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The feasibility of estimating nonpoint source loadings with data obtained from limited sampling programs was analyzed in conjunction with a study of sediment and nutrient loadings in a Swedish river basin. The study showed that different loading estimation methods can yield significantly different results, even if sampling during events (e.g. peak flows) occurs. This was particularly true for the temporal distribution of the estimated loadings. The estimated spatial distribution of loadings in the monitored subbasins was more independent of the applied estimation technique. Theoretical calculations showed that sampling strategies with evenly spaced sampling intervals may systematically over- or underestimate the true loading.The study basin was characterized by a pronounced snowmelt period and partly erosion-controlled nutrient loadings. Guidelines for the estimation of nonpoint loadings in such basins are summarized in a matrix. Factors influencing the choice of estimation method include the characteristics of the collected data, the relative influence of point sources, and the desired detail of loading estimates. Possible correlations between flow and concentration, and the presence of extreme events (and whether or not the events were sampled), also determine the appropriateness of the different methods.  相似文献   

We quantified potential biases associated with lakes monitored using non-probability based sampling by six state agencies in the USA (Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio, Maine, and New Hampshire). To identify biases, we compared state-monitored lakes to a census population of lakes derived from the National Hydrography Dataset. We then estimated the probability of lakes being sampled using generalized linear mixed models. Our two research questions were: (1) are there systematic differences in lake area and land use/land cover (LULC) surrounding lakes monitored by state agencies when compared to the entire population of lakes? and (2) after controlling for the effects of lake size, does the probability of sampling vary depending on the surrounding LULC features? We examined the biases associated with surrounding LULC because of the established links between LULC and lake water quality. For all states, we found that larger lakes had a higher probability of being sampled compared to smaller lakes. Significant interactions between lake size and LULC prohibit us from drawing conclusions about the main effects of LULC; however, in general lakes that are most likely to be sampled have either high urban use, high agricultural use, high forest cover, or low wetland cover. Our analyses support the assertion that data derived from non-probability-based surveys must be used with caution when attempting to make generalizations to the entire population of interest, and that probability-based surveys are needed to ensure unbiased, accurate estimates of lake status and trends at regional to national scales.  相似文献   

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention Program Rule, 10 CFR Part 850 became effective in 2000 in response to the prevalence of Chronic Beryllium Disease (CBD) in workers. The rule requires surface and air monitoring for beryllium to determine exposure levels and the evaluation of the effectiveness of controls used to minimize or eliminate that risk. The most common methods for surface sampling use wet or dry wipes. Wipe sampling techniques may be impractical for many surfaces common to most buildings such as cinder block, textured wall surfaces, fabric and carpet. Vacuum sampling methods have been developed for the evaluation of lead or pesticides on residential surfaces such as carpets, bare floors and window sills. However, the current vacuum methods may be impractical for many workplace situations such as sampling of protective clothing, complex facility structures, or equipment surfaces. Recent work using vacuum sampling for potential bio-terrorism agents such as anthrax spores may have significant application to industrial hygiene evaluations of the workplace and may be extendable for use in sampling of metals such as beryllium. Validated vacuum sampling methods that provide meaningful data would be of great value to industrial hygienists in identifying areas having surface contamination, evaluating existing controls and work practices and determining the potential of toxic material on surfaces to become airborne and present a potential risk to workers and the public. This article discusses various vacuum sampling methodologies and recommends harmonization of sampling methods.  相似文献   

Guidelines for the early stages of developing a monitoring program are presented. Jumping right into a monitoring program based on standard protocols and a number of commonly monitored parameters is an attractive idea, but it is unlikely to lead to an intelligent allocation of time and money. Rather, a number of well-defined planning steps must be followed before monitoring is begun:
  1. Objectives for the program should be well defined.
  2. The attributes to be monitored in order to meet objectives should be listed.
  3. Methods of monitoring these attributes should be developed.
  4. A pilot study should be conducted to determine spatial and temporal variability of the attributes being monitored and the cost of sampling.
  5. The results of the pilot study should be carefully evaluated to determine whether program objectives can be met for an acceptable cost.
  6. Objectives, attributes to be monitored, and methods should be revised in accordance with the results of the pilot study.

