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Removal of heavy metals by biosorption   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Industrialization and urbanization have resulted in increased releases of toxic heavy metals into the natural environment comprising soils, lakes, rivers, groundwaters and oceans. Research on biosorption of heavy metals has led to the identification of a number of microbial biomass types that are extremely effective in bioconcentrating metals. Biosorption is the binding and concentration of adsorbate from aqueous solutions by certain types of inactive and dead microbial biomass. The novel types of biosorbents presently reviewed are grouped under fungal biomass, biomass of non-living, dried brown marine algae, agricultural wastes and residues, composite chitosan biosorbent prepared by coating chitosan, cellulose-based sorbents and bacterial strains. The reports discussed in this review collectively suggest the promise of biosorption as a novel and green bioremediation technique for heavy metal pollutants from contaminated natural waters and wastewaters.  相似文献   

微生物淋滤法去除城市污泥中重金属的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以广州市城市污泥作为培养介质,利用以硫代硫酸钠作为生长基质进行生命活动的氧化亚铁硫杆菌(T.f]和氧化硫硫杆菌(T.t)来淋滤去除污泥中的重金属,研究了不同底物含量及不同驯化污泥接菌量对重金属去除效果的影响.结果表明,在无驯化污泥接种的条件下,最佳基质投配率为10 g·L-1;驯化污泥接种培养可以缩短污泥的酸化周期,并且在相同投配比条件下,接种培养较不接种培养的去除效果明显提高.驯化污泥接种量为10%、投配比为7 g·L-1时,污泥中主要超标元素Cu、Zn、Cd和Ni的去除率分别达到67.2%,88.9%,82.4%,和68.4%.同时,处理后污泥中的重金属含量可满足污泥农用的国家标准.  相似文献   

The rapid growth of the human population and industrialization in the world has indirectly increased environmental problems such as water, air and land pollution. Amongst all, heavy metals can be considered as the most problematic pollutants. Numerous efforts have been attempted to minimize the impact of heavy metals. This chapter discusses the recent developments and technical applicability of different treatment methods for heavy metal removal. The adsorption process using various low-cost materials as the potential alternative for heavy metal removal is being highlighted and summarized.  相似文献   

生物可降解络合剂聚天冬氨酸治理土壤重金属污染   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤重金属污染会产生严重的生态环境问题,土壤淋洗技术可达到土壤修复的目的,其中络合剂的选择是达到安全、有效修复效果的关键.聚天冬氨酸(PASP)可生物降解,对环境安全.文章选择PASP作为重金属的络合剂,研究其修复土壤重金属污染的效果.结果表明,PASP对金属离子Cd、Zn和Ca均有较好的提取率,均超过50%,并且络合剂/重金属的摩尔比越高,提取效果越好,受pH的影响就越少,提取速率开始比较快,而后趋于平缓.在PASP络合物的形态分布中,在pH较低阶段,PASP-Cd络合物所占的比例较大,随着pH的升高,PASP-Zn和PASP-Ca的比例增加,同时微生物对聚天冬氨酸的降解作用对治理效果产生负面影响.PASP可作为环保型的络合剂,达到修复土壤重金属污染的目的.  相似文献   

Removal of Cu2+, Cd2+, Pb2+, and Zn2+ from aqueous solutions by activated carbon prepared from stems and seed hulls of Cicer arietinum, an agricultural solid waste, has been studied. The influence of various parameters, such as pH, contact time, adsorbent dose, and initial concentration of metal ions on removal was evaluated. The activated carbon was characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and elemental analysis. Sorption isotherms were studied using Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. All experimental sorption data were fitted to the sorption models using nonlinear least-squares regression. The maximum adsorption capacity values for activated carbon prepared from Cicer arietinum waste for metal ions were 18 mg g?1 (Cu2+), 18 mg g?1 (Cd2+), 20 mg g?1 (Pb2+), and 20 mg g?1 (Zn2+), respectively. The Freundlich isotherm model fit was best, followed by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. Desorption studies were carried out with dilute hydrochloric acid for quantitative recovery of the metal ions and for regeneration of the adsorbent.  相似文献   

J. Overnell 《Marine Biology》1976,36(4):335-342
The orientation of the opportunist, sublittoral barnacle Balanus trigonus is investigated. Water movement is the primary orientation stimulus for this species, but this effect may be modified by the influence of light acting in opposition to it. The barnacles orientate at right angles to the axis of wave-surge movement, and observations of feeding behaviour showed that in this position the cirral net could be swivelled 90° each way to make best use of both the advancing, and the reversing, water flow. In a steady unidirectional tidal current the barnacles aligned themselves so as to beat with the water flow, and observation suggests that stroking with the flow is more efficient than forcing the cirral net against the motion of the water. It is suggested that, for an opportunist short-lived species such as B. trigonus which is subjected to high predation rates, there is considerable selection pressure for rapid growth and early sexual maturity. To achieve this in a filterfeeding organism for which food is limiting, food collection must be as efficient as possible. B. trigonus has adopted a system of orientation to a variety of water movement regimes that allows efficient food collection over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

