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本文在前期工作的基础上,采用浸泡方法研究了材料在医用消毒剂作用下的过滤效率稳定性。结果表明:经双氧水、苯酚、戊二醛、含氯消毒剂、硼酸、甲醛、过氧乙酸和消毒酒精等医用消毒剂浸泡后,其过滤效率几乎不会衰减。但材料用洗洁精和洗衣粉清洗时,其过滤性能下降较大。因此,熔喷聚丙烯驻极体过滤材料在医用环境中使用具备良好的稳定性,可作为医用防护口罩的首选材料,并建议作为一次性呼吸防护用品使用。  相似文献   

工作场所存在的各种空气污染物会对劳动者的健康构成危害,如不加以有效控制和防范,长期暴露可能会造成各种职业病。作为保护劳动者呼吸健康的最后一道防线,呼吸防护用品能起到防护各种呼吸危害的作用,其中使用最广泛的是自吸过滤式呼吸防护用品。正确选择自吸过滤式呼吸防护用品,并正  相似文献   

呼吸防护用品按用途可分为防尘、防毒和供气式3类,按防护原理可分为过滤式(又称净化式)、自给式(又称隔绝式)。呼吸防护用品是预防尘肺病和职业中毒等职业病的重要防护产品,主要品种有防尘口罩、防毒面具、空气呼吸器、氧气呼吸器等。  相似文献   

防毒面具指采用过滤方法,将空气中的某些有毒有害物质去除后用于呼吸的一类防护用品,其构成主要是面具部分和过滤元件部分,有些产品还用呼吸管连接面具和过滤元件。面具分全面具和半面具,过滤元件分防毒、防尘和尘毒复合防护(参见图1和图2)。任何防护都是有限的,防毒面具也不例外。它不适合任何缺氧环境,因为它不产生氧气,其防护性能往往取决于过滤的有效性和面罩的密合性。虽然人们对防毒面具的研究和应用已经有很长的时间,但仍然无法发明出适合所有有害物的过滤方法,因为过滤材料都有自身的适用范围。面罩的作用是将有害环境与过滤后的洁…  相似文献   

呼吸道防护用品是个人防护用品的主要组成部分。正确选用呼吸道防护用品,是实现预防职业危害的关键。因此,掌握选用原则,是有关企业主管人员和使用这项用品的职工所必须具备的知识。 所谓呼吸道防护用品,又称呼吸器或防护面具(口罩),其功能是防御有害气体、蒸汽、粉尘、烟、雾经呼吸道吸入,或直接向佩用者供氧气或清净空气,保证在尘、毒污染或缺氧环境中作业人员的正常呼吸。呼吸道防护用品按用途,可分为防尘、防毒、供氧三类;按作用原理,可分为过滤式、隔绝式两类。重要的品类有自吸过滤式防尘口罩、过滤式防毒面具、氧气呼吸器、自救器、…  相似文献   

<正>自吸过滤式呼吸防护用品,包括防毒面具、防颗粒物(尘)口罩等产品,在我国工矿企业应用极其普遍,是接尘、接毒作业人员呼吸防护的基本措施。由于自吸过滤式防护用品必须依靠使用者自主呼吸来克服过滤元件的阻力,呼吸阻力明显,使用者佩戴舒适性差。而动力送风过滤式呼吸器(Powered air-purifying respirator,缩写PAPR)依靠电动风机来帮助佩戴者呼吸,具有降低使用者呼吸负荷,改善使用者配戴舒适度,提高防护可靠性等突出特点,尤其适用于一些条件恶劣的高强度作业环境。由  相似文献   

调查重点行业企业在用呼吸防护用品质量状况,发现主要问题并研究对策,促进对呼吸防护用品的监督管理。对106家企业进行问卷调查,并随机抽样37家企业对在用69种呼吸防护用品进行检测。所有企业均配发了呼吸防护用品,样品合格率为40.58%,LA认证率33.33%。防尘口罩过滤效率和泄漏率的合格率较低(40.38%和48.08%),且国内外品牌差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);防毒口罩防护时间合格率35.29%,防护时间、过滤元件通气阻力(30 L/Min和95 L/Min)的国内外品牌差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

