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The development of ozone control strategies requires analysing the sensitivity of the dispersion model used to changes in emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds. The ozone response to variations in road traffic and total anthropogenic emissions is evaluated for two different summer ozone episodes in the Greater Madrid Area (GMA). This study uses the TVM model and a transport/chemistry module in which different chemical mechanisms (EMEP, RACM) are implemented. The results show that the areas of maximum impact and ozone responses are notably influenced by the different transport and dispersion patterns established in the area. However, the contribution of anthropogenic sources other than road traffic is patent in both episodes. Strategies based only on decreasing road traffic emissions were not sufficient for an effective control of the air quality in the GMA. Moreover, certain discrepancies observed in the predicted trends, as a response to these control strategies posed, reflect the importance of variations in the precursors balance. The ozone production regime associated to these ozone episodes and the sensitivity of the ozone response to changes in this balance has been investigated. A chemical indicator has been used to deepen in that evaluation.  相似文献   

A critical examination of ozone mapping from a spatial-scale perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Following the establishment of point measurements of ground-level ozone concentrations have been attempts by many researchers to develop ozone surfaces. This paper offers a critique of ozone-mapping endeavors, while also empirically exploring the operational scale of ground-level ozone. The following issues are discussed: aspects of spatial scale; the spatial complexity of ground-level ozone concentrations; and the problems of previous attempts at ozone mapping. Most ozone-mapping studies are beset with at least one of the following core problems: spatial-scale violations; an improper evaluation of surfaces; inaccurate surfaces; and the inappropriate use of surfaces in certain analyses. The major recommendations to researchers are to acknowledge spatial scale (especially operational scale), understand the prerequisites of surface-generating techniques, and to evaluate the resultant ozone surface properly.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the benefit for European ozone simulation of using day-to-day varying chemical boundary conditions produced by a global chemical weather forecast platform instead of climatological monthly means at the frontiers of a regional model. We performed two simulations over Europe using the regional (0.5 × 0.5°) CHIMERE CTM forced by global scale simulations based on the LMDz-INCA CTM. For summer 2005, ozone differences exceeding 20 ppb can be punctually found between these two simulations in the borders of the domain. The mean of the differences ranges between 0 and 3 ppb beyond 15° of the frontiers of the regional model.Correlations with ground-based ozone measurements at more than 400 stations are slightly increased by the use of daily boundary conditions. The simulation of the temporal variability is significantly enhanced in particular for the daily means and daily maxima. As expected, the gain is higher at the borders of the regional domain.The change of percentile distribution shows that the net impact of high temporal resolution boundary conditions is not of major concern for surface ozone peaks which are mainly due to local photochemistry. The use of daily boundary conditions is however necessary to correctly simulate concentrations in the 20–35 ppb range which are of crucial interest for human and vegetation exposure effects.  相似文献   

The ozone that initially presents in the previous day's afternoon mixing layer can remain in the nighttime atmosphere and then be carried over to the next morning. Finally, this ozone can be brought to the ground by downward mixing as mixing depth increases during the daytime, thereby increasing surface ozone concentrations. Variation of ozone concentration during each of these periods is investigated in this work. First, ozone concentrations existing in the daily early morning atmosphere at the altitude range of the daily maximum mixing depth (residual ozone concentrations) were measured using tethered ozonesondes on 52 experimental days during 2004-2005 in southern Taiwan. Daily downward-mixing ozone concentrations were calculated by a box model coupling the measured daily residual ozone concentrations and daily mixing depth variations. The ozone concentrations upwind in the previous day's afternoon mixing layer were estimated by the combination of back air trajectory analysis and known previous day's surface ozone distributions. Additionally, the relationship between daily downward-mixing ozone concentration and daily photochemically produced ozone concentration was examined. The latter was calculated by removing the former from daily surface maximum ozone concentration. The measured daily residual ozone concentrations distributed at 12-74 parts per billion (ppb) with an average of 42 +/- 17 ppb are well correlated with the previous upwind ozone concentration (R2 = 0.54-0.65). Approximately 60% of the previous upwind ozone was estimated to be carried over to the next morning and became the observed residual ozone. The daily downward-mixing ozone contributes 48 +/- 18% of the daily surface maximum ozone concentration, indicating that the downward-mixing ozone is as important as daily photochemically produced ozone to daily surface maximum ozone accumulation. The daily downward-mixing ozone is poorly correlated with the daily photochemically produced ozone and contributes significantly to the daily variation of surface maximum ozone concentrations (R2 = 0.19). However, the contribution of downward-mixing ozone to daily ozone variation is not included in most existing statistical models developed for predicting daily ozone variation. Finally, daily surface maximum ozone concentration is positively correlated with daily afternoon mixing depth, attributable to the downward-mixing ozone.  相似文献   

