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陈华  吴彦蕾  傅小红  夏之宁 《环境化学》2012,31(9):1412-1416
采用微波辅助固相顶空-气相色谱法测定了人造板材中的苯系物含量,考察了不同微波功率作用下3种苯系物随时间的变化趋势,在优化的条件下测定了3种苯系物的含量.该法检出限为3.6—13.4 ng.g-1板材,RSD为2.7%—9.8%,回收率为86.9%—109.4%,方法简便、快速,适合固体板材中苯系物的直接快速分析.  相似文献   

Summary This study reports an aviary experiment aimed at determining what affects social dominance in the great tit (Parus major), especially why older birds (adults) in nature normally dominate younger ones (juveniles). When birds were matched with respect to age, prior residency determined dominance. Without a difference in prior residency older birds dominated younger ones. However, when juvenile birds had a prior residency advantage over adult birds, they often became dominant. This was especially so when the juvenile bird was large relative to the adult bird. When a resident juvenile male was also consorted by a female, he became dominant over an adult male on most occasions. An experiment where the dominant bird was removed and later returned to the aviary failed to produce more than one shift in dominance. However, the proportion of reversals in dominance interactions increased with separation time. It is argued that the fact that dominance depends on prior residency selects for winter residency in the great tit.Offprint requests to: H.G. Smith  相似文献   

Zhang  Yibo  Yu  Shaocai  Chen  Xue  Li  Zhen  Li  Mengying  Song  Zhe  Liu  Weiping  Li  Pengfei  Zhang  Xiaoye  Lichtfouse  Eric  Rosenfeld  Daniel 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2022,20(3):1577-1588

Increasing severe and persistent ozone pollution in China has resulted in serious harm to human health in recent years, yet the precise pollution sources are poorly known because there is few knowledge on large-scale extreme ozone episodes. Here, we studied the formation of the historical orange-alert regional ozone episode in eastern China on 6 June, 2021, by combining process analysis, integrated source apportionment modelling, and chemical and meteorological data. Results show that during the pollution episode, 94% of cities in eastern China suffered ozone pollution, and 39% had daily maximum 8-h average ozone concentrations higher than 100 ppb. This is explained by favorable local ozone formation and transports provided by the prevailing northwestern winds in the upper air, and by sinking atmospheric motions favoring the persistence of high surface ozone concentrations. During daytime, local photochemical production induced an ozone increase of 0.3–28.4 ppb h?1 and vertical transport induced an ozone increase of 0.4–56.1 ppb h?1. As a consequence, vertical downward transport of ozone generated in the upper air by photochemical reactions aggravated surface ozone pollution. Surface ozone concentrations include 25.8–53.9% of ozone from local provincial emissions, 0–42.6% of ozone from inter-regional transports from neighboring regions, 4.6–23.1% of ozone from outer-regional transport, and 13.6–52.9% of ozone from boundary conditions in the selected cities. Overall, our findings show that favorable meteorological conditions promoted the chemical productions of ozone on the surface and at high altitudes, thus resulting in this heavy ozone pollution. In addition, regional and vertical downward transports of aloft ozone further aggravated the surface ozone pollution, leading to the large-scale extreme ozone pollution episode.


A review of atmospheric mercury emissions,pollution and control in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mercury, as a global pollutant, has significant impacts on the environment and human health. The current state of atmospheric mercury emissions, pollution and control in China is comprehensively reviewed in this paper. With about 500-800 t of anthropogenic mercury emissions, China contributes 25%-40% to the global mercury emissions. The dominant mercury emission sources in China are coal combustion, non-ferrous metal smelting, cement production and iron and steel production. The mercury emissions from natural sources in China are equivalent to the anthropogenic mercury emissions. The atmospheric mercury concentration in China is about 2-10 times the background level of North Hemisphere. The mercury deposition fluxes in remote areas in China are usually in the range of 10-50μg·m^-2·yr^-1. To reduce mercury emissions, legislations have been enacted for power plants, non-ferrous metal smelters and waste incinerators. Currently mercury contented in the flue gas is mainly removed through existing air pollution control devices for sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particles. Dedicated mercury control technologies are required in the future to further mitigate the mercury emissions in China.  相似文献   

