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The construction of high resolution chronologies of sediment profiles corresponding to the last 50-100 years usually entails the measurement of fallout radionuclides 210Pb and 137Cs. The anthropogenic radionuclide, 137Cs, originating from atmospheric nuclear weapons testing can provide an important “first appearance” horizon of known age (1954-1955), providing much-needed validation for the sometimes uncertain interpretations associated with 210Pb geochronology. However, while 137Cs usually provides a strong signal in sediment in the northern hemisphere, total fallout of 137Cs in the southern hemisphere was only 25% that of the north and the low activities of 137Cs seen in Australian and New Zealand sediments can make its horizon of first appearance somewhat arguable. Low 137Cs fallout also limited the size of the 1963-1964 fallout peak, a peak that is usually seen in northern hemisphere sediment profiles but is often difficult to discern south of the equator.This paper shows examples of the use of nuclear weapons fallout Pu as a chronomarker in sediment cores from Australia (3 sites) and New Zealand (1 site). The Pu profiles of five cores are examined and compared with the corresponding 137Cs profiles and 210Pb geochronologies. We find that Pu has significant advantages over 137Cs, including greater measurement sensitivity using alpha spectrometry and mass spectrometric techniques compared to 137Cs measurements by gamma spectrometry. Moreover, Pu provides additional chronomarkers associated with changes in the Pu isotopic composition of fallout during the 1950s and 1960s. In particular, the 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratio shows distinct shifts in the early 1950s and the mid to late 1960s, providing important known-age horizons in southern hemisphere sediments. For estuarine and near-shore sediments Pu sometimes has another significant advantage over 137Cs due to its enrichment in bottom sediment relative to 137Cs resulting from the more efficient scavenging of dissolved Pu in seawater by sediment particles.  相似文献   

Caesium-137 and (239,240)PU were analysed in the water column along the Algerian coast. The (137)Cs activity concentration in surface water increased from the west to the east from 1.6 to 3.3 mBq L(-1), documenting a presence of Modified Atlantic Water (MAW) in the region. Higher concentrations observed in deep waters may be due to an intrusion of Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW), which has been carrying higher levels of (137)Cs from Chernobyl accident. The (239,240)Pu sub-surface concentration peaked at about 250 m water depth as a result of biogeochemical processes in the water column. The observed (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs activity ratio at the surface (0.003) was significantly lower than that in global fallout (0.04). This decrease exceeds that expected from radioactive decay of (137)Cs, and confirms that Pu due to its adsorption on sinking particles is more effectively removed from surface layers than is (137)Cs. An increase of the (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs activity ratio with depth suggests that (239,240)Pu, similarly as (137)Cs, should be also transported by advection to maintain the observed ratios in deep waters. An intrusion of LIW may enhance therefore both the (137)Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in deep waters. The average (238)Pu/(239+240)Pu activity ratio in seawater was 0.03+/-0.02, confirming a global fallout origin of Pu in the Algerian Basin. Caesium-137 and (239,240)Pu inventories in the water column were estimated to be from 2.7+/-0.5 kBq m(-2) to 3.8+/-0.7 kBq m(-2), and from 13.8+/-2.6 Bq m(-2) to 41+/-7B qm(-2), respectively. The (137)Cs massic activities in surface sediment were almost constant, the average activity was 9.0+/-0.8 Bq kg(-1). Sedimentation rates obtained using the (210)Pb method were from 0.1 to 0.7 cm y(-1), and resulting penetration depths of (137)Cs in the sediment cores were from 15 to over 40 cm. The (137)Cs peaks found in the sediment cores were associated with the Chernobyl accident (1986) and global fallout (1964). The (137)Cs inventories in the sediment were increasing from the west (180 Bq m(-2)) to the east (350 Bq m(-2)).  相似文献   

In a sediment core of Nishiyama reservoir at Nagasaki city, depth profiles of (240)Pu/(239)Pu isotopic ratio, (239+240)Pu and (137)Cs activities were determined. Sediments containing plutonium and (137)Cs, which were deposited immediately after a detonation of Nagasaki atomic bomb, were identified in the core. Observed below the sediments were macroscopic charcoals, providing evidence for initial deposit of the fallout of the Nagasaki atomic bomb. This is the first entire depositional records of plutonium and (137)Cs released from the Nagasaki atomic bomb together with those from atmospheric nuclear tests.  相似文献   