Bioassessment of nonwadeable streams in the United States is increasing, but methods for these systems are not as well-developed as for wadeable streams. In this study, we compared six macroinvertebrate field sampling methods for nonwadeable streams adapted from those used by three major programs: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program-Surface Waters, the U.S. Geological Surveys National Water Quality Assessment Program, and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water Biocriteria Program. We performed all six methods at 60 sites across four rivers and measured water chemistry and physical habitat at each site to assess abiotic conditon. Sites were divided into two groups: those influenced by navigational lock and dam structures (restricted flow, or RF) and those free-flowing or with lowhead dams (run-of-the-river, or ROR). Metrics based on passive Hester-Dendy artificial substrate samplers differed greatly from active sampling methods (i.e., using nets) but represented abiotic conditions well in both ROR and RF sites. Although metric values were similar across certain sampling methods, the metrics significantly correlated with abiotic variables varied among methods and between ROR and RF sites. These results emphasize that methods are not interchangeable, and the ability to detect certain stressors depends on sampling method.The U.S. Governments right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory research indicates physiologic sampling of gas and vapor may provide more representative estimates of personal exposures than traditional methods. Modifications to the physiologic sampling pump (PSP) used in that research are described which extend its usefulness to size-selective sampling of particulates. PSPs used in previous research varied motor speed to keep sampling proportional to the subject's inhalation. This caused airflow and particle velocities through the collection device to continually change making those pumps unsuitable for sampling particulates. The modified implementation of the PSP pulls a constant airflow into and through a cyclone, then uses valves to either direct the airflow through, or divert the airflow around, the sampling filter. By using physiologic inputs to regulate the fraction of each second that air flows through the sampling filter, samples may be collected in proportion to inhalation rate. To evaluate the performance of a functional prototype 5 different sizes of monodisperse aerosols of ammonium fluorescein were generated by a vibrating orifice aerosol generator and introduced into a calm air chamber. To simulate different inhalation rates the valves of the PSP were energized using 9 different duty cycles. Efficiency curves are presented and compared to a standard respirable convention by bias mapping. The performance of the modified cyclone used in the PSP sampling head compared favorably with a commercially available cyclone of the same model, operating at a constant airflow (± 10% over almost all the size distributions of concern). The new method makes physiologic sampling of the respirable fraction of particulates feasible.  相似文献   

实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)的设计及实现   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
给出了实验室信息管理系统(LIMS)的开发思路及实现方法,并详细介绍了该系统各模块的功能,使得环境监测管理的全过程能够用计算机进行信息化管理.  相似文献   

Concerns over data quality have raised many questions related to sampling soils for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This paper was prepared in response to some of these questions and concerns expressed by Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs). The following questions are frequently asked:
  1. Is there a specific device suggested for sampling soils for VOCs?
  2. Are there significant losses of VOCs when transferring a soil sample from a sampling device (e.g., split spoon) into the sample container?
  3. What is the best method for getting the sample from the split spoon (or other device) into the sample container?
  4. Are there smaller devices such as subcore samplers available for collecting aliquots from the larger core and efficiently transferring the sample into the sample container?
  5. Are certain containers better than others for shipping and storing soil samples for VOC analysis?
  6. Are there any reliable preservation procedures for reducing VOC losses from soil samples and for extending holding times?
Guidance is provided for selecting the most effective sampling device for collecting samples from soil matrices. The techniques for sample collection, sample handling, containerizing, shipment, and storage described in this paper reduce VOC losses and generally provide more representative samples for volatile organic analyses (VOA) than techniques in current use. For a discussion on the proper use of sampling equipment the reader should refer to other sources (Acker, 1974; U.S. EPA, 1983; U.S. EPA, 1986a). Soil, as referred to in this report, encompasses the mass (surface and subsurface) of unconsolidated mantle of weathered rock and loose material lying above solid rock. Further, a distinction must be made as to what fraction of the unconsolidated material is soil and what fraction is not. The soil component here is defined as all mineral and naturally occurring organic material that is 2 mm or less in size. This is the size normally used to differentiate between soils (consisting of sands, silts, and clays) and gravels. Although numerous sampling situations may be encountered, this paper focuses on three broad categories of sites that might be sampled for VOCs:
  1. Open test pit or trench.
  2. Surface soils (<5 ft in depth).
  3. Subsurface soils (>5 ft in depth).

The effective application of SEA is still limited and needs to be steered through the dissemination of enhanced guidance documents. In this respect, administrative bodies in charge of SEA management have issued guidelines and manuals in order to address the major difficulties that hinder SEA implementation in the day-to-day practice. In this study, we propose a method that assists responsible agencies and professionals in the design of SEA guidance documents. The method uses a comparative approach which builds on the key elements of those documents. We have applied our method to the scrutiny of principles and contents of a selection of SEA guidelines released in the European Union. Results indicate that SEA guidelines should cover a minimum number of relevant issues, including early integration of SEA in the planning and programming processes, development of a fair and inclusive consultation, the construction of credible alternatives, and monitoring strategies. In addition, we found that good SEA guidance documents should build on empirical advice drawn from storytelling referred to a selection of case studies. Our work is intended to support European government agencies as well as practitioners in the design and update of SEA guidelines in a variety of cases, as the general principles that we outline can be systematically applied to any program and plan subject to SEA.  相似文献   