近地层O3污染越来越严重,而O3污染对中国木本植物的影响的报道较少。作者对南方3种木本植物尾叶桉(Eucalyptusurophylla)、米兰(Aglaiaodorata)和马尾松(Pinusmassoniana)进行连续3d,每天6h的O3熏气处理。臭氧体积分数分别为200×10-9和400×10-9。实验过程中对植物的外部受害症状进行观察记录,测定叶片的叶绿素含量、过氧化物酶活性(POD)、过氧化氢酶活性(CAT)、丙二醛含量(MDA)、可溶性糖含量和可溶性蛋白质含量等生理指标。结果表明:3种植物对O3污染表现出不同的受害症状。受O3污染危害最重的为米兰,其次为尾叶桉,而马尾松抗性最强。O3污染导致植物叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量呈下降趋势,而POD活性升高,少数种类则出现微弱的下降趋势。CAT基本表现为低浓度O3污染时活性上升,在高浓度时,由于酶的结构受破坏,而出现下降的趋势,但也有的种类是外部臭氧浓度越高,则CAT含量越高。丙二醛含量则是多数情况比对照升高,而某个种类变化不明显或稍有下降。可溶性蛋白含量是在低浓度O3污染时有所上升,而高浓度时则出现下降的情况。研究结果表明,在评价不同植物种类对污染物的抗性时,不能仅考虑某个生理指标的变化,还要综合考虑各个指标的状况。  相似文献   

Surface O3 production has a highly nonlinear relationship with its precursors. The spatial and temporal heterogeneity of O3-NO x -VOC-sensitivity regimes complicates the control-decision making. In this paper, the indicator method was used to establish the relationship between O3 sensitivity and assessment indicators. Six popular ratios indicating ozone-precursor sensitivity, HCHO/NO y , H2O2/ HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z , were evaluated based on the distribution of NOx- and VOC-sensitive regimes. WRF-Chem was used to study a serious ozone episode in fall over the Pearl River Delta (PRD). It was found that the south-west of the PRD is characterized by a VOCsensitive regime, while its north-east is NO x -sensitive, with a sharp transition area between the two regimes. All indicators produced good representations of the elevated ozone hours in the episode on 6 November 2009, with H2O2/HNO3 being the best indicator. The threshold sensitivity levels for HCHO/NOy, H2O2/HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z were estimated to be 0.41, 0.55, 10.2, 14.0, 19.1, and 0.38, respectively. Threshold intervals for the indicators H2O2/HNO3, O3/NO y , O3/NO z , O3/HNO3, and H2O2/NO z were able to identify more than 95% of VOC- and NO x -sensitive grids. The ozone episode on 16 November 16 2008 was used to independently verify the results, and it was found that only H2O2/HNO3 and H2O2/NO z were able to differentiate the ozone sensitivity regime well. Hence, these two ratios are suggested as the most appropriate indicators for identifying fall ozone sensitivity in the PRD. Since the species used for indicators have seasonal variation, the utility of those indicators for other seasons should be investigated in the future work.

Gafrarium divaricatum were exposed to xylene (4.25 and 8.50 mg l(-1)), benzene (4.35 and 8.70 mg l(-1)) and gear oil-WSF (1 and 2%) for 30 days. Chronic exposure of clams to the pollutants resulted in loss of bubbling epithelium, reduction in cytoplasm volume and density, fusion of cell membranes and nuclei forming darkly stained area at basal part of the cells. Disintegration of basement membrane due to damaged epithelial cells, disruption of inner lining of tubule, formation of necrotic spaces, separation of epithelial cells from basement membrane, increase in internal luminar area, complete necrosis of epithelial cells as well as occurrence of cell debris in between the tissue were also observed in the clams due to chronic exposure of the toxicants.  相似文献   

北京东南郊大气中多环芳烃的相分配及其致癌毒性表征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用索氏提取法提取2005年3月至2006年1月间北京市东南郊3个采样点大气总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)样品和气相样品中的多环芳烃(PAHs),利用GC/MS分析其质量浓度,对PAHs在颗粒相和气相间的分配行为进行研究。结果表明,2环组分在气相PAHs中占优势地位,全年平均在95%左右;4环组分在颗粒相PAHs中全年平均占56%左右;5~6环组分几乎全部分布在颗粒相中。引入苯并[a]芘等当量毒性因子(TEFs),探讨致癌毒性组分在2相间的分配行为,研究发现低毒高质量浓度的低环组分与高毒低质量浓度的高环组分对致癌性贡献相当;利用苯并[a]芘等效质量浓度与16种PAHs组分质量浓度进行多元线性回归,得到的回归方程用于粗略计算大气中PAHs致癌性组分的等效质量浓度;在分析PAHs分配行为的季节变化规律基础上,结合气象参数和空气污染指数分析PAHs在大气气相和颗粒相中分配系数的影响因素,并提出了分配系数与气象参数和API指数的回归方程,并利用回归方程来计算PAHs组分在大气中的分配系数。  相似文献   

