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界定了旅游商品的范围和知识产权的定义。在旅游业发展的现状和现有的法律框架内,阐述了与旅游商品相关的知识产权法知识。用问卷调查和案例评析的方法,分析了我国目前旅游商品存在的问题,论述了知识产权保护对旅游商品开发创新的重要性,提出了旅游商品知识产权保护的思路。  相似文献   

在浩瀚无垠的宇宙 有一个美丽的地方 那就是人类的母亲--地球 我们的母亲有: 蔚蓝的天空 广阔的原野 茂密的森林 清澈的河流  相似文献   

抬起头看灰蒙蒙的天空,浓厚的尘埃遮蔽了洁白的云彩。听说,在遥远的太古时代,天空也经常是灰蒙蒙的,可那是因为成群的飞鸟,阻挡了太阳的光线。而现在,寥寥无几的鸟儿,偶尔飞过天空,也是在急切的寻找巢穴。如果我是一只鸟,看到不再纯洁的天空,我会流下悲伤的眼泪。那曾经是我们天然的乐园,我和兄弟姐妹们在那里游荡嬉闹,有时会追着轻飘飘的云彩飞出好远,回来的  相似文献   

旅游景区解说设施研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地促进旅游信息的传播与交流、旅游地形象的宣传、旅游学术思想的交流与共享、旅游产品的促销、旅游服务的完善与提高等,对旅游景区解说设施的功能、类型、解说效果、相关因素、流程进行了深入研究,提出了旅游景区解说设施的4个功能、2大类型,比较分析了各类型旅游解说设施的解说效果、解说设施及其相关要素的循环关系,以及旅游景区解说设施的规划流程。  相似文献   

旅游景区管理模式选择研究——基于景区资源产权关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
景区资源管理的责任是“保护”和“展示”辅之以“利用”,清晰界定各产权权能的主体以及各主体的责、权、利,有利于管理责任的实现,也有利于克服目前景区管理的无序状态。强调在进行各主体的权、利界定时应建立各主体配套的责任机制的重要性。景区资源的产权主要是所有权、管理权、经营权和监督权等。根据景区资源与旅游活动的特征,进一步提出了有助于管理责任实现的“基础管理权”和“经营管理权”相分离的主张,进一步完善了景区产权理论。  相似文献   

绿色,代表希望,我们生活在美丽的大自然中,我爱绿色,爱那高大的绿色,爱那温柔的绿草,向往广阔无边的绿色草原,有活泼的小鹿与清澈的小溪陪伴。我的思绪渐渐的来到了几万年前的原始丛林中,四周静静的,不时有着绿叶伴随着清风掠"呼啦"的过我的头顶。我慢慢的闭上了眼睛,静静地听,仿佛是一位音乐家演奏着美妙的乐曲。伴随着青草与露珠的芳香,我深深的,深深的陶醉了,醉了……"嘟……!"一阵汽车喇叭声把我从人间仙境拉回了人间"地狱"。我拍了一下脑袋,定了定神,爬起床,眼前的日历:2022年1月17日。"嘟……嘟嘟……!"又是一阵刺耳的喇叭声传入耳朵。我厌恶  相似文献   

《可可西里》讲述了在残酷的自然环境中,人们保护藏羚羊的情节;而在《河长》电影中,"如果群众连干净的水都喝不上,我们赚那么多的钱干什么?"的台词,触及了更多人的内心深处。在国内的环保题材电影中,导演冯小宁1990年拍摄的《大气层消失》、2007年《青藏线》,导演陆川2004年拍摄的《可可西里》,导演张鑫拍摄的《河长》,留给观众的印象特别深刻,尤其是电影《可可西里》对人与自然、生命的思考,《河长》对"要GDP"还是"要环境"的诠释,震撼心灵。  相似文献   

文化意象是一种文化符号,承载着独特、广阔、深沉的文化内涵,不同民族的文化差异导致的文化意象的空缺与错位往往使译者处于两难的境地.本文阐述了翻译文化意象应遵循的首要原则,即采取异化的方法直接移植原文文化意象.但这一原则的使用又必须受到译文读者审美意识的制约.  相似文献   