An objective methodology is presented for determining the number and disposition of ambient air quality stations in a monitoring network for the primary purpose of compliance with air quality standards. The methodolgy utilizes a data base with real or simulated data from an air quality dispersion model for application with a two-step process for ascertaining the optimal monitoring network. In the first step, the air quality patterns in the data base are collapsed into a single composite pattern through a figure-of-merit (FOM) concept. The most desirable locations are ranked and identified using the resultant FOM fields. In the second step the network configuration is determined on the basis of the concept of spheres of influence (SOI) developed from cutoff values of spatial correlation coefficients between potential monitoring sites and adjacent locations. The minimum number of required stations is then determined by deletion of lower-ranked stations whose SOIs overlap. The criteria can be set to provide coverage of less than some fixed, user-provided percentage of the coverage of tha SOIs of the higher ranked stations and for some desired level of minimum detection capability of concentration fluctuations.The methodology is applied in a companion paper (McElroy et al., 1986) to the Las Vegas, Nevada, metropolitan area for the pollutant carbon monoxide.Although the research described in this article has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency through Contract No. 68-03-2446 to Systems Applications, Inc., it has not been subjected to Agency review and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

Our study develops and demonstrates an objective method for selecting reference sites for the assessment of ecological condition in freshwater ecosystems. The method uses widely available GIS data to group potential sites based on their natural environments. It then establishes the degree and types of human activities each site is exposed to prior to scoring the sites in each group by the relative amount of human activity present. Finally, the sites in each group with the least amount of human activity are categorized as reference sites, with the boundary between reference and test sites defined to maximize the distinctiveness of the two categories with respect to human activity. Application of this technique for the purpose of identifying headwater reference basins in rural areas of southwestern Ontario resulted in the classification of basins into six natural groups based on the dominant texture of the surface geology. Development of a human activity gradient indicated that basins varied according to the amount of exposure to agricultural activities with most basins having at least moderate exposure. Establishment of the reference test boundary indicated that the selected reference basins exhibited substantively lower extents of agricultural activity than test sites for most groups. Because this method uses only widely available GIS data, it enables rapid and cost-effective identification of candidate reference sites, even for large, remote, and understudied regions.  相似文献   

Standard protocols are critical for maximizing data comparability and aggregation in national monitoring programs, and taxa richness is a common indicator of site condition and biological diversity. There are two general approaches for sampling stream macroinvertebrate assemblages: targeted richest habitat and site wide. At seven sites, we compared three methods: Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network (OBBN), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), and Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP). The OBBN method produced a biased sample at a site with a single small riffle, the RBP method produced the most total taxa, and the EMAP method produced the most taxa at four sites and the most individuals at six sites. The RBP method produced asymptotes for percent tolerant individuals, percent chironomid individuals, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index score after five to ten stations. The EMAP method produced asymptotes for those metrics after 10 to 20 stations per site. The EMAP method typically required half the number of stations as the RBP method to obtain 70–90% of true taxa richness as estimated by the Jaccard coefficient. We conclude that the EMAP method is preferable because of its greater precision in taxa richness estimates.  相似文献   

Optimal sequential sampling strategies to identify a source of contamination in a variety of stream network configurations are developed and described. The strategies are illustrated with applications to selected enforcement problems that occur in the field of stream water contamination. Additional discussion on the design of surveillance systems, limitations of present strategies, and the content of information received from sequential samples is also presented. Finally, a possible application of some of the sampling strategies developed in this paper to the case of a toxic contaminant release in a sewerage system is briefly explored.  相似文献   

Pollution loads discharged from upstream development or human activities significantly degrade the water quality of a reservoir. The design of an appropriate water quality sampling network is therefore important for detecting potential pollution events and monitoring pollution trends. However, under a limited budgetary constraint, how to site an appropriate number of sampling stations is a challenging task. A previous study proposed a method applying the simulated annealing algorithm to design the sampling network based on three cost factors including the number of reaches, bank length, and subcatchment area. However, these factors are not directly related to the distribution of possible pollution. Thus, this study modified the method by considering three additional factors, i.e. total phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment loads. The larger the possible load, the higher the probability of a pollution event may occur. The study area was the Derchi reservoir catchment in Taiwan. Pollution loads were derived from the AGNPS model with rainfall intensity estimated using the Thiessen method. Analyses for a network with various numbers of sampling sites were implemented. The results obtained based on varied cost factors were compared and discussed. With the three additional factors, the chosen sampling network is expected to properly detect pollution events and monitor pollution distribution and temporal trends.  相似文献   

