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为探究煤矿掘进工作面的温度、湿度、噪声、照度、粉尘等环境因素对人因伤亡事故发生的影响,进一步明确不同类型的人因伤亡事故与各环境因素之间的关系,针对人因伤亡事故的发生与各环境因素之间不具有确定的线性关系,而是具有灰色系统的特点,运用灰色关联分析方法建立了不同类型人因伤亡事故与环境因素之间的灰色关系模型,分析了掘进工作面不同类型的人因伤亡事故与各环境因素之间关联程度的大小。结果表明,在煤矿掘进工作面的温度、湿度、噪声、照度、粉尘5个环境因素中,温度是影响掘进工作面人因伤亡事故的最主要因素,其次是光照,再次是温度。  相似文献   

在生产过程中所发生的伤亡事故,有的是与环境因素有关,有的是与机械因素有关,但是,绝大部分是与人的心理因素有关。经统计表明,近几年来伤亡事故中违章作业占73%,判断失误占13.5%,违反劳动纪律占9%,  相似文献   

介绍了近年来起重伤亡事故概况,并通过对某企业历年来起重伤亡事故的分析,探讨了起重伤亡事故的原因,以及事故发生的一般规律,并对起重司机的行为特性作了研究,为起重事故预防提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本文在对我国多年来伤亡事故统计分析基础上,探讨了伤亡事故高发原因和近期发展态势,提出了影响伤亡事故发生的五个基本因素:经济发展水平、产业结构变化、总体经济规模、经济增长速度和国家干预措施。作者认为在2004年以后几年内,伤亡事故总量下降的可能性较小,其中交通和矿山企业的伤亡人数可能呈上升趋势。由于经济增长速度对事故发生影响显著,为减少伤亡事故风险,我国2004年GDP指数不宜超过8%。建议以强化法治作为安全生产最主要的国家干预方法。  相似文献   

云南加强企业伤亡事故报告及处理管理为贯彻执行国务院颁发的《企业职工伤亡事故报告和处理规定》,以利于更好地采取预防措施,防止伤亡事故的发生,云南省政府颁布了《云南省企业职工伤亡事故报告及处理实施办法》。该实施办法详细地规定了企业职工在劳动过程中发生的人...  相似文献   

归纳了企业职工伤亡事故统计分析的主要内容及其方法,以此为基础结合数据库管理信息系统特点,提出了企业职工伤亡事故统计分析管理系统软件数据库结构、模块划分、系统功能分析和功能设计。该管理系统解决了伤亡事故基本情况难以掌握,事故统计数据收集繁琐、统计分析速度慢且不全面等问题。通过管理软件的应用实例说明了该系统软件的实用性,并在此基础上对21世纪伤亡事故的管理、统计及分析,建立全国企业职工伤亡事故基本信息数据库和信息网络,科学地利用伤亡事故基本信息数据对各类伤亡事故进行控制,以减少各类事故的发生等方面内容进行了探讨。  相似文献   

国外动态对日本林业生产伤亡事故的综合分析根据日本有关部门对林业生产伤亡事故的凋查统计表明:1.林业生产伤亡事故与从事的作业有关。其中有42%的事故发生在造林和抚育作业,31%的事故发生在木材与木制品生产,14%的事故发生在森林工程作业,5%的事故发生...  相似文献   

坍塌事故已成为建筑施工中又一重大伤害事故   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来在工程施工中因坍塌事故而造成的重大伤亡事故屡有发生。文章根据工程事故实例,对坍塌事故进行了分类剖析,探讨导致各类坍塌伤亡事故发生的原因并提出相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

浅谈林区伤亡事故现场救护许颖,刘晓娣,许茂佳,张廷成在林区生产中各类伤亡事故较多。据统计,黑龙江省林业近几年发生的伤亡事故每年高居全省各行业的第二位。发生伤亡事故后,出于缺少现场救护知识,加上林场交通不便,使一些本是轻伤的变成重伤,甚至造成死亡。为此...  相似文献   

1993年9月 17日,劳动部下发了关于印发《企业职工伤亡事故报告统计问题解答》的通知。通知指出,为了更好地贯彻执行《企业职工伤亡事故报告和处理规定》和《企业职工伤亡事故统计报表制度》,完善企业职工伤亡事故报告统计管理,针对当前各地区、各部门在职工伤亡事故报告、统计工作中所遇到的一些问题,劳动部编写了《企业职工伤亡事故报告统计问题解答》下发,凡与本文发生矛盾的解答以本文为准。  相似文献   