吉布鹰升 《绿叶》2014,(1):88-92
正这是个空气湿润又异常清新的早晨。天空点缀了云彩,四山装扮成了一派翠绿的景象,轻微的风带来了一阵阵凉爽芬芳的气息。我来到郊外,沿着河堤漫步,畅饮山地新鲜的空气,感受五月美丽的景致。那条枯瘦的河流,因连日的下雨,变得波涛汹涌裹着泥沙轰轰然而去。此时,太阳从积云里照射出耀眼又温暖的光芒。虽然是夏日,莫获山的山顶,在昨晚降下了一场纷纷扬扬的白雪。在晨光映照下,那里的积雪耀眼夺目。有人  相似文献   

周薇 《环境教育》2007,(4):19-21
一般公众对于“转基因食品”这个新鲜事物常常受各种信息的误导,从盲目乐观到一味排斥,在两个极端之间非此即彼的跳跃。民意调查显示,多数人对转基因食品知之甚少,但有潜在的不信任态度。所以需要给予非专业人士以必要的信息和咨询,以科学的态度对待转基因,而不是带有感情色彩。  相似文献   

泵站树状给水管网流量具有随机性,而这种随机性变化会直接影响管网的建设费用和动力费用.针对这-特点,应用随机规划原理,建立泵站树状给水管网机会约束模型,编写基于随机模拟的遗传算法程序求解该模型.机会约束模型能较客观地反映该管网的实际工况,使优化设计结果更符合实际.  相似文献   

炼油污水净化回用工业试验综述   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
随着我国石油加工业的发展,炼油装置及生产能力不断增加,炼厂对新鲜水的需求量和污水的排放量也在逐年增加。因此如何节约用水和减少污水的排放量,将炼油污水净化回用,是降低企业加工成本,提高企业经济效益,而且进一步利用水资源,提高社会效益和环境效益的重要课题,哈尔滨炼油厂自1997年开始经过小试、中试及工业试验,将炼厂污水净化回用,取得了很好的结果,同时该课题通过了中油股份公司组织的技术鉴定。  相似文献   

阐释了信息产业专门化街区的内涵,结合对合肥市黄山路信息产业专门化街区构成要素的分类及其邻近度的分析,分别从空间结构演化、景观演化、功能演化三方面阐述了合肥市黄山路由"电子一条街"向"信息产业专门化街区"的总体演化阶段,探讨了信息产业专门化街区的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

采用资料收集、实地调研、调查问卷等方法,对环境保护领域人才需求情况以及岗位知识技能的要求、环境专业毕业生的就业意向进行调查和分析。结果表明,企业对高职环保人才需求量较大,环保人员应具备的素质以分析问题能力和沟通能力为主;高职院校环境专业毕业生对目前环境保护行业就业形势认识清楚,对就业单位的环保人才素质需求分析正确,但求职过程中存在目标设定偏高等问题,因此,从课程设置、教学方法和就业指导方面提出措施。  相似文献   

人类社会从农业文明时代的崇俭消费模式到工业文明时代的高消费、浪费型消费、过度消费等不合理消费模式的发展过程中产生了严重的全球性环境污染和破坏,能源、土地、淡水等资源性产品供给日益趋紧约束.生态文明型消费模式所具有的适度消费、公平消费和责任消费等内在规定性及其发挥的重要作用说明它是资源性供给紧约束条件下有利于能源资源节约和生态环境保护的居民消费模式.为了适应21世纪生态文明时代人与自然和谐发展的客观要求,突破消费增长、经济发展与资源性供给紧约束之间的发展困境要求我们必须从政府、企业和消费者等三个层面构建生态文明型消费模式.  相似文献   

