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Deliberation over and relative preference for general or specific (broad or narrow) constructs has long been an important issue in organizational behavior research. In this article, we provide a review of this general issue and some specific recommendations for researchers. We begin by discussing whether the general versus specific issue is an important debate and by discussing other underlying issues (the role of researcher preferences, distinction between reflective and formative indicators, and distinction between constructs and measures of constructs). Building on Chen's (this issue) analysis of core self‐evaluations, we first discuss how the general–specific debate has progressed in core self‐evaluations research. We then discuss three other important areas in which this debate has played out: intelligence, five‐factor model of personality, and job attitudes. Finally, we offer a framework to help guide decisions about whether to utilize general measures, specific measures, or both and conclude by providing recommendations for the use of general and specific measures in organizational behavior research. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Implicit psychological constructs are effective predictors of behavioral outcomes but are rarely used in organizational settings because of real or imagined problems with measurement validity and administration. To address these concerns, we present a means of assessing implicit constructs quickly and easily by using psychological capital as an example. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

安全控制是高瓦斯隧道监理工作的核心控制内容之一。都(江堰)汶(川)公路高瓦斯隧道断面大,施工倍受瓦斯危害困扰,安全控制难度巨大。而火源则是大断面隧道施工中引起瓦斯燃烧或爆炸的导火索,因而如何遏制火源便成为监理单位抓好安全控制的一大重点。但目前尚无具体先例、方法可循,相关隧道施工规范、监理规范也未对此作出明确的规定。文章通过都汶公路紫坪铺(原名董家山)隧道2005年“12·22”特大瓦斯爆炸事故后的火源监控工作实践,总结出了一套火源监控对策,这对今后类似高瓦斯隧道施工火源控制和推动安全监理技术进步具备较大的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

Proper scale development and validation provide the necessary foundation to facilitate future quantitative research in the organizational sciences. Using the framework provided by the Researcher's Notebook , the purpose of this study is twofold. First, we present a modern summary of best practice procedures for scale development, reliability analysis, and validity analysis. Second, we explain and illustrate these best practice procedures by describing each procedure in the context of developing and psychometrically analyzing a new Character Strength Inventory (CSI). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

生产性粉尘是我国作业场所最普遍且严重威胁劳动者健康的职业有害因素,接触生产性粉尘引发的尘肺病是我国发病最高的职业病。为控制尘肺病的发生,以《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》为依据,我国已经进行了大量配套职业卫生标准的研制工作,同时,在生产粉尘健康危害评价、接尘人群的健康监护和呼吸防护用品研制方面开展了大量科研工作。要达到国际劳工组织和世界卫生组织提出的2030年消除矽肺病目标,我们的尘肺防治工作任重道远。  相似文献   

Examples from previously published work by the lead author on the role of employee health indicators on individual and organizational outcomes provide an intriguing backdrop through the use of illustration for suggesting some of the many benefits obtained by the incorporation of replication, extension, and mixed‐methods study designs in organizational research. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We discuss how confirmatory factor analysis results should be used to examine potential higher‐order constructs and advocate that researchers present five types of evidence, which are as follows: (1) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables; (2) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among manifest variables better than more parsimonious alternative models—and no less well than less parsimonious alternative models; (3) the ability of the higher‐order model to reproduce the observed covariation among lower‐order factors; (4) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in lower‐order factors; and (5) the ability of the higher‐order factor to explain variation in manifest variables. We illustrate how this type of evidence could be presented with a worked example and contrast our recommendations with the manner in which higher‐order confirmatory factor analysis has been used in the organizational sciences over the past 25 years to support claims regarding higher‐order constructs such as core self‐evaluations and transformational leadership. Our review shows that a substantial proportion of the 44 examined articles failed to present enough evidence to allow readers to understand the size and importance of higher‐order factors. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