不同改良剂对重金属污染农田水稻产量和重金属吸收的影响   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
探讨了石灰、过磷酸钙和有机物等改良剂的应用对水稻(oryzasativa)产量和重金属吸收的影响。实验共四种处理:T1,对照;T2,石灰(0.25kg·m-2);T3,石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2);T4,石灰 过磷酸钙 有机物(0.90kg·m-2)。叶面喷施的处理方法研究不多,因此结合在水稻的孕穗期喷施KH2PO4(0.3%)溶液研究喷施途径的处理效果。结果显示,T3处理即石灰 过磷酸钙(0.40kg·m-2),对于降低水稻体内的重金属含量效果最好,与对照相比,米中的Pb、Zn和Cd分别下降了61.8%、14.1%和45.1%,同时也使水稻茎叶中的Pb和Zn分别比对照下降8.1%和4.3%。另外,在水稻的叶面喷施KH2PO4溶液将水稻的产量从0.61kg·m-2提高到0.68kg·m-2,并且这种喷施措施也能有效地降低水稻中的重金属含量。  相似文献   

利用硫杆菌淋滤电镀污泥中的重金属(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从广东云浮硫铁矿矿山酸性废水中分离得一株氧化亚铁硫杆菌(Thiobacillus ferrooxdans),从新兴县含硫化氢温泉中分离得一株氧化硫硫杆菌 (Thiobacillus thiooxidans), 并将其应用于电镀污泥的生物淋滤的研究,该污泥含铬、镍及铜分别为80.74 g/kg自然风干污泥、37.34g/kg自然风干污泥和13.42 g/kg自然风干污泥.利用未经驯化的氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌,以底物类型、菌液比、初始pH值和污泥浓度为四个因素,设置3个水平进行L9(34)正交实验,得出电镀污泥的最适淋滤条件:污泥浓度0.1%、硫酸亚铁和硫代硫酸钠作底物、菌液比T.f:T.t=:1:1、初始pH值2.0.为了将分离得的两种硫杆菌应用于更高浓度的电镀污泥,对所得菌进行驯化,以提高该菌种的重金属耐性,并应用于高浓度污泥的生物淋滤.经过驯化后的细菌,成功地适应了电镀污泥环境.结合上述最适条件,加入了合适的营养底物及还原剂之后,电镀污泥中的重金属,如铜、镍等,在30℃酸性好氧的环境中,能够在7天内被有效地淋滤出来,混合菌对污泥浓度为0.5%的污泥中铜的滤出率达90%以上,镍的滤出率40%以上;对1%的污泥的淋滤效果较差;对铬的淋滤效果不明显.本文还讨论了两株硫杆菌对高毒性电镀污泥的适应性.即在一定的污泥浓度范围内,氧化亚铁硫杆菌和氧化硫硫杆菌能够氧化底物,并产生硫酸将污泥中的重金属溶解,两株硫杆菌能够加快镍和铜的滤出效率.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation technology is regarded as a simple and efficient way to remove heavy metals from contaminated soil. A reasonable disposal of metal hyperaccumulators is always and resource-saving. The a major issue in waste reuse heavy metal-accumulating Cynondon dactylon (L.) was investigated where heavy metals were desorbed by a facile acid-treatment. The result indicated that more than 90% of heavy metals (Zn, Pb and Cu) was extracted from Cynondon daetylon with 0.2 mmol· L^-1 HCl. The plant residue was used to adsorb heavy metals ions. The adsorption fitted the Langmuir isotherm model with the saturation adsorption capacity of 9.5 mg·g^-1 Zn^2+, 36.2 mg·g^-1 Pb2+ and 12.9 mg·g^-1 Cu^2+, and the surface eomplexation and the backfilling of heavy metal imprinting cavities existed simultaneously during the adsorption. The treatment of wastewaters indicated that the plant residue exhibited a high removal rate of 97% for Cu. Also, the material could be recycled. The method offers a new disposal approach for heavy metal hyperaccumulator.  相似文献   