A sediment core collected from the sub-aqueous delta of the Yangtze River estuary was subjected to analyses of 137Cs and plutonium (Pu) isotopes. The 137Cs was measured using γ-spectrometry at the laboratories at the Nanjing University and Pu isotopes were determined with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), measurements made at the Australian National University. The results show considerable structure in the depth concentration profiles of the 137Cs and 239+240Pu. The shape of the vertical 137Cs distribution in the sediment core was similar to that of the Pu. The maximum 137Cs and 239+240Pu concentrations were 16.21 ± 0.95 mBq/g and 0.716 ± 0.030 mBq/g, respectively, and appear at same depth. The average 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio was 0.238 ± 0.007 in the sediment core, slightly higher than the average global fallout value. The changes in the 240Pu/239Pu atom ratios in the sediment core indicate the presence of at least two different Pu sources, i.e., global fallout and another source, most likely close-in fallout from the Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG) in the Marshall Islands, and suggest the possibility that Pu isotopes are useful as a geochronological tool for coastal sediment studies. The 137Cs and 239+240Pu inventories were estimated to be 7100 ± 1200 Bq/m2 and 407 ± 27 Bq/m2, respectively. Approximately 40% of the 239+240Pu inventory originated from the PPG close-in fallout and about 50% has derived from land-origin global fallout transported to the estuary by the river. This study confirms that AMS is a useful tool to measure 240Pu/239Pu atom ratio and can provide valuable information on sedimentary processes in the coastal environment.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distribution of 137Cs and 210Pb(xs) in 51 estuarine and marine sediment cores collected between the Upstart Bay and Rockingham Bay in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, north-eastern Australia. Historical records of 210Pb(xs) and 137Cs atmospheric deposition and present day terrestrial inventories in north-eastern Australia are presented. 210Pb(xs) and 137Cs fluxes measured on suspended sediments in the Burdekin River are considered to be a source of recent inputs of these nuclides to the nearshore region of this part of the Great Barrier Reef. Direct correlations between sediment nuclide inventories, maximum detectable depths, and sediment mass accumulation rates (MARs), calculated using both 137Cs and 210Pb(xs), are explored. In relation to inventories of 210Pb(xs), 60% of atmospheric fallout 137Cs appears to be missing from the sediments. The reasons for these differences in two tracers, primarily of atmospheric origin, are discussed in terms of the geochemical properties of these two nuclides. Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that the 137Cs distribution in these cores can be a useful independent tracer which provides confirmation of MARs calculated from the decay of 210Pb(xs).  相似文献   

137Cs and (239+240)Pu data in seawater, sediment and biota from the regional seas of Asia-Pacific extending from 50 degrees N to 60 degrees S latitude and 60 degrees E to 180 degrees E longitude based on the Asia-Pacific Marine Radioactivity Database (ASPAMARD) are presented and discussed. 137Cs levels in surface seawater have been declining to its present median value of about 3 Bq/m3 due mainly to radioactive decay, transport processes, and the absence of new significant inputs. (239+240)Pu levels in surface seawater are much lower, with a median of about 6 mBq/m3. (239+240)Pu appears to be partly scavenged by particles and is therefore more readily transported down the water column. As with seawater, (239+240)Pu concentrations are lower than 137Cs in surface sediment. The median 137Cs concentration in surface sediment is 1.4 Bq/kg dry, while that of (239+240)Pu is only 0.2 Bq/kg dry. The vertical profiles of both 137Cs and (239+240)Pu in the sediment column of coastal areas are different from deep seas which can be attributed to the higher sedimentation rates and additional contribution of run-offs from terrestrial catchment areas in the coastal zone. Comparable data for biota are far less extensive than those for seawater and sediment. The median 137Cs concentration in fish (0.2 Bq/kg wet) is higher than in crustaceans (0.1 Bq/kg wet) or mollusks (0.1 Bq/kg wet). Benchmark values (as of 2001) for 137Cs and (239+240)Pu concentrations in seawater, sediment and biota are established to serve as reference values against which the impact of future anthropogenic inputs can be assessed. ASPAMARD represents one of the most comprehensive compilations of available data on 137Cs and (239+240)Pu in particular, and other anthropogenic as well as natural radionuclides in seawater, sediment and biota from the Asia-Pacific regional seas.  相似文献   