环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
赵文玉 《四川环境》2004,23(1):100-104
环境问题包括生态环境与社会、经济与生态环境关系两方面的问题,本文从社:会、经济、文化以及环境科技发展等不同角度论述了环境可持续发展理论体系框架的构建,认为环境可持续发展必须是在体现公平性、可持续性、协调性的基础上,建立以生态思维为基础的社会环境伦理观、发展环境科学技术、实现经济的有机增长,不断完善环境政策与环境法制体系,  相似文献   

Water is a natural resource key to human and environmental health. China has suffered serious contamination of its water sources in the past decade, which has had severe consequences on the water supplies of millions of residents. Frequent polluting accidents and the amount of wastewater discharged have caused concern for the safety of drinking water. Fortunately, those at various levels of government have realized the importance of protecting the sources of drinking water and confirmed a list of 175 nationally important sources. Measures have also been adopted to control water pollution, including infrastructural, physical, chemical, ecological, administrative, and legal measures. While helpful, some areas in need of more attention are rural water, groundwater, agricultural pollution, and domestic sewage. Based on the lessons learned from experiences in developed countries, we offer some suggestions for improving, inter alia, funding, legal construction, management, and awareness‐raising, as well as present proposals for the future protection of our sources of drinking water. Future work should focus on water quality standards, quantitative research, high technology and legislation.  相似文献   

The increase in the number of tourists visiting a coast is desired by most of the countries for economic reasons. However, this increase in tourism may cause pollution of the sea. This can be only avoided by proper planning and by predicting the carrying capacity of the coast in terms of sea pollution. This is especially important for developing countries where part of the wastewater is discharged without any treatment into the sea.In the present study the beaches were classified according to their use — and consequently the amount of waste discharged into the sea — into four groups: (1) coasts that are used only for swimming and recreational purposes; (2) coasts used simultaneously for dwelling, swimming, and recreational purposes; (3) coasts along which only dwellings exist; and (4) natural and man-made harbors, i.e., coasts used as shelters. During the survey,40,320 observations were made between December 1985 and February 1988 to determine the effect of the number of tourists on seawater quality. The results obtained were analyzed by a multilinear regression program to obtain an empirical equation giving the extent of the sea pollution in terms of coliform concentration as a function of population density and some other environmental factors.The equations derived in this study enable the determination of the carrying capacity of a beach in terms of pollution as well as the expected degree of pollution corresponding to a given population density. Furthermore, it allows the prediction of the extra carrying capacity that can be obtained by improving the waste-disposal conditions.  相似文献   

指出电子废物具有商品性、外部性、公共物品三个经济学属性,以及在市场条件下上述属性所带来的市场失灵问题。研究了延伸生产者责任的理念、框架和种类,总结了电子废物延伸生产者责任制度的两种执行方式。借鉴国外先进经验、针对我国实际现状,提出了分阶段完善我国电子废物管理体制的政策建议。  相似文献   

Removal of cadmium from aqueous solutions using 20 species of plant leaves and combinations of these leaves have been studied. Several factors affecting the removal efficiency have been studied. The most efficient types of plant leaves for the removal of cadmium are those of styrax, plum, pomegranate and walnut. The interaction effect of the combined leaf samples on the efficiency of removal of cadmium has been found to be additive in combinations involving styrax plant leaves but seems to be antagonistic in all other combinations. The optimum experimental conditions for removal of cadmium have been found to be at pH 4.1, using high concentrations of naturally dried plant leaves, using ground leaves and to remove cadmium from agitated aqueous solutions. The percentage of metal removed at an initial cadmium concentration of 10mg/l by the most efficient types of leaves have been found to be 85% for styrax leaves, 85% for plum leaves, 80% for pomegranate leaves, 78% for walnut leaves and 77% for meddler leaves. The presence of foreign ions or complexing agents has been found to reduce the efficiency of removal of cadmium by plant leaves. About 80-85% of the cadmium in charged plant leaves has been released under the influence of changing the pH of the solution, addition of competing ions and the addition of EDTA. The results of removal of cadmium by plant leaves have been found to follow the Freundlich adsorption isotherm, first-order reaction with respect to cadmium and to have intra-pore diffusion as the rate-limiting step.  相似文献   

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