亚麻原料初加工过程中亚麻粉尘危害严重,亚麻粉尘是亚麻原料厂的主要职业危害,防尘工程技术措施效果如何,对作业工人的身体健康有着直接的影响。本文通过对亚麻原料厂防尘工程的全面分析,运用模糊数学原理建立的模糊综合评判方法,在专家打分评估的基础上,应用定性与定量的综合决策方法,结合层次分析法分配权重,对亚麻原料厂防尘工程技术措施进行了综合评价,得出了比较符合实际的评价结果,为解决其他方面多因素、多层次的复杂系统问题提供了一个科学、可靠的参考,为其他行业或各类企业进行劳动卫生工程综合评价提供了可信、可行的先例。  相似文献   

2006年中国城市饮用水源突发污染事件统计及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计分析了我国2006年1月1日至12月31日发生的城市饮用水源突发污染事件,以揭示2005年松花江污染和哈尔滨停水重大事件之后,中国城市水源突发污染事件发生的规律、危害、应急响应状况以及总体情况和变化趋势,检验近1年来中国城市水源突发污染事件应急机制的有效性和科学性.从发生日期、地点、污染物种类、事件简况、应急反应5个方面对75起突发污染事件的统计分析表明:1)2006年突发污染事件总体呈数量增多、危害增大的趋势;2)危险化学品和各类工业污水仍是主要污染物;3)交通事故、工厂泄漏事故和突然排污仍是主要风险源;4)41.3%的事件威胁到了城市供水系统安全运行,造成城市几小时或多天停水,带来严重的社会影响;5)92%的突发污染事件得到了应急响应,但应急时间远大于国家规定的1h,应急预案在快速性和有效性方面还需改进.  相似文献   

采用数值模拟的方法,对火源位于合流分岔路段上游时不同的纵向通风烟气控制策略进行了模拟分析,得到最佳的通风控制策略及送风参数。研究结果表明:火灾发生时,若只有主隧道送风,当送风风速为临界风速时,尽管火源上游烟气得到了很好的控制,但下游仍会有部分烟气会流入匝道,影响匝道内的行车安全;若加大主隧道送风风速以消除匝道内的烟气,则所需风速过大,既不经济也不安全;如果采用主隧道和匝道联合送风的送风策略,主隧道以临界风速送风,则匝道以较小的送风风速即可得到较好的烟气控制效果。该通风策略应为最优的烟气控制策略。  相似文献   

研制了一种适用于露天矿山温度高、粉尘大、振动大的司机室空调、通风和除尘的新型装置,研究了换热系统、新风供给器和循环风除尘除毒装置,室内温度、清新度和新鲜度优于规定指标,现场使用效果良好。  相似文献   

Building on the premises of the conservation of resources theory, the aim of this study was to investigate long‐term effects of job resources on vigor among native and immigrant employees in Israel. More specifically, we investigated the effects of baseline and change in job control and supervisor support on change in vigor levels, as well as the degree to which these effects differ among educated native and immigrant employees in Israel. We surveyed 235 white‐collar Eastern European and Russian immigrants and 235 white‐collar native Israelis matched on occupational and demographic characteristics at two points of measurement with a 30‐month time lag. Latent change score modeling revealed that among both immigrants and natives, change in job control was related to change in vigor. Multiple group analyses further revealed that among immigrant employees only, baseline levels of supervisor support were associated with change in vigor. In conclusion, these findings suggest that the utilization of resources as a means of acquiring new resources may be influenced by immigrant background. Managerial implications are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

水中三嗪类除草剂的检测与分析质量控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三嗪类除草剂作为预防农田杂草生长的除草剂在世界范围内广泛使用.由于水中农药残留浓度属痕量级,建立高效富集与分析方法非常重要.选取了6种三嗪类物质,建立了对水中痕量三嗪类物质的SPE-HPLC分析方法,并对其分析方法进行了质量保证与质量控制QA/QC研究.研究结果表明: 6种三嗪类物质的回收率在94%~116%之间,方法检测限在0.08~0.18 μg·L-1之间,方法重复性和检测限均能满足痕量分析及其质量控制的要求.3种水样的实际测试结果表明,在某河水中测得莠去津和扑草净的质量浓度分别为(5.28±0.43) μg·L-1和(7.12±0.54) μg·L-1.这说明该水体三嗪类农药的污染需受到重视.  相似文献   