Man-made and natural radionuclides in Lake Wallersee were determined in the pre-Alpine environment at the northern slope of the Alps, which was heavily affected by the Chernobyl fallout in May 1986. The objective of this study was to get knowledge of location and quantity of man-made radionuclide input (especially (137)Cs) generated in the Chernobyl accident to lake sediments. Eleven sediment cores were sampled and activity depth profiles of (137)Cs and (210)Pb were determined with 5mm depth-resolution. The Chernobyl fallout produced an extreme (137)Cs peak in the sediment cores providing an excellent time marker. The chronological interpretation of deeper sediment layers was done by radiochemical analysis of (90)Sr and (239+240)Pu, which were released during atmospheric weapons' tests in the 1950s and 1960s. This allowed a complete chronological analysis of the sediment cores with a very compact set of data.  相似文献   

Both global and Chernobyl fallout have resulted in environmental contamination with radionuclides such as 137Cs, 90Sr and 239+240Pu. In environmental samples, 137Cs and 239+240Pu can be divided into the contributions of either source, if also the isotopes 134Cs and 238Pu are measurable, based on the known isotopic ratios in global and Chernobyl fallout. No analogous method is available for 90Sr. The activity ratios of Sr to Cs and Pu, respectively, are known for the actual fallout mainly from air filter measurements; but due to the high mobility of Sr in the environment, compared to Cs and Pu, these ratios generally do not hold for the inventory many years after deposition. In this paper we suggest a method to identify the mean contributions of global and Chernobyl fallout to total Sr in soil, sediment and cryoconite samples from Alpine and pre-Alpine regions of Austria, based on a statistical evaluation of Sr/Cs/Pu radionuclide activity ratios. Results are given for Sr:Cs, Sr:Pu and Cs:Pu ratios. Comparison with fallout data shows a strong depletion of Sr against Cs and Pu.  相似文献   

Under an IAEA's Co-ordinated Research Project "Worldwide Marine Radioactivity Studies (WOMARS)" 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentration surface water time series in the Pacific and Indian Oceans have been investigated. The Pacific and Indian Oceans were divided into 17 latitudinal boxes according to ocean circulation, global fallout patterns and the location of nuclear weapons test sites. The present levels and time trends in radionuclide concentrations in surface water for each box were studied and the corresponding effective half-lives were estimated. For the year 2000, the estimated average 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in surface waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans varied from 0.1 to 1.5 mBq/L, 0.1 to 2.8 mBq/L, and 0.1 to 5.2 microBq/L, respectively. The mean effective half-lives for 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water were 12+/-1 years for the North, 20+/-1 years for the South and 21+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For (239,240)Pu the corresponding mean effective half-lives were 7+/-1 years for the North, 12+/-4 years for the South and 10+/-2 years for the Equatorial Pacific. For the Indian Ocean the mean effective half-lives of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu were 21+/-2 years and 9+/-1 years, respectively. There is evidence that fallout removal rates before 1970 were faster than those observed during recent decades. The estimated surface water concentrations of 90Sr, 137Cs and (239,240)Pu in latitudinal belts of the Pacific and Indian Oceans for the year 2000 may be used as the average levels so that any new contribution from nuclear facilities, nuclear weapons test sites, radioactive waste dumping sites and from possible nuclear accidents can be identified.  相似文献   

We simulated the spatial distributions and the temporal variations of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu concentrations in the ocean by using the ocean general circulation model which was developed by National Center of Atmospheric Research. These nuclides are introduced into seawaters from global fallout due to atmospheric nuclear weapons tests. The distribution of radioactive deposition on the world ocean is estimated from global precipitation data and observed values of annual deposition of radionuclides at the Meteorological Research Institute in Japan and several observed points in New Zealand. Radionuclides from global fallout have been transported by advection, diffusion and scavenging, and this concentration reduces by radioactive decay in the ocean. We verified the results of the model calculations by comparing simulated values of 137Cs and (239,240)Pu in seawater with the observed values included in the Historical Artificial Radionuclides in the HAM database, which has been constructed by the Meteorological Research Institute. The vertical distributions of the calculated 137Cs concentrations were in good agreement and are in good agreement with the observed profiles in the 1960s up to 250 m, in the 1970s up to 500 m, in the 1980s up to 750 m and in the 1990s up to 750 m. However, the calculated 137Cs concentrations were underestimated compared with the observed 137Cs at the deeper layer. This may suggest other transport processes of 137Cs to deep waters. The horizontal distributions of 137Cs concentrations in surface water could be simulated. A numerical tracer release experiment was performed to explain the horizontal distribution pattern. A maximum (239,240)Pu concentration layer occurs at an intermediate depth for both observed and calculated values, which is formed by particle scavenging. The horizontal distributions of the calculated (239,240)Pu concentrations in surface water could be simulated by considering the scavenging effect.  相似文献   

