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本文通过对芦笋的高产栽培技术与开发利用研究,提出黑龙江省可扩大芦笋的种植面积,形成开发利用规模,为发展乡镇企业开创一条致富门路,并满足黑龙江市场需求。  相似文献   

本方法是一种以幼芽、茎尖和花梗作为外植体的绿芦笋组织培养生产方法,具有时间短、增殖率高和可进行全年生产的优点。绿芦笋的生产可实现大规模的工业生产,不受时间、季节和地理位置的限制。普通的蔬菜技术人员通过学习和培训,完全可以进行培育。绿芦笋在北纬40°可正常生长,在没有大棚的条件下,冬天在冻土中过冬,来年春天照常收割采摘;在长江以北黄河中下游也可种植绿芦笋的组织培养生产法  相似文献   

芦笋是百合科天门冬属中的食用种,《神农本草经》中将天门冬列为“上品之上”:“天门冬,味苦、平。主诸暴风湿偏痹,强骨髓,杀三虫,去伏尸,久服轻身益气延年,一名颠勒。”现代医学证明,芦笋几乎对所有癌症都具有一定的疗效。芦笋中的组织蛋白、芦丁、甘露聚糖、胆碱、叶酸、硒与核酸、精氨酸、天冬酰胺都是人体所缺少的物质。其中,组织蛋白是一种能使细胞生长正常化的物质,具有防止癌细胞扩散的功能,对淋巴腺癌、膀胱癌、皮肤癌以及肾结石等均有特殊疗效。硒能消除体内产生的各种有害自由基,抑制致癌物的活力。天冬酰胺对人体有许多特殊的生理作用,能利小便,对水肿、肾炎、痛风、尿砂等都有一定效果。天冬酰胺在天冬酰胺酶的  相似文献   

栀子是一种常用的中药材,系茜草料多年生常绿灌木,药用其果实,性凉味苦,有清热解毒凉血等功效。栀子易种好管,适应性强,耐旱、耐贫瘠,少虫害,种后可多年受益。人工种植栀子的方法如下: 1、选地:栀子适应性强,各类山地均可种,以向阳肥沃的山坡、路旁、零星土地种植为宜。  相似文献   

芦笋可乐饮料的加工严鸿芦笋被誉为世界十大名菜之一,其嫩茎营养丰富,每100g鲜笋含蛋白质1.8g、糖3.3g、胡萝卜素0.34mm、维生素C12mm,以及0.71%~0.96%的非蛋白含氨物质──天冬酰胺;此外,还含有大量的细织蛋白、叶酸和核酸。这些...  相似文献   

四川盆地自发地、零星种植再生稻已有一千多年的历史,但由于社会生产水平等因素的制约,产量不高不稳,一直未形成一种耕作制度。近年来,由于人口增加和耕地减少的矛盾日益突出,人们对粮食的需求不断增加,加上再生力较强的水稻品种、温室育秧等新技术的出现及农业生产条件的改善,为再生稻的发展创造了条件。1988年我省再生稻种植面积达到了424万亩,亩产83kg,对增加粮食产量起到了积极的作用。因  相似文献   

草豆蔻的栽培与利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
草豆蔻为多年生草本药用植物,其种子团为传统中药材,并可用作食品调味剂;茎杆麻可编织保健用品和工艺品,具有很重要的经济价值.介绍了草豆蔻的形态特征、生长习性、栽培管理技术及其用途,并对其综合利用价值、市场需求和种植效益进行了探讨.  相似文献   

哈密伊吾淖毛湖是一个干旱缺水地区,生态环境十分脆弱.干旱缺水地区如何提高水的利用效益,如何发展有机农业?伊吾县淖毛湖农场通过多年研究探索,采用膜下滴灌技术种植有机晚熟哈密瓜,较好地解决了这一问题.将节水灌溉技术与发展有机食品有效结合,节约了宝贵的水资源,扩大了灌溉面积.提高了有机哈密瓜的品质,改善了生态环境.对加快缺水地区的农业产业化、推进干旱区域的高效农业、提高水的利用率方面有积极示范推广作用.  相似文献   

正今天,每当有人漫步在具有近70年建校历史的青岛市南仲小学的校园时,向南望去,一块绿色植物映衬下的"百草园"牌匾就会醒目地映入眼帘。说起"百草园",这要追溯到多年以前,当初学校为了进一步完善校园格局,决定打造一块其功能定位在以学生自主种植为主的综合实践基地——"百草园",目的一是为了让这所老学校借此开辟一片生机,以融入时代发展的潮流;二是为学生们提供一块开展课外环保实践活动的自然角,让他们在绿意  相似文献   

正在连江,还有一位远近闻名的百姓河长,七十多岁的杨明栋先生。十多年来,从捡拾小区草地上的垃圾,到捡拾海漂垃圾、河道垃圾,年年种植绿化苗木,又在小学开讲座。闽江,福建省的第一大河流,年径流量比黄河还要大;充沛的江水孕育了2200多年的福州城。鳌江,在省内排名第六,发源于宁德的古田,流经闽侯、晋安、罗源,由连江出海。当福州饮用水捉襟见肘的时候,鳌江被饮水  相似文献   

