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Designing a proper acoustical environment—indispensable to speech recognition—in long enclosures is difficult. Although there is some literature on the acoustical conditions in underground stations, there is still little information about methods that make estimation of correct reverberation conditions possible. This paper discusses the assessment of the reverberation conditions of underground stations. A comparison of the measurements of reverberation time in Warsaw’s underground stations with calculated data proves there are divergences between measured and calculated early decay time values, especially for long source–receiver distances. Rapid speech transmission index values for measured stations are also presented.  相似文献   

为研究城市轨道交通高架和地下站台噪声的规律和特点,选取某条线路中的3个高架站台以及3条线路中的7个地下站台进行实地测量,并对测量结果进行分析。研究结果表明:地下站台LAeq值都低于标准限值80 dB(A);站台的中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值都非常接近,使用T检验结果得出各站台中心测点列车进站LAeq值和列车出站LAeq值不存在显著差异(P>0.05);站台测量时要考虑大客流带来的喧闹声;站台最大噪声值是列车出站时,位于站台列车车头停止位置。  相似文献   

Density, velocity and flow relationships for closely packed crowds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Work undertaken to quantify the relationships between crowd velocities, flow rates and densities for uni-directional motion is reviewed. Most of the available data has been generated for underground stations in the UK; similar work for commuter stations in Japan is introduced and developed. Maximum observed flow rates from this work are compared with those suggested in the ‘Green Guide’ for the evacuation of sports grounds. The ‘Green Guide’ figures are higher than the maximum values obtained from the work reviewed.  相似文献   

山东省沂南地区地热资源丰富,造成了矿山深井开采高温高湿环境。为有效治理铜井分矿井下湿热,调查测定了铜井分矿井下环境参数,在分析通风现状及其存在问题的基础上,选定采用多种技术措施结合治理、多级机站通风的深井湿热治理方案,以风量平衡、网孔风压平衡和阻力定律为理论基础,根据矿山实际情况自行开发了通风网络软件,克服了传统软件的不足。应用结果表明,铜井分矿井下湿热状况明显好转,达到井下作业的环境条件,设计方案具有显著的实用价值。  相似文献   

分析埋地油罐可能发生的火灾爆炸事故,建立事故模拟模型,模拟爆炸物质完全燃烧的质量依据化学计量浓度确定,事故伤害范围的计算用G.M莱克霍夫在砂质土壤中爆炸的冲击波计算方法。对50 m3埋地油罐模拟,油蒸气形成爆炸性混合气体爆炸伤害范围较大,安全范围与《汽车加油加气站设计与施工规范》中相关规定相符合。模拟方法用于埋地储罐的定量安全评价,为罐区选址、建设、安全距离确定及安全预案制定提供参考。  相似文献   

地下商业街火灾烟气流动实验研究   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
烟气是火魔的杀手锏。在不同火源功率的长通道实体火灾实验基础上,研究地下商业街吊顶装修前后,以及不同的补风与排烟条件下烟气的特点,考察防排烟措施启动时机、启动位置以及排烟量的大小。实验结果表明:安装天花板有利于提高排烟速率,但烟气蔓延速度加快,因此宜采用镂空式天花板以利用顶部蓄烟;地下商业街宜采用远火源端补风、近端机械排烟方式,设计中需依据风量和速率选取风机,还应考虑风机对流场的扰动以及进风口设置位置。  相似文献   

本文分析了地下停车库的火灾特点。并从停车库的火灾规模、发生轰燃的烟气条件、释放辐射热的大小、相邻汽车被引燃的临界条件和自动喷水系统的动作时间等几方面对停车库潜在的火灾危险性进行了探讨。以某地下一层停车库为例,对其火灾风险性进行了具体评价。  相似文献   

对我国热害分级相关标准进行了简要总结分析,表明我国尚未制定综合考虑温湿度条件和体力劳动强度从而对井下高温作业场所的热害程度实施有效分级的相关标准.由井下现场管理人员、企业劳资(人事)管理人员、研究人员等3类共30名相关专家对井下62类主要工种劳动强度进行主观分级,通过对其结果的统计分析,研究制定了井下高温作业场所不同工种最高体力劳动强度级别建议表.通过定性和定量分析,确定了井下作业场所不同劳动强度级别下 WBGT指数限值,将结果与南非井下热害分级标准限值进行了对比.最终制订了基于井下高温作业场所最高体力劳动强度级别和WBGT指数的井下高温作业场所危害程度分级标准,提出了标准的宣传贯彻建议及分级监管策略.  相似文献   

