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Fish-eating birds are particularly subject to accumulation of persistent organic pollutants, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been shown to constitute a major hazard for this group of birds. Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) hatchlings from two rookeries were applied as sentinel species to study PCB burdens in coastal ecosystems in mid Norway and north Norway, and plasma retinol and dioxin-equivalencies (sigmaTEQ) were applied to assess toxic effects of the PCB-burdens. The results show that grey herons appear to be amongst the fish-eating birds in Norway that are accumulating PCBs to the largest extent. There were no differences in sigmaPCB or sigmaTEQ in the yolk of grey heron hatchlings from the two rookeries and, accordingly, none in plasma retinol concentrations either. Furthermore, plasma retinol concentrations could not be related to sigmaPCB or sigmaTEQ. Thus, it seems that exposure levels are below the threshold for gross retinoid-related effects in grey heron hatchlings. There are also indications that the grey heron could be relatively insensitive to retinoid-related effects of PCBs. In the hatchlings with the highest pollutant levels, sigmaTEQs were in the lower range of levels that have been associated with reduced hatching success in other fish-eating bird species.  相似文献   

This study attempt to quantify and identify skeletal deformities in natural populations of Aphanius fasciatus collected from the Tunisian coast and tends to found a possible relationship between these anomalies and several types of pollutants presents in the environment. Fish were collected from one reference area (S1: coast of Luza) and three polluted areas (S2: industrialized coast of Sfax, S3: coast of Khniss and S4: Hamdoun’Oued). Various patterns of skeletal deformities were diagnosed using double staining technics, and the levels of heavy metals (Cd, Cu and Zn), various polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and estrogenic compounds were determined in water and sediment from different sites. Spatio-temporal variation of the spinal deformities frequencies in A. fasciatus show that high incidence of spinal anomalies has been recorded in population collected from S2 in comparison to three other ones. Morphological results indicated that skeletal deformities of adult A. fasciatus were grouped into 13 categories that described abnormalities on spines, vertebrae, arcs and mandibles. A total of 1025 abnormalities were quantified. The results of chemical analysis showed that the levels of heavy metals and PAHs were significantly higher in S2 than in S1, S3 and S4. High level of estrogenic activity was observed only in S4. A possible correlation between environmental exposures to a mixture of pollutants in coastal waters in S2 and spinal deformities in A. fasciatus was suggested.  相似文献   

Large scale temporal and spatial changes in the exposure of terrestrial vertebrates to PCBs have been monitored in the UK by measuring liver residues in sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus), kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) and grey herons (Ardea cinerea) from throughout the country. Residues in the three species are typically characterised by large intra- and inter-specific variation. Data for 306 sparrowhawks, 186 kestrels and 47 herons collected between 1992 and 1997 as part of a national Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme were examined to determine how much of this variation was explained by body condition, age and sex, rather than other factors. In all three species, body condition was the single most important factor and accounted for up to 49% of the variation in PCB liver residues; starved birds had the highest liver concentrations. Age and sex were also significant but of lesser importance. Adult sparrowhawks and kestrels had liver PCB residues that were 2 to 10-fold higher than in first-year birds. Sex did not affect residue magnitude in a consistent manner. PCB concentrations in the liver were higher in males than females in both first-year and adult kestrels and in first-year sparrowhawks, but adult female sparrowhawks had similar PCB residues to adult males. Liver residues also varied seasonally. PCB concentrations in first-year sparrowhawks increased during the first year following fledging and a similar pattern was detected in adult female sparrowhawks following egg laying. When these physiological factors were taken into account, it was evident that while kestrels with high fat scores had significantly lower PCB concentrations than either sparrowhawks or herons, liver residues were similar in all three species when birds were in a starved condition. Overall during 1992-1997, the combined influence of body condition, age and sex explained more of the variation in liver PCB concentrations than species differences or other factors, such as geographical variation in exposure.  相似文献   

The frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral erythrocytes was tested for 59 heron nestlings (Ardea purpurea, Egretta garzetta and Bubulcus ibis) sampled at two areas (polluted and reference) on the River Ebro (NE Spain) and at its Delta during Spring 2006. Flow-cytometry analysis revealed higher (three- to six-fold) MN counts in samples from the most polluted site relative to samples from the reference area. Samples from the Delta showed intermediate values. Age, morphometric parameters (weight, tarsus size and bill-head length) and maturation status showed no significant differences among the different populations for each species; nor were they correlated with MN levels. The data suggest that elevated levels of MN in chicks in impacted areas reflected the chemical pollution of their nesting sites. The use of nestlings for this assay appears to be a convenient, non-destructive method to assess the impact of pollution in natural bird populations.  相似文献   