Results from surface ozone measurements at Penang (5.5°N, 100°E) over several years are presented. The study indicates the ozone concentrations undergoing significant diurnal and seasonal variations. The peak concentrations are observed at around mid-day (up to 35 nb) but the O3 concentration generally drops to zero level in the early evening and remains unchanged until midorning. Monthly-averaged daily 1-h average concentrations are generally small (4–13 nb) and decrease continually from the early part of the year to the end. Frequently, varying local weather conditions seem to influence the O3 concentrations.  相似文献   

Defense and avoidance of ozone under global change   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The level II approach of the critical loads concept adopted by the UNECE aims at a flux based evaluation and takes into account environmental factors governing stomatal conductance. These factors will probably be affected by global change. The flux concept predicts that a decrease in stomatal conductance would protect trees from air pollution effects by decreasing uptake. However, experimental evidence is inconclusive. Numerous results suggest that pollutants and factors subject to global change (drought, CO(2)) may interact and even exacerbate effects, probably because antioxidative defense systems are involved in both, defense against pollutant effects and protection from natural stress. An effective pollutant dose, which is weighted by physiological defense capacity, would better predict such effects. In this review paper we argue that the flux-based approach is imperfect, because global change effects may also modify the physiological susceptibility to ozone. Instead, a flux concept weighted by defense capacity should be tested.  相似文献   

The environmental impact of shrimp aquaculture: a global perspective   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A global perspective on the environmental impacts related to the establishment and operation of shrimp aquaculture is presented. Alternatives to reduce the impacts are considered and research priorities are recommended.  相似文献   

The local and regional distribution of pollutants is significantly influenced by weather patterns and variability along with the spatial patterns of emissions. Therefore, climatic changes which affect local meteorological conditions can alter air quality. We use the regional air quality model CHIMERE driven by meteorological fields from regional climate change simulations to investigate changes in summer ozone mixing ratios over Europe under increased greenhouse gas (GHG) forcing. Using three 30-year simulation periods, we find that daily peak ozone amounts as well as average ozone concentrations substantially increase during summer in future climate conditions. This is mostly due to higher temperatures and reduced cloudiness and precipitation over Europe and it leads to a higher number of ozone events exceeding information and warning thresholds. Our results show a pronounced regional variability, with the largest effects of climate change on ozone concentrations occurring over England, Belgium, Germany and France. The temperature-driven increase in biogenic emissions appears to enhance the ozone production and isoprene was identified as the most important chemical factor in the ozone sensitivity. We also find that summer ozone levels in future climate projections are similar to those found during the exceptionally warm and dry European summer of 2003. Our simulations suggest that in future climate conditions summer ozone might pose a much more serious threat to human health, agriculture and natural ecosystems in Europe, so that the effects of climate trends on pollutant amounts should be considered in future emission control measures.  相似文献   

Ambient ozone (O(3)) concentrations in the forested areas of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) mountains measured on passive sampler networks and in several locations equipped with active monitors are reviewed. Some areas of the Carpathian Mountains, especially in Romania and parts of Poland, as well as the Sumava and Brdy Mountains in the Czech Republic are characterized by low European background concentrations of the pollutant (summer season means approximately 30 ppb). Other parts of the Carpathians, especially the western part of the range (Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland), some of the Eastern (Ukraine) and Southern (Romania) Carpathians and the Jizerske Mountains have high O(3) levels with peak values >100 ppb and seasonal means approximately 50 ppb. Large portions of the CEE mountain forests experience O(3) exposures that are above levels recommended for protection of forest and natural vegetation. Continuation of monitoring efforts with a combination of active monitors and passive samplers is needed for developing risk assessment scenarios for forests and other natural areas of the CEE Region.  相似文献   

