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坡耕地垄作区田技术是东北农业大学著名耕作学教授沈昌蒲和黑龙江省水土保持科学研究所经过8年人工模拟降雨田间试验。天然小区测试、计算机辅助设计而应用在坡耕地上的一项水土保持耕作技术成果。现已建立了数学模型,并在黑龙江省哈尔滨市各县(市)进行了多年生产实践验证。该技术简单易行、省工省时、投资少、当年应用当年见效,体现了水土保持的经济、生态和社会效益三结合原则,短期和长期效益的统一,是一项适合我国小型农户和大型国营农场的水土保持耕作措施。1坡耕地垄作区田的基本原理垄作是黑龙江省农业的一大特点,垄作区田就是…  相似文献   

环境保护市场化若干问题探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在实践中如何实施环境保护市场化,实现环境保护产业化发展,本文就此对环境保护市场化所涉及的若干问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

耕耘土地的目的是利用。保护好现有耕地,虽然不能直接生产农产品,但是,要获得高额产量,必须有保护措施作为基本条件,其中综合的水土保持是重要的一项措施。根据水土保持规律,由于水的流失,引起了土的流失。因此,水土保持的基本任务是防治侵蚀,保土保水。水土流失最严重的场所是陡坡耕地。因此,对陡坡耕地进行综合的水土保持,意义十分重大。一、坡耕地水土保持的意义 1.我国坡耕地约占总耕地面积的70%以上,在山区的坡耕地占的比例则更大。如延安市(地处黄土高原丘陵沟壑区)的耕地中,<2°坡的耕地,仅占全市总耕地面积的3.1%,2—6°坡的耕地占  相似文献   

铁路建设单位加强水土保持工作管理能够有效减少水土流失及其危害,实现工程沿线生态环境的有效保护。从铁路建设单位水土保持工作管理角度入手,通过划定合理的水土保持工作管理原则,分析铁路工程建设不同阶段水土保持管理的重点工作及过程控制措施,探讨了以全过程、标准化、精细化管理为基础的水土保持工作管理方向,切实促进建设单位提高各项水土保持工作管理的质量和效能。  相似文献   

自水保法颁布实施以来,秦皇岛市的水土保持工作取得了巨大成效;全市共出台县级以上水土保持规范性文件15个;工程建设力度不断加大,综合治理水土流失面积1 619 km2;宣传教育活动深入开展,人们的水保意识普遍增强。然而,在新形势下还存在着宣传不到位、投入不足、治理思路老化、重治理轻预防、执法队伍素质低等诸多问题。因此,针对我市目前水土保持工作存在的问题,提出六项保证措施,推进水土保持工作健康发展。  相似文献   

本文阐述了我国草业科学研究与草业产业的现状,发展草业具有良好的经济、环境、社会效益,是实施西部大开发战略,改善自然与人类居住生态环境,促进畜牧业良性循环,实现西部农民小康目标的一条必由之路,更是国家生态安全的一项救国之策。草业科学研究与草业产业化发展将成为我国一个新的经济增长点。  相似文献   

水土保持工作是油气田安全生产、推进绿色生态文明建设的重要保障。鄂尔多斯盆地油气资源具有“低渗、低压、低丰度”的三低特性,油气开发过程用地分散、单点用地少、总量需求大,同时油区地形复杂多样、气候反差明显、自然环境脆弱,其水土保持更具重要性。文章结合鄂尔多斯盆地油气田勘探开发实际,总结经验,剖析案例,提出水土保持新思路,从超前部署、综合防治、强化监管、自主验收等方面阐述如何强化水土流失预防与治理工作,以期为该地区油气田企业勘探开发过程水土保持提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了解决陡峻地区输变电工程水土保持设施验收中难以获取真实全面塔位基面信息的难题,提出了应用测绘技术,采用无人机倾斜摄影建立三维实景模型的方法,实现了远距离、无风险获取陡峻地区塔位数据,用于计算水土保持验收中水土流失防治效果评价的六大指标,有效提高了水土保持验收工作的效率,三维实景模型方法可在工程实践中广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

高国荣 《绿叶》2020,(Z1):38-40
<正>在环境治理过程中,舆论动员、宣传教育是先导。结合美国水土保持治理的发展历程,谈一下20世纪30年代之前美国政府是如何向社会公众宣传水土保持重要性的,从而促进水土保持工作。水土流失问题的提出土地滥用在美国历史上一直都非常严重,这个问题直到世纪之交才受到社会关注。在19世纪末期,美国兴起了进步主义运动。人们寄望于政府,要求政府在推动社会  相似文献   

康维新 《青海环境》1998,8(4):145-148
生态环境是人类生存和社会发展的基础。改善生态环境,实施可持续发展战略,是我国各项事业必须坚持的一项基本政策。党的“十五大”报告明确提出“加强种树种草,搞好水土保持,防治沙漠化,改善生态环境”的可持续发展战略。江泽民总书记1997年对西北地区的生态环境...  相似文献   

