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采用真空吸滤和挤压过滤两段组合式提取装置两次提取麦草浆黑液,能获得高且稳定的黑液提取率。探讨了黑液提取率与浆料洗涤时间、水量的关系及洗后浆所达到的洗净程度等。  相似文献   

预酸析-厌氧流化床处理碱法草浆黑液的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对预酸析多孔高分子载体固定化微生物厌氧流化床(AFB)处理碱法草浆黑液的效能进行了研究.结果表明,采用酸析预处理,去除了黑液中大部分难生化降解的高分子物质后,AFB的厌氧消化潜能得到充分发挥.预酸析AFB处理比直接AFB处理更为有利.对黑液中木质素的化学性质研究表明,厌氧处理前后的黑液中木质素分子的基本结构单元保持不变,但分子量大的木质素有向小分子转化的趋势.通过扫描电镜观察,除了产甲烷菌外,还发现了硫酸盐还原菌和硫细菌.  相似文献   

利用木浆造纸黑液活化磷矿矿浆,降低矿浆流动起点水分,既简化普钙生产流程,降低普钙生产成本,又能消除造纸黑液污染。试验结果表明:木浆造纸黑液活化磷矿矿浆最佳黑液投入量为0.027mL/g矿粉,当矿浆含水率控制在26%~28%之间时,矿浆粘度可降至0.70Pa·s以下,所生产的鲜钙能满足质量要求。为造纸黑液活化磷矿矿浆生产普钙提供了理论和技术依据  相似文献   

动、静态超滤处理碱法草浆黑液的超滤膜特性比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过静、动态试验,考察了不同截留分子量的PES、PEK、SPES、SPK、PAN等5种超滤膜处理碱法草浆黑液的超滤特性结果表明,静态接触条件下,PEK膜受黑液组份的污染程度最重,PAN、SPES及SPK膜次之,PES膜的污染程度最轻;PAN膜不适宜于碱性黑液的处理;荷负电性较高的康化类膜及低截留分子量的超滤膜具有较好的黑液超滤特性;动态试验膜的超滤特性优于静态试验.本研究结果为超滤技术在碱法草浆黑液处理中的应用提供了基础性资料  相似文献   

Combined effect of US/PFS on the black liquor of making paper   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reed pulping black liquor is used as a sample. Researches of (1) combined effect of ultrasound(US)/polyferric sulphate(PFS)/hydrogen peroxide(H2O2); (2) effects of the horn tip areas; (3) effect of dose of PFS were carried. Extrapolation of these experiments indicated treatment results are possibly related to complex chemical compositions in the reed pulping black liquor.  相似文献   

-In order to reduce the increasingly serious environmental impact caused by wastewater from the paper industry, the municipality of Jinan plans to adopt a specialized production technology. The new technology will centralize pulp production and decentralize paper production. It is predicted that the new technology will greatly reduce the environmental effects of the paper industry. Perhaps it is a new direction for the development of the paper industry in China.  相似文献   

草浆造纸中段废水的生物处理动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang J  Huang X  Ding W  Wang X 《环境科学》2002,23(5):84-87
利用静态溶解氧消耗速率(OUR)试验模拟草浆造纸中段废水生物处理的生化反应过程,并运用Lawrence-McCarty模式进行了动力学分析。由OUR试验结果和小试研究结果建立的草浆造纸中段废水好氧生物处理的动力学方程为v=0.72S/(60.43 S)。将该动力学方程预测结果和实际工程的运行数据进行了比较,结果表明,动力学方程的比基质降解速率预测值高于实际工程的计算值,分析原因可能在于:实际工程中中段废水中的纤维素类悬溪物在生物处理装置的积累导致了污泥活性的降低。  相似文献   

用草浆造纸黑液制取活性炭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本法用酸水解炭化、ZnCl_2活化法处理草浆造纸黑液生产活性炭.结果表明,由7—8Be的草浆黑液1L可制20g左右的活性炭.活性炭的碘值>1000mg/g,亚甲基兰值>180ml/g,其主要指标已超过我国LY216-79和日本JIS K1426标准一级品的要求.提取活性炭后,黑液中COD_(Cr)去除率达72%,色度去除率达93%.残液还可作提取Na_2SO_4、糠醛的原料.  相似文献   

Two different kinds of black liquor from the papermaking industry were treated by acidification and reuse. The experimental parameters and conditions were discussed in detail. The experimental results indicated that the treatment process mentioned in this article is an effective process for the treatment of black liquor from the papermaking industry. By the treatment, the solid materials in black liquor are transferred into two by-products and the other components are reused or evaporated. Thus, no wastewater except some condensation water would be discharged in pulping process and the problem of oollution of black liauor would be effectively solved.  相似文献   