Surface ozone records from ten polar research stations were investigated for the dependencies of ozone on radiative processes, snow-photochemisty, and synoptic and stratospheric transport. A total of 146 annual data records for the Arctic sites Barrow, Alaska; Summit, Greenland; Alert, Canada; Zeppelinfjellet, Norway; and the Antarctic stations Halley, McMurdo, Neumayer, Sanae, Syowa, and South Pole were analyzed. Mean ozone at the Northern Hemisphere (NH) stations (excluding Summit) is ∼5 ppbv higher than in Antarctica. Statistical analysis yielded best estimates for the projected year 2005 median annual ozone mixing ratios, which for the Arctic stations were 33.5 ppbv at Alert, 28.6 ppbv at Barrow, 46.3 ppbv ppb at Summit and 33.7 ppbv at Zeppelinfjellet. For the Antarctic stations the corresponding ozone mixing ratios were 21.6 ppbv at Halley, 27.0 ppbv at McMurdo, 24.9 ppbv at Neumayer, 27.2 ppbv at Sanae, 29.4 ppbv at South Pole, and 25.8 ppbv at Syowa. At both Summit (3212 m asl) and South Pole (2830 m asl), annual mean ozone is higher than at the lower elevation and coastal stations. A trend analysis revealed that all sites in recent years have experienced low to moderate increases in surface ozone ranging from 0.02 to 0.26 ppbv yr−1, albeit none of these changes were found to be statistically significant trends. A seasonal trend analysis showed above-average increases in ozone during the spring and early summer periods for both Arctic (Alert, Zeppelinfjellet) and Antarctic (McMurdo, Neumayer, South Pole) sites. In contrast, at Barrow, springtime ozone has been declining. All coastal stations experience springtime episodes with rapid depletion of ozone in the boundary layer, attributable to photochemically catalyzed ozone depletion from halogen chemistry. This effect is most obvious at Barrow, followed by Alert. Springtime depletion episodes are less pronounced at Antarctic stations. At South Pole, during the Antarctic spring and summer, photochemical ozone production yields frequent episodes with enhanced surface ozone. Other Antarctic stations show similar, though less frequent spring and summertime periods with enhanced ozone. The Antarctic data provide evidence that austral spring and summertime ozone production in Antarctica is widespread, respectively, affects all stations at least through transport events. This ozone production contributes to a several ppbv enhancement in the annual mean ozone over the Antarctic plateau; however, it is not the determining process in the Antarctic seasonal ozone cycle. Although Summit and South Pole have many similarities in their environmental conditions, this ozone production does not appear to be of equal importance at Summit. Amplitudes of diurnal, summertime ozone cycles at these polar sites are weaker than at lower latitude locations. Amplitudes of seasonal ozone changes are larger in the Southern Hemisphere (by ∼5 ppbv), most likely due to less summertime photochemical ozone loss and more transport of ozone-rich air to the Arctic during the NH spring and summer months.  相似文献   

Relatively little prior use has been made of information theory in air quality analysis. This paper explores whether basic, but formal, quantitative measures of information content might yield fresh perspectives on seasonal variations in the ground-level ozone concentration field across the lower Fraser Valley (LFV), British Columbia, Canada. I calculate Shannon entropy in daily maximum ozone concentration on a month-by-month, station-by-station basis, using 1 year of hourly measurements from 18 air quality monitoring stations. The values are then qualitatively compared with an eye to identifying spatial and seasonal patterns. The results further demonstrate the potential utility of information theoretic concepts for assessing air quality variability; yield some new insight into tropospheric ozone dynamics across the LFV; and may provide some guidance to the refinement of monitoring network configuration. Of particular note is that, although entropy and mean concentration exhibit some similarities in their respective seasonal patterns, maximum uncertainty and information content appears to occur at times and locations somewhat different from those at which highest concentrations are experienced.  相似文献   

Kinetics of photocatalytic VOCs abatement in a standardized reactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A standardized micro-pilot scale continuous flow apparatus has been built up, using two types of differential photoreactors, and equipped with a refined control of the working conditions in order to study the photocatalytic degradation as a way to abate VOCs in air. Kinetic measurements have been carried out on trichloroethylene (TCE), methanol and benzene as model pollutants. The absence of diffusional limitation and of reaction product effect on the kinetics have both been demonstrated under our working conditions. The influences of concentration, light flux and temperature on the initial degradation rate have been studied. A simple Langmuir-Hinshelwood kinetic model has been verified for TCE and methanol, whereas benzene degradation was more complex and did not follow this simple mechanism. The determined experimental data aim at being useful in the scaling-up of photocatalytic reactors.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in meteorological conditions can confound attempts to identify changes in ozone concentrations driven by reduced precursor emissions. In this paper, a technique is described that attempts to maximize the removal of meteorological variability from a daily maximum ozone time series, thereby revealing longer term changes in ozone concentrations with increased confidence. The technique employs artificial neural network [multilayer perceptron (MLP)] models, and is shown to remove more of the meteorological variability from U.S. ozone data than does a Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) filter and conventional regression-based technique.  相似文献   