Fallout 137Cs has been widely used to determine floodplain sedimentation rates in temperate environments, particularly in the northern hemisphere. Its application in low fallout, tropical environments in the southern hemisphere has been limited. In this study we assess the utility of 137Cs for determining rates of floodplain sedimentation in a dry-tropical catchment in central Queensland, Australia. Floodplain and reference site cores were analysed in two centimetre increments, depth profiles were produced and total 137Cs inventories calculated from the detailed profile data. Information on the rates of 137Cs migration through local soils was obtained from the reference site soil cores. This data was used in an advection–diffusion model to account of 137Cs mobility in floodplain sediment cores. This allowed sedimentation rates to be determined without the first year of detection for 137Cs being known and without having to assume that 137Cs remains immobile following deposition. Caesium-137 depth profiles in this environment are demonstrated to be an effective way of determining floodplain sedimentation rates. The total 137Cs inventory approach was found to be less successful, with only one of the three sites analysed being in unequivocal agreement with the depth profile results. The input of sediment from catchment sources that have little, or no, 137Cs attached results in true depositional sites having total inventories that are not significantly different from those of undisturbed reference sites.  相似文献   

Seawater samples were collected in Sagami Bay, western Northwest Pacific Ocean, and their (239+240)Pu activities and (240)Pu/(239)Pu atom ratios were determined by alpha-spectrometry and sector field high-resolution ICP-MS. A few samples also were analyzed for (137)Cs activities. The (239+240)Pu inventory of 41.1 Bq m(-2) was equivalent to the expected cumulative deposition density of atmospheric global fallout at the same latitude and this inventory was considerably lower than inventories in the underlying sediment columns. This result indicated that a significant amount of (239+240)Pu has been removed into the underlying sediments through enhanced scavenging from the water column by the high fluxes of particles in this region. The atom ratio of (240)Pu/(239)Pu showed no notable variation from the surface to the bottom; the average value was 0.234+/-0.004. This atom ratio was significantly higher than the mean global fallout ratio of 0.18, proving the existence of close-in fallout plutonium originating from the Pacific Proving Grounds (PPG). The relative contributions of the global stratospheric fallout and the PPG close-in fallout were evaluated by using the two end-member mixing model. The contribution of the PPG close-in fallout was estimated to be 15.2 Bq m(-2), which corresponded to 37% of the (239+240)Pu inventory in the water column. Thus (239)Pu and (240)Pu from the two sources of global fallout and close-in fallout have been homogenized in the water masses in the western Northwest Pacific margin during the past three decades.  相似文献   

Environmental samples (soil, sediment and lake water) in the Thule area (NW Greenland) have been studied to assess the contamination of radionuclides originating from a nuclear weapons accident (the Thule accident in 1968). Four lakes were chosen at different distances from the point of impact with the Thule air base community situated in between. The sedimentation rates in the lakes varied from 0.4 mm a(-1) (5 mg cm(-2) a(-1)) to 1.6 mm a(-1) (82 mg cm(-2) a(-1)). With these sedimentation rates, it is not possible to resolve the (239,240)Pu global fallout peak from a possible (239,240)Pu "accident" peak in the sediment depth profiles. However, the (239,240)Pu/(137)Cs and the (238)Pu/(239,240)Pu ratios agreed well with global fallout ratios, indicating that plutonium originating from the accident had not reached these lakes. This also indicates that the Thule air base community has probably only been exposed to radionuclides from the accident to a very limited extent. A limited study showed that (210)Pb could not be used as a normalizing nuclide to explain the transport of transuranic elements from the catchment area to the lake, i.e. (210)Pb has a different transport mechanism from that of the transuranic elements studied in this investigation.  相似文献   

