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对中西方关于农村剩余劳动力转移理论进行了比较,在介绍Lee E S“推拉”模型的基础之上,结合湘西龙山县的具体情况分析了民族地区农村剩余劳动力转移的动因和湘西农村剩余劳动力转移存在的问题,提出了解决的对策,并将“推拉理论”运用到我国民族地区农村剩余劳动力转移的实证分析上。  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力的产生有其特定的背景和原因,同时也与"三农"问题息息相关,农村剩余劳动力问题长期受到学术界的关注。在计算安徽省六安市剩余劳动力存量的基础上,采用灰色关联分析方法,对影响六安市农村剩余劳动力的因素进行分析,并结合区域实际情况,探讨由剩余劳动力过多所产生的一系列问题,提出剩余劳动力转移的对策。  相似文献   

海南特区农村剩余劳动力资源的开发与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了海南特区农村剩余劳动力资源的现状及其影响劳动力资源开发利用的主要因素,提出了海南特区农村剩余劳动力资源开发与利用的途径。  相似文献   

农村剩余劳动力是社会人口学中与农村经济发展关系较为密切的一个重要因素,农村剩余劳动力的走向直接关系到本地区的经济发展趋势,因此研究和探讨农村剩余劳动力的走向对探索本地区经济发展战略具有重要作用。实现农村剩余劳动力转移包括就地转移、异地开发和迁移转移3种模式[1],其中就地转移模式对地方经济发展具有积极促进作用,其转移速度可以标示本地经济发展的快慢.本文以湖南省桂东县为例,就贫困地区如何实现农村剩余劳动力就地转移作了较深入的探讨。1桂东县农村剩余劳动力现状据统计,1994年桂东县总人口为16.8万人,其中农业…  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移是城市化发展的必然趋势,也是促进我国经济增长的推动力之一。农民在放弃农业生产转移至城市务工的同时,必然使农村劳动力转移产生机会成本,导致农村劳动力转移的实际收入较少、城乡居民收入差距扩大。因此,在农村劳动力转移的机会成本视角下,探究农村劳动力转移对经济增长的真实贡献是十分必要的。分析了我国农村劳动力资源及转移状况,在机会成本下通过农村劳动力转移的机会成本对第二、三产业总产值和第一产业总产值进行回归分析,得到机会成本每增加1%,其贡献率分别为0.716%、0.870%。在考虑三大产业对GDP贡献率的前提下,得出劳动力转移对我国GDP的真实贡献率为0.638%。在农村劳动力转移背景下,城乡收入差距在进一步扩大。基于此,提出了农村劳动力转移有利于城市和农村经济共同发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

农村劳动力转移对区域经济的贡献毋庸置疑,但劳动力转移带来的机会成本往往被忽视,因此在农村劳动力转移的机会成本视角下探究其对经济增长的真实贡献是十分必要的。分析了2003—2012年甘肃省农村劳动力资源及其转移变化状况。通过回归分析表明,农村劳动力转移机会成本每增加1%,对甘肃省GDP和农业总产值的贡献率分别为0.668%、-0.323%,得到真实贡献率为0.345%,农村转移劳动力收入实际变化不大。基于分析结果,提出了有利于甘肃省农村劳动力增收的对策建议。  相似文献   

异地开发是农村剩余劳动力转移的重要模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了异地开发在农业方面的4点作用和农村剩余劳动力转移的3种基本模式。结合我国国情,指出异地开发是当前我国农村剩余劳动力转移的重要模式,它具有投入小、见效快、收益大的特点。建议政府组织开展有关实施异地开发的政策和措施等问题的研究,把异地开发工作引向深入。  相似文献   

劳动力资源作为最活跃的生产要素,在一定时空内出现过剩时就会通过外向性流动形成以提供活劳动形式来满足他人或社会某种需求,并获得相应报酬的服务活动.而这种社会服务必须通过劳务市场进行劳动力资源配置的外向性空间转移与职业或岗位的变换,从而实现一种特殊的以价值形式存在的商品交换的商品经济.宁夏西吉县是一个国家级的贫困县,劳动力资源富余,把劳动力转移作为一种新兴产业,已成为促进当地农村经济发展的重心,展望了当地农村劳动力转移的劳务市场开发.  相似文献   

根据人口普查资料,本文从行业和职业方面对烟台地区在业人口的就业结构现状及变动特点进行了系统分析,并在此基础上对农业剩余劳动力的转移问题作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

我国农村人口迁移的区域协调发展机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实现区域协调发展一直是我国重要的理论与实践问题之一,而人口迁移的历史与实践是实现区域协调发展的重要理论机制之一.基于我国农村人口迁移发展现状与格局,从实现农村转移人口个人收入水平提升、促进迁入区工业化和城市化发展,有效改善迁出区域生态环境改善等方面分析了我国农村人口转移的协调区域发展机制,提出了优化我国农村人口迁移的相关政策路径.  相似文献   

This study presents an integrated framework for the analysis of options of agricultural development and natural resource management at the ecosystem level. Pujiang County in Zhejiang Province, China, is used as a case-study area. The IMGLP model is applied to maximize regional agricultural economic surplus and labor market conditions in Pujiang. The consequences of four poverty reduction strategies (intensification of production, diversification toward livestock production, land expansion, and exit from agriculture) are determined for a set of regional poverty and biodiversity indicators. Diversification seems to be the most promising poverty reduction strategy, but requires an efficient use of animal manure in cropping systems to avoid environmental problems. Improved nutrient management in cropping systems is effective in reducing the regional nitrogen surplus, but less effective in increasing per capita income. The exit strategy is beneficial for reducing poverty and achieving biodiversity, but may have important social consequences that are not addressed in this study. Further reduction of rural poverty is hampered by labor constraints during the harvesting period for high-value crops such as vegetables and fruits. These constraints can be overcome by intensive research and development in the field of agricultural mechanization.  相似文献   

