拟手段和危险性评估方法确定储罐防火间距,事故场景分别考虑了罐顶池火灾和卸料管线发生直径50mm孔洞泄漏火灾.在此基础之上,对事故后果模拟得到的结果进行分析,明确储罐防火间距,从而为企业对LNG储罐区进行布局设计提供参考指导.  相似文献   

针对工业LNG储罐泄漏问题,基于Fluent软件结合UDF修正风速模型,研究不同工况下泄漏发展情况,并对泄露口下风向沿直线距离上的泄漏气体浓度进行分析,得出准确气体扩散浓度范围.研究结果表明,泄漏孔口越接近地面,横向扩散距离越大.相同风速下,泄漏路径上气体浓度具有相似的变化趋势,风速越高泄漏气体沿扩散路径的稀释作用越强...  相似文献   

LNG储罐泄漏危险性影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
LNG(液化天然气)泄漏后产生大量的蒸汽,蒸汽的扩散受液池尺寸、泄漏区域地面类型、环境条件的影响,为了研究以上因素对LNG蒸汽扩散的影响,以方便采取事故预防措施,采用ALOHA软件对以上因素影响甲烷UFL(爆炸上限)、LFL(爆炸下限)、1/2LFL在下风向扩散的最远距离进行了定量分析,划分了可能发生火灾或者爆炸的危险区域,得出LNG泄漏到水面、混凝土地面、湿沙层、干沙层上危险性依次降低。选取水面温度分别为5℃、10℃、15℃、25℃,围堰尺寸分别为400 m2、600 m2、800 m2、1 000 m2,环境温度分别为-10℃、0℃、10℃、20℃、30℃、40℃时,对下风向甲烷体积分数分布进行定量分析,结果表明,甲烷UFL、LFL、12LFL扩散最远距离随水面温度、围堰尺寸、环境温度增加而逐渐增大。  相似文献   

This paper presents a source term model for estimating the rate of spreading of LNG and other cryogenic mixtures on unconfined land. The model takes into account the composition changes of a boiling mixture, the varying thermodynamic properties due to preferential boiling within the mixture and the effect of the various boiling regimes on conductive heat transfer. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the relative effect of each of these phenomena on pool spread. The model is applied to continuous and instantaneous spills. The model is compared to literature experimental data on cryogenic pool spreading.  相似文献   

The authors have recently undertaken a major review of LNG consequence modeling, compiling a wide range of historical information with more recent experiments and modeling approaches in a book entitled “LNG Risk-Based Safety: Modeling and Consequence Analysis”. All the main consequence routes were reviewed – discharge, evaporation, pool and jet fire, vapor cloud explosions, rollover, and Rapid Phase Transitions (RPT’s). In the book, experimental data bases are assembled for tests on pool spread and evaporation, burn rates, dispersion, fire and radiation and effects on personnel and structures. The current paper presents selected highlights of interest: lessons learned from historical development and experience, comparison of predictions by various models, varying mechanisms for LNG spread of water, a modeling protocol to enable acceptance of newer models, and unresolved technical issues such as cascading failures, fire engulfment of a carrier, the circumstances for a possible LNG BLEVE, and accelerated evaporation by LNG penetration into water.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to summarize the safety and security aspects of storing of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) as a potential alternative fuel. The contribution deals with possible scenarios of accidents associated with LNG storage facilities and with a methodology for the assessment of vulnerability of such facilities. The protection of LNG storage facilities as element of critical infrastructure should also be a matter of interest to the state. The study presents the results of determination of hazardous zones around LNG facilities in the event of various sorts of release. For calculations, the programs ALOHA, EFFECTS and TerEx were used and results obtained were compared. Scenarios modelled within this study represent a possible approach to the preliminary assessment of risk that should be verified by more detailed modelling (CFD). These scenarios can also be used for a quick estimation of areas endangered by an incident or accident. The results of modelling of the hazardous zones contribute to a reduction in risk of major accidents associated with these potential alternative energy sources.  相似文献   

土地利用安全规划是预防和控制重大工业事故的重要手段,本文讨论国外常见重大危险源土地利用规划的三种方法,给出一个基于后果的土地利用安全规划的方法。提出火灾、爆炸和毒物泄漏等事故场景下的伤害阈值标准并以此进行事故后果伤害分区,给出脆弱性目标的分级原则,最终给出土地利用安全规划的判断准则。以南方某化工园区为实例应用此方法进行分析研究。本方法可应用于重大危险源或化工园区的安全规划、安全评价以及应急规划等工作。  相似文献   