呼吸防护用品,是保护人体呼吸器官的防护用品,主要作用是防止有毒有害气体、蒸气、粉尘、烟、雾等经呼吸道吸入体内,或直接向使用者提供氧气或洁净空气,以保证尘、毒污染或缺氧环境中人员的正常呼吸,佩戴呼吸防护用品能有效地防御和减少职业病的发生.  相似文献   

问题1:在有害环境作业的人员,若未始终佩戴正确选择的呼吸防护用品,是否仍会过量接触有害物? 答案:有可能。问题2:是否需要对呼吸防护用品的使用和维护进行监督? 答案:是问题:是否可以用水清洗过滤元件?  相似文献   

口罩是阻止颗粒物进入人体的有效防护用品,其性能优劣直接影响着佩戴人员的健康与安全。采用国标建议的呼吸阻力实验装置与自制的过滤效率实验装置,对自吸过滤式KN90,KN95系列口罩的呼吸阻力与不同相对湿度下的分级过滤效率进行实验研究。结果表明:所研究的6种口罩的呼气阻力与吸气阻力值不仅满足国标要求,而且满足佩戴舒适性的要求;在同一风速下,气流相对湿度的增加,使2种口罩对粒径为1 μm以下颗粒物的过滤效率降低,对1 μm以上颗粒物的过滤效率没有影响。  相似文献   

The primary aim of the study was to analyse the non-steady state of filtration for selected electrostatic filter materials designed for use in respiratory protective devices. The obtained results showed that the filtration process in electrostatic filters was dependent in the main on the following factors: type of the filter material, electrostatic field strength of the material, and the charge of the aerosol.

To a lesser degree the filtration process depended on the sign of the charge and the relative humidity of the air. A significant correlation was found between the increase in the penetration and the decrease in breathing resistance while the filter was being loaded.

The effect of resuspension (tearing off and re-deposition of dust agglomerates inside the filter) on the filtration process very significant. It was also observed that under certain conditions electrostatic filter materials lost their protection properties.  相似文献   

The primary aim of the study was to analyse the non-steady state of filtration for selected electrostatic filter materials designed for use in respiratory protective devices. The obtained results showed that the filtration process in electrostatic filters was dependent in the main on the following factors: type of the filter material, electrostatic field strength of the material, and the charge of the aerosol. To a lesser degree the filtration process depended on the sign of the charge and the relative humidity of the air. A significant correlation was found between the increase in the penetration and the decrease in breathing resistance while the filter was being loaded. The effect of resuspension (tearing off and re-deposition of dust agglomerates inside the filter) on the filtration process very significant. It was also observed that under certain conditions electrostatic filter materials lost their protection properties.  相似文献   

利用硫酸-硫酸铵混合溶液作为吸收及消解液,开发了直接吸收、消解、显色分析纳米TiO2生产现场空气中的纳米TiO2粉尘的方法。并研究了各类口罩对于纳米TiO2的拦截效率。结果表明,在流速为400L/h,采集时间为2.5 h的情况下,采用两级吸收瓶形式,总采集效率可以达到94%以上。对纳米TiO2生产现场粉尘的控制研究表明,佩戴无纺布型口罩是非常有效的防护手段,单只口罩2.5 h平均截留效率大于86%,两只口罩2.5 h平均截留效率大于90%。根据口罩的拦截效果,参照NIOSH的推荐标准,建议将纳米TiO2生产现场的粉尘质量浓度定为小于1.0mg/m3。  相似文献   

针对室内环境PM_(2.5)污染问题,设计了一台空气净化器,以强电场介质(Intense Field Dielectric,IFD)装置作为其核心过滤元件。在上海某办公室,以香烟烟雾为PM_(2.5)发生源,测试了净化器的一次过滤效率、风量、能耗、臭氧发生量,以及不同档位运行工况下室内PM_(2.5)质量浓度衰减情况和换气次数,并计算了各档位的洁净空气量(Clean Air Delivery Rate,CADR)和净化效能。结果表明,IFD装置能够有效净化实际环境中的高浓度PM_(2.5),其臭氧发生量符合环境要求。空气净化器在2档运行时,CADR和净化效能均较大。  相似文献   