Some studies have argued that information and communication technologies such as smartphones can pressure employees to work more from home, while others argue that they help employees manage transitions between work and family role domains. Leveraging boundary theory and the job demands–resources model, the present study examines the conditions under which work–family technology use is associated with greater boundary control. Findings show that technology use is associated with higher boundary control for those who prefer role integration and lower boundary control for those who prefer role segmentation. Findings also show that boundary control is linked to emotional exhaustion and that organizational after‐hours electronic communication expectations can compel work–family technology use despite individual preferences. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国煤炭行业事故频发,而人的不安全动作引起了88%的事故,因此,运用行为控制方法来约束人的不安全动作对于减少煤矿事故有着重要意义。以煤矿放炮员不安全动作为统计指标,对我国2000—2011年41起煤矿重特大放炮事故进行统计,得到16种、48个不安全放炮动作。进一步分析,发现造成这些不安全动作的原因集中在放炮员安全知识、意识、习惯,组织安全管理体系,以及组织安全文化这三方面。根据这些原因提出了系统的行为控制方法,给出了放炮员不安全动作的综合解决对策,这样企业便采取了从安全文化到放炮员不安全动作的一整套行为控制措施,从而可以有效预防煤矿放炮员的不安全动作,减少煤矿企业放炮事故的发生。  相似文献   

依托南昌轨道交通1号线中~子区间含砂砾富水复合地层地铁联络通道工程,针对施工过程中揭示的富水砂砾地层,对联络通道施工进行风险分析,建立了三维数值分析模型,分别探讨了富水条件下联络通道地层预加固、降水井降水结合地层预加固两种处理措施下联络通道施工后地层反应,据此提出了含砂砾富水复合地层处理技术方案。方案实际应用效果良好,有效控制了联络通道施工风险,可供类似地层条件参考。  相似文献   

核电厂蒸汽发生器(SG)水位控制系统的安全可靠运行是保证核电厂安全性和经济性的关键因素,其控制对象具有高度复杂、非线性的特点。由于复杂系统的安全性是特定环境下由系统相关要素交互作用所产生的一种涌现特性,运用系统理论,以STAMP模型为基础对SG水位控制系统进行安全性分析,以利于在设计早期阶段发现影响该系统安全运行的潜在风险因素,预防危险事故。该方法将系统理论用于核电厂关键系统和设备安全性分析,为核电厂安全运行提供了新的技术手段支持。  相似文献   

煤岩裂隙漏风导致的煤自燃火灾严重危害矿井安全生产,在现有防治煤炭自燃材料的基础上,以聚丙烯酰胺(A)、复合表面活性剂(B)、混合粉体(C)为原材料研制了一种防控高温煤岩裂隙的膏体泡沫。采用正交试验法以保水率、发泡倍数、阻化率为指标优选出了最佳的膏体泡沫配方为A4B4C4:A为70 g/L,B为19.5 g/L,C为270 g/L。对膏体泡沫进行了微观形态表征,并从泡孔尺寸大小及分布、液膜颗粒分布、液膜载体吸水等方面对膏体泡沫的保水、吸热和受热稳定机制进行了分析。最后以南方某煤矿复采工作面煤自燃发火为例,分析和判定了302工作面火区分布,采用钻孔压注膏体对火区高温煤岩裂隙进行控制,3d后工作面1-5#钻孔、三石门密闭处CO浓度从520 ppm,465 ppm,523 ppm,305 ppm,289 ppm,750 ppm下降到22 ppm,18 ppm,23 ppm,14 ppm,14 ppm,36 ppm。  相似文献   

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