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国外电子废弃物的环境管理技术初探   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
电子工业的飞速发展带来了电子废弃物的问题。本文从电子废弃物的环境管理和处理处置技术的角度,概述了国外一些发达国家在电子废弃物处理方面的现状,并结合国外的发展经验,对我国环保产业的发展以及如何将电子废弃物的处理工作引向深入,提出了自己的设想和建议。  相似文献   

论电子废弃物处置的费用负担   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了国内电子废弃物的处置现状,借鉴了发达国家的有关电子废弃物处置及其费用负担相当完善的立法和相对成熟的执法实践,提出了电子产品生产者延伸责任制度,为电子废弃物处置费用负担提供了解决思路.我国应当积极完善相应立法,构筑生产者延伸责任制度之下的消费者预付处理费模式,以解决目前电子废弃物处置中的无序状态,切实体现循环经济理念并符合可持续发展战略的要求.  相似文献   

本文回顾了德国双元系统在包装物回收领域取得的成功,探讨了此系统应用于电子废弃物回收的可行性与优势。针对电子废弃物的特性,本文提出了一系列相应的改进措施,使德国双元系统能够适用于电子废弃物的回收。  相似文献   

随着电子废弃物数量的日益增加和对电子废弃物资源化利用要求的提高,电子废弃物经历了由堆存到资源化利用的发展过程.目前电子废弃物资源化技术主要包括物理处理法、化学处理法和热处理法等方法,实现电子废弃物的资源化.  相似文献   

本文从环境管理和处理处置技术的角度,概述了一些发达国家在电子废弃物处理方面的现状,并结合国外的发展经验,对我国电子废弃物的处理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了国外电子废弃物(WEEE)的回收利用情况,着重介绍了电子废弃物中金属的回收技术,为国内电子废弃物的回收处理提供了一定的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

贺振  李光明  安莹  贺文智 《四川环境》2012,31(6):133-137
电子废弃物产量大、毒害重、资源性显著的特性已经引起人们广泛关注,电子废弃物的回收管理已成为研究热点,利用信息化技术管理电子废弃物回收工作将是未来发展的趋势。本文简要概述了无线射频识别技术(Radio Fre-quency Identification,RFID)及依赖其识别特性和准确定位追踪的技术优势在各领域的广泛应用,继而从提高电子废弃物回收效率、利于全程管理和记录电子产品信息3个方面,对无线射频识别技术在电子废弃物回收中的应用优势进行了重点评述,并分析了其在电子废弃物回收管理过程中的重要意义。同时,结合目前无线射频识别技术在城市生活垃圾收运管理中的研究成果,对今后电子废弃物信息化回收管理做出了展望。  相似文献   

电子废弃物处理产业是伴随我国近年来社会经济快速发展而产生的一个新兴产业。本文分析了电子废弃物的经济价值、处理技术和产业政策,并对我国电子废弃物处理产业的现状与前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

日益增加的固体废弃物和工业废弃物已成为主要的社会问题。回收服务相对来说还很不足,导致很多废弃物只能进行简单的填埋、焚烧处理。这将导致严重的环境污染。借鉴国外一些发达国家废物管理领域的政策趋势,我国近年来出台了一系列关于电子废弃物管理的政策法规,但也暴露出正规的废物处理企业无法取得规模收益,入不敷出,电子废弃物处理基金的征收及补贴对象不明确等诸多问题。引入生产者责任延伸制将外部影响内部化,在理念和功能等方面适应了电子废弃物管理的需要。  相似文献   

德国主要电子废弃物冰箱、显像管和灯管的循环利用技术和体系以及现行的法律法规,对我国电子废弃物的循环利用具有借鉴意义,因而应尽快建立生活垃圾和电子废弃物分类收集体系,充分利用可回收资源。  相似文献   

Mechanical separation-oriented characterization of electronic scrap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ever-increasing amount of electronic scrap and the steadily-decreasing contents of the precious metals used in electronics, as well as the ever-growing environmental awareness, challenges such conventional precious-metal-oriented recycling techniques as pyrometallurgy. Separation and beneficiation of various materials encountered in electronic scrap might provide a correct solution ahead. In this context, mechanical separation-oriented characterization of electronic scrap was conducted in an attempt to evaluate the amenability of mechanical separation processes. Liberation degrees of various metals from the non-metals, which are crucial for mechanical separation, were analyzed by means of a grain counting approach. It is found that the metallic particles below 2 mm achieve almost complete liberation. Particle shapes were also quantified through an image processing system. The results obtained show that the shapes of the particles, as a result of shredding, turn out to be heterogeneous, thereby complicating mechanical separation processes. In addition, separability of various materials was ascertained by a sink–float analysis. It has been shown that density-based separation techniques shall be viable in separating metals from plastics, light plastics (ABS, PS and PVC, etc.) from glass fiber reinforced resins and aluminum from heavy metals. Specifically, a high quality copper concentrate can be expected by density-based separation techniques. Moreover, FT-IR spectra of plastics pieces from the light fractions after the sink–float testing show that PC scrap primarily contains ABS, PS and PVC plastics with the density range of +1.0–1.5 g/cm3, whereas PCB scrap mainly contains glass fiber reinforced epoxy resins plastics with the density range of +1.5–2.0 g/cm3.  相似文献   