桂西北扶贫产业--蔬菜冬季设施栽培的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在桂西北冬季和早春露地栽培辣椒、黄瓜较困难的情况下,利用设施栽培早熟蔬菜比一般露地栽培提早上市30天~45天,产量达375万kg/ha,获得了较好的经济效益,可作为异地扶贫回收资金较快的支柱产业之一  相似文献   

基于高分数据的村级地块面向对象分类方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对农作物对地抽样调查工作中村级抽样单元野外调查工作量大的问题,研究了一种基于高分数据的村级农作物种植面积提取方法。以辽宁省北镇市孟家村SPOT5遥感影像为实验数据(主要包括农田、裸地、道路、大棚、水体、房屋等类型),基于eCognition平台,根据局部方差法筛选地物最优分割尺度,按照最优分割尺度从大到小组织实验区地物分割次序,结合影像对象的光谱、形状等特征,建立分类规则,完成了村级农作物种植面积的提取。该方法有效避免了在影像分割时参数反复试错带来的复杂性和随机性,提高了农作物种植面积面向对象分类精度和效率。通过野外调查样地进行精度验证表明,精度达到90.4%,为提高农作物种植面积对地抽样调查工作效率,减少野外调查的工作量提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Reforestation Strategies Amid Social Instability: Lessons from Afghanistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Foreign and domestic government agencies and other international organizations pursue reforestation programs in rural upper watershed areas of Afghanistan over the past decade to alleviate poverty, combat the insurgency and rehabilitate a depleted forest resource base. Popular programs incorporate cash-for-work to conduct hillside terracing, check dam construction and tree-planting for nut production, fuel wood, timber, dune stabilization, and erosion abatement. Programmatic approaches have varied as a function of accessibility, security and local objectives. Uncertain land tenure and use rights, weak local environmental management capacity, and a focus on agricultural production to meet immediate needs limit interest, nationally and locally. Unreliable security, a lack of high quality tree planting stock, limited technical knowledge and coordination among government agencies, and poor security hamper program expansion. Reforestation success would be most likely where these issues are least acute. The Afghan government should focus on supporting community based natural resource management, developing and disseminating improved conservation tree nursery strategies, and promoting watershed management schemes that incorporate forestry, range management and agronomic production. Reforestation practitioners could benefit from the human and material resources now present as part of the international war effort. Successes and failures encountered in Afghanistan should be considered in order to address similar problems in insecure regions elsewhere when reforestation may help reverse environmental degradation and contribute to broader social stabilization efforts.  相似文献   

The notion of creating marine protected areas (MPAs) in the high seas has been hailed as “an idea whose time has come”, and advocates are calling for them to be part of a global representative system to be established by 2012. It is argued in this paper that embedding the high seas MPA concept in the macro-goal of a global representative system subsumes more pragmatic and politically acceptable “micro-actions”. Development of politically contentious policy proposals such as high seas MPAs may have a better chance of success if they proceed by increments and are negotiated outside the limelight of a full scale, temporally defined global project. The following paper critically analyses the salience of international environmental agreements in the context of high seas MPAs and suggests a prototype MPA established by means of a negotiated agreement between a small number of countries which share political will and technological capacity to make a difference. Modelled on the recently implemented Titanic Accord, the prototypical high seas MPA would allow parties to develop a collaborative, rules-based regime which could be used to manage the actions of citizens involved in activities that may have a negative impact on the specified area.  相似文献   

We study the optimal hardwood tree planting decision on reclaimed surface coal mines in the Appalachian region using a mine operator-focused, expected cost model that recognizes costs of preparing the site for tree planting, unit costs of planting seedlings, and opportunity costs of reforestation treatments and the performance bond. We also consider the possibility of failed initial attempts by incorporating the probability of reforestation success, based on empirical seedling ,survival rates and regulated tree survival standards, as well as fixed and unit costs of returning for additional planting. Optimal planting levels from 319 to 780 trees per acre and expected costs from $1049 to $2338 were found using simulations over a range of unit planting costs, fixed costs of replanting, tree survival standards, and interest rates. Further simulations compared optimal planting across un-weathered gray sandstone and weathered brown sandstone substrate materials, finding gray sandstone to be associated with lower expected costs. We conclude that optimal planting density and expected reforestation cost are sensitive to economic parameters, regulations, and planting substrate materials; and those policies influencing these factors may have substantial impact on reforestation outcomes and the choice of post-mining land use by mine operators. Our study provides a framework for understanding forest reclamation decisions that incorporates incentives faced by the mine operators who develop and implement the plans for mine reclamation, including forestry.  相似文献   