Sediment deposits are the ultimate sink for anthropogenic radionuclides entering the marine environment. The major sources of anthropogenic radionuclides to the Barents Sea are fallout from nuclear weapons tests, long range transport from other seas, and river and non-point freshwater supplies. In this study we investigated activity concentrations, ratios, and inventories of the anthropogenic radionuclides, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239,240Pu in dated sediment cores collected along a north-south transect in the northwestern Barents Sea. The data were used to evaluate the influence of different sources on the derived spatial and temporal patterns of anthropogenic radionuclides in seafloor sediment deposits. Activity concentrations of 137Cs ranged from <0.1 Bq/kg to 10.5 Bq/kg while 239,240Pu ranged from <0.01 Bq/kg to 2.74 Bq/kg and 238Pu activity concentrations ranged from <0.01 Bq/kg to 0.22 Bq/kg. Total inventories of 137Cs ranged from 29.5 ± 1.5 Bq/m2 to 152.7 ± 5.6 Bq/m2 and for 239,240Pu inventories (6 sediment layers only) ranged from 9.5 ± 0.3 Bq/m2 to 29.7 ± 0.4 Bq/m2. Source contributions varied among stations and between the investigated radionuclides. The 238Pu/239,240Pu ratios up to 0.18 indicate discharges from nuclear fuel reprocessing plants as a main contributor of plutonium. Based on 238Pu/239,240Pu ratio, it was calculated that up to 19-27% of plutonium is supplied from sources other than atmospheric global fallout. Taking into account Atlantic current flow trajectories and that both activity concentrations and inventories of plutonium negatively correlate with latitude, Sellafield is a major source for the Barents Sea. Concentrations and inventories of 137Cs correlate positively with latitude and negatively with distance from the Svalbard archipelago. The 137Cs concentrations are highest in an area of intensive melting of sea ice formed along the Siberian coast. Thus, sea ice and supplies from Svalbard may be important source of 137Cs to the Barents Sea seafloor.  相似文献   

Soils have been sampled in the vicinity of the Tomsk-Seversk facility (Siberia, Russia) that allows us to measure radioactive contaminations due to atmospheric and aquatic releases. Indeed soils exhibit large inventories of man-made fission products including 137Cs (ranging from 33,000 to 68,500 Bq m(-2)) and actinides such as plutonium (i.e. 239+240Pu from 420 to 5900 Bq m(-2)) or 241Am (160-1220 Bq m(-2)). Among all sampling sites, the bank of the Romashka channel exhibits the highest radioisotope concentrations. At this site, some short half-life gamma emitters were detected as well indicating recent aquatic discharge in the channel. In comparison, soils that underwent atmospheric depositions like peat and forest soils exhibit lower activities of actinides and 137Cs. Soil activities are too high to be related solely to global fallout and thus the source of plutonium must be discharges from the Siberian Chemical Combine (SCC) plant. This is confirmed by plutonium isotopic ratios measured by ICP-MS; the low 241Pu/239Pu and 240Pu/239Pu atomic ratios with respect to global fallout ratio or civil nuclear fuel are consistent with weapons grade signatures. Up to now, the influence of Tomsk-Seversk plutonium discharges was speculated in the Ob River and its estuary. Isotopic data from the present study show that plutonium measured in SCC probably constitutes a significant source of plutonium in the aquatic environment, together with plutonium from global fallout and other contaminated sites including Tomsk, Mayak (Russia) and Semipalatinsk (Republic of Kazakhstan). It is estimated that the proportion of plutonium from SCC source can reach 45% for 239Pu and 60% for 241Pu in the sediments.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of (237)Np and the two Pu isotopes, (239)Pu and (240)Pu, were determined in lichen samples (Cladonia stellaris) contaminated by fallout from atmospheric nuclear test explosions and the Chernobyl accident. The samples were collected at 18 locations in Sweden, from north to south, between 1986 and 1988 and analysed with high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (HR-ICP-MS) and alpha spectrometry. Data on the activity ratios (238)Pu/(239+240)Pu and (134)Cs/(137)Cs measured previously were also included in this study for comparison. The (237)Np activity concentration ranged from 0.08 +/- 0.01 to 2.08 +/- 0.17 MBq kg(-1), depending on the location of the sampling site and time of collection. The (239+240)Pu activity concentration ranged from 0.09 +/- 0.01 to 4.09 +/- 0.15 Bq kg(-1), with the (240)Pu/(239)Pu atomic ratio ranging between 0.16 +/- 0.01 and 0.44 +/- 0.03, the higher ratios indicating a combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. The (237)Np/(239)Pu atomic ratios ranged between 0.06 +/- 0.01 and 0.42 +/- 0.04, the lower ratios indicating combination of weapons test fallout and Chernobyl fallout. At a well-defined sampling site at Lake Rogen (62.32 degrees N, 12.38 degrees E), additional lichen samples were collected between 1987 and 1998 to study the distribution of Np and Pu in different layers. The concentrations of the two elements follow each other quite well in the profile.  相似文献   