The amount of electronic scrap which contains a substantial portion of non-ferrous metals, primarily copper and aluminum, has been growing. The present study is directed toward aluminum recovery by a newly developed eddy current separator. The investigation on shredded personal computer and printed circuit board scrap demonstrates that the High-Force® eddy-current separator will be applicable for this purpose. It has been shown that, by a single pass of the materials on the High-Force® eddy-current separator, an aluminum concentrate out of personal computer scrap can be obtained with a purity of 85%, while maintaining a recovery in excess of 90%, with the feed rate being up to 0.3 kg/min.  相似文献   

Material flow analysis (MFA) is an evaluation technique that systematically identifies the flows and stocks of materials within predefined spatial and temporal boundaries. In this paper, the steel resources in Korea are investigated using dynamic MFA. Iron ore and steel scrap are added as raw material components during the production processes of steel, which is then used in a variety of product groups such as construction products, transportation equipment, machinery/metal products, electrical/electronic devices, and other products through fabrication and manufacturing processes. When such product groups are discarded, they are either recycled or landfilled. With consideration for the lifetimes of various product groups in conjunction with steel resource flows in Korea, dynamic MFA is conducted on the flows of steel stock change and annual scrap generation. By 2020, these two flows are expected to increase by as much as 40% and 30%, respectively, compared to 2008, with transportation equipment, in particular, envisaged to experience high growth. At the current recycling rate, however, it will be hard to meet future scrap demand. According to the scenario analysis, 100% of this future scrap demand can be supplied domestically if the recycling rate is increased to over 70% for all product groups, except construction products and transportation equipment, which already have high recycling rates. By 2020, the reduction in scrap importation costs is projected to offer a financial gain of 2.3 billion dollars.  相似文献   

According to existing estimates, available old copper scrap has more than tripled over the past 40 years. Secondary production (that is, copper produced from recycling old scrap), however, has only doubled. Indeed, over the past 10 years, while copper consumption and primary production have continued to expand briskly, while available old scrap has increased by over 35%, secondary production has actually stagnated.For a world concerned with sustainable development and the quality of the earth's environment, this performance is disappointing and in need of explanation. Other things being equal, one would expect the amount of recycling to increase with the availability of scrap, as many econometric models of the world copper market developed over the past several decades explicitly assume.The key to understanding sluggish growth in secondary production, this paper argues, is distinguishing carefully between (1) the flow of old scrap that arrives each year from products reaching the end of their useful lives during the year and (2) the available stock of old scrap that was not recycled during earlier years presumably because it was too costly to do so. Using an econometric model, the paper shows that old scrap stocks, which have contributed most of the increase in available old copper scrap over the years, have a very modest impact on secondary production. Old scrap flows have a much greater effect, but they account for only about 4% of the available old scrap for any given year.  相似文献   

Primary steelmaking involves CO2-intensive processes, but the expansion of secondary steel production is limited by the global availability of steel scrap. The present work examines global scrap consumption in the past (1870–2012) and future scrap availability (2013–2050) based on the historical trend. The results reveal that (i) historically, the consumption of old scrap has been insufficient compared with the amounts of discarded steel, and (ii) based on historical scrap consumption, the future availability of scrap will not be sufficient to satisfy the two assumed cases of steel demand. Primary steelmaking is expected to remain the dominant process, at least up until 2050. Under the reference-demand case of 2.19 billion tons in crude steel production by 2050, the total production of pig iron and direct reduced iron could reach 1.35 billion tons. Consumption of old scrap could reach 0.76 billion tons. Because the availability of scrap will be limited in the context of the global total, it is important to research and develop innovative low-carbon technologies for primary steelmaking and to explore their economic viability if we are to aim for achieving large reductions in CO2 emissions from the iron and steel industry.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review, and draw attention to, issues raised by the recycling of wrought aluminium from motor cars, even though the time horizon for significant arisings of such aluminium scrap is in the order of 20 years from now. Recycling of specific grades of wrought aluminium will be viable only when a means of positively identifying different types of scrap is available. A solution must be reliable, rapid, and low-cost; probably used in conjunction with a vehicle shredder. Such a system of identification will eliminate the need for costly hand-dismantling and segregation. Simple segregation of cast and wrought alloy will, however, be essential when wrought aluminium from car bodies dominates the scrap arisings. Such segregation will produce two high-value scrap products. The first of which will be similar to the A380 casting alloy specification, maintaining the current supply of this scrap, and the second will be a composite of wrought alloys. These issues are relevant to the aluminium scrap industry, which will have to accommodate future changes in the composition of the scrap it receives, and the motor industry, which may adopt in-house recycling of wrought alloy in order to offset the high purchase cost of aluminium.  相似文献   