Three innovations in water and soil conservancy technology in the Pearl River Delta of South China, i.e., dike building, land reclamation, and dike-pond systems, were examined from a historical perspective. They were found to best reflect local farmers' efforts to cope with the challenges of various water disasters and to build a harmonious relationship with the changed environment. These technologies were critical to the agricultural success and sustainability over the past 2000 years, and reflected local farmers' wisdom in balancing land use and environmental conservation. Imprudent use of a new agricultural technology could damage the environment, and could disturb the human-environment relationship, as evidenced by the more frequent flooding that followed inappropriate dike building and premature reclamation. It is suggested that as the urbanization and industrialization process in the delta region continues, the kind of thinking that made the water and soil conservancy sustainable needs to be incorporated into the design of similar technologies for water use and river basin management today.  相似文献   

浅谈开发建设项目水土保持方案的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据有关水土保持法律法规和技术规范,简明阐述了开发建设项目水土保持方案编制的有关规定和水土保持方案的主要工作内容,旨在宣传水保法规、推动我区水土保持,尤其是开发建设项目水土保持方案工作,为提高社会各界水土保持意识提供信息  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A framework for estimating the water quality benefits from soil erosion was developed. The framework is based on the linkages between soil erosion and offsite damages. The linkages are: erosion on the field, movement of eroded materials to waterways, impact of discharged material on water quality parameters, impact of water quality changes on ability of water to provide economic services, and the economic value of the changes in water use. These linkages need to be modeled in order to estimate the water quality benefits from reductions in soil erosion. Methods for modeling each link on a geographic level, which enables the analyses of national soil conservation, were examined. Areas where data or models were found to be lacking include transport of sediment and nutrients to water systems, impact of discharged materials on water quality parameters, and impact of water quality on ability of water to provide economic services. An economic evaluation of 1983 soil conservation programs was presented as an example of how the framework could be used. A number of simplifying assumptions were made to represent links that could not be modeled with available data.  相似文献   

文章对西南地区典型油气田建设工程水土保持措施的类型、工程量进行数理统计,监测评估水土保持措施体系的实施效果,对不同的工程单元分区利用多元相关分析方法,研究水土保持措施与实施效果之间的线性关系,进一步提出不同类型水土保持措施的优先等级。结果表明:当前油气田建设过程中,工程措施使用频率最高,植物措施与临时措施对水土保持效果最为显著。为西南油气田建设工程水土保持措施制定和实施提出指导性建议。  相似文献   

试论灌草在水土保持林中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年的生产实践和调查研究发现:水保林中的灌草对改良土壤、提高肥力、截持径流、保水保土等都有重要作用,因此在生态建设中要实行保护原有灌草植被、乔灌草混交等有利于保持水土、提高土地产出率的技术措施,使灌草的生态作用充分发挥出来。  相似文献   

若尔盖水源涵养重要生态服务功能区是全国50个重要生态服务功能区域之一,具有极重要的水源涵养生态服务功能。该区涵盖四川省境内的黄河流域区,面积约1.6×104km2,区内分布有涵水能力极强的沼泽土和泥炭土,对调节黄河径流时空分布具有非常重要的作用。本文利用地理信息系统技术,用土壤饱和蓄水量指标评价了本区的水源涵养生态服务...  相似文献   

Water pollution through loss of topsoil from farmland continues to be a major problem, despite nearly 50 years of providing farmers technical and financial assistance for soil and water conservation. The technology for controlling erosion and water pollution is available, but farmers have been slow in implementing control practices. Past research has shown that farmers tend to be unaware of the seriousness of the erosion problem on their own operations. Using a random sample of farmers from central Iowa, the relationship is examined between awareness of a soil erosion problem and the use of conservation tillage. Results indicate that awareness of a soil erosion problem effects the use of conservation tillage, and that awareness can be enhanced by experiential educational strategies such as the development and implementation of a soil and water conservation plan.  相似文献   

通过对四川省6个500kV输变电工程的水土保持设施验收技术评估工作,分析比较了上述工程水土流失防治责任范围在水土保持方案报告书(可研)阶段、工程建设期以及运行期的变化情况,结果表明建设期水土流失防治责任范围面积占水土保持方案报告书的50%~70%,运行期水土流失防治责任范围面积占建设期的30%~50%。  相似文献   

Xu XZ  Li MJ  Liu B  Kuang SF  Xu SG 《Environmental management》2012,49(5):1092-1101
A large number of soil and water conservation programs have been implemented on the Loess Plateau of China since the 1950s. To comprehensively assess the merits and demerits of the conservation practices is of great importance in further supervising the conservation strategy for the Loess Plateau. This study calculates the impact factors of conservation practices on soil, water, and nutrients during the period 1954–2004 in the Nanxiaohegou Catchment, a representative catchment in the Loess Mesa Ravine Region of the Loess Plateau, China. Brief conclusions could be drawn as follows: (1) Soil erosion and nutrient loss had been greatly mitigated through various conservation practices. About half of the total transported water and 94.8 % of the total transported soil and nutrients, had been locally retained in the selected catchment. The soil retained from small watersheds do not only form large-scale fertile farmland but also safeguard the Yellow River against overflow. (2) Check dam was the most appropriate conservation practice on the Loess Plateau. In the selected catchment, more than 90 % of the retained soil and water were accomplished by the dam farmland, although the dam farmland occupied only 2.3 % of the total area of all conservation measures. Retention abilities of the characteristic conservation practices were in the following order: dam farmland > terrace farmland > forest land and grassland. (3) The conservation practices were more powerful in retaining sediment than in reducing runoff from the Loess Plateau, and the negative effects of the conservation practices on reducing water to the Yellow River were relatively slight.  相似文献   

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