Many regions in China experience air pollution episodes because of the rapid urbanization and industrialization over the past decades. Here we analyzed the effect of emission controls implemented during the G-20 2016 Hangzhou summit on air quality. Emission controls included a forced closure of highly polluting industries, and limiting traffic and construction emissions in the cities and surroundings. Particles with aerodynamic diameter lower than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) were measured. We also simulated air quality using a forecast system consisting of the two-way coupled Weather Research and Forecast and Community Multi-scale Air Quality (WRF-CMAQ) model. Results show PM2.5 and ozone levels in Hangzhou during the G-20 Summit were considerably lower than previous to the G-20 Summit. The predicted concentrations of ozone were reduced by 25.4%, whereas the predicted concentrations of PM2.5 were reduced by 56%.  相似文献   

桂林市大气降水的化学组成特征及来源分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为揭示桂林市大气降水的组成成分变化特征和来源,于2015年1—12月期间采集了桂林市大气降水样品,分析其中pH、电导率、主要阴阳离子(K~+、Na~+、Ca~(2+)、Mg~(2+)、NH_4~+、SO_4~(2-)、NO_3~-、F~-、Cl~-)及重金属元素(As、Cr、Hg、Zn、Cu、Pb)浓度的季节变化特征及湿沉降通量.研究结果显示,桂林市大气降水pH值分布范围介于4.13—7.37之间,其中pH值小于酸雨临界值5.6的占48.0%,表明桂林市降雨存在一定的酸化现象.电导率(EC)变化介于4.53—128.10μS·cm~(-1)之间,雨量加权平均值为16.44μS·cm~(-1).阴离子以SO24-和NO3-为主,雨量加权平均含量分别为94.50μeq·L~(-1)、30.48μeq·L~(-1),占阴离子总量的65.28%和21.06%,其次为Cl-,阳离子以Ca2+为主,雨量加权平均含量为97.67μeq·L~(-1),占阳离子总量的58.76%,其次为NH_4~+,占阳离子总量的/NO_3~-平均值为2.45,大气降水属于硫酸-硝酸混合型,具有逐步向硝酸型转变的趋势.阴阳离子三角图和pearson相关性分析表明,Ca~(2+)和Mg~(2+)主要来自地壳源和人为源,Ca~(2+)对致酸阴离子NO_3~-、SO_4~(2-)的中和作用大于NH_4~+,桂林降水中可能存在以CaSO_4和Ca(NO_3)_2为主的化学物质,Na+主要来源于海洋输送,K~+则来源于人类活动.溶解态重金属元素的平均浓度为127.4μg·L~(-1)(0.349—443.8μg·L~(-1)),重金属湿沉降通量平均值为12.193 mg·(m~2·a)~(-1),其中Zn、Cu的年沉降通量较高,分别占总沉降通量的59.72%和28.80%.  相似文献   

北京大气颗粒物碳质组分粒径分布的季节变化特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了解有机碳(OC)和元素碳(EC)在北京大气颗粒物中的季节变化、粒径分布和来源,于2010年3月—2011年2月采用惯性撞击分级采样器采集大气颗粒物样品,热光碳分析仪测定其中有机碳和元素碳质量浓度.结果表明,OC在粗细粒子中含量相当,EC主要存在于细粒子中,在<2.1μm颗粒物中分别占(52±11)%和(70±22)%.OC存在明显的季节变化,冬、夏季高于春、秋季,而EC则表现为冬、秋季大于春、夏季.OC和EC粒径分布呈"双峰型",细粒子段峰值分别位于0.43—1.1μm和0.43—0.65μm,粗粒子段峰值均位于4.7—5.8μm.四季峰值对应的粒径段、峰宽和峰高存在差异.OC与EC粒径分布和相关性的季节变化表明,冬季OC与EC的主要来源为燃煤排放,夏季EC的主要来源为机动车尾气.  相似文献   