We evaluated O3 data for the period 1987–2004 from 11 rural and remote sites in the north and western US, including two sites in Alaska. All sites show a seasonal cycle with a spring or spring-summer maximum. By deseasonalizing the data, we are better able to identify seasonal and spatial patterns and long-term trends. For most of the locations in the western US that we considered, there are significant inter-site correlations in the deseasonalized monthly means. This indicates that there are large scale factors that influence the monthly mean O3 concentrations across the western US. At seven out of nine sites in the western US, there is a statistically significant increase in O3 with a mean trend of 0.26 ppbv year−1 (range at the seven sites is 0.19–0.51 ppbv year−1). At three of the sites, we examined the data in more detail to find that the trends are present in all seasons. At the two sites in Alaska, no clear pattern was found. At the one ozonesonde site in the western US with long-term observations (Boulder, Colorado), no significant trend was identified. However, the statistical power in the ozonesonde analysis is limited due to the low frequency of ozonesonde launches. Temperature changes can explain only a fraction of the surface O3 trend. We consider several possible explanations for these trends, including: increasing regional emissions, changes in the distribution of emissions, increasing biomass burning or increasing global background O3. With the available data, we are not able to unambiguously identify the cause for increasing O3 in the western US  相似文献   

Green roofs as a means of pollution abatement   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Green roofs involve growing vegetation on rooftops and are one tool that can help mitigate the negative effects of pollution. This review encompasses published research to date on how green roofs can help mitigate pollution, how green roof materials influence the magnitude of these benefits, and suggests future research directions. The discussion concentrates on how green roofs influence air pollution, carbon dioxide emissions, carbon sequestration, longevity of roofing membranes that result in fewer roofing materials in landfills, water quality of stormwater runoff, and noise pollution. Suggestions for future directions for research include plant selection, development of improved growing substrates, urban rooftop agriculture, water quality of runoff, supplemental irrigation, the use of grey water, air pollution, carbon sequestration, effects on human health, combining green roofs with complementary related technologies, and economics and policy issues.  相似文献   

This overview of experimentally induced effects of ozone aims to identify physiological and ecological principles, which can be used to classify the sensitivity to ozone of temperate grassland communities in Europe. The analysis of data from experiments with single plants, binary mixtures and multi-species communities illustrates the difficulties to relate individual responses to communities, and thus to identify grassland communities most at risk. Although there is increasing evidence that communities can be separated into broad classes of ozone sensitivity, the database from experiments under realistic conditions with representative systems is too small to draw firm conclusions. But it appears that risk assessments, based on results from individuals or immature mixtures exposed in chambers, are only applicable to intensively managed, productive grasslands, and that the risk of ozone damage for most of perennial grasslands with lower productivity tends to be less than previously expected.  相似文献   

The multilayer perceptron (MLP) model is frequently used to assess the relative importance (RI) of surface ozone influential variables when they are used to investigate ozone variation mechanisms. Previous studies, however, suffer from two limitations: 1) indentifying or searching the optimal MLP topology to avoid a biased RI assessment inevitably incurs a heavy computational burden, and 2) the model is suitable only for local-scale analysis of ozone variation mechanisms. To tackle both problems, we selected three typical air-quality monitoring sites in Hong Kong as our study targets, as the ozone variations at these sites are inhomogeneously affected by regional and local factors. An MLP model trained by automatic relevance determination (referred to as MLP-ARD), a Bayesian MLP approach, was employed to assess the RI for both regional and local ozone influential variables. The results indicated the following remarks: 1) The MLP-ARD model, due to its high degree of resistance to both the over-fitting and the under-fitting problems, is exempt from identifying or searching the optimal MLP topology when used to obtain an unbiased RI assessment and thus avoid the heavy computational burden. Furthermore, the RI assessment results obtained with the MLP-ARD method are comparable to those of the best assessment method in the literature. Based on these findings, decision-makers can scientifically promulgate a site-specific air pollution control strategy site; 2) Regional-scale analysis of ozone variation is indispensable, as taking the key regional ozone influential variables into account significantly improves the prediction accuracy of the MLP-ARD model, especially on peak ozone days.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to examine the seasonal variation of the surface ozone mixing ratio in Athens, Greece during the periods 1901–1940 and 1987–1998. The first finding is that in July and August while the daytime surface ozone mixing ratio from the beginning until the end of the 20th century has increased by approximately 1.8 times, the nighttime surface ozone mixing ratio remained approximately at the same level. The second finding is that the increase in the mean daytime mixing ratio during the transition period from winter to summer is equal to the increase in the maximum daytime mixing ratios, whilst the enhancement of the nighttime surface ozone maxima is stronger than that of the nighttime mean surface ozone mixing ratio. Plausible explanation for this finding is given through mechanisms like long-range transport and photochemical processes occurring in the boundary layer, free troposphere and lower stratosphere.  相似文献   

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