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Xu N  Ni J  Sun W  Borthwick AG 《Chemosphere》2007,69(9):1419-1427
Although the sorption mechanism of hydrophobic organic pollutants on soils or sediments has been widely studied, the effects of coexisting heavy metals are seldom reported, especially the role of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in sorption interactions involving heavy metals. This paper investigates the sorption interactions of phthalate esters (diethyl phthalate, DEP, and di-n-butyl phthalate, DnBP) and copper on Yellow River sediment in the presence of DOC. The results indicate that the sorption hardly varies for DEP but increases up to 20% for DnBP as the copper concentration increases in a water-sediment system with extremely low concentration of DOC. The copper-induced sorption of DnBP could be due to its complexation with copper, as well as its hydrophobicity. In a water-sediment system with the addition of 6.34 mg l(-1) of commercial humic acid (HA), the sorption of DEP is decreased by up to 37%, and that of DnBP is enhanced by up to 41%, as copper is gradually added. This finding is also consistent with the results for a river water-sediment system containing 8.1 mg l(-1) natural DOC. The copper-influenced sorption of DEP and DnBP are found to be due to the binding of copper to DOC that leads to the configuration change of DOC and thus to its enhanced sorption to sediment. By using polarograph and fluorescence spectrograph techniques, the complexation competition among coexisting phthalates, copper and DOC is examined. The resulting data confirm the significant role of DOC in sorption interactions.  相似文献   

The effect of dissolved organic carbon on the process of pollutant sorption to aquatic sediments was studied using sediments from the Boonton Reservoir/Rockaway River system in northern New Jersey. Addition of DOC to the aqueous phase reduced the sorption of DDT to sediments, but had no effect on the sorption of Lindane. The effect of the DOC is to increase the amount of DDT in the soluble phase and enable transport of the compound throughout an aquatic system. The apparent influence of DOC on the equilibrium distribution of organic compounds is illustrated by modifying an existing environmental model.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays a significant role in protecting freshwater organisms against metal toxicity. To study this, reverse osmosis (RO) has been widely used as a highly efficient method for rapid collection of large quantities of DOM from natural surface waters. The objective of this study was to examine the potential impact of the RO isolation technique on the protective effects of DOM on the toxicity of copper and zinc to the cladoceran Daphnia magna and the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. DOM was concentrated from a natural surface water using RO and at the same time a natural (unconcentrated) surface water was taken. The concentrated DOM was rediluted to the level of the natural water to obtain the so-called reconstituted water. Chemical analyses and toxicity tests were performed with both the natural surface water and the reconstituted water. First, most chemical parameters were not significantly changed by the RO sampling. For both copper and zinc, no significant differences were observed in 48 h-EC50s for D. magna and in 72 h-EC50s for P. subcapitata between the reconstituted water and the natural water. Hence, it may be concluded that reverse osmosis does not significantly affect the protective effect of natural DOM against copper and zinc toxicity.  相似文献   

Due to high terrestrial runoff, the Baltic Sea is rich in dissolved organic carbon (DOC), the light-absorbing fraction of which is referred to as colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Inputs of DOC and CDOM are predicted to increase with climate change, affecting coastal ecosystems. We found that the relationships between DOC, CDOM, salinity, and Secchi depth all differed between the two coastal areas studied; the W Gulf of Bothnia with high terrestrial input and the NW Baltic Proper with relatively little terrestrial input. The CDOM:DOC ratio was higher in the Gulf of Bothnia, where CDOM had a greater influence on the Secchi depth, which is used as an indicator of eutrophication and hence important for Baltic Sea management. Based on the results of this study, we recommend regular CDOM measurements in monitoring programmes, to increase the value of concurrent Secchi depth measurements.  相似文献   