Blood biomarkers and levels of major pollutants in eggs and feathers were used to determine pollution effects in nestlings of the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea and the Little Egret Egretta garzetta, sampled on three Ebro River (NE Spain) areas: a reference site, a site affected by the effluents of a chlor-alkali industry and the river Delta. The two impacted heron populations showed mutually different pollutant and response patterns, suggesting different sources of contamination. In the population nesting near the chlor-alkali plant, elevated levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and polychlorobiphenyls (PCBs) in eggs, and mercury in feathers in A. purpurea chicks were related with reduced blood antioxidant defenses and increased levels of micronuclei. In Ebro Delta, high levels of plasmatic lactate dehydrogenase in A. purpurea chicks and high frequency of micronuclei in blood of both species were tentatively associated with intensive agricultural activities taking place in the area. These results provide the first evidence of a biological response in heron chicks to the release of pollutants at a chlor-alkali plant.  相似文献   

Spinal deformities are seen in fishes. Deformities in the family Syngnathidae is rarely reported. Spine curvatures in natural population of pipefish, Syngnathus abaster are reported from the Tunis North Lake. The species is euryhaline and occurs along the Mediterranean coasts. Four hundred specimens of S. abaster were collected from January 2006 to December 2007 from the Tunis North Lake. Two specimens with skeletal abnormalities were described for the first time. X-rays radiographies revealed several vertebral deformities for each deformed specimen, especially at five curvation places of the caudal part. Several factors are believed to be the cause of spinal deformities of S. abaster in the Tunis North Lake, such as environmental disturbances, parasitism infection and nutritional factors.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine spinal deformities such as lordosis, scoliosis, and dwarfism in cod (Gadus morhua callaris L.) that were caught in the southern Baltic. The bone tissue of the spine and the muscle of the deformed cod were analyzed for concentration of macroelements (Sr, Ca and P) and toxic metals (Cd, Pb and Hg). Healthy specimens of the same body length that were caught in the same hauls were also tested, and these comprised the reference material. The study was undertaken to verify the hypothesis that lowered values of Ca/Sr and P/Sr ratios caused skeletal deformities. Toxic metals were also tested to determine whether they had an impact on the deformities of cod inhabiting Baltic waters. In cod with deformities, a significant decrease in Ca/Sr ratios were noted in 86% of the spine and 97% of the muscle. Decreases in the values of the P/Sr ratios were confirmed in 57% of the bone tissue and 78% of the muscle tissue of individuals with skeletal deformities. Toxic metals (Cd, Pb and Hg) occurred in the bone and muscle tissues of deformed and healthy cod on the low levels. It was not differences in concentrations of these elements, and thus could not have had an impact on the occurrence of deformities. Skeletal deformities could have resulted from lowered values of the Ca/Sr and P/Sr ratios of the spinal bone and muscle tissues of cod. Lower values of these coefficients should be linked to the varied salinity (5-21‰) and strontium (5-15Bqm(-3)) concentrations of Baltic waters.  相似文献   

Blubber samples from grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) pups were collected in 1998 through to 2000. Twenty four newly weaned pups were sampled in November 1998, 13 of which were re-sampled during their first year of life, between March and December 1999, and an additional 48 and 25 samples (new cohorts) were obtained in 1999 (November-December) and 2000 (May-September) respectively. SimgaPBDE concentrations (sum of Di-HxBDEs) ranged from 45 to 1500 ng/g lipid, with a geometric mean of 290 ng/g lipid. BDE 47 dominated the congener profile, followed by BDEs 100, 99, 153 and 154. SimgaPCB concentrations (sum of 41 congeners) ranged from 100 to 93000 ng/g lipid, with a geometric mean of 4600 ng/g lipid, with CB congeners 153, 138 and 180 making up 84% of the total PCB concentrations. The predominant OC pesticides were p,p'-DDE (geometric mean=860 ng/g lipid, range=160-3800 ng/g lipid) and p,p'-DDT (geometric mean=120 ng/g lipid, range=30-670 ng/g lipid). No significant differences were found between males and females, probably due to the young age of the animals. Significant decreases (P<0.01 for PBDEs and P<0.05 for PCBs/OCs) were observed between newly weaned seals in 1998 and 1999, but not for the majority of juveniles in 1999 and 2000. Significant differences (P<0.01) were also found between the different seasons in 1999 newly weaned and juvenile seals, reflecting changes in blubber mass.  相似文献   