防护堤是LNG储罐区重要的安全措施之一,防护堤高度对于LNG的扩散行为具有显著影响。采用计算流体动力学(CFD)研究半地下LNG储罐区不同防护堤高度下的LNG液池和LNG蒸气云扩散行为,对比分析储罐区底面积和防护堤高度对LNG蒸气扩散距离和扩散速度影响。结果表明防护堤高度的增加可有效减小LNG蒸气云的0.5倍燃烧下限(LFL)扩散距离。因此,对于同一种半地下LNG储罐区,在液池充分扩展前,可燃气云最大扩散距离与储罐区底面积成正比,防护堤高度的增加可减小LNG可燃气云的扩散距离。研究结果可指导LNG加气站半地下LNG储罐区防护堤的设置。  相似文献   

Rollover is a potential risk to the safety of LNG storage tanks during the LNG storage process, so study of its prevention method is very important. In this paper, rollover phenomenon in a liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank is modeled physically and mathematically. Its evolution is simulated using FLUENT™ software from the breakdown of stratification to the occurrence of rollover. Results show that the evolution consists of three phases: the initial phase where rollover occurs near the side wall of the storage tank; the turbulent phase where rollover transfers to the center of the tank; and the final phase where new layers evolve. Based on these phases, rollovers in 160,000, 30,000, and 5000 m3 LNG storage tanks are simulated at varying initial density differences, and a rollover coefficient is defined to describe rollover intensity. The simulations show that the rollover coefficient initially increases within a small scope and then increases rapidly with the increment of initial density difference. This turning point is chosen to be the rollover threshold, which is regarded as the critical density difference in this study. The critical density differences obtained from the simulation results of the 160,000, 30,000, and 5000 m3 LNG storage tanks are 3, 5, and 7 kg/m3, respectively, which can be used as their rollover criteria to ensure the safety of LNG storage tanks.  相似文献   

国内外许多重大工业事故的发生都与危险设施不合理的土地利用规划相关.尽管相关法规对于危险设施的安全规划提出要求,但目前我国针对危险设施安全规划方法仍非常缺乏.本文介绍的危险设施土地利用规划方法简便、易行.该方法可以根据考虑危险物质种类、数量和形态、危险设施的厂区布置情况和危险物质生产方式等条件,可对危险设施的土地安全适用性进行判断,为规划许可提供参考.  相似文献   

The evaluation of exclusion (hazard) zones around the LNG stations is essential for risk assessment in LNG industry. In this study, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have been conducted for the two potential hazards, LNG flammable vapor dispersion and LNG pool fire radiation, respectively, to evaluate the exclusion zones. The spatial and temporal distribution of hazard in complex spill scenario has been taken into account in the CFD model. Experimental data from Falcon and Montoir field tests have been used to validate the simulation results. With the valid CFD model, the mitigation of the vapor dispersion with spray water curtains and the pool fire with high expansion foam were investigated. The spray water curtains were studied as a shield to prevent LNG vapor dispersing, and two types of water spray curtain, flat and cone, were analyzed to show their performance for reduction and minimization of the hazard influencing distance and area. The high expansion foam firefighting process was studied with dynamic simulation of the foam action, and the characteristics of the foam action on the reduction of LNG vaporization rate, vapor cloud and flame size as well as the thermal radiation hazard were analyzed and discussed.  相似文献   

为对LNG供气站进行综合评价,分析了LNG站的事故因素及其来源.根据事故特征,采用冲击波超压和火球热辐射评估模型.采用蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法(Monte-Carlo)确定模型中源项的数据分布及概率.编制事故危害程度和危害范围的计算程序,并对某LNG站进行了定量风险评价(QRA)计算.计算确定了空间各点的事故概率分布、风险等级及LNG供气站的综合风险指数.计算结果表明,某LNG站的死亡事故率为6.94人,平均个人风险为0.609×10-3人·次/a,符合风险标准.  相似文献   

为缓解液化天然气(LNG)泄漏事故后果,利用有色发烟剂模拟LNG泄漏扩散行为,研究水幕的关键参数,包括安装位置、安装高度等对罐区LNG泄漏云团稀释效果的影响,并采用计算流体力学(CFD)软件FLUENT验证试验结果。模拟结果与试验结果基本吻合,表明有色发烟剂试验能够定性模拟罐区LNG泄漏扩散及水幕稀释云团效果。水幕安装在储罐与泄漏源中间,并且安装高度高于云团2倍以上,能够有效稀释LNG云团,保护储罐安全。水幕稀释云团的主要物理机制是液滴与空气间动量交换抬升云团高度,形成的旋涡卷吸空气进入云团内部,加速云团稀释。  相似文献   

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