Water pollution from the pulp and paper industry is one of the most serious environment problems in China. In order to prevent and treat pollution of the pulp and paper industry, the following works have been done in recent years: 1. Making necessary policies, measures and regulations; 2. Making overall planning and rational layout; 3. Relying mainly on internal treatment developing external treatment as supplement; 4. Improving the technology of treating wastewater of the pulp and paper industry.  相似文献   

The principle and technique were reported here to produce lignin-based sand stabilizing material (LSSM) using extracted lignin from black liquor of straw paper mills. Field tests using LSSM to stabilize and green sand dunes were started in 2002. The field experiment was carried out in August 2005 when the newly formed plant community was 3 years old. The results from the comprehensive field experiment demonstrated that unlike polyvinyl acetate or foamed asphalt commonly used for dune stabilization, LSSM was plantfriendly material and could be used in combination with seeding and planting of desert species. With the help of LSSM, the desert species (i.e., Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq. and Artemisia desertorum Spreng. etc.) could be used to form community in 2–3 yeas and to stabilize sand dune e ectively. The newly formed community was sustainable under an extremely dry climate condition. The organic matter and total nitrogen in the soil increased significantly as the community were formed, while the change in P and K contents in the soil was negligible.  相似文献   

硫酸生产中污染物的综合治理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用硫铁矿焙烧废渣制取纯度95%以上的硫酸亚铁,并利用硫酸亚铁净化低浓度二氧化硫制酸尾气和高砷烟气洗涤废水,结果表明,处理后的制酸尾气中SO2含量低于500ppm,且含有硫酸亚铁的吸收液中硫酸浓度达10%~20%;处理后的含砷废水,砷含量低于0.5mg/L;用此综合治理方法可得多种副产品,为企业创造一定的经济效益;为以硫铁矿为原料的硫酸厂综合治理生产中的污染物提供了可行的途径。  相似文献   

通过均匀设计实验,对造纸黑液进行湿式氧化处理,数据回归得到CODCr、吸光度、浊度的回归方程,各回归方程显著,氧分压对造纸黑液各指标影响最大;研究反应过程中反应温度、氧分压、进水pH值、进水浓度、搅拌强度、反应时间对造纸黑液湿式氧化(WAO)处理的影响,6因素优化的操作条件依次为:180℃、3.0MPa、7.25、5500mg/L、500r/min、60min;在优化的操作条件下,造纸黑液的CODCr、CODCr去除率为1661mg/L、69.8%,吸光度、脱色率为0.63、96.3%,浊度、浊度去除率为661NTU、74.8%.均匀设计法在造纸黑液WAO处理中得到了较好的应用.  相似文献   

我国北方小流域硫酸参与碳酸盐矿物化学风化过程研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
张东  秦勇  赵志琦 《环境科学学报》2015,35(11):3568-3578
硫酸参与碳酸盐岩的风化机制及与区域碳循环的关系是全球气候变化研究的重要课题.选择我国北方小流域(沁河)为研究对象,结合水化学及溶解性无机碳碳同位素组成,通过化学计算法,分析了河水溶解性组分的来源及混入比例,验证了硫酸参与区域碳酸盐的风化过程.结果表明:河水阳离子以Ca2+和Mg2+为主,阴离子以HCO-3和SO2-4为主;沁河流域碳酸盐岩风化、大气输入及蒸发盐溶解对河水阳离子贡献较大,平均比例分别为48.5%、35.3%和14.1%,硅酸盐风化和人为输入贡献比例较小,平均比例分别为1.7%和0.6%;沁河流域碳酸盐类、硅酸盐类及蒸发盐类风化速率分别为8.41、0.07和2.43 t·km-2·a-1,碳酸盐和硅酸盐矿物风化CO2消耗量分别为1.43×105mol·km-2·a-1和0.03×105mol·km-2·a-1;沁河流域硫酸参与碳酸盐风化产生的CO2净释放量为0.63×105mol·km-2·a-1,小于我国南方喀斯特地区CO2净释放量,可能与不同的气候条件及硫化物赋存条件和含量等有关.  相似文献   

