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文化商品化引起的民族文化保护和利用的问题思考是民族旅游地可持续发展关注的焦点问题。通过对民族旅游开发中出现的文化商品化现象进行过程分析,发现其中涉及到旅游伦理问题。从伦理学的道义论和后果论来思考民族旅游开发中文化商品化现象的实质伦理,认为民族旅游开发中出现的文化商品化现象能得到部分的伦理辩护。在文化商品化进程中应建立一种合理的程序伦理,包括在民族旅游开发中确立文化商品化评价的伦理原则,建立文化商品化的综合效用评估机制,提高利益相关主体的伦理素养和责任意识,扩大少数民族群体、社会公众、游客群体的参与,以便对民族旅游开发中的文化商品化进程进行科学有效的引导和管理。  相似文献   

林冠  陆锡江 《环境技术》2022,40(1):137-141
本文提出了一种气象雷达测试性试验方法,结合气象雷达的结构和功能,首先,进行了硬件法和功能法相结合的故障模式影响与危害性分析(FMECA),其次,采用最低可接受值试验方案确定试验样本量,然后,基于最小舍入误差排序的按比例分层抽样的样本量分配,最后,建立备选故障样本库,给出了一套完整的在研制阶段使用的测试性试验验证方案。利用这个方法,能够在研制阶段发现气象雷达测试性设计的不足,定量的给出气象雷达测试性指标是否符合协议规定,指导测试性改进,为产品定型和测试性设计与优化提供依据。  相似文献   

11月3日,工业与产品环境适应性圜家重点实验室自主建设的拉萨高原自然环境试验站顺利通过建设验收,并完成了200余件试验样品的投试。 拉萨试验站位于东经91°20’,北纬29°40’,海拔3688米,属于典型的岛原气候类型,场地试验面积约1000平方米。拉萨试验站严格按国家标准要求建设,安装了与美国Atlas试验站同型号的分光谱太阳辐射仪等气象设备,能够全面采集站点的太阳辐射、环境温湿度、降雨等气象数据,可面向汽车、光伏、涂料、建材、材料等众多行业开展材料(产品)的常规自然暴露试验,能够对材料(产品)的高原环境适应性进行科学评价。  相似文献   

气象信息系统是由气象通信系统和多媒体会议系统等应用系统、以及相关的网络基础设施等组成的、承担着实时气象数据传输和交换、预报预测和服务产品的收集与分发的业务系统。而一个完善的机房供配电系统是保证气象信息系统内各用电设备可靠运行的基本条件。虽然利用UPS电源可实现对设备的持续供电,也可利用UPS的断电报警功能对线路的运行实现简单监控,但是,如果UPS电源和值班室不在同一空间,UPS自带的报警声传输距离有限,值班员往往听不到UPS的报警声,也无法及时得到市电停电的消息,值班员知道停电的时刻也是UPS放电完毕设备停机的时刻。因此,对UPS电源输入端的供电系统的监控同样十分重要。文章利用解决上述问题的工作实际,设计了利用继电器实现气象信息系统计算机机房断电报警电路,结合市场上已有的报警装置,实现了对气象信息系统计算机机房断电报警以及将报警信息利用手机和电话进行无线传输的功能。  相似文献   

处于社会主义初级阶段的我国,正在发展有计划的商品经济。而环境资源管理问题是整个经济体系的一个组成部分,因此提出和探讨环境资源商品化问题并非无益。众所周知:在生产投入中主要消耗土地、矿产、动植物、水和空气等,使资源减少,生态失去平衡,因此必须投资加以恢复,保护资源和生态平衡;在产出中过去往往只注意到了产品而忽略了产生的废弃物,这些废  相似文献   