The cross-flow ultrafiltration and radiotracer techniques were used to study the influences of natural dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and colloidal organic carbon (COC) on the bioavailability of Ag, Cd, and Cr to the green mussel Perna viridis. We examined the uptake of these metals by the mussels at different concentrations of DOC and COC from different origins (estuarine, coastal, and diatom decomposed). Using the DOC originating from the decomposed diatom (Thalassiosira pseudonana), we demonstrated that Cd and Cr uptake, quantified by the concentration factor (DCF), increased linearly with increasing DOC concentration. There was, however, no consistent influence of natural DOC concentration on the metal uptake when the DOC was obtained from different sources of seawater (coastal and estuarine). The influences of COC on metal bioavailability were metal-specific and dependent on the geochemical properties of colloids and colloid-metal complexation. Cd uptake rate was not influenced by the COC concentrations. Uptake of diatom-decomposed colloidal Cr was enhanced by 3.4x, whereas the uptake of diatom-decomposed colloidal Ag was decreased by 8.2x compared with the uptake of low molecular weight Cr and Ag (<1 kDa). The uptake of diatom-decomposed colloidal Cr and Ag was generally lower than the uptake of metals bound with the same type of colloids for 2 days. Further aging of the colloid-metal binding reduced metal bioavailability to the mussels. In the presence of different sizes of colloidal particles where there was no major binding of colloids with the metals, metal uptake by the mussels was not influenced by different COC concentrations. Overall, our study suggests that although metal dissociation from colloids may be an important step for the uptake of colloidal metals, other mechanisms such as pinocytosis and co-transport may also be involved in the uptake of these metals, especially in aquatic environments with high DOC and COC concentrations.  相似文献   

In the Ellen catchment on the Pinjarra Plain, NE of Perth in Western Australia, cadmium from fertilisers is starting to leach from soils. About 70% of surface soils in the Ellen catchment are sandy and often on top of a shallow ephemeral water table. Adsorption of Cd in the sandy soils of the Ellen catchment was studied by batch adsorption and by leaching small columns of soil. Adsorption of Cd increases linearly with increasing soil organic matter content and exponentially with increasing pH. Cadmium is significantly mobilised in the sandy soils by dissolved organic matter.The capacity of most of the sandy soils in the Ellen catchment to adsorb phosphate from fertiliser has been saturated. Resulting concentrations in Ellen Brook average 500 μg L−1 P. Cadmium is adsorbed more strongly in the sandy soils than phosphate and is just starting to leach into Ellen Brook. From a comparison of Cd/P ratios in water, soils and fertiliser, cadmium concentrations in Ellen Brook are estimated to be at 10–30% of their maximum for complete breakthrough from soils. Present concentrations of Cd in Ellen Brook average 0.1 μg L−1 and are estimated to approach the maximum for complete breakthrough in 100 yr. Maximum Cd concentrations in Ellen Brook could range from 0.6 to 2 μg L−1, depending on rates of input with fertiliser and future increases in agricultural land use in the catchment.Breakthrough curves, resulting from leaching Cd through small columns of sandy soil, indicate that adsorption significantly increases the effective hydrodynamic dispersion of Cd. Longitudinal dispersivities, measured at pore-water velocities of 0.7–14 m day−1, were 5 cm for Cd and 0.1–0.2 cm for chloride. The much greater dispersion of Cd in the sandy soils than of chloride is shown not to be caused by non-equilibrium adsorption.  相似文献   

The adsorption and desorption characteristics of BDOC produced by ozonation and the replacement of BDOC by non-BDOC on BAC was studied. The fate of BDOC produced by ozonation in the BAC column was also evaluated by comparative experiment between the BAC supplied with the mixture of BDOC and non-BDOC and the BAC supplied only with non-BDOC. Fulvic acids extracted from two river sediments and one forest soil were used. BDOC produced by ozonation showed the same or lower adsorption capacity than non-BDOC after biodegradation. The adsorption rate of BDOC on GAC was lower than that of non-BDOC. BDOC produced by ozonation had low desorbability and majority of BDOC produced were not replaced by non-BDOC. BDOC in the ozonated fulvic acid did not affect the breakthrough of the ozonated fulvic acid on GAC in the early stage of adsorption, suggesting that most of BDOC were biodegraded on the surface of GAC before adsorption. Therefore, the production of BDOC by ozonation before the GAC treatment is very effective for the extension of GAC service life and the reduction of DOC loading to GAC.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was measured in 483 precipitation samples collected at 10 sites in Northern China from December 2007 to November 2008. The annual volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations and wet deposition fluxes of DOC for 10 sites ranged from 2.4 to 3.9 mg C/L and 1.4 to 2.7 g C m?2 yr?1, respectively. The proportion of DOC to total organic carbon (TOC) was 79% on average, suggesting that a significant fraction of TOC was present as insoluble particulate organic carbon. Due to intensive domestic coal use for house heating and smaller dilution of scavenged organic carbon, higher VWM concentrations of DOC were observed during winter and spring than during summer and autumn. When precipitation events were classified via air mass back-trajectories, the mixed trajectories from SE and NW always corresponded to significantly higher DOC than those from SE or NW alone, coinciding with the centre of a low pressure system moved eastward and the wind direction changed from southeast to northwest. The results also showed that each site had a similar seasonal variation for DOC wet deposition flux. The largest flux occurred during the rainy season, and the lowest flux appeared during winter months. The product of the TC/DOC ratio and the DOC flux yielded an average TC wet deposition flux of 3.2 g C m?2 yr?1 in Northern China, accounting for 8.6% and 22% of the carbon sink magnitude (37 g C m?2 yr?1) in terrestrial ecosystems and anthropogenic carbon emissions (14 g C m?2 yr?1), respectively. This indicates that atmospheric wet deposition of TC is a significant carbon flux that cannot be neglected in regional models of the carbon cycle, and should be considered along with dry deposition in the removal mechanism for carbon from regional atmosphere.  相似文献   