Particulate pollution was a critical challenge to the promise of good air quality during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, which took place from August 8th to 24th. To ensure good air quality for the Games, several temporary emission control measures were implemented in Beijing and surrounding areas. Ambient particulate matter concentration decreased significantly during the Olympic period; however, it is difficult to distinguish the effectiveness of those control measures since meteorology also affects ambient PM2.5 concentration. In this work, a multiple linear regression model based on continuous field monitoring at a roadside site was conducted to evaluate the effects of meteorology and emission control measures on the reduction of PM2.5 during the 2008 Olympic Games. The hourly data set was divided into two time periods, the no control period, June 22nd to July 4th, and the control period, July 28th to August 21st. The response variable was PM2.5 and the meteorology covariates used in the model were hourly temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed and precipitation. Wind direction was not a significant predictor of PM2.5 levels in either the control or the no control period. Using the meteorologically-based regression coefficients from the two time periods, meteorology was found to contribute to at least a 16% reduction in PM2.5 levels in the roadside microenvironment; while the pollution control measures contributed to at least a 43% reduction in PM2.5 levels.  相似文献   

Maintenance of the ecosystem health of a river is of great importance for local sustainable development. On the basis of both qualitative and quantitative analysis of the influence of natural variations and human activities on the ecosystem function of the Weihe River, the changes in major factors affecting its ecosystem health are deter- mined, which include: 1) Deficiency of environment flow: since the 1960s, the incoming stream flow shows an obvious decreasing tendency. Even in the low flow period, 80% of the water in the stream is impounded by dams for agriculture irrigation in the Baoji district. As a result, the water flow maintained in the stream for environmental use is very limited. 2) Deterioration of water quality: the concentrations of typical pollutants like Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and NH3-N are higher than their maximum values of the Chinese environmental quality standard. Very few fish species can survive in the River. 3) Deformation of water channels: the continuous channel sedimentation has resulted in the decrease in stream gradient, shrinkage of riverbed and the decline in the capability for flood discharge. 4) Loss of riparian vegetation: most riparian land has been occupied by urban construction activities, which have caused the loss of riparian vegetation and biodiversity and further weakened flood control and water purification functions.  相似文献   

为研究京津冀地区冬、夏两季大气颗粒物质量浓度与水溶性离子组成特征,于2013年2月、7月对北京、天津、石家庄及4个国家大气背景点进行了PM2.5及PM10的采样,分析了质量浓度及9种水溶性离子,结果表明:(1)京津冀地区颗粒物污染冬季重于夏季,冬季污染水平石家庄天津北京,夏季污染天津、北京石家庄,区域内PM2.5与PM10之间有很好的相关性,相关系数r冬季为0.8796,夏季为0.8424,说明整个区域颗粒物污染有较为相近的来源,大气颗粒物污染表现出区域性特征;(2)京津冀地区PM2.5及PM10中的9种水溶性离子浓度规律为NO-3、SO2-4、NH+4Cl-、Ca2+K+、Na+F-、Mg2+.该地区水溶性离子污染冬季最重为石家庄,夏季则为北京;(3)在京津冀地区二次离子NO-3、SO2-4、NH+4是主要的污染离子,3种离子质量浓度总和在PM2.5、PM10中冬季分别占48.9%、27.8%,夏季分别占58.7%、48.5%.二次离子主要集中在PM2.5中,其对细离子浓度的升高起到直接作用,且二次离子的构成关系也在发生变化.整个区域向硝酸型污染转变,二次离子的季节分布也呈现区域特征,冬季NO-3离子质量浓度比重最大.夏季则为SO2-4;(4)粒径越小富集水溶性离子的能力越强,在PM1中分布了50%以上的水溶性离子,73.9%—94.8%的水溶性离子分布在PM2.5中.  相似文献   

Metabolites viz. phenol, hippuric acid and total trichloro compounds of benzene, toluene and trichloroethylene respectively were estimated in the urine samples of male and female rats after exposure for a period of 30 days. The results exhibited higher metabolism in female rats than the male rats. Their metabolism might be regulated by cytochrome P450 isozymes in a gender specific manner. However, sex differences in the activity of glutathione-S-transferases of the liver have also been found to determine their toxicity. Results have been discussed with quantitative profiles of other enzymes established in the liver of male and female rats.  相似文献   

胡胜华  贺锋  孔令为  张聪  李泽  徐洪  周巧红  吴振斌 《生态环境》2011,20(12):1892-1897
选择杭州西湖3处湖湾——茅家埠、乌龟潭、浴鹄湾作为研究对象,通过3处湖湾多点浅钻的表层沉积物生物硅质量分数测试,通过底泥分析西湖疏浚与水环境治理措施的效果。研究发现:对照西湖沉积速率(4mm/a),3处湖湾表层沉积物中生物硅质量分数高低依次为茅家埠、乌龟潭与浴鹄湾。近10年来不同湖湾沉积物中生物硅沉积含量相差较大,这一时期正对应着西湖综合环境整治工程。对西湖3个湖湾表层沉积物中生物硅质量分数研究表明:西湖水体中的氮、磷、硅促进了硅藻的生长与硅的消耗,不同湖湾之间生物硅沉积存在着明显差异,这可能与人类活动的影响差异有关。  相似文献   