A new technique was introduced for sand stabilization and re-vegetation by use of lignin sand stabilizing material(LSSM). LSSM is a reconstructed organic compound with lignin as the most dominant component from the extracts of black-liquor issued by straw pulp paper mills. Unlike the polyvinyl acetate or foamed asphalt commonly used for dune stabilization, the new material is plant-friendly and can be used with virescence actions simultaneously. The field experimental study was conducted since 2001 in China‘s Northwest Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and has been proved that LSSM is effective in stabilizing the fugitive dunes, making the arenaceous plants survive and the bare dune vegetative. The advisable solution concentration is 2% and the optimal field spraying quantity is 2.5L/m^2 The soil nutrients of the stabilized and greened dune, such as organic matter, available phosphorous and total nitrogen are all increased compared with the control treatment, which is certainly helpful to the growth of arenaceous plants. The technique is worthwhile to be popularized because it is provided not only a new method for desertification control but also an outlet for cleaning contaminants issued from the straw paper mills.  相似文献   

以泰乐菌素作为目标有机污染物,系统研究了不同来源的纳米黑炭与腐殖酸的复合物对泰乐菌素的吸附特性和机制.结果表明:黑炭与腐殖酸复合后其对泰乐菌素的吸附明显增强;吸附在24h可完全达到平衡,吸附动力学可以用二级动力学较好的拟合;且线性吸附模型和Freundlich吸附模型可以较好的拟合吸附等温线;黑炭与腐殖酸复合后其对泰乐菌素的吸附受溶液pH值和离子强度的影响.吸附机制主要以疏水性分配、氢键作用和离子交换为主.  相似文献   

硫酸对草浆造纸黑液催化作用的研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
研究了硫酸对苇浆造纸黑液的催化作用。结果表明,硫酸在加温加压条件下(0.2-0.6MPa,130-165℃)能使黑液中99%以上木质素酸析,脱水,炭化分离出来,理论含醛量的62%以上水解,脱水转化为糠醛。该研究为黑液的综合利用开辟了新的途径。  相似文献   

造纸污泥与味精废液联合厌氧消化产甲烷性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用造纸污泥与味精废液间歇式联合厌氧消化产沼气,通过设计总固体(TS)含量、碳氮比(C/N)和接种量等不同的工艺参数,研究了不同工艺条件下各反应器的产甲烷性能.试验结果表明:在中温(37±2)℃条件下,TS含量对系统累积产气量的影响较大,各反应器的累积产气量随TS含量的增加而增加;各反应器的单位质量挥发性固体(VS)累积产气率和TS、VS的去除率随TS含量增加而降低;在TS含量为10%的3组反应器中,造纸污泥:味精废液(w/w)=10∶1的反应器产气效果优于造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=25∶1和70∶1两组处理,这与前者在消化过程中pH值下降最多、酸化能力最强有关;联合厌氧消化累积甲烷产量最大值为5482mL(TS含量为10%,造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=10∶1),单位质量VS甲烷产率最大值为362mL.g-1(TS含量为3%,造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=11∶1),可见这两种工业废物联合厌氧消化具有巨大的产甲烷潜力.  相似文献   

Due to their widespread use, clofibric acid (CA) and carbamazepine (CBZ) have been frequently detected simultaneously at relatively high concentrations in aquatic environments. In this study, agricultural waste rice straw was employed as a potentially low-cost, effective and easy-to-operate biosorbent (RSB) to remove CA and CBZ. The adsorption of both pharmaceuticals followed pseudo second-order kinetics, and intraparticle diffusion was an important rate-limiting step. The adsorption isotherms of both drugs were fit well with Freundlich model. The adsorption of CA onto RSB was exothermic and was more likely to be dominated by physical processes, while the adsorption of CBZ was endothermic. Solution pH was determined to be the most important factor for CA adsorption, such that the adsorption capacity of CA onto RSB increased with the decline of solution pH. In the lower range of solution pH below 3. l, the CA removal efficiency was enhanced with the increase of biosorbent dosage. The CBZ removal efficiency was enhanced with the increase of RSB dosage without pH control. The maximum adsorption capacities were 126.3 mg/g for CA and 40.0 mg/g for CBZ.  相似文献   

通过热重分析实验和固定床热解实验研究了麦草碱性亚硫酸钠-蒽醌法制纸桨黑液固形物的热解特性和热解产物分布。结果表明:黑液固形物热解过程分为干燥脱水、有机物热解和无机物转化三个阶段,主要失重发生在200~550℃间;在热重分析基础上按一级反应动力学模型得到了黑液固形物热解各阶段的动力学参数;实验条件下,麦草浆黑液固形物固定床热解后约三分之一转化为挥发分,余下为固体残渣。  相似文献   

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