溶解氧和有机碳源对同步硝化反硝化的影响   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
利用SBR反应器,探讨了溶解氧(DO)和有机碳源(COD)对同步硝化好氧反硝化的影响.结果表明,DO范围在0.5~0.6 mg/L时最适合于同步硝化好氧反硝化脱氮.在同步硝化反硝化过程中出现了亚硝酸盐氮的积累,推断经由短程硝化反硝化途径.总氮的去除率随着COD/N(碳氮比)的增加而增加,当COD/N为10.05时,总氮去除率最高可达70.39%.继续增加碳氮比时,总氮去除率增加不多,并且还会导致硝化作用不完全.当存在足够的易降解有机碳源时,能发生完全的好氧反硝化作用.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - With the increased interest in the practical use of hydrochar, concerns about the possible environmental biotoxicity of hydrochar and its released...  相似文献   

为研究水生植物分解对水体有机物污染的影响,对不同生物量(0.1、0.5、1.0 g·L−1)下金鱼藻、菹草、浮萍和睡莲凋落物分解过程中溶解性有机物(dissolved organic matter, DOM)的释放特征进行了研究。结果表明,不同生物量下4种水生植物分解过程中上覆水DOM质量浓度变化趋势相似,0~15 d迅速增加,15~60 d缓慢下降直至相对稳定。有机物释放量为浮萍>睡莲>菹草>金鱼藻,DOM芳香化程度为菹草>睡莲>浮萍>金鱼藻。0~15 d,DOM以易降解的类蛋白有机物为主,此时COD释放量显著增加;30~60 d,难降解的类富里酸和类腐殖酸有机物含量逐渐增加,对COD贡献不明显。DOM质量浓度随着生物量的增加而逐渐增加。高生物量(≥0.5 g·L−1)凋落物分解体系易降解的类蛋白物质(0~15 d)与难降解的类富里酸、类腐殖酸有机物(30~60 d)含量显著增加。分析发现植物凋落物生物量、种类以及凋落物分解时期可影响DOM质量浓度和特性,进而可能影响水体有机物的污染状况。因此,为避免大量植物凋落物分解造成的潜在风险,应及时控制水体中植物凋落物量。  相似文献   

Desorption of copper and cadmium from soils enhanced by organic acids   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Yuan S  Xi Z  Jiang Y  Wan J  Wu C  Zheng Z  Lu X 《Chemosphere》2007,68(7):1289-1297
The adsorption/desorption behavior of copper and cadmium on soils was investigated in this study. The adsorption isotherm of copper and cadmium conformed to Langmuir equation better than Freundlich equation. The effect of ionic strength, pH, and organic acid, including ethylenediamine tetraacetic disodium acid salt (EDTA), citric acid, oxalic acid and tartaric acid, on the desorption of copper and cadmium was studied. The desorption of copper and cadmium increased with the increase of ionic strength, while the desorption decreased with the rise of pH. The desorption of copper and cadmium enhanced by organic acids was influenced by pH. EDTA showed excellent enhancement on the desorption of both copper and cadmium; citric acid demonstrated great enhancement on the desorption of copper but negligible enhancement on the desorption of cadmium; oxalic acid enhanced the desorption of copper only at pH around 6.4 and enhanced the desorption of cadmium in the pH range from 6.4 to 10.7; tartaric acid slightly enhanced the desorption of copper but negligibly enhanced the desorption of cadmium. The desorption mechanism in the presence of organic acids were explained as the competition of complexation, adsorption and precipitation. The net effect determined the desorption efficiency. This study provided guidance for the selection of organic acids to enhance the electrokinetic (EK) remediation of copper and cadmium from contaminated soils.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Water quality of lakes, estuaries, and coastal areas serves as an indicator of the overall health of aquatic ecosystems as well as the health of the...  相似文献   