A 6.6 ha grassland, established on a former chemical waste site adjacent to a residential area, contains arsenic (As) in surface soil at concentrations 200 times higher than UK Soil Guideline Values. The site is not recognized as statutory contaminated land, partly on the assumption that mobility of the metalloid presents a negligible threat to human health, groundwater and ecological receptors. Evidence for this is evaluated, based on studies of the effect of organic (green waste compost) and inorganic (iron oxides, lime and phosphate) amendments on As fractionation, mobility, plant uptake and earthworm communities. Arsenic mobility in soil was low but significantly related to dissolved organic matter and phosphate, with immobilization associated with iron oxides. Plant uptake was low and there was little apparent impact on earthworms. The existing vegetation cover reduces re-entrainment of dust-blown particulates and pathways of As exposure via this route. Minimizing risks to receptors requires avoidance of soil exposure, and no compost or phosphate application.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the contamination levels of various organohalogenated compounds in two migratory fish species in the Vilaine River in western France. Organochlorinated pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDDs/Fs)), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed in two diadromous species from the Vilaine estuary, the grey mullet (Liza ramada)—an amphihaline species, and the allis shad (Alosa alosa)—an anadromous species. Fish were collected in spring 2004 and spring 2005, upstream and downstream of the Arzal Dam. PCB contamination varied from 27 to 200 ng?g?1 dry weight (d.w.). PCDDs/Fs, expressed in toxicity equivalent quantity (TEQ) varied from 0.4 to 2.8 pg?g?1 d.w. Dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs expressed in total TEQ varied from 1.4 to 18.8 pg?g?1 d.w. PBDE47 was present at around 2–10 ng?g?1 d.w. and concentrations of the insecticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane breakdown product p,p′-dichlorodiphenylchloroethylene varied from 1 to 14 ng?g?1 d.w. For both species, specimens collected upstream were more contaminated. The grey mullet specimens were less contaminated than the allis shad when taken downstream of the dam but were more contaminated upstream. The allis shads presented intermediate contaminant concentrations with a less pronounced difference between upstream and downstream specimens. However, it is thought that shads do not feed when they spawn in the upstream parts of rivers, which should modify the contaminant concentrations. However, measurements in upstream shad samples show an unexpected increase of the contamination, which remains unexplained.  相似文献   

Over the period 1977-2000, eggs of Pacific great blue heron (Ardea herodias fannini) were collected from 23 colonies along the southern coast of British Columbia, Canada, and analyzed for persistent organochlorine (OC) pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Concentrations of OC pesticides in eggs declined sharply in the late 1970s, after which there were minimal changes. The sums of PCB congeners were not reduced appreciably during the 1980s and 1990s, but Aroclor 1260 concentrations suggested a sharp decline in PCB contamination of eggs in the late 1970s, similar to that shown for OC pesticides. Eggs collected along or near the Fraser River delta showed higher levels of most pesticides compared to other monitored colonies. Although the delta lands support a long-standing agricultural economy, the primary factors influencing OC levels in the delta colonies were thought to be driven by estuarine processes. We suggest two possible influencing factors were: 1) a greater rate of bioaccumulation in the estuary due to the deposition of particulates collected over a vast area encompassed by the Fraser River watershed; or 2) a higher rate of biomagnification in the estuary due to species differences at lower trophic levels of the heron food chain. Eggs from urban colonies contained higher levels of PCBs. The congener pattern was not clearly different from that observed in less contaminated eggs from rural and pulp mill-influenced colonies, except that colonies in Vancouver had greater proportions of PCB-66, suggesting a local source of Aroclor 1242. Productivity in the coastal heron colonies was highly variable over the period of study, with 71% of recorded colony-wide reproductive failures occurring in colonies near pulp mills. However, the predominant factors influencing reproductive success were probably disturbance by humans and bald eagles, combined with loss and degradation of nesting habitat, and not sublethal toxicity.  相似文献   

