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很多人都享用过麦当劳的炸薯条、炸鸡,基于食品卫生考虑,炸油的重复使用率不能太高,可以想见麦当劳每天会产生多少废油。不过这些废油可不是废物,经过饲料厂及化工厂点“油’城金,废油可摇身一变成为有用的饲料及香喷喷的肥皂。根据环保署的调查,台湾产生的废油估计每月有5500吨,可回收的废油比率高达70%,也就是说每个月有3850吨废油可回收再用。再利用的渠道包括制造肥皂、硬脂酸及成为饲料原料。废油送至肥皂制造厂,可制成香喷喷肥皂。例如永光肥皂就是利用废油制成的,南侨化工则利用废油制成硬脂酸。除了对西式快餐业辅导进行…  相似文献   

利用餐厨废油为原料代替石化原料合成多元醇,可以减少不可再生资源的消耗,同时实现餐厨废油的资源化利用,具有广阔的应用前景。文章综述了当前国内外以植物油、餐厨废油等为原料通过环氧-羟基化工艺合成聚氨酯用多元醇的研究现状。分析了环氧化工艺中利用过氧羧酸氧化法和无羧酸催化氧化法制备环氧油时使用的催化剂的优缺点。通过对利用植物油为原料合成多元醇的研究,为以餐厨废油制备多元醇提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   

四川省巴中罐头食品厂为了使生产废水中的废油不致白白地排入污水沟。1988年,该厂工程技术人员对肉类罐头生产废水进行了调查研究,提出了废油回收实施方案,投资5000元,建成的废油回收设施于1989年元月正式投产。将回收的废油生产出工业用油产品,即称“化工油”,是生产肥皂的重要原  相似文献   

介绍了国内外废油脂的产生及回收利用现状,研究了废油脂不同的处理利用技术,并重点分析了生物柴油技术的制备应用。  相似文献   

四鳗青、缠人蛇……世界各地观奇蛇沙特阿拉伯有一种无毒的“四鳗青”蛇,相貌可怕,连野兽见了也会吓得落荒而逃。当地居民将其精心喂养,让它看家护院,驱赶野兽。v西班牙有一种绿色气功蛇,平时爱在公路上爬行。汽车一来,它就将空气吸入气囊,并迅速布满全身。汽车从它身上  相似文献   

综述了我国工业固体废物处理利用行业2011年发展概况;介绍了目前国内大宗固体废物资源化技术、危险废物处理技术、餐厨垃圾处理技术、废油资源化技术的进展情况;提出要以循环经济理念治理固体废物污染,并分析探讨了城市层面发展循环经济的共性技术;就行业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正>食物垃圾和烹饪废油均可提取生物柴油,使用生物柴油可减少有害气体排放。残羹冷炙居然可以做燃料?是的。一项新技术将剩饭残渣和烹饪废油转化成清洁燃料,垃圾变成了再生能源的理想原料。馅饼蛋糕都能炼油顾客们在快餐店吃剩的蛋糕、馅饼丢掉可惜。近日,英国绿能公司"变废为宝",从食物残渣中提取食用油,制成生物  相似文献   

沙特阿拉伯有一种无毒的“四鳗青”蛇,相貌可怕,连野兽见了也会吓得落荒而逃,当地居民将其精心喂养,让它看家护院,驱赶野兽。  相似文献   

通过调查消费者和经营者对餐饮废油脂的处理方式,探讨餐饮废油脂制造生物柴油的可行性,介绍用餐饮废油脂制造生物柴油的方法。  相似文献   

废油基钻井液处理及油回收技术研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目前现场处理废油基钻井液一般采用集中填埋或回注地层方法,这不仅难以解决其污染问题,同时也浪费了其中所含有的大量柴油资源。通过大量的实验室和现场试验研究,使用“化学热洗-析油-离心”处理工艺,油回收率达到84%以上;研制开发出的清油剂-凝聚剂-絮凝剂化学热洗配方体系,适用于多种废油基钻井液的回收油处理,具有较好的工业推广应用前景。  相似文献   

自然环境试验信息及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍自然环境试验信息的概念和内涵,对其特点,组成和结构进行分析和划分;用简图表示其组成和结构,对所分各类信息的功能,用途,来源以及采集和应用要求进行说明。用实例介绍其应用。  相似文献   

生态建设与环境保护促进贵州旅游业持续发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈爱平  安和平  唐丽萍 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(11):1054-1056,1006
分析得出贵州旅游资源具有自然资源富集、自然景观奇特、民族文化资源浓厚、红色旅游资源宝贵而丰富、气候资源宜人等比较优势。从生态环境与旅游业可持续发展角度,探讨了生态建设、环境保护对贵州旅游业可持续发展的积极作用。针对贵州旅游业加快发展面临的生态环境问题,提出了加强生态环境保护促进贵州旅游业可持续发展的对策措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A colonization basket sampling technique for quantifying macroinvertebrates in rubble bottom rivers is described. Basket samplers were compared to collections made using the Surber square foot sampler. Procedure for processing samples is described. Macrobenthos were more accurately quantified by basket samplers because both surface and subsurface habitats were sampled, no organisms were lost when samplers were removed from the river, substrata and associated fauna were retained for analysis, and the samplers were used efficiently in both pool and riffle areas. At the end of the colonization period the basket samplers contained one-half cubic foot of river bottom and macroinvertebrates spatially arranged within.  相似文献   