Total particulate carbon (TPC), which includes both elemental carbon and particulate organic carbon, total suspended particulate matter (TSP) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were measured in 53 cloud water samples collected using a passive 'Harp-wire' cloud collector at weekly intervals at a hill-top site in southern Scotland (Dunslair Heights, 602 m above sea level) between December 1990 and April 1992. The concentrations of TPC, TSP and DOC were in the range 0.03-6.9 mg 1(-1) (median 1.05 mg l(-1)), 2.6-51.6 mg l(-1) (median 13.6 mg l(-1)) and 0.-14 mg l(-1) (median 3.6 mg l(-1)), respectively. The concentrations of TPC, TSP and DOC were greatest in winter (December-February), up to 6.9, 42 and 4.6 mg l(-1) respectively in 1990-1991 and up to 6.0, 51 and 14 mg l(-1), respectively, in 1991-1992. Particulate carbon in cloud water samples comprised 1-47% of the TSP. Concentrations of major anions (Cl(-), NO(-)(3), SO(2-)(4)) and pH were measured on the same water samples. Estimates of cloud liquid water content from January to April 1992 were derived from measured wind speeds and volumes of water collected. These estimates suggested that the air contained up to 1.2 microg TPC m(-3), 16 microg TSP m(-3) and 2.3 microg DOC m(-3), which are typical of concentrations to be expected in rural air. There was no correlation between concentrations of DOC in cloud water and either TPC or TSP, indicating that the sources and partitioning of DOC and TPC in the atmosphere are different. The largest concentrations of TPC coincided with the largest concentrations of non-marine sulphate, and although there was a significant linear correlation between the two sets of data, the log-transformed data were not correlated. Concentrations of TPC were significantly correlated with concentrations of other particulate matter (TSP-TPC), suggesting that similar sources and/or partitioning processes were involved in determining concentrations in cloud. Concentrations of DOC in cloud were significantly correlated (p < 0.02) with concentrations of nitrate, suggesting that sources of DOC were related to the emission and chemistry of nitrogen oxides. The very large concentrations of particulate carbon, especially in winter, indicate that carbon-catalysed oxidation of sulphur dioxide by molecular oxygen in cloud water may be a significant pathway when concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are small.  相似文献   

This study investigates the occurrence of carbonyl compounds in rainwater at the city of Thessaloniki, Northern Greece. The concentrations of carbonyl compounds (as sum of 14 compounds) ranged from 21.8 to 592 μg/L, mean concentration 119 μg/L. Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, hexanal, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal were the dominant compounds. DOC concentrations in rainwater ranged from 0.46 to 21.3 mg/L. UV–Vis and fluorescence spectra characteristics showed variation among rain events. Carbonyl compounds were negatively correlated with temperature exhibited relatively higher concentrations in cold season. They also influenced by storm origin with higher concentrations under terrestrial air masses. Calm conditions enhance the concentrations of DOC. Wash out is an effective removal mechanism of DOC.  相似文献   

In standard chronic terrestrial toxicity tests with invertebrates, adult organisms are exposed to the contaminants and the number of offspring is quantified. These procedures do not allow the assessment of possible effects on all life stages of the organism, which may lead to an underestimation of the toxicity of the test substance. To evaluate the importance of this issue, the potworm Enchytraeus albidus was exposed to zinc, cadmium, copper and lead for two subsequent generations. Juvenile production was assessed for both generations. Considering the variability of metal toxicity data reported in the literature, it is concluded that the two generation assay did not markedly increase the sensitivity of the standard E. albidus test for the tested metals. Therefore, toxicity data obtained with the proposed test guideline with E. albidus are protective for all life stages.  相似文献   

