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Forest fires are one of the major causes of ecological disturbance in the mediterranean climate ecosystems of the world. Despite the fact that a lot of resources have been invested in fire prevention and suppression, the number of fires occurring in the Mediterranean Basin in the recent decades has continued to markedly increase. The understanding of the relationship between landscape and fire lies, among others, in the identification of the system’s post-fire resilience. In our study, ecological and landscape data are integrated with decision-support techniques in a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) framework to evaluate the risk of losing post-fire resilience in Pinus halepensis forests, using Cape Sounion National Park, Central Greece, as a pilot case. The multi-criteria decision support approach has been used to synthesize both bio-indicators (woody cover, pine density, legume cover and relative species richness and annual colonizers) and geo-indicators (fire history, parent material, and slope inclination) in order to rank the landscape components. Judgments related to the significance of each factor were incorporated within the weights coefficients and then integrated into the multicriteria rule to map the risk index. Sensitivity analysis was very critical for assessing the contribution of each factor and the sensitivity to subjective weight judgments to the final output. The results of this study include a final ranking map of the risk of losing resilience, which is very useful in identifying the “risk hotspots”, where post-fire management measures should be applied in priority.  相似文献   

The decision-making environment in forest management (FM) has changed drastically during the last decades. Forest management planning is facing increasing complexity due to a widening portfolio of forest goods and services, a societal demand for a rational, transparent decision process and rising uncertainties concerning future environmental conditions (e.g., climate change). Methodological responses to these challenges include an intensified use of ecosystem models to provide an enriched, quantitative information base for FM planning. Furthermore, multi-criteria methods are increasingly used to amalgamate information, preferences, expert judgments and value expressions, in support of the participatory and communicative dimensions of modern forestry. Although the potential of combining these two approaches has been demonstrated in a number of studies, methodological aspects in interfacing forest ecosystem models (FEM) and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) are scarcely addressed explicitly. In this contribution we review the state of the art in FEM and MCDA in the context of FM planning and highlight some of the crucial issues when combining ecosystem and preference modeling. We discuss issues and requirements in selecting approaches suitable for supporting FM planning problems from the growing body of FEM and MCDA concepts. We furthermore identify two major challenges in a harmonized application of FEM-MCDA: (i) the design and implementation of an indicator-based analysis framework capturing ecological and social aspects and their interactions relevant for the decision process, and (ii) holistic information management that supports consistent use of different information sources, provides meta-information as well as information on uncertainties throughout the planning process.  相似文献   

A fuzzy decision analysis method for integrating ecological indicators was developed. This was a combination of a fuzzy ranking method and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The method was capable of ranking ecosystems in terms of environmental conditions and suggesting cumulative impacts across a large region. Using data on land cover, population, roads, streams, air pollution, and topography of the Mid-Atlantic region, we were able to point out areas that were in relatively poor condition and/or vulnerable to future deterioration. The method offered an easy and comprehensive way to combine the strengths of fuzzy set theory and the AHP for ecological assessment. Furthermore, the suggested method can serve as a building block for the evaluation of environmental policies.  相似文献   

Al-Juaidi, Ahmed E., Jagath J. Kaluarachchi, and Ungtae Kim, 2010. Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Treated Wastewater Use for Agriculture in Water Deficit Regions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(2):395-411. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00409.x Abstract: Coastal regions such as the Gaza Strip of Palestine with limited freshwater supply suffer significantly due to the rapid depletion of water levels, seawater intrusion, and increased water demands. In such regions, use of treated wastewater (TWW) is a viable option if public health issues are addressed. The goal of this paper is to address the use of TWW in agriculture while considering net benefit, economic efficiency of water use (EEWU), environmental goals, and public health risks. The proposed methodology considers public health risk assessment and multi-criteria decision analysis to assess the beneficial use of TWW in agriculture. The methodology was demonstrated for the Gaza Strip. The health risk assessment suggests that increasing the elapsed time between irrigation and consumption and switching from surface to sprinkler and drip irrigation are practical measures to reduce public health risks. The optimization and decision analyses show that proper allocation of freshwater and TWW and distribution of land area by crop type can significantly increase the net benefit and EEWU. In most cases, net benefit increased by 44%, groundwater use reduced 29% while increasing the EEWU by threefold compared with the existing conditions. The multi-criteria decision analysis with weighted goal programming can develop flexible management options that considers a given decision-maker preference. When groundwater abstraction for agriculture reduced from 57 to 36 Mm3 as per decision analysis, the corresponding area below mean sea level decreased by 58% indicating significant aquifer recovery.  相似文献   