The temporal variation of water column inventories of 137Cs in the North Pacific since the 1960s was examined based on the analysis of the 137Cs profiles in HAM database. 137Cs in seawater in the North Pacific have originated mainly from global fallout from atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, which occurred in the early 1960s. In the 1960s, both the meridional distribution of 137Cs inventory in the North Pacific and that of fallout on land stations showed mid-latitude maximum. The region with higher deposition at land stations, however, was more northern than the latitudes where the 137Cs inventory in the North Pacific showed a maximum. The difference of the latitude where maximum 137Cs deposition/inventory was observed reflects the difference of the geographical distribution of the precipitation amount in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans followed by the different warm current systems in each ocean. A good positive relation between 137Cs inventory and annual precipitation amount was discovered in the ocean stations at the middle latitude in the North Pacific. The horizontal distribution of 137Cs inventories at the middle latitudes in the North Pacific is characterized as west-high and east-low in the early 1960s, which was basically controlled by the distribution of annual precipitation amount. Eastward advection, then, modified it to be less difference in 1966-1967 after the highest deposition periods in 1963-1965. In the 1970s and 1980s, increases of the 137Cs inventory at the lower latitude of 10-20 deg. N are found. Surface and subsurface southward transports are considered as the source of this increasing 137Cs inventory.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic radionuclides, (90)Sr, (137)Cs and (239+240)Pu, were measured in the water column of the Japan Sea/East Sea during 1997-2000. The vertical profiles of radionuclide concentrations showed: exponential decrease with depth for (90)Sr and (137)Cs, and surface minimum/subsurface maximum for (239+240)Pu. These results do not differ substantially from results reported previously. The area-averaged concentrations of radionuclides in the Japan Sea are higher than those found in the Northwest Pacific Ocean below surface layer showing the accumulation of the radionuclides in the deep waters in the Japan Sea. Concerning spatial distributions, the area of high (137)Cs inventory extends from the Japan Basin into the Yamato Basin. It is suggested that wintertime convection of water, occurring mainly in the Japan Basin, causes the radionuclides to sink. The nuclides then advect into the Yamato Basin after detouring around the Yamato Rise.  相似文献   

A sediment profile with a thickness of 28.12 m in a failed reservoir in a small catchment of the Yuntaishan Gully in the Loess Plateau of China consisted of 44 flood couplets deposited during the period from 1960 to 1970 with total volume of 2.36 x 10(6)m(3). Specific sediment yields for a flood event varied from 300 t km(-2) to 14,400 t km(-2) and annual sediment yields varied from 2500 t km(-2) in 1966 to 40,000 t km(-2) in 1964 with a mean value of 12,700 t km(-2)a(-1) for the period. Average annual (137)Cs concentrations of the sediments increased from 0.92 Bq kg(-1) in 1960 to 4.82 Bq kg(-1) in 1963, then decreased to 1.53 Bq kg(-1) in 1970. The total (137)Cs activity in the reservoir sediments was 9.22 x 10(9) Bq, which accounted for 31.9% of the total (137)Cs fallout precipitation of 2.89 x 10(10) Bq within the catchment during the period. The proportion of the (137)Cs loss from the catchment to the (137)Cs fallout precipitation within the catchment in a year varied between 8.01% and 66.8%, and it was 20.9% for the peak (137)Cs deposition year of 1963 and 52.0% in 1964. By analysis of the (137)Cs budget in the catchment for the (137)Cs peak precipitation period from 1962 to 1964, the (137)Cs surface enrichment coefficient Gamma should be much less than 0.23. And for calculation of soil losses on the cultivated land in the inter-gully area by using the Mass Balance Model II, the value of Gamma should be 0.05-0.1.  相似文献   

Within an extensive multinational and multidisciplinary project carried out in Do?ana National Park (Spain) to investigate its preservation and regeneration, the filling velocity of the salt marshes has been evaluated through the calculation of their average sediment accumulation rates. (239+240)Pu and (137)Cs from weapons testing fallout and total (210)Pb distribution profiles and inventories have been determined in some of the most characteristic zones of the park, namely, the ponds (or "lucios") and the waterjets (or "ca?os"). Plutonium inventories range from 16 to 101 Bq m(-2), (137)Cs values fluctuate between 514 and 3,758 Bq m(-2) and unsupported (210)Pb values comprise between 124 and 9398 Bq m(-2). Average sedimentation rates range from 3 to 5 mm y(-1) (1952-2002). These data are higher than those obtained by carbon dating for the period 6,500 AD-present, estimated as 1.5-2 mm y(-1), suggesting an increase in the accumulation of sediments and the alteration of the park's hydrodynamics caused by the re-channeling of the major rivers feeding the salt marshes.  相似文献   

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