Bioavailability of mercury (Hg) to Selenastrum capricornutum was assessed in bioassays containing field-collected freshwater of varying dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Bioconcentration factor (BCF) was measured using stable isotopes of methylmercury (MeHg) and inorganic Hg(II). BCFs for MeHg in low-DOC lake water were significantly larger than those in mixtures of lake water and high-DOC river water. The BCF for MeHg in rainwater (lowest DOC) was the largest of any treatment. Rainwater and lake water also had larger BCFs for Hg(II) than river water. Moreover, in freshwater collected from several US and Canadian field sites, BCFs for Hg(II) and MeHg were low when DOC concentrations were >5mg L(-1). These results suggest high concentrations of DOC inhibit bioavailability, while low concentrations may provide optimal conditions for algal uptake of Hg. However, variability of BCFs at low DOC indicates that DOC composition or other ligands may determine site-specific bioavailability of Hg.  相似文献   

A soil (sandy loam) column leaching study aimed to determine the extent of mobility and co-mobility of Cu, Ni, Zn and dissolved organic matter (DOM) released from a surface-application (equivalent to 50 t ds ha(-1) of anaerobically-digested sewage sludge. Leaching of DOM through the soil column was found to be almost un-retarded. Decidedly similar behaviour was exhibited by Ni suggesting that it migrated as organic complexes. Whilst Cu was also found to be leached, significant retardation was evident. However, the importance of DOM in promoting the mobility of both Cu and Ni was evidenced by their lack of mobility when added to the soil column as inorganic forms. The presence of DOM did not prevent Zn from becoming completely adsorbed by the soil solid phase. In relation to WHO drinking water guidelines, only Ni concentrations showed potential environmental significance, due to the relatively poor retention of Ni by the sludge solid phase.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the labile part of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) present in groundwater by identification of natural organic carbon substrates and to assess their microbial utilization during aeration of the groundwater. The studied chlorophenol (CP) contaminated groundwater contained 60-2650 micromoll(-1) of DOC of which up to 98.0% were CPs; 1.7% were low-molecular weight organic acids and 0.2% were dissolved free amino acids. Traces of following natural organic carbon substrates were identified: L-alanine, L-isoleucine, L-leucine, L-serine, L-threonine, L-tyrosine, L-valine, L-aspartic, acetic, citric, formic, lactic, malic and oxalic acid. Dissolved oxygen concentration inside the CP-plume was lower (mean 25 micromoll(-1)) than outside of the plume (mean 102 micromoll(-1)). Over a monitoring period of four years the concentrations of CPs, Fe(II) and NH4+ were higher inside than outside of the CP-plume. Oxygen availability within the CP-plume limits in situ biological oxidation of CPs, DOC, NH4+ and Fe(II). The microbial enzymatic hydrolysis rates of 4-methylumbelliferyl and 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin-linked substrates varied from 0.01 to 52 micromoll(-1)h(-1) and was slightly higher inside than outside the plume. Microbial uptake rates of 14C-acetate, 14C-glucose and 14C-leucine were on average 28, 4 and 4 pmoll(-1)h(-1) outside and 17, 25 and 8 pmoll(-1)h(-1) inside the plume, respectively. The indigenous microorganisms were shown able of hydrolysis of dissolved organic matter, uptake and utilization of natural organic carbon substrates. Therefore, the labile part of DOC serves as a pool of secondary substrates beside the CP-contaminants in the groundwater and possibly help in sustaining the growth of CP-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

通过测定溶解性有机碳以及三卤甲烷生成势等指标,研究于桥水库溶解性有机碳分布特征及其成因,分析三卤甲烷的存在现状和生成势。结果表明:溶解性有机碳浓度波动不大,在入库区最高,出库区最低,说明其整体自东向西沿水流方向在波动中呈下降趋势;三卤甲烷与温度成正相关,采样期间浓度在0~22.3μg/L之间,符合国家相关标准;三卤甲烷生成势浓度变化范围为60~470μg/L,处于中等水平;溶解性有机碳与三卤甲烷生成势具有显著的正相关关系。  相似文献   

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