The high-molecular weight water-soluble organic compounds present in atmospheric aerosols underwent functional-group characterization using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), with a focus on understanding the chemical structure and origins of humic-like substances (HULIS) in the atmosphere. Aerosol samples were obtained from several locations in North America at times when primary sources contributing to organic aerosol were well-characterized: Riverside, CA, Fresno, CA, urban and peripheral Mexico City, Atlanta, GA, and Bondville, IL. Chemical analysis targeted identification and quantification of functional groups, such as aliphatic, aromatic, and bulk carboxylic acids, organosulfates, and carbohydrate-like substances that comprise species with molecular weights (MW) 200–600 amu. Measured high-MW functional groups were compared to modeled primary sources with the purpose of identifying associations between aerosol sources, high-MW aerosol species, and HULIS. Mobile source emissions were linked to high-molecular weight carboxylic acids, especially aromatic acids, biomass burning was associated with carboxylic acids and carbohydrate-like substances, and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) correlated well with the total amount of HULIS measured, whereas organosulfates showed no correlation with aerosol sources and exhibited unique spatial trends. These results suggested the importance of motor vehicles, biomass burning, and SOA as important sources of precursors to HULIS. Structural characteristics of atmospheric HULIS were compared to terrestrial humic and fulvic acids and revealed striking similarities in chemical structure, with the exception of organosulfates which were unique to atmospheric HULIS.  相似文献   

Negligible information is currently available concerning levels of the fuel additive methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in European estuaries or coastal environments. MTBE was measured at selected potentially contaminated harbours and marinas, and throughout an axial transect of the Tamar Estuary, UK. Headspace solid-phase microextraction was used in combination with GC-MS for its determination. MTBE was detected in water samples from all stations at concentrations ranging from a few ng/l to a maximum of 194 ng/l (in a semi-enclosed harbour). Elevated levels were generally associated with motor vehicle and boating activities. The Tamar road and rail bridges provided a major input to the lower estuary, downstream of which conservative mixing appeared depressed, probably through volatilisation and possibly through salting-out. The selected analytical system (using a Carboxen/PDMS fiber) proved both rapid and highly sensitive (with a detection limit of 6 ng/l). During method development, salinity was shown to have a major influence in controlling the extraction efficiency and it was found necessary to adjust salinity in all samples (to 75% saturation) prior to extraction. From these tests, we (for the first time) estimated the Setschenow ("salting-out") constant of MTBE to be 0.11 l/mol.  相似文献   

A series of field studies were carried out in London, UK, during 1999–2000 in which over 400 fine particle (PM2.5) personal exposure level measurements were taken for journeys in bicycle, bus, car and underground rail transport microenvironments. This was the first comprehensive PM2.5 personal exposure study of transport users. Both a fixed-route multi-transport mode study and a study of cyclists’ commuter journeys were undertaken. Subsequent to these field studies regression modelling of possible influencing factors of these exposure levels was carried out. Meteorological variables, traffic density, mode and route were considered; the relationships of personal exposure levels with fixed site monitor (FSM) concentrations, and of the FSM concentrations with the potential predictor variables, were also investigated. This analysis of the determinants of transport user exposure to PM2.5 in London, UK, showed that wind speed had a significant influence on personal exposure levels, though explained only up to 20% of the variability of road transport user exposure levels. The occurrence of higher wind speeds was strongly associated with a decrease in personal exposure levels; a 1.5–2.0 fold difference in exposure level concentrations was estimated between the 10th and 90th percentiles of wind speed. Route was a significant factor, whilst mode was not a significant factor in the street microenvironment (between bicycle, bus and car modes); models incorporating route and mode, as well as wind speed, explained approximately 35% of the variability in PM2.5 exposure levels. Personal exposure levels were reasonably correlated with urban background FSM concentrations, for fixed-route road mode (bicycle, bus and car) exposure level concentrations, r=0.27 (p<0.01) and for commuter cyclists’ exposure level concentrations r=0.58 (p<0.01).  相似文献   

A perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) biomonitoring survey was conducted on great tit (Parus major) and blue tit (Parus caeruleus) nestlings from Blokkersdijk, a bird reserve in the proximity of a fluorochemical plant in Antwerp (Belgium) and Fort IV, a control area. PFOS, together with 11 organochlorine pesticides, 20 polychlorinated biphenyl congeners and 7 polybrominated diphenyl ethers were measured in liver tissue. The hepatic PFOS concentrations at Blokkersdijk (86–2788 and 317–3322 ng/g wet weight (ww) for great and blue tit, respectively) were among the highest ever measured and were significantly higher than at the control area (17–206 and 69–514 ng/g ww for great and blue tit, respectively). The hepatic PFOS concentration was species- and sex-independent and correlated significantly and positively with the serum alanine aminotransferase activity and negatively with the serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in both species but did not correlate with condition or serum protein concentration. In the great tit, a significant positive correlation was observed between the liver PFOS concentration and the relative liver weight. In the blue tit, the hepatic PFOS concentration correlated positively and significantly with hematocrite values. None of the investigated organohalogen pollutants except for PFOS were suggested to be involved in the observed biological alterations.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Metal pollution is a serious problem for environmental safety and programmes of monitoring and bioremediation are needed. Among the processes of bioremediation, the use of microbes to remove and degrade contaminants is considered a biotechnological approach to clean up polluted environments.  相似文献   