中国北方典型污染城市主要绿化树种的滞尘效应(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究城市人工植被的滞尘效应及其对城市生态环境的改善作用,以中国北方典型污染城市--临汾市为例.通过野外典型采样法和室内分析,测定了不同生活型主要绿化植物的滞尘能力,讨论了植物的滞尘量与滞尘时间的关系,并且研究了污染程度及距污染源距离对植物滞尘能力的影响.结果表明,在同一降尘条件下,不同生活型植物滞尘能力差异表现为草本植物的滞尘能力显著高于其它生活型植物(落叶乔木,灌木和藤本植物),而其它生活型植物间的滞尘能力无显著差异性;对针叶林来说,圆柏和雪松的滞尘能力间亦存在显著差异.在不同的污染情况下(污染程度及和污染源的距离不同),同种植物的滞尘能力亦有明显的差异,这与植物的高度和生长特性有关.而且,随时间推移,植物叶片的滞尘量呈现周期变化.而不是一个随时间无限增长的量,也有其饱和量.因此,在进行城市绿化设计时,需要综合考虑绿化树种的滞尘能力、滞尘周期及其生长环境情况等.  相似文献   

Reproductively activeCalanus hyperboreus (Krøyer) andC. glacialis Jaschnov were captured in the upper 100 m of Fram Strait (77° to 79°N) in late winter 1987. There was no evidence of a phytoplankton bloom; chlorophylla concentrations were uniformly low (<0.1 mg m–3), and nitrate concentrations were uniformly high (>11.3 mg-at m–3). Gut-fullness measurements indicated that females were ingesting very little. The maturation state of gonads of bothC. hyperboreus andC. glacialis indicated that 75% of females were in a ripe condition consistent with observed egg laying. The lipid content of females laying eggs was reduced in both species compared to that of females not laying eggs. InC. hyperboreus the reduction was 39% and inC. glacialis it was 44%. All the evidence suggests that bothC. hyperboreus andC. glacialis were laying eggs in late winter by using lipids stored previously; they were not relying on ambient concentrations of phytoplankton. The daily rate of egg laying byC. glacialis using lipids in late winter exceeded the rate reported for summer when ambient food supplies have been shown to be necessary. It is suggested that individuals, spawned well in advance of the spring bloom of phytoplankton, may comprise a major portion of the annual recruitment to the entire population ofC. glacialis in this area, and that their life cycle can be completed within 1 yr. NeitherMetridia longa (Lubbock) norC. finmarchicus (Gunnerus) laid eggs during this study.  相似文献   

China has seen rapid economic growth over the past two decades, but severe environmental problems have accompanied this, such as the looming danger of Asian Brown Clouds. This paper analyzes the regional development of China by examining economic performance and environmental factors. Technical efficiency and productivity changes in 31 regions of China are computed for the period 1997–2001. In the case of regional GDP, the fast-developing eastern (coastal) regions experience higher technical efficiency and productivity growth than the inland central and western regions. When environmental factors are incorporated, the eastern regions still perform better than inland regions, both from static and dynamic analysis. This phenomenon is termed the 'double deterioration' of the inland areas in China. Double deterioration is attributed to the lack of economic resources to replace highly-polluting production equipment and technology in those less developed regions.  相似文献   

大气沉降地球化学研究对解释表生环境中元素地球化学行为具有重要意义.但以往对大气沉降地球化学的研究主要集中在城市或者受工业活动强烈影响的地区.本研究选择地处偏远、无明显工业活动影响的川东北地区,于2011年8月—2014年7月采集大气沉降样品,对其中水溶态重金属元素Cr、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Ga、As、Cd和Pb进行了研究.结果表明,这些重金属元素的年平均沉降通量最大的为Zn,158μg·(10~2cm~2·a)~(-1),最小的为Ga,0.06μg·(10~2cm~2·a)~(-1),相差达到4个数量级.相对于我国城镇地区或受工业活动影响的偏远地区,川东北地区重金属元素沉降通量较低.总体上Co和Ni的沉降通量在冬-春季节较高,可能与这些季节的大气粉尘活动有关,Ga、Pb、Cr、Cd、Zn、As等则一般在夏季沉降通量较高,可能与降水增加和旅游旺季的人类活动加强有关.2012年12月—2013年9月的当地道路改建工程导致了重金属元素沉降通量的明显提高.  相似文献   

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