Trace amounts of heavy metals have been analysed by electrochemical techniques in ecstasy tablets obtained from different police seizures in Spain. Lead, cadmium, copper and zinc were determined by differential-pulse anodic stripping voltammetry at a hanging mercury drop electrode, whereas nickel and cobalt were determined by adsorptive differential-pulse cathodic stripping voltammetry from their dimethylglyoxime complexes, M(DMG)2. The performance of the procedure was compared with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The procedure was applied to the determination of these elements in nine ecstasy samples, finding that Zn is the element present in the highest concentration, ranging from 0.3 to 200?mg?kg?1, Ni, Cu appear below 15?mg?kg?1 and Pb below 8?mg?kg?1, while Cd and Co levels were always lower than 0.51?mg?kg?1.  相似文献   

表面活性剂对土壤中重金属清洗及有效态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曲蛟  罗春秋  丛俏  袁星 《环境化学》2012,31(5):620-624
采用两种常用的表面活性剂-十二烷基苯磺酸钠(阴离子型)、Tween-80(非离子型),对锦州铁合金厂周边Zn、Cd及Pb重金属污染土壤进行化学修复试验,研究两种表面活性剂对重金属Zn、Cd及Pb的去除率及化学形态影响.结果表明,随着表面活性剂浓度的提高,两种表面活性剂对Pb、Cd及Zn的去除作用增强,Tween-80溶液的浓度越高,对重金属的萃取效果越好,对重金属的去除能力大小顺序为Cd>Zn>Pb,最大去除率分别为83.07%、56.78%及42.57%;十二烷基苯磺酸钠在低浓度时对Cd和Pb的去除效果不明显,而对金属Zn的去除效果较好,在0.09 mol.L-1时达到最大值83.86%;与淋溶前土壤中重金属有效态含量相比较,经不同浓度十二烷基苯磺酸钠淋洗后土壤中Cd有效态含量随LAS浓度的升高而先增加后下降,而Pb的有效态含量随十二烷基苯磺酸钠升高而增加;经不同浓度Tween-80淋洗后土壤中Zn及Cd有效态含量都是随Tween-80浓度的升高而先增加后下降,Pb有效态含量随Tween-80升高而下降.  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤植物修复研究进展   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
土壤重金属污染是当今世界面临的主要环境问题之一.植物修复定义为利用绿色植物去除环境中的污染物或使其无害化的生物技术.与传统环境修复技术相比,植物修复技术具有治理成本的低廉性,环境美学的兼容性,治理过程的原位性.本文主要对超富集植物的概念和特征、土壤重金属污染植物修复的方法和原理以及土壤重金属植物修复技术的强化措施进行了综述,并对植物修复的近期研究工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

Environmental Chemistry Letters - Thermodynamic parameters ΔG°, ΔH° and ΔS° are indicators of the possible nature of adsorption. This review summarizes the...  相似文献   

重金属污染物的免疫学检测技术研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
江天久  牛涛 《生态环境》2005,14(4):590-595
重金属的免疫学检测是一种新型的重金属检测方法,与传统检测方法相比,具有省时、省力、费用低廉、便于携带、易于操作等优点,能用于重金属污染物的现场快速检测和常规检测,这对于重金属污染地区的补救和恢复工作具有很大的意义,因而发展和普及应用潜力很大。国外学者通过选择或合成双功能鳌合剂鳌合重金属离子并与载体蛋白偶联制备出完全抗原,进一步制备出金属特异性单抗。目前应用免疫学检测方法检测环境中的重金属离子还处于实验室的试验阶段,初步实验结果表明KinExA免疫检测法具有用作重金属免疫检测传感器的能力,并且越来越多的重金属检测模型被开发出来。金属特异性抗体一抗原的结合属性的初步研究表明,影响抗体对抗原识别的主要因素有:金属离子的半径、电子和形态上的并协性;鳌合剂的结构;金属离子一鳌合剂复合物三维结构和价态结构;抗体中的某些氨基酸残基能与抗原中金属离子直接配位以及与抗原中的鳌合剂部分发生相互作用(疏水作用、氢键作用等)。  相似文献   

Studies concerning bioaccumulation kinetics and bioconcentration factor (BCF) of heavy metals like zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and copper (Cu) in earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae tissues including integument, gizzard, clitellum, and head region were undertaken. Calculated BCF, predicted K ow, and predicted K oc showed a significant correlation between heavy metals in different earthworm tissues, in substrate spiked with heavy metals. The regression coefficient (r 2) between heavy metal uptake concentration and exposure time varied between 0.73 and 0.99, indicating significant correlation. The K oc was a maximum of 13.9016 in case of Cu and integument at an exposure time of 100 days and a minimum of 0.1114 in case of Cr with respect to head at the same exposure time. Earthworms accumulated heavy metals following chronic exposure to municipal solid waste containing heavy metals. BCF and uptake rate kinetics of heavy metals were calculated and showed increased values in head tissue followed by integument.  相似文献   