Temporal trends of polyfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) were examined in grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) liver from the Baltic Sea over a period of 35 years (1974-2008). In total, 17 of 43 PFCs were found, including the perfluoroalkyl sulfonates (C4-C10 PFSAs), perfluorooctanesulfinate (PFOSi), long chain perfluoroalkyl carboxylates (C7-C14 PFCAs), and perfluoroalkyl sulfonamides (i.e., perfluorooctane sulfonamide (FOSA) and N-ethyl perfluorooctane sulfonamide (EtFOSA)), whereas saturated and unsaturated fluorotelomer carboxylates, shorter chain PFCAs and perfluoroalkyl phosphonic acids were not detected. Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) was the predominant compound (9.57-1444 ng g−1 wet weight (ww)), followed by perfluorononanoate (PFNA, 0.47-109 ng g−1 ww). C6-C8 PFSAs, PFOSi and C7-C13 PFCAs showed statistically significant increasing concentrations between 1974 and 1997, with a peak in 1997 and then decreased or levelled off (except for C12 and C13 PFCAs). FOSA had a different temporal trend with a maximum in 1989 followed by significant decreasing concentrations until 2008. Toxicological implications for grey seals are limited, but the maximal PFOS concentration found in this study was about 40 times lower than the predicted lowest observed effect concentrations (LOEC). The statistically significant decreasing concentrations or levelling off for several PFCs in the relative closed marine ecosystem of the Baltic Sea indicate a rapidly responding to reduced emissions to the marine environment. However, the high concentrations of PFOS and continuing increasing concentrations of the longer chain PFCAs (C12-C14) shows that further work on the reduction of environmental emissions of PFCs are necessary.  相似文献   

Residue levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis[p-chlorophenyl]ethane (DDT) were determined from liver samples of ringed seals (Phoca lispida) from the Baltic Sea and Svalbard, and of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) from the Baltic Sea and Sable Island in Canada. Both Baltic seal populations showed clearly higher average sum PCB (SPCB) and sum DDT (SDDT) levels than the reference seal populations. Among the Baltic seals, SPCB levels were twice as high as SDDT levels, and both contaminants were higher in ringed seals than in grey seals. A difference in gender was observed only in the Sable Island grey seal population, in which males showed a higher level of contamination than females. A reduction of the SDDT levels, and to a lower extent of the SPCB levels can be observed in the Baltic seals since the peak contaminant levels during the 1970s. The decrease has been more rapid in the grey seals than in the ringed seals. The SPCB levels in the Baltic ringed seals are still high enough to cause a threat to their well being. Residue levels of the trace elements mercury, cadmium, lead and selenium were determined from liver, kidney and muscle samples of grey seals from the Baltic Sea and Sable Island. Only cadmium showed a geographic difference being higher in the seals from Sable Island than from the Baltic Sea. No clear reduction of the metal burden can be observed in the Baltic grey seal population since the 1970s.  相似文献   

Nonylphenols and nonylphenol-ethoxylates were detected in the water and sediment samples from the German Bight of the North Sea. Additionally bis (4-chlorophenyl)-sulfone and linear alkylbenzenesulfonates (LAS) were detected in marine waters. Proof of identification is given by comparison of spectral and chromatographic data from the compounds in sample extracts to those obtained from pure standards. In extracts obtained from water samples taken in 1990 and 1995 the concentrations of nonylphenols and bis-(4-chlorophenyl)-sulfone were compared for each year. The concentrations of nonylphenols in seawater varied from 0.7 to 4.4 ng/l while in the Elbe estuary about 33 ng/l were found. In water samples taken in 1998 nonylphenol-polyethoxylates could not be determined, whereas LAS concentrations of 30 ng/l were confirmed by HPLC-MS/MS. The concentrations of bis (4-chlorophenyl)-sulfone ranged from 0.18 to 2.2 ng/l. In sediment samples LAS concentrations of 39-109 ng/g dry weight were determined.  相似文献   

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