大气二氧化硫采样对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附,样品的放置时间,吸收液的放置时间,采样高度等方面进行了试验,结果表明,导气管的吸附是使二氧化硫的监测值较五日采样法明显偏低的主要因素,其余方面无显著影响。  相似文献   


We propose a novel framework for the economic assessment of environmental policy. Our main point of departure from existing work is the adoption of a satisficing, as opposed to optimizing, modeling approach. Along these lines, we place primary emphasis on the extent to which different policies meet a set of goals at a specific future date instead of their performance vis-a-vis some intertemporal objective function. Consistent to the nature of environmental policymaking, our model takes explicit account of model uncertainty. To this end, the decision criterion we propose is an analog of the well-known success-probability criterion adapted to settings characterized by model uncertainty. We apply our criterion to the climate-change context and the probability distributions constructed by Drouet et al. (2015) linking carbon budgets to future consumption. Insights from computational geometry facilitate computations considerably and allow for the efficient application of the model in high-dimensional settings.


Before-After Control Impact (BACI) sampling designsare commonly used in environmental impact assessmentand are considered the most effective for detectingchanges due to anthropogenic disturbances. Thesedesigns handle local spatial variability throughrandomized placement of samples into a treatmentstratum and a control stratum. When a contaminantdisperses with distance from a point source it issuggested that a gradient design will be moresensitive to change than randomized placement ofsamples. This requires allocating samples according todistance, rather than by random placement withinrandomly placed blocks. In this paper gradient versusrandom sampling designs were compared using data froman oil field in the North Sea. The gradient samplingdesign was more powerful than a randomized CI sampling design.  相似文献   

The solvent-free sampler for airborne isocyanates consisted of a polypropylene tube with an inner wall coated with a glass fibre filter, coupled in series with a 13 mm glass fibre filter. The filters were impregnated with reagent solution containing equimolar amounts of di-n-butylamine (DBA) and acetic acid. Air sampling was performed with an air flow of 0.2 l min(-1). The formed isocyanate-DBA derivatives were determined using liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry. The sampler was investigated in regard to collection principle and extraction of the formed derivatives with good results. The possibility to store the sampler before sampling and to perform long-term sampling was demonstrated. Field extraction of the sampler was not necessary, as there was no difference between immediately extracted samples and stored ones (2 days). In comparative studies, the sampler was evaluated against a reference method, impinger-filter sampling with DBA as reagent. The ratios between the results obtained with the sampler and the reference in a test chamber at a relative humidity (RH) of 45% was in the range of 83-109% for isocyanates formed during thermal decomposition of PUR. At RH 95%, the range was 72-101% with the exception of isocyanic acid. In two field evaluations, the ratios for fast curing 2,4'- and 4,4'-methylene bisphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) was in the range 81-113% and for the 3-ring MDI the range was 54-70%. For the slower curing 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) and HDI isocyanurate, the ratios were in the range 78-145%. In conclusion, the solvent-free sampler is a convenient alternative in most applications to the more cumbersome impinger-filter sampler.  相似文献   

Personal aerosol samplers are widely used to monitor human exposure to airborne materials. For bioaerosols, interest is growing in analyzing samples using molecular and immunological techniques. This paper presents a personal sampler that uses a two-stage cyclone to collect bioaerosols into disposable 1.5 ml Eppendorf-type microcentrifuge tubes. Samples can be processed in the tubes for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or immunoassays, and the use of multiple stages fractionates aerosol particles by aerodynamic diameter. The sampler was tested using fluorescent microspheres and aerosolized fungal spores. The sampler had first and second stage cut-off diameters of 2.6 microm and 1.6 microm at 2 l min(-1)(geometric standard deviation, GSD = 1.45 and 1.75), and 1.8 microm and 1 microm at 3.5 l min(-1)(GSD = 1.42 and 1.55). The sampler aspiration efficiency was >or=98% at both flow rates for particles with aerodynamic diameters of 3.1 microm or less. For 6.2 microm particles, the aspiration efficiency was 89% at 2 l min(-1) and 96% at 3.5 l min(-1). At 3.5 l min(-1), the sampler collected 92% of aerosolized Aspergillus versicolor and Penicillium chrysogenum spores inside the two microcentrifuge tubes, with less than 0.4% of the spores collecting on the back-up filter. The design and techniques given here are suitable for personal bioaerosol sampling, and could also be adapted to design larger aerosol samplers for longer-term atmospheric and indoor air quality sampling.  相似文献   

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