高温硫化硅橡胶具有良好的憎水性、憎水迁移性,有效提高了复合绝缘子的耐污闪性能。但是作为一种有机高分子材料,高温硫化硅橡胶材料在长期运行之后会表现出一定的老化特征,包括出现粉化、褪色、龟裂等现象。作为复合绝缘子最直观的特征,伞裙护套的颜色变化可以在一定程度上反映出硅橡胶材料的性能变化。对复合绝缘子伞裙的颜色变化特征进行了研究,并利用RGB颜色空间对其进行了定量表征,试验结果表明,利用复合绝缘子伞裙颜色变化特征对其老化状态进行表征是可行的。  相似文献   

叙通过统计琼海2007年~2016年太阳辐照、温湿度等环境数据,利用标准偏差及变异系数,分析了湿热服役环境条件近十年的数据稳定性。结果显示,太阳辐照季节性特征明显,夏季变异系数一般在10%~15%之间,冬季最高可达40%,影响冬季开始的自然暴露试验结果的重复性;温湿度数据具有较好的稳定性,变异系数分别在15%及10%内,对自然暴露试验结果的重复性影响较小。  相似文献   

运用景观生态学的原理与方法,基于GIS技术对芜湖市绿地空间格局特征进行了分析.结果表明,芜湖市绿地景观多样性指数为1.1556、优势度为3.4775、均匀度为0.4977、破碎度为0.4046;城市绿地系统内部景观多样性偏低,优势度明显,类型分布不均,城市绿地生态功能较弱,易受人类活动影响,总体绿地空间布局有待改善.  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的安徽省城市旅游空间关联分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用空间相互作用理论中的威尔逊模型,结合GIS中网络分析技术和空间自相关分析对安徽省17个城市的旅游空间关联进行分析。结果发现,安徽省的全局旅游关联显著性水平不高,全省旅游空间关联度很低;而局部旅游空间关联在黄山和池州形成热点区,在皖北和皖中的巢湖、滁州形成冷点区,其他城市的旅游空间关联呈现明显的差异性。计算结果表明,对旅游空间关联影响最大的指标是城市旅游供给量,因此增强城市的旅游供给水平对增强旅游吸引力具有决定性的意义。  相似文献   

空间关联规则是将空间数据库访问技术与事物数据库中常用的关联规则挖掘算法相结合,能有效地挖掘出隐藏在数据背后的知识、规则。介绍了空间关联规则挖掘的现状,给出了空间关联规则及相关的术语定义,对基于地理信息科学(GIS)的空间关联规则挖掘方法进行了归纳与分析。通过对近年空间关联规则的发展研究,结合GIS的发展现状,提出了基于GIS的空间关联规则挖掘的发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国环境保护工作的深入发展,对环境管理手段提出了更高的要求,利用G1S技术实施环境管理是适应现代环境管理发展需要的。本文对环境监测监控系统作了较详细的介绍和分析,说明了环境监测监控系统在环境管理中的重要作用。  相似文献   

环境影响评价分为规划环境影响评价和建设项目环境影响评价。由于两种环境评价类型的发展情况不同,其生物多样性影响评价的发展情况也有所不同。根据其特点概括分析了生物多样性影响评价的现状,包括评价原则和评价方法,指出不足之处,并初步提出了评价指标的筛选。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的快速发展,陕西省关中地区的人口分布发生了明显的变化。采用空间自相关、不均衡指数、人口重心以及偏移—分享分析等方法,结合GIS技术对20世纪90年代以来关中地区人口分布的时空演变特征进行了分析。结果表明:①关中地区各区县人口密度差异显著,整体分布呈中间高、南北低的态势,即位于渭河平原区的区县人口密度较高,其他地区人口相对稀疏;②各地区人口分布存在显著的正的空间自相关,表现为西安市市辖区周围地区呈现高高集聚,而北部、西部和东部的周边区县则存在低低集聚;③关中地区人口分布不均衡状态明显,且人口不均衡指数有不断增大的趋势;④各地区人口偏移增长量差异显著,地区之间的偏移增长量不断增大,人口重心逐步向关中东南方向移动。  相似文献   

GIS技术在环境管理信息系统中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资源与环境保护是人类可持续发展的重要组成部分,环境问题的日益复杂对环境管理水平提出了更高的要求,环境管理信息系统(EMIS)在此基础上应运而生。GIS技术和环境信息在概念和研究对象上具有相似性、互补性,因此基于GIS技术的EMIS的研究将把我国的环境信息管理工作推上一个崭新的、科学的、高效的平台。环境模型与空间信息的耦合是二者结合的发展趋势。  相似文献   