The relationship between primary and scrap prices has been hypothesized for the most part as unidirectional, characterized by spillovers from primary to scrap prices. The purpose of this study is to evaluate empirically the dynamic interactions between primary and scrap metal prices through multivariate time series methods. In addition, the study expands the investigation at the level of volatility transmission, which has not been previously examined. The metal prices utilized are for copper, lead, and zinc for the period 1984–2001. The paper demonstrates differing long run and short run links. Scrap prices do not improve the long run interpretation of primary prices, but information flows from the scrap to the primary markets exist in the short run. Additionally, the copper and lead markets exhibit bidirectional information flows in terms of volatility transmission. The analysis provides valuable insight into the interactions of the primary and scrap metal sectors which can be used to improve forecasting and planning.  相似文献   

The relationship between primary and scrap prices has been hypothesized for the most part as unidirectional, characterized by spillovers from primary to scrap prices. The purpose of this study is to evaluate empirically the dynamic interactions between primary and scrap metal prices through multivariate time series methods. In addition, the study expands the investigation at the level of volatility transmission, which has not been previously examined. The metal prices utilized are for copper, lead, and zinc for the period 1984–2001. The paper demonstrates differing long run and short run links. Scrap prices do not improve the long run interpretation of primary prices, but information flows from the scrap to the primary markets exist in the short run. Additionally, the copper and lead markets exhibit bidirectional information flows in terms of volatility transmission. The analysis provides valuable insight into the interactions of the primary and scrap metal sectors which can be used to improve forecasting and planning.  相似文献   

Understanding the cost-effectiveness and the role of economic and policy instruments, such as the combined product tax-recycling subsidy scheme or a tradable permit, for scrap tire recycling has been of crucial importance in a market-oriented environmental management system. Promoting product (tire) stewardship on one hand and improving incentive-based recycling policy on the other hand requires a comprehensive analysis of the interfaces and interactions in the nexus of economic impacts, environmental management, environmental valuation, and cost-benefit analysis. This paper presents an assessment of the interfaces and interactions between the implementation of policy instruments and its associated economic evaluation for sustaining a scrap tire recycling program in Taiwan during the era of the strong economic growth of the late 1990s. It begins with an introduction of the management of the co-evolution between technology metrics of scrap tire recycling and organizational changes for meeting the managerial goals island-wide during the 1990s. The database collected and used for such analysis covers 17 major tire recycling firms and 10 major tire manufacturers at that time. With estimates of scrap tire generation and possible scale of subsidy with respect to differing tire recycling technologies applied, economic analysis eventually leads to identify the associated levels of product tax with respect to various sizes of new tires. It particularly demonstrates a broad perspective of how an integrated econometric and engineering economic analysis can be conducted to assist in implementing policy instruments for scrap tire management. Research findings indicate that different subsidy settings for collection, processing, and end use of scrap tires should be configured to ameliorate the overall managerial effectiveness. Removing the existing boundaries between designated service districts could strengthen the competitiveness of scrap tires recycling industry, helping to reduce the required levels of product tax and subsidy. With such initial breakthroughs at hand to handle the complexity of scrap tire recycling technologies, there remains unique management and policy avenues left to explore if a multi-dimensional solution is to be successful in the long run.  相似文献   

我国粉煤灰和铝、铁片固体废物产量日益增多,危害越来越严重。在高温加热、搅拌条件下,用强酸浸渍粉煤灰和易拉罐碎片,使粉煤灰和废旧铝、铁片资源化,制得废旧铝、铁片粉煤灰复合混凝剂,并用所制得的废旧铝、铁片粉煤灰复合混凝剂处理屠宰废水。在一定条件下,经混凝试验处理后的屠宰废水pH值在7左右,COD去除率为92.0%,SS去除率为98.7%,浊度去除率为98.4%,色度去除率为96.6%。结果表明,粉煤灰和废旧铝、铁片资源化和在废水处理中的应用具有可行性。  相似文献   

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