Ying  Weimin  Ahsanullah  M.  Batley  G. E. 《Marine Biology》1993,116(3):417-422
The gastropod Polinices sordidus was collected from an uncontaminated area in Quibray Bay, New South Wales, Australia, in 1990. The snails were exposed for 2 wk to polluted sediments collected from Port Kembla Harbour, Blackwattle Bay, Lake Illawarra, Lake Macquarie in New South Wales, Australia, and the Derwent River in Tasmania, Australia. Metal accumulation and regulation by this species were evaluated. Metal concentrations in snail tissues and total, EDTA and HCl-extractable metals in the sediments were compared. Copper concentrations were extremely varied in snails exposed to the same sediment. This was not the case for other matals tested. No accumulation of copper was found in snails exposed to different sediments. There was no zinc accumulation from sediments containing less then 10 mg Zn/g. P. sordidus could accumulate lead, manganese and iron from some of the sediments. Manganese concentrations in the snail tissues correlated with total, HCl-extractable and, more significantly, EDTA-extractable Mn in the sediments. P. sordidus was not considered to be a good bioindicator of copper and zinc contaimination in sediments; however, this species could be used as an indicator of lead and manganese contamination.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the use of beetroot fibers to eliminate heavy metals from polluted water. This biomass is used to remove lead, copper and zinc ions. The kinetics and beetroot fibers fixation capacities of lead, zinc and copper according to various physico‐chemical parameters such as pH, and the concentration of metal solutions were studied. The experiments were carried out in a laboratory column with fixed bed. For kinetic studies, samples of metal solutions were taken at regular intervals and measured by atomic absorption spectrometry. pH at 6.6 shows a maximum retention of the above cited metals by beetroot fibers (98%, 92%, 90% respectively). Quantity of cations retained by this biomass in simple and mixture solution is respectively estimated to be 23.6, 14.02 and 14.64 mg/g. Results indicate the usefulness of this biomass in the remediation of water contaminated by heavy metals by a rapid, practical and efficient method.  相似文献   

The adsorption of heavy metals on soil from the Neihu Landfill Site in Taipei City was investigated in order to assess the groundwater pollution problems. The effects of soil organic matter and the behaviors of organic complexing ligands like EDTA and humic acid to the overall adsorption process were studied and discussed. For explaining the results, the pH value of soil system and the properties of the soil/aqueous interface were chosen as two significant and interacted factors for discussion. The concept of the specific adsorption mechanism was also demonstrated and discussed. The results showed that the complexing ligands existing in soil liquid phase have more influences than natural organic matter does. The competitive sequences of different organic matter contents indicated that organic functional sites preferentially bind with Cu and Cd. The presence of EDTA and humic acid which formed ligandlike complexes will reduce Cd adsorption efficiency. These effects will induce mobility and the fate of heavy metals in soils, such as bioavailability.  相似文献   

硫杆菌浸出废旧MH/Ni电池中重金属研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙艳  吴锋  辛宝平  李丽 《生态环境》2007,16(6):1674-1678
生物淋滤法具有对环境友好、反应温和、运行成本低等优点,近年来主要用于回收难浸提矿石中有用金属及城市污泥有毒重金属脱除。应用氧化硫硫杆菌和氧化亚铁硫杆菌对废旧MH/Ni电池电极材料中重金属进行了生物淋滤处理可行性及工艺技术研究,考查了初始pH值、电极材料投加量、温度及底物单质硫添加量对金属Ni、Co浸出率的影响。试验结果表明:硫杆菌可以浸出电极材料中的重金属Ni和Co,初始pH值及温度对生物淋滤过程金属Ni、Co浸出率影响显著。在初始pH值1.0、电极材料质量分数为1.0%、温度30℃、底物单质硫质量浓度为4.0g·L-1条件下,经过20d生物淋滤,废旧MH/Ni电池中金属Ni和Co浸出率分别为95.7%和72.4%。  相似文献   

纳米零价铁颗粒去除水中重金属的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
重金属是毒性大、难降解、易累积的环境污染物,纳米零价铁作为一种新型功能修复材料在去除水体和土壤中重金属方面有着广阔的应用前景.本文综述了纳米零价铁颗粒去除水中重金属的研究进展,包括纳米零价铁的常用制备方法及特性、去除效能、对不同重金属的去除机理以及发展前景和今后的研究方向,以期为该领域的深入研究提供借鉴并拓展新的思路.  相似文献   

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