/ This paper describes a framework for designing spatial decision support systems for environmental management using a knowledge-based systems approach. An architecture for knowledge-based spatial decision supportsystems (KBSDSS) is presented that integrates knowledge-based systems with geographical information systems (GIS) and other problem-solving techniques. A method based on spatial influence diagrams is developed for representation of environmental problems. The spatial influence diagram provides an interface through which knowledge-based systems techniques can be applied to build capabilities for problem formulation, automated design, and execution of a solution process. In addition to the flexibility and developmental advantages of knowledge-based systems, the KBSDSS incorporates expert knowledge to provide assistance for structuring spatial influence diagrams and executing a solution process that automatically integrates the GIS, data base, knowledge base, and different types of models. The framework is illustrated with a system, known as the Islay Land Use Decision Support System (ILUDSS), designed to assist planners in strategic planning of land use for the development of the island of Islay, off the west coast of Scotland.KEY WORDS: Geographical information systems; Spatial decision support systems; Knowledge-based systems; Spatial influence diagrams; Environmental management  相似文献   

Nature provides life-support services which do not merely constitute the basis for ecosystem integrity but also benefit human societies. The importance of such multiple outputs is often ignored or underestimated in environmental planning and decision making. The economic valuation of ecosystem functions or services has been widely used to make these benefits economically visible and thus address this deficiency. Alternatively, the relative importance of the components of ecosystem value can be identified and compared by means of multi-criteria evaluation. Hereupon, this article proposes a conceptual framework that couples ecosystem function analysis, multi criteria evaluation and social research methodologies for introducing an ecosystem function-based planning and management approach. The framework consists of five steps providing the structure of a participative decision making process which is then tested and ratified, by applying the discrete multi-criteria method NAIADE, in the Kalloni Natura 2000 site, on Lesbos, Greece. Three scenarios were developed and evaluated with regard to their impacts on the different types of ecosystem functions and the social actors’ value judgements. A conflict analysis permitted the better elaboration of the different views, outlining the coalitions formed in the local community and shaping the way towards reaching a consensus.  相似文献   

填埋场环境影响评价决策支持系统的研究和开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析我国填埋场环评存在的问题,本文提出采用VB6.0的方法,基于知识推理来建立填埋环境影响评价决策支持系统(LEIADSS),使填埋场环评工作标准化。实例研究显示,利用VB6.0编程语言可以方便的完成该系统的设计,且能使环评工作快速、准确的完成。  相似文献   

The effects of military training activities on the land condition of Army installations vary spatially and temporally. Training activities observably degrade land condition while also increasing biodiversity and stabilizing ecosystems. Moreover, other anthropogenic activities regularly occur on military lands such as prescribed burns and agricultural haying—adding to the dynamics of land condition. Thus, spatially and temporally assessing the impacts of military training, prescribed burning, agricultural haying, and their interactions is critical to the management of military lands. In this study, the spatial distributions and patterns of military training-induced disturbance frequency were derived using plot observation and point observation-based method, at Fort Riley, Kansas from 1989 to 2001. Moreover, spatial and variance analysis of cumulative impacts due to military training, burning, haying, and their interactions on the land condition of Fort Riley were conducted. The results showed that: (1) low disturbance intensity dominated the majority of the study area with exception of concentrated training within centralized areas; (2) high and low values of disturbance frequency were spatially clustered and had spatial patterns that differed significantly from a random distribution; and (3) interactions between prescribed burning and agricultural haying were not significant in terms of either soil erosion or disturbance intensity although their means and variances differed significantly between the burned and non-burned areas and between the hayed and non-hayed areas.  相似文献   

为了检测省级地区环境管理工作中的优势与不足,考核地方政府环境管理的成效,构建了中国省级环境绩效评估指标体系。以2011年度统计数据为基础数据,采用主成分分析方法,研究评估指标体系的4个二级指标:环境健康、生态保护、资源可持续利用和环境治理对环境绩效指数(EPI)影响的重要程度。结果表明,在我国省级环境绩效评估指标体系中,环境治理信息对环境绩效指数的高低具有主要作用。因此,通过改善工业SO2和NOX排放强度等环境治理指标,提出改进省级环境绩效的对策建议。  相似文献   

环境风险评估是环境污染责任保险制度实施和应用的重要环节,是一种为投保人和承保人量化环境风险的方法,量化结果是保险公司厘定保费的重要参考依据。随着环境污染责任保险的发展和推广,构建适用于环境污染责任保险的环境风险评估体系逐渐成为当前的研究热点之一,但目前针对环境污染责任保险环境风险评估缺乏深入系统的研究与总结。在已有研究基础上,本文进一步明确环境污染责任保险环境风险评估内涵及特征,并对其评估体系进行科学界定,简要评述当前环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的相关研究主题,并在已有模型和方法基础上构建环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的理论框架,最后在总结当前研究不足的前提下,探讨未来环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的研究趋势,为环境污染责任保险的实施和应用提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

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