生态购买是西部生态建设的新战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态购买是我国西北地区的强烈要求,也是我国“只能保证过程,不能保证结果”生态建设模式的反思结果。“国有私营”生态购买初衷是政府收购生态建设的产品,既帮助农户脱贫致富,又确保生态建设产品的形成、巩固和转化利用。生态购买以生态建设成果(生态产品)为投资管理的重点,确保生态产品形成效率和转化利用速度,生态效益转化为经济效益。生态购买不仅使生态产品商品化和货币化,实现“生态致富”,更为重要的是培育市场意识、思维、文化,加速培育生态建设市场,充分发挥市场机制的作用,整合社会资源和力量,增强生态建设的实力、能力、吸引力和竞争力。本文经济角度和政策层面.探讨生态购买的产生背景、概念、内涵、原理、功能、方法、程序等。为生态购买的实施提供启发和对策。  相似文献   

农业科技成果的商品化问题陶万珍,姜家山,高成(安徽省农科院,合肥230031)农业科技成果作为一种资源已是共识,但这些资源能否成为一种商品并使之商品化的问题,至今尚未见报道。因此,本文以商品的属性,分析了农业科技成果商品化问题。l农业科技成果商品化处...  相似文献   

近年来,随着青海经济的发展和西部大开发战略的实施,在青海省举办的重大活动逐渐增多,对气象服务的需求日益增长。由于重大活动受天气制约因素大,对气象服务的要求高,气象保障成为重大活动组织实施和运行体系中必不可少的组成部分,因此,重大活动气象保障服务工作已成为气象部门关注的重点。文章立足于业务实践,结合青海省气象保障服务典型案例进行了总结和分析,并就如何做好重大活动气象保障服务工作进行了思考与探讨,旨在为进一步做好重大活动气象保障服务工作提供参考和借鉴,更好地发挥气象服务效益。  相似文献   

正公司简介安徽蓝盾光电子股份有限公司是国家重点高新技术企业,公司在光学、电子及信息技术、精密机械制造等领域积累了四十余年丰富的科研、生产经验。公司主要致力于环境和气象监测仪器、智能交通产品及其管理系统、雷达等三大行业。树立"主动服务,为用户创造价值""尽心尽力、尽善尽美"的服务理念,公司在15个中心城市建立了分公司、在31个省会城市建立了服务中心,  相似文献   

川西平原比利时杜鹃商品化盆栽技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文结合川西平原的气候特点和多年栽培实践,阐述了比利时杜鹃的生物学特性及生志习性,提出了特别是元旦、春节等节日用花的商品化盆栽技术要求.  相似文献   

Sugar production is a major agro-based industry in India that generates various solid wastes viz. sugarcane trash, bagasse, press mud and bagasse fly ash. This work examines the state-of-the-art in innovative value added products that can be obtained from the transformation of these wastes. Challenges in implementing these waste valorization solutions are also highlighted. It is observed that the extent of research and adoption of these solutions vary considerably. Both industry involvement as well as government encouragement is required in translating the research findings into commercial products.  相似文献   

农药的施用关系到农产品质量安全问题。本文以浙江省某村农药管理与施用为例,通过对政府部门、镇农技站、农资销售点和农民等相关方的访谈,从农业发展战略高度系统思考农产品安全问题的成因与对策。指出农药施用过程监管的缺失和结果监管的缺位仅是表象,其根本原因在于农民的组织化程度低导致监管成本高、农技服务不到位。提出多功能农业发展定位的确立、制度创新基础上农业生产服务体系的优化以及村委会角色责任的调整是应对之策。  相似文献   

The recent Green Paper ‘War on Waste’ urges local authorities to organize the recovery and re-use of waste materials in their areas. It is ambiguous, however, on the question of whether recovery should be regarded primarily as a commercial venture or a social service. In this article some of the factors to be considered before embarking on a recovery programme are discussed, and the authors identify some of the arguments for and against the view that recovery is properly a local authority service. Questions considered include the costs and savings associated with a recovery scheme, the impact of the activities of opportunists and the role of the private contractor and voluntary organizations.  相似文献   