通过对数十个液化石油气新罐场的设计审核和在用罐场调研分析,深入比较常用几种贮罐液面计之优劣与使用特点,介绍了适用于小型贮配站改造用简易价廉的钢瓶倒残系统,提出采用地下掩埋式贮罐设计方案,争取实现贮罐使用安全性和投资回报的优化组合。  相似文献   

为研究大客流地铁车站风险因素,提出车站疏散能力分析的基本要素,结合某分离岛式地下车站,采用规范计算及精细网格模型对可用安全疏散时间进行计算与比较分析。结果表明:楼扶梯的通过效率、车站结构形式、疏散人员的数量及分布情况等因素对仿真模拟的结果产生影响;《地铁安全疏散规范》(GB/T 33668—2017)综合考虑了疏散至楼扶梯入口时间、楼扶梯上平均滞留时间及通道非均匀性偏差时间等,与仿真模拟结果的吻合度较高。研究结果可为国内类似车站的安全疏散设计及运营疏散组织提供参考。  相似文献   

为探索能反映深井受限空间对作业者影响程度的眼动指标,为井下行为安全管理提供依据,将20名眼动指标相近的成员随机分为A,B两组,分别在普通环境中和高温深井环境中开展实验,以文献摘要为刺激材料,运用Tobii X2-30眼动仪进行眼动测量,运用单因素多元方差分析及多重比较法分析眼动数据。发现注视点总数、总注视时间、眼跳次数和总眼跳时间指标的差异有显著性,B组值大于A组;注视点平均注视时间、平均眨眼时间、平均瞳孔直径和总眼跳时间占比等指标无显著差异;两组被试的注视轨迹变化显著,因此 对井下人员的生理信息采集应当注重5个关键的眼动指标。  相似文献   

Hearing protectors attenuate both the background noise and the useful sounds embedded in noise such as the sounds of speech and warning signals. An effective hearing protector is one that attenuates background noise while leaving sufficient energy of speech and warning signals to reach the ear of the worker. At present, however, there are no established criteria for assessing effective change in speech-to-noise ratio caused by hearing protection devices (HPDs). One such criterion could be a change in most comfortable (listening) level (MCL) for speech caused by the presence of HPDs. In this study the HPD-related shift in MCL for speech presented in quiet was measured and compared with two measures of noise attenuation: Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) and high–medium–low (H–M–L). The results indicate that the MCL shift may be a sensitive measure of speech attenuation by HPDs, which together with the appropriate H–M–L may describe technical properties of HPDs.  相似文献   

Identifying crash propensity using specific traffic speed conditions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION: In spite of recent advances in traffic surveillance technology and ever-growing concern over traffic safety, there have been very few research efforts establishing links between real-time traffic flow parameters and crash occurrence. This study aims at identifying patterns in the freeway loop detector data that potentially precede traffic crashes. METHOD: The proposed solution essentially involves classification of traffic speed patterns emerging from the loop detector data. Historical crash and loop detector data from the Interstate-4 corridor in the Orlando metropolitan area were used for this study. Traffic speed data from sensors embedded in the pavement (i.e., loop detector stations) to measure characteristics of the traffic flow were collected for both crash and non-crash conditions. Bayesian classifier based methodology, probabilistic neural network (PNN), was then used to classify these data as belonging to either crashes or non-crashes. PNN is a neural network implementation of well-known Bayesian-Parzen classifier. With its superb mathematical credentials, the PNN trains much faster than multilayer feed forward networks. The inputs to final classification model, selected from various candidate models, were logarithms of the coefficient of variation in speed obtained from three stations, namely, station of the crash (i.e., station nearest to the crash location) and two stations immediately preceding it in the upstream direction (measured in 5 minute time slices of 10-15 minutes prior to the crash time). RESULTS: The results showed that at least 70% of the crashes on the evaluation dataset could be identified using the classifiers developed in this paper.  相似文献   

With the present development of digital registration and methods for processing speech it is possible to make effective objective acoustic diagnostics for medical purposes. These methods are useful as all pathologies and diseases of the human vocal tract influence the quality of a patient’s speech signal. Diagnostics of the voice organ can be defined as an unambiguous recognition of the current condition of a specific voice source. Such recognition is based on an evaluation of essential acoustic parameters of the speech signal. This requires creating a vibroacoustic model of selected deformations of Polish speech in relation to specific human larynx diseases. An analysis of speech and parameter mapping in 29-dimensional space is reviewed in this study. Speech parameters were extracted in time, frequency and cepstral (quefrency) domains resulting in diagrams that qualified symptoms and conditions of selected human larynx diseases. The paper presents graphically selected human larynx diseases.  相似文献   