贵州桦木资源现状与开发利用策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贵州桦木种类有7个,其中桦木属有4个种,桤木属有3个种。光皮桦和旱冬瓜是分布最广的两个种,全省各地均有分布。传统林业主产区的现有桦木资源数量比非主产区小,现有桦木资源以中、幼林为主,中、幼林的面积和蓄积超过98%,近、成熟林和过熟林资源相对非常少。贵州桦木资源开发利用应系统开展良种选育研究,加强抚育管理、综合改造"三低"林分,科学规划、合理布局良种基地,采用良种良法营造高效用材林基地。  相似文献   

In this paper, the utilisation of zeolites synthesised from fly ash (FA) and related co-disposal filtrates as low-cost adsorbent material were investigated. When raw FA and co-disposal filtrates were subjected to alkaline hydrothermal zeolite synthesis, the zeolites faujasite, sodalite and zeolite A were formed. The synthesised zeolites were explored to establish its ability to remove lead and mercury ions from aqueous solution in batch experiments, to which various dosages of the synthesised zeolites were added. The test results indicated that when increasing synthesised zeolite dosages of 5-20 g/L were added to the acid mine drainage (AMD) wastewater, the concentrations of lead and mercury in the wastewater were reduced accordingly. The lead concentrations were reduced from 3.23 to 0.38 and 0.17 microg/kg, respectively, at an average pH of 4.5, after the addition of raw FA zeolite and co-disposal filtrate zeolite to the AMD wastewater. On the other hand, the mercury concentration was reduced from 0.47 to 0.17 microg/kg at pH=4.5 when increasing amounts of co-disposal filtrate zeolite were added to the wastewater. The experimental results had shown that the zeolites synthesised from the co-disposal filtrates were effective in reducing the lead and mercury concentrations in the AMD wastewater by 95% and 30%, respectively.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of a basinwide water-quality study, nitrogen and phosphorus data for the Upper Colorado River Basin from the Colorado-Utah State line to the Continental Divide were analyzed for spatial distributions, concentrations associated with various land uses, and temporal trends. Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations generally increased in a downstream direction. Some nutrient concentrations were elevated at some sites in the upper parts of the basin in areas influenced by increasing urbanization. Sites were grouped according to land use and site type, and median nutrient concentrations were compared among groups. Sites within the agricultural areas of the basin generally had the highest concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus; concentrations for main-stem, tributary, and urbanization sites were slightly lower than for the agricultural sites. Background sites, or sites with minimal land-use impacts, had very low median nutrient concentrations. Several sites with long-term data were analyzed for temporal trends in concentrations. Several statistically significant downward trends of low and moderate magnitude were observed for nitrogen and phosphorus species. No upward trends were observed in the data at any site.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The streamflows of three tributaries, Siran, Haro, and Soan in the upper Indus River catchment in Pakistan were simulated using SSARR and Tank Models. Channel characteristics of the main Indus River were also determined using the two models. The basin characteristics were derived by trial and error method and were verified using the data for the period 1964–1970. Comparison of the two model performances showed that low flows were better reproduced by SSARR while the high flows were simulated with equal accuracy by both the models.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Bacterial populations in nontreated and herbicide-treated waters were subjected to three different herbicides. Diuron, dichlobenil, and diquat were added (100 mg/l) to water samples from two fresh water lakes and two herbicide-treated ponds. Total numbers of bacteria were monitored. Bacterial populations in fresh lake water decreased after herbicide additions; however, final populations were significantly greater than the controls. Similar observations were recorded for bacteria in dichlobenil- and diuron-treated waters. Selective enrichment is probably expressed in these experiments.  相似文献   

采用海藻酸钠微胶囊法和壳聚糖交联法对淀粉酶进行固定化,比较两种淀粉酶固定化方法的优劣。结果表明,两种固定化酶的活力回收分别为33.2%、26.6%,比活力分别为27.1U/mg蛋白、24.2U/mg蛋白,最适pH分别为5.0、8.0。海藻酸钠微胶囊法热稳定性、pH稳定性、操作稳定性、贮存稳定性明显高于壳聚糖交联法,因此海藻酸钠微胶囊法较佳,具有一定应用价值。  相似文献   

生化法烟气脱硫技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了SO2的来源及危害,综述了近年来烟气生化法脱硫的主要技术:烟道气脱硫的直接生物方法、间接生化方法、两步微生物脱硫法及生物化学法脱硫工艺,并介绍了其原理及应用现状,指出了主要优势技术各自存在的问题。对我国烟气生物脱硫技术的未来发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

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