为揭示内蒙古雷电灾害分布规律和成灾原因,基于内蒙古2009—2018年雷电灾害资料和2013—2018年地闪定位系统资料,运用数理统计、熵权法分析内蒙古地区雷击人员伤亡特征及其致灾因素的影响权重。结果表明:内蒙古近10 a平均每年发生雷击伤亡事故6.20起,全区每年每百万人中约有0.36个人因雷击伤亡;乌兰察布市和锡林郭勒盟每年每百万人的雷击伤亡人数最多,呼和浩特市每1 000 km2人员雷击伤亡率最高;每年雷击伤亡事故的86.58%集中在6—8月份;1 d中雷击死亡主要集中在下午13∶00—18∶00时段,占83.33%;雷击伤亡事故主要发生在农村牧区;雷击伤亡的年龄分布主要集中在40~69岁;雷击伤亡中男性所占比例高达70.73%;全区大约每7万个地闪中会有1次导致雷击伤亡事件,雷击伤亡与地闪频次在时间上有较好的相关性,雷电灾害致灾因子熵权显示高程、地闪强度较地闪密度和地形起伏度更易造成雷击人员伤亡。  相似文献   

A study of the pedestrian casualties and fatalities in road traffic crashes in Durban, a South African municipality, for 1999 was undertaken using official road traffic accident data. The pedestrians age 25 to 44, although only 23.9% of the population, were 39.3% of the casualties and 48.2% of the fatalities. The most vulnerable pedestrians were those 30 to 34 years old who were 6.1% of the population, 11.7% of the casualties, and 14.6% of the fatalities; 35- to 39-year-olds who were 6% of the population, 8.8% of the casualties, and 13.5% of the fatalities; and the 40- to 44-year-olds who were 4.9% of the population, 7.5% of the casualties, and 10.2% of the fatalities. Cars were involved in 52% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes but had fewer crashes than minibuses and buses, and fewer casualties and fatalities than minibuses, buses, and motorcycles. Minibuses recorded the most crashes at 1,037 per 100 million km, the highest casualty rate of 268 per 100 million km, and highest fatality rate of 17 per 100 million km. Buses, which were involved in 3% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes, had 951 crashes per 100 million km, 182 casualties per 100 million km, and 11 fatalities per 100 million km. Motorcycles were involved in 1% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes and had per 100 million km 508 crashes, 192 casualties, and 7 fatalities. There was no statistically significant difference in the monthly distribution of the road traffic crashes.  相似文献   

为有效防止矿山救援队自身伤亡事故,通过统计1953-2013年期间的81例矿山救援队自身伤亡事故,研究其新特点与防治对策。结果表明:矿井火灾和爆炸事故救援始终是诱发救援队自身伤亡事故可能性最大的救灾作业类型,近年来这一特点更为明显,且火灾事故救援诱发瓦斯爆炸也成为导致自身伤亡的重要特征。因此,强化救援小队管理,改善救援技术与装备,重视预防性安全检查,提升应急决策与指挥的合理性,保障应急处置的安全并重点提高火灾与爆炸事故应急处置能力,是预防矿山救援自身伤亡事故的必要手段。  相似文献   

A study of the pedestrian casualties and fatalities in road traffic crashes in Durban, a South African municipality, for 1999 was undertaken using official road traffic accident data. The pedestrians age 25 to 44, although only 23.9% of the population, were 39.3% of the casualties and 48.2% of the fatalities. The most vulnerable pedestrians were those 30 to 34 years old who were 6.1% of the population, 11.7% of the casualties, and 14.6% of the fatalities; 35- to 39-year-olds who were 6% of the population, 8.8% of the casualties, and 13.5% of the fatalities; and the 40- to 44-year-olds who were 4.9% of the population, 7.5% of the casualties, and 10.2% of the fatalities. Cars were involved in 52% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes but had fewer crashes than minibuses and buses, and fewer casualties and fatalities than minibuses, buses, and motorcycles. Minibuses recorded the most crashes at 1,037 per 100 million km, the highest casualty rate of 268 per 100 million km, and highest fatality rate of 17 per 100 million km. Buses, which were involved in 3% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes, had 951 crashes per 100 million km, 182 casualties per 100 million km, and 11 fatalities per 100 million km. Motorcycles were involved in 1% of the vehicle-pedestrian crashes and had per 100 million km 508 crashes, 192 casualties, and 7 fatalities. There was no statistically significant difference in the monthly distribution of the road traffic crashes.  相似文献   

