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This research paper aims at establishing baseline PM10 and PM2.5 concentration levels, which could be effectively used to develop and upgrade the standards in air pollution in developing countries. The relative contribution of fine fractions (PM2.5) and coarser fractions (PM10-2.5) to PM10 fractions were investigates in a megacity which is overcrowded and congested due to lack of road network and deteriorated air quality because of vehicular pollution. The present study was carried out during the winter of 2002. The average 24h PM10 concentration was 304 μg/m3, which is 3 times more than the Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and higher PM10 concentration was due to fine fraction (PM2.5) released by vehicular exhaust. The 24h average PM2.5 concentration was found 179 μg/m3, which is exceeded USEPA and EU standards of 65 and 50 μg/m3 respectively for the winter. India does not have any PM2.5 standards. The 24 h average PM10-2.5 concentrations were found 126 μg/m3. The PM2.5 constituted more than 59% of PM10 and whereas PM10-PM2.5 fractions constituted 41% of PM10. The correlation between PM10 and PM2.5 was found higher as PM2.5 comprised major proportion of PM10 fractions contributed by vehicular emissions.  相似文献   

杭州市大气PM2.5和PM10污染特征及来源解析   总被引:24,自引:12,他引:24  
2006年在杭州市两个环境受体点位采集不同季节大气中PM2.5和PM10样品,同时采集了多种颗粒物源类样品,分析了其质量浓度和多种化学成分,包括21种无机元素、5种无机水溶性离子以及有机碳和元素碳等,并据此构建了杭州市PM2.5和PM10的源与受体化学成分谱;用化学质量平衡(CMB)受体模型解析其来源。结果表明,杭州市PM2.5和PM10污染较严重,其年均浓度分别为77.5μg/m3和111.0μg/m3;各主要源类对PM2.5的贡献率依次为机动车尾气尘21.6%、硫酸盐18.8%、煤烟尘16.7%、燃油尘10.2%、硝酸盐9.9%、土壤尘8.2%、建筑水泥尘4.0%、海盐粒子1.5%。各主要源类对PM10贡献率依次为土壤尘17.0%、机动车尾气尘16.9%、硫酸盐14.3%、煤烟尘13.9%、硝酸盐粒8.2%、建筑水泥尘8.0%、燃油尘5.5%、海盐粒子3.4%、冶金尘3.2%。  相似文献   

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