Reclaimed Appalachian surface mined lands have difficulty in sustaining native deciduous forest communities. Establishing prairie communities could increase ecosystem function; however, a native model system does not exist. We evaluated establishment of 15 North American prairie grasses as monocultures on reclaimed mine soil in southeast Ohio in four randomized complete blocks planted May 2005 and 2006. Population density was assessed 30 d after planting (30 DAP) and in October of the planting year (YR1) and second year following planting (YR2) and expressed as percentage of viable seeds sown (PVSS). Canopy cover of nonnative species reestablishing in the plots was measured in 2007. Eastern gamagrass ( L.) population was >50 PVSS in all censuses. Western wheatgrass [ (Rydb.) A. L?ve] was initially 7 PVSS at 30 DAP, but increased to 154 PVSS by YR2 from rhizomes spreading into gaps. Big bluestem ( Vitman) was 7 PVSS at 30 DAP and 4 PVSS at YR2. Blue grama [ (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths] and sideoats grama [ (Michx.) Torr.] did not survive past YR1. Gaps left from poor stand establishment were primarily recolonized by nonnative Kentucky bluegrass ( L.) in the 2005 planting and birdsfoot trefoil ( L.) in the 2006 planting, but was least in eastern gamagrass and tall dropseed [ (P. Beauv.) Kunth]. This research demonstrates the potential for increasing diversity and species richness on mine soil habitats with regionally native grasses that could increase functional quality through ecological resilience.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to assess the effect of crop and planting pattern on levels of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and copper (Cu) in crops grown in soil contaminated by electronic waste. The crops were maize (Zea mays L. var. Shentian-1), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. Zhongshu-4), cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. Jingfeng-1), and pakchoi (Brassica chinensis (L.) Makino. var. Youdonger-Hangzhou). The planting patterns were crop monoculture, crop co-planted with a legume, and crop co-planted with another crop. Metal concentrations in the edible parts of the crops varied with types of metals and crops. Pb concentration was higher in leafy vegetables (cabbage and pakchoi) than in maize or tomato, Cd concentration was higher in tomato and pakchoi than in maize or cabbage, and Cu concentration was higher in maize and pakchoi than in tomato or cabbage. Metal concentrations in the edible part were also influenced by planting pattern. Relative to monoculture, co-planting and especially co-planting with Japanese clover tended to decrease Pb accumulation and increase Cd accumulation. According to the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) standard of the National Standard Agency in China, only maize (under all planting patterns) could be safely consumed. Because co-planting tended to increase Cd accumulation even in maize, however, the results suggest that maize monoculture is the optimal crop and planting pattern for this kind of contaminated soil.  相似文献   

Decades of plowing have depleted organic C stocks in many agricultural soils. Conversion of plowed fields to pasture has the potential to reverse this process, recapturing organic matter that was lost under more intensive cropping systems. Temperate pastures in the northeast USA are highly productive and could act as significant C sinks. However, such pastures have relatively high biomass removal as hay or through consumption by grazing animals. In addition, the ability to sequester C decreases over time as previously depleted stocks are replenished and the soil returns to equilibrium conditions. The objective of this research was to use eddy covariance systems to quantify CO(2) fluxes over two fields in central Pennsylvania that had been managed as pastures for at least 35 yr. Net ecosystem exchange measurements averaged over 8 site-years suggested that the pastures were acting as small net C sinks of 19 g C m(-2) yr(-1) (positive values indicate uptake). However, when biomass removal and manure deposition were included to calculate net biome productivity, the pastures were a net source of -81 g C m(-2) yr(-1) (negative values indicate loss to the atmosphere). Manure generated from the hay that was consumed off site averaged 18 g C m(-2) yr(-1). Returning that manure to the pastures would have only partially replenished the lost C, and the pastures would have remained net C sources. Heavy use of the biomass produced on these mature pastures prevented them from acting as C sinks.  相似文献   

Despite a decrease in indigenous forests and a growing demand for tree products in developing countries, tree planting activities are not considerably expanding in Tanzania. In this paper, we analyse factors that influence households’ tree planting behaviour, as well as the number of trees planted. Coast and Morogoro regions in the east of Tanzania were selected as the case, and data was gathered from 202 households in 11 villages in these regions where tree planting programmes have been or still are active. A Heckman model is used to analyse the factors that drive tree planting behaviour. Results indicate that households get wood energy from forest reserves (57%), in addition to their own planted trees (9.1%). Emperical findings show that the most important factors have significantly positive effects on households’ tree planting behaviour, as well as the extent to which it was implemented. These factors include households’ land sizes, households’ awareness of tree planting programmes, tree planting for wood energy, and the age of the head of the household. The right/freedom to harvest and transport tree products, households’ attitudes towards tree planting, and family size have significantly negative effects on households’ tree planting behaviour. This paper is perhaps the first comprehensive study to analyse the factors that influence households’ tree planting behaviour in Tanzania, and it uncovers results that are useful, even for other developing countries with similar conditions.  相似文献   

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