With the present development of digital registration and methods for processing speech it is possible to make effective objective acoustic diagnostics for medical purposes. These methods are useful as all pathologies and diseases of the human vocal tract influence the quality of a patient's speech signal. Diagnostics of the voice organ can be defined as an unambiguous recognition of the current condition of a specific voice source. Such recognition is based on an evaluation of essential acoustic parameters of the speech signal. This requires creating a vibroacoustic model of selected deformations of Polish speech in relation to specific human larynx diseases. An analysis of speech and parameter mapping in 29-dimensional space is reviewed in this study. Speech parameters were extracted in time, frequency and cepstral (quefrency) domains resulting in diagrams that qualified symptoms and conditions of selected human larynx diseases. The paper presents graphically selected human larynx diseases.  相似文献   

为避免或降低连通型地下空间商业开发对车站疏散带来不利影响,基于地铁车站现场调研数据,利用仿真软件模拟了某连通型地下空间商业开发前后车站的疏散过程,分析了该地下空间商业开发对既有地铁车站疏散能力的影响,并针对不利影响提出了对策措施。研究结果表明:当地下空间与车站之间的防火卷帘不落下时,商业开发虽然对站台层的疏散无影响,但会增加与地下空间相邻2个出口的疏散人数,导致2个出口产生拥堵,增加了疏散时间;车站和商场可以通过工作人员或利用广播引导乘客向各出口均匀疏散的手段来降低商业开发带来的不利影响。提出的研究方法可以评估连通型空间开发对车站疏散能力的影响,为此类商业开发的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

性能化防火分析方法在大型地下商场中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
地下建筑火灾具有散热性差、烟气量大、人员疏散困难的特点,需要在消防设计和安全分析时予以足够的重视。该文利用性能化防火分析方法研究某大型地下商场在发生设定火灾条件下的烟气运动以及人员疏散特性,并通过安全疏散时间判据来评估人员能否全部安全疏散。  相似文献   

Several sets of blast curves are frequently used in the prediction of blast effects from vapor cloud explosions. However, they have not been validated by experiments since systematic experimental data have only become available in recent years. The aim of this paper is to present a comparison between the calculated blast curves and available experimental data. Also presented is a comparison between several blast curves. The comparison showed that for detonations and subsonic flames, the blast curves produced by one-dimensional numerical calculations are generally in agreement with experimental data. However, there is great difference between the measured and calculated overpressures for supersonic deflagrations. The experimental overpressures fall well below the calculated values and decay much faster. The discrepancy is more pronounced for less reactive mixtures. It can be concluded from the comparison that the prediction using one-dimensional numerical calculations is conservative and may be overly conservative for supersonic deflagrations.  相似文献   

城市化进程的加速导致了人口、交通和环境的日益恶化,有限的地上空间资源即使过度开发也不堪重负,使得人们转而求诸于地下空间的利用,地铁因其安全、准时、高效等特点成为解决地上交通矛盾的有效手段,也成为目前地下空间应用的重要领域.地铁自问世以来,其安全问题一直如影随形、备受瞩目,随着建设规模的不断扩大,基于效率的降低成本与基于安全的加大投入之间产生了巨大的矛盾分歧.依托安全经济学和投入产出理论提出安全效率的概念界定及表达框架,并选取地铁楼梯进行案例分析,验证其可行性和可计量性.该量化模型的提出有助于在同时考虑安全与效率时提供决策参考,从而指导项目安全投入的合理配置,提高资金的使用效率.  相似文献   

Chemical plants and gas utilities own large underground pipelines to transport material such as combustible gas. For example, city gas utilities in Japan have about 230,000 km of pipelines, even if only the pipelines to deliver gas to their customers are considered. Any accidents involving such pipelines can lead to enormous human and physical damage, and their security is therefore a top-priority issue for utilities. For the safety management of underground pipelines, in addition to assessment of the long-term reliability of pipeline materials, it is extremely important to understand the diffusion behavior of gases in the ground, such as the diffusion range and time, in the case of leakage, and the impact on the surrounding area is a fundamental factor to be considered in the design and maintenance of safe facilities and for emergency response. Although many papers introduce the situations of gas diffusion in the atmosphere such as indoor and outdoor conditions, only fundamental surveys have been conducted on gas diffusion in the ground, and there have been few full-scale empirical studies. This study reports the results of the verification of the diffusion behavior with full-scale gas leakage experiments simulating real underground pipelines, as well as the outcomes of the applicability test of a numerical simulation model investigated and proposed based on the results. This technical knowledge regarding security will contribute to further improvement of safety in the industry.  相似文献   

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