选取西递村作为研究案例地,运用访谈法、参与观察、资料分析等调查方法探讨了西递旅游劳工移民类型划分和特征,研究了旅游劳工移民产生的原因和动力机制。根据旅游劳工移民所处职位可划分为4类,各类型特征差异明显。西递旅游业快速发展,舒适的乡村田园风光、旅游职业特性形成的特有拉力以及原居住地就业和工作压力大形成的推力共同作用,成为西递旅游劳工移民形成的主要原因,获取信息的途径和政府政策成为影响旅游劳工移民迁移的中间障碍。  相似文献   

女性人物是中外文学作品中最瑰丽多姿的形象群体,她们不但丰富了世界文学的多彩画廊,其背后显现与揭示的社会人生的深刻与广阔,带给我们无尽的享受和思索.在新世纪之初,女性文学理论及创作再度勃兴,文学中的女性人物的塑造也格外受人关注.本文拟就哈代笔下的苔丝与德来塞笔下的嘉莉这两个形象的塑造做一比照,并就其带来的启示和引发的思考进行阐述,以飨读者.  相似文献   

Conventional surplus production models indicate that destruction of fish populations by overfishing is difficult, if not impossible, but catastrophic declines in abundance of exploited populations are common. Surplus production models also do not predict large continuing fluctuations in yield, but large fluctuations in yield are common. Conventional surplus production models assume that fisheries do not impact the population's capacity to increase, but changes in age structure or a decrease in age-specific fecundity resulting from fishing can decrease the coefficient of increase. A surplus production model is developed in which fishing reduces the capacity of a population to increase; the model is applied to describe the fluctuations observed in yield of lake herring (Coregonus artedii) from the upper Great Lakes. The fisheries of the Great Lakes were decimated by the combined effects of heavy fishing and a changing environment. For some species, yield increased to high levels and then the fisheries collapsed; for other species, yield and effort fluctuated greatly.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展和劳动形成、结构的变化,社会上对马克思的劳动和劳动价值理论存在种种误解和曲解。技术进步、社会分工和生产的发展,科学技术工作和经营管理作为劳动的重要形式,在生产中发挥着越来越重要的作用。但马克思的劳动和劳动价值理论在当今世界没有过时和失效。  相似文献   

在计划经济体制下.农业不是也不可能成为一个独立产业,其结果只能是社会效益可观、经济效益甚微甚至倒贴,吃苦的是农民。社会主义市场经济体制的逐步确立,为农业走向市场带来了希望,首要的是确立市场经济观念。丘陵地区大搞农业资源的综合开发是使农业走向市场的重要途径,综合开发上了水平,实现“三高”农业就大有希望。搞农业综合开发的途径很多,但都必须以市场为导向、科技为先导、经济效益为中心,大搞农业产加销一条龙、贸工农一体化是提高农业综合开发整体水平、实现“三高”农业的必要途径。  相似文献   

Nitrogen regulates several ecological and biogeochemical processes and excess reactive nitrogen in the environment can lead to pollution problems, including the deterioration of air quality, disruption of forest processes, acidification of lakes and streams, and degradation of coastal waters. Much of the excess nitrogen inputs are related to food and energy production. An important step to understanding the sources of nitrogen and ultimately defining solutions to excess nitrogen is to describe the geographic distribution of agricultural nitrogen contributions from different regions. In this study, soil surface nitrogen loads were quantified for different states of India for the period 2000-2001. Nearly 35.4 Tg of nitrogen has been estimated as inputs from different sources, with output nitrogen from harvested crops of about 21.20 Tg. The soil surface nitrogen balance, estimated as inputs minus outputs, is found to be about 14.4 Tg surplus from the agricultural land of India. Livestock manure constituted a major percentage of total inputs (44.06%), followed by inorganic fertilizer (32.48%), atmospheric deposition (11.86%) and nitrogen fixation (11.58%). Nitrogen balance varied from deficit to surplus for different states. The highest nitrogen surplus was found in Uttar Pradesh (2.50 Tg) followed by Madhya Pradesh (1.83 Tg), Andhra Pradesh (1.79 Tg), etc. A negative nitrogen balance was found in Orissa (-0.01 Tg), Andaman Nicobar Islands (-0.32 Tg) and for some of the northeastern states. Major fertilizer consumption states were found to be Tamilnadu (204 kg/ha), Haryana (132 kg/ha), Punjab (148 kg/ha), followed by others. Similarly, nitrogen inputs from total livestock excretions were found to be high for Kerala (616 kg/ha), Jammu and Kashmir (389 kg/ha), Tamil Nadu (338 kg/ha), etc. The average nitrogen surplus of about 54 kg/ha observed for the agricultural land of the entire country of India is comparatively higher than the average surplus of about 31 kg/ha reported for European countries. These results, obtained from nutrient mass balance calculations, will be useful to formulate nutrient management plans relating to fertilizer usage, livestock management and for adopting some best management strategies at a state level in India.  相似文献   

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