This article is a brief review of the mechanism of action of fibrous filters and of the performance of respirators; it neglects many of the complications discussed in longer and more detailed articles. An expression is given for the pressure drop across a filter in terms of fibre diameter and filtration velocity. The particle capture mechanisms of interception and diffusional deposition are introduced and the way in which filtration efficiency varies with particle size is discussed. Filters with fibres of small diameter are shown to be the most efficient, but their use can cause problems. Electrically charged materials are widely used in respirators because of their high efficiency and low pressure drop. Types of material, their means of charging, and their method of action are described. An account is given of respirator leakage, the protection factor, and of the way that these may vary in a period of use. The leakage of air and particles through face seal leaks and leaky valves is discussed. The frequent discrepancy in the protection given by respirators in the workplace, on the one hand, and that suggested by laboratory measurements, on the other, is reviewed, and the article ends with an account of the combined effect of aerosol penetration through a filter and through a leak.  相似文献   

为解决传统防尘面罩容尘量低、在高浓度粉尘环境有效使用时间短的问题,提出1种基于轻质微球的多级过滤防尘面罩。该防尘面罩第1级采用轻质微球,不仅能够提高面罩的孔隙率、增加容尘量,而且能够实现及时清灰和水洗的功能;第2级采用高精度纤维滤膜,保障吸入空气的质量。采用3D打印对多级防尘面罩进行结构设计,并在煤矿井下进行现场试验。试验结果表明:1级轻质微球能够阻挡煤尘中93%以上的粉尘;轻质微球的过滤效率随着使用时间的增长而不断增加;轻质微球的过滤效率与巷道内风速有关,风速越大过滤效率越低,但过滤效率均保持在93%以上。研究结果表明:基于轻质微球的多级防尘面罩可有效减少传统纤维滤膜的负荷,从而延长口罩滤膜在煤矿井下高浓度环境的有效使用时间。  相似文献   

Combustion tests of pine wood cribs have been performed in different airflows in a fire test chamber. VOC in the flue gas has been monitored on-line using FTIR. Soot was collected at different heights above the bed on to quartz fibre filters and was characterized using pyrolysis-GC-MS. Correlation between combustion conditions and emission profiles were elucidated. The soot contained significant amounts of adsorbed oxygenated material derived from pyrolysis of the wood. Three types of material were identified: pyrolysis products, pyrolysis recombination products and PAH, and significant proportions of O-PAH are also present. Oxygenated PAH increased with temperature and higher air flow rate whereas oxygenated phenolic type material increased with lower temperature and lower air flow rate. Cooler flames from oxygen-starved fires akin to conditions in household fires produce significant higher proportions of phenolic material.Oxygen appears to play a significant role in the production of soot and there appear to be two routes by which PAH material can be synthesized. Firstly through conventional hydrocarbon mechanisms such as the HACA method and secondly through a route involving the polymerization of biomass pyrolysis fragments. A number of important species are identified which could be intermediates between these pyrolysis products and PAH.  相似文献   

高温烟气除尘用纤维滤料研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对上程上高温烟气来源进行了分类,对当前高温烟气过滤的核心技术的耐高温过滤材料的使用现状进行了分析,对高温玄武岩纤维过滤材料进行了重点探讨与展望,指出玄武岩纤维滤材当前在高温烟气过滤行业中急需解决的问题和产业科技成果转化方向。  相似文献   

The basic aim of this research was to establish the efficiency of filtering materials widely used in respiratory protection devices with particular interest in their porosity, degree of electric and changeable process parameters, such as the flow rate of the test nanoaerosol and the size range of nanoparticles. Tests were carried out with an NaCl solid aerosol of 3.2 × 105 particles/cm3 for the range of particle size of 7–270 nm, at aerosol flow rate of 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500 and 5400 L/h. The tests showed that electrospun nonwovens were the most effective filtering materials for nanoparticles over 20 nm. Melt-blown electret nonwovens with lower porosity than electrospun nonwovens had higher values of penetration of 1%–4%. Those materials provided very efficient protection against nanoparticles of certain sizes only.  相似文献   

介绍了防尘口罩的结构及选用时应注意的一些问题,分析了作为防尘口罩核心组件的滤料的过滤机制。论述了一些非织造布材料和非织造布加工方式对于防尘口罩滤料生产的优点和不足之处。对于广泛应用于口罩滤料的聚丙烯材料及滤料的主要加工方式——熔喷法非织造布生产技术,进行了重点介绍。同时也简要介绍了为完善口罩的综合性能而采用的非织造布复合技术。最后研究分析了提高口罩过滤效率的一种非常重要的方法——非织造布驻极加工方法,并对目前防尘口罩应用中存在的问题进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

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