The half-lives of some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in environmental compartments such as soil and air can be as long as decades. In spite of the hydrophobicity of many POPs, the literature contains reports of their uptake by, and translocation through, a variety of plants. Both these observations prompt the investigation of whether a vegetation-based environmental compartment such as compost contains significant residues of POPs. Previous reports imply that residues of technical chlordane will be found in compost. Due to its physicochemical properties, technical chlordane provides insights into the fate of POPs in the environment, which are not accessible through determinations of other pollutants in this group. Accordingly, we undertook the first comprehensive examination of technical chlordane residues in a variety of composts, specifically, 13 commercial and 39 municipal compost products, to both characterize and quantify the magnitude of this point source of contamination. Using chiral gas chromatography interfaced to ion trap mass spectrometry, the concentration and the compositional and enantiomeric profiles of chlordane components were determined. Of the 13 commercial products, 9 contained detectable chlordane concentrations, ranging from 4.7 to 292 microg/kg (dry wt.), while all 39 municipal products contained chlordane residues ranging from 13.9 to 415 microg/kg (dry wt.). The residue concentrations and profiles suggest possible feedstock sources for the chlordane in the finished compost product. The data also support the conclusion that some composts contribute to anthropogenic cycling of POPs through the biosphere.  相似文献   

游客市场细分研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
了解游客需求是旅游产品规划、开发和市场营销的前提,把握客源市场的一个重要途径是进行市场细分。旅游企业针对不同的细分市场,采用不同的营销手段,提供相应的产品和服务,才能使游客拥有更好的旅游经历。根据四川省旅游游客的需求进行市场细分,采用聚类分析方法将游客市场分为6类:康乐型游客、享乐型游客、规矩型游客、消极型游客、商务型游客和求知型游客。在此基础上,分析了6类游客的人口特征及其市场营销的意义。  相似文献   

电子产品环境试验能力数据库的开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文概述了一套电子产品环境试验能力数据库的开发情况。该数据库收集和整理了目前国内电子产品环境试验能力的各种信息,并在计算机技术的基础上,于服务方与客户方之间建立了一种长期以及动态的网络数据共享关系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of influence of various factors on municipal water consumption in Illinois. For the collection of basic data, questionnaires were sent to all public water works of incorporated towns. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on factors which may have any effect on water use. The effects of the different parameters on water consumption were based on several correlation and regression combinations of predictands and predictors. It was found that in the Chicago region the percent of services and water used for commercial and industrial purposes and the age of the water works were the most important parameters influencing water consumption (gallons per capita per day) when pumpage is metered at the water works as well as at the customers. For the State, excluding the Chicago region, percent of public water use, persons per service, population and commercial and industrial water use were the most important parameters. It has been recommended that similar statistical analysis be conducted periodically to establish a trend or law of change from the influencing parameters.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines how privatisation and liberalisation of electricity provision is reconstructing energy consumption practices. The paper discusses the commercial restructuring of the electricity industry in the UK over the last four years, illustrating how a reconfiguration of production and consumption interests is transforming the utility marketplace: differentiating the value of resource units, distinguishing between infrastructure suppliers and stratifying utility customers. This process is shown to be resulting in differential forms of service provision as utility companies actively engage with more lucrative customers, presenting opportunities for environmental innovation, while disengaging from unprofitable customers and heightening social polarisation.  相似文献   

等离子体热解废弃轮胎的产物包括可燃气、固体产物两部分,本文利用工业分析、元素分析、SEM扫描、XPS表面分析、NMR分析等手段考察了等离子体热解固体产物的特性,并与轮胎工业用碳黑做了对比研究。研究结果表明,废轮胎等离子体热解固体产物可作为热解碳黑进行回收利用。  相似文献   


This paper critically examines how privatisation and liberalisation of electricity provision is reconstructing energy consumption practices. The paper discusses the commercial restructuring of the electricity industry in the UK over the last four years, illustrating how a reconfiguration of production and consumption interests is transforming the utility marketplace: differentiating the value of resource units, distinguishing between infrastructure suppliers and stratifying utility customers. This process is shown to be resulting in differential forms of service provision as utility companies actively engage with more lucrative customers, presenting opportunities for environmental innovation, while disengaging from unprofitable customers and heightening social polarisation.  相似文献   

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