Within this research, the police under-reporting of non-fatal road accident casualties in eight European countries was examined by means of a common methodology applied in each country. Eight national studies were carried out using the common methodology, and this allowed to prepare valid estimates of the level of under-reporting of non-fatal road casualties in Europe in a disaggregate form (namely by country, road user type and injury severity). This provided an insight into the variation of road casualty under-reporting in Europe. Moreover, a new common definition for road casualty severity was proposed that makes use of internationally recognised medical standards. This was established by examining two different injury severity standards, the casualty’s length of stay in hospital and the casualty’s maximum AIS score. The under-reporting coefficients developed within this research were applied to estimate the real number of non-fatal serious road accident casualties, according to the new proposed common definition. For almost all countries, the actual number of serious casualties according to the new proposed definition was found lower than the number of police-recorded serious casualties. With the newly estimated number of serious casualties, the values of the ratio of serious casualties to fatalities are much less widespread across countries. These remaining differences can thus be attributed to real differences in road safety between the countries, after having controlled for the different under-reporting levels and injury severity definitions.  相似文献   

恐怖袭击事件通常会造成严重的人员伤亡、财产损失和社会影响,针对在不同场景下发生恐怖袭击所造成的后果进行预测是目前应对恐怖袭击事件急需解决的问题之一。利用多源数据,首先基于随机森林算法对恐怖袭击事件是否造成死伤进行分类预测,进而基于岭回归算法预测事件造成的具体死伤人数。研究结果表明:随机森林在测试集上对有死伤事件的召回率达到0.85,岭回归预测死亡和受伤人数的平均绝对误差分别小于1人和2人。研究结果可为反恐资源配置优化、预防恐怖袭击事件和减少其造成的损害提供辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

消防部队灭火救援安全现状分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对"十五"期间我国消防队员伤亡数据及近年来部分消防队员在灭火救援过程中伤亡案例的剖析,造成消防队员伤亡既有救援对象复杂、救援工作固有危险性增大等客观原因,更重要的是由于部分消防队员安全观念滞后、安全防护措施落实不到位、安全训练不够而导致伤亡的发生。建立健全消防员伤亡事故调查制度、风险管理制度和专职安全员制度,提升灭火救援活动标准化管理水平,提高消防员综合素质,加强灭火救援现场的安全管理是减少消防员伤亡的有效措施。  相似文献   

基于能力谱的地震建筑破坏造成人员伤亡评估   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为准确计算地震导致的人员伤亡数量,提高灾后应急保障及救援效率,根据能力谱方法计算建筑物的损坏程度,在此基础上计算相应人员伤亡数量。采用SELENA软件中能力谱方法的计算公式,利用Matlab软件编程得到建筑物破坏及人员伤亡计算程序,计算8度地震条件下建筑物不同破坏状态的概率。根据HAZUS软件中建筑物破坏和人员伤亡关系,计算地震发生在02∶00,14∶00和17∶00时不同伤亡等级的伤亡人数。计算结果表明,多数伤者为轻伤,只需基本药物及简单治疗;地震导致的钢筋混凝土建筑破坏是造成人员伤亡的主要原因;能力谱方法可为震后物质配置及震前防灾规划提供决策支持。  相似文献   

为研究煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故的伤亡规律,以2000-2014年发生的230起重大及以上瓦 斯爆炸事故为样本,运用统计学和F-N曲线法对事故特征进行了研究。首先,对事故起 数和伤亡情况的时间特征进行了统计;其次,对事故起数和伤亡数量的地域性特征进行 了研究;最后,基于F-N曲线法,对事故的死亡人数和受伤人数进行了规律分析。研究 结果表明:15年间的瓦斯爆炸事故起数总体上呈逐年下降的趋势,但在2005年出现了峰 值,死亡人数与事故起数的变化趋势接近,受伤人数变化趋势不太明显;重特大瓦斯爆 炸事故主要发生在中部和西南地区,且尤以山西省最为显著,其事故起数和伤亡人数都 是最多的;大多数事故造成了10~30人的死亡,其累计概率曲线在对数坐标中的梯度是 -1.642,受伤人数最频繁的区间是1~10人,其累计概率曲线在对数坐标中的梯度是- 0.652。  相似文献   

金属矿山企业在为国民经济发展做出重大贡献的同时,安全工作的作用更加突出,安全事故频繁发生,会直接影响企业的经济效益和社会效益。从人的生命经济价值出发,通过对人身伤亡赔偿费用的确定,分析人身伤亡赔偿与安全效益之间的经济关系,论证了提高职工的人身伤亡赔偿,可以给企业带来经济效益,为企业制定安全措施方案提供可靠的依据。  相似文献   

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