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The main purpose of this study was to develop a set of measures for evaluating the performance of the automobile green supply chain. This study reviewed various literatures on green supply chain performance measurement, environmental management, traditional supply chain performance measurement, and automobile supply chain management. In order to comprehensively and effectively establish the relevant measures, a suitable framework which considered the automobile green supply chain as a two-in-one chain was adopted. This two-in-one chain comprised a forward and backward chain for the automobile industry. Consequently, 10 measures with 49 metrics and 6 measures with 23 metrics were identified and developed for the forward and backward chains, respectively. Sequel to the development of these measures, a survey was conducted using a four-page questionnaire distributed to experts (including academics and practitioners) to establish their importance and applicability. The findings of this study suggested that the importance and applicability of all the developed measures have been substantiated. For the forward chain, the most crucial measure was customer perspective while the most applicable one was traditional supply chain cost. The reverse chain measures were topped by management commitment in terms of both importance and applicability. This study contributed to the advancement of knowledge by pioneering the development of a set of holistic measures for evaluating the performance of the automobile green supply chain. The study was wrapped up with the proposition of directions for further studies.  相似文献   

Soil compaction in agriculture induced by large-scale equipment is of growing concern. Heavy wheel loads used in arable cropping have the potential to cause irreversible damage to the subsoil structure and may lead to harmful soil compaction. In order to sustain or improve soil health or fitness on a sustainable basis, indicators are needed to assess the changes in the soil structure and the respective soil functions. This requires an adequate verification of methods for distinguishing between the impairment of soil structure and the disruption of soil functions, and for the respective subject of protection. In this article the link between existing models of soil physical prognosis, practical guidelines, and criteria for the identification of affected soil structure is demonstrated, and a viable concept to distinguish harmful changes to the soil is presented. The concept consists of methods for soil physical analysis such as "pre-compression stress" and "loading ratio", practical recommendations for best management practice, and an indicator-based model for the identification of harmful subsoil compaction derived from a research project for the German Federal Environmental Agency, making it possible to determine for a respective location the required level of action far beyond the common practice of precautions against harmful soil compaction.  相似文献   

Organic soil improvers are mainly used for their potential for preventing soil losses. This study investigates the physicochemical properties of six different organic soil improvers and their effects on the properties and productivity of reconstituted anthropic soils during short-term application compared to farm manure. Treatment materials were obtained from Tunisian agricultural waste composts (almond shell (AS), sesame bark (SB), olive cake (OC), olive mill wastewater sludge (OMWS) and poultry manure (PM)) as well as mixtures of compost-manure (CM). The characterization of soil conditioners shows that (i) nitrogen contents are higher in olive wastes and PM-based composts; (ii) carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) and the organic matter (OM) contents are in the ranges of 14.1-29.7 and 19.3-64.5%, respectively; (iii) the electrical conductivity (EC) is higher in manure (M) and compost-manure mixture (4.8-10.4 mS/cm) and (iv) pH values are alkaline (8.2-8.8). Treatments were applied as components of a reconstituted soil at a rate of 14 kg/m2. Except for the manures, the mixtures of soil and treatment material (in a ratio of 600 L/28 kg) were placed in metallic basins to form the reconstituted anthropic soil. Plot areas of 2 m2 were used for each treatment and 2 × 2 m2 for the control. An assessment of the geochemical properties of soils during the cultivation period reveals variations in soil organic matter (SOM) contents as well as pH and EC values. Soil productivity is determined by quantitative and qualitative comparison of tomato fruits obtained from each plot amended with manure-treated soil.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this research were to determine SWAT model predicted reductions in four water quality indicators (sediment yield, surface runoff, nitrate nitrogen (NO(3)-N) in surface runoff, and edge-of-field erosion) associated with producing switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) on cropland in the Delaware basin in northeast Kansas, and evaluate switchgrass break-even prices. The magnitude of potential switchgrass water quality payments based on using switchgrass as an alternative energy source was also estimated. SWAT model simulations showed that between 527,000 and 1.27 million metric tons (Mg) of switchgrass could be produced annually across the basin depending upon nitrogen (N) fertilizer application levels (0-224 kg N ha(-1)). The predicted reductions in sediment yield, surface runoff, NO(3)-N in surface runoff, and edge-of-field erosion as a result of switchgrass plantings were 99, 55, 34, and 98%, respectively. The average annual cost per hectare for switchgrass ranged from about 190 US dollars with no N applied to around 345 US dollars at 224 kg N ha(-1) applied. Edge-of-field break-even price per Mg ranged from around 41 US dollars with no N applied to slightly less than 25 US dollars at 224 kg N ha(-1) applied. A majority of the switchgrass produced had an edge-of-field break-even price of 30 Mg(-1) US dollars or less. Savings of at least 50% in each of the four water quality indicators could be attained for an edge-of-field break-even price of 22-27.49 US dollars Mg(-1).  相似文献   

Clay minerals modified with organic ions, also known as organoclays, have found applications in a wide range of organic pollution control fields because of their excellent sorption capacity towards organic pollutants. Regeneration of the spent organoclays after the sorption of organic pollutants is of great importance during their application in pollution control. In this review, the reported methods for the regeneration of the spent organoclays are summarized, including biological degradation, photo-assisted oxidation, chemical extraction/desorption, supercritical extraction, thermal desorption, et al. The characteristics and applications of these methods are briefly described. It shows that most of these methods have been developed for regenerating spent organoclays from wastewater treatment. The biological regeneration method, as an in situ, low cost and easy-operating method, is applicable for regenerating spent organoclays not only from wastewater treatment, but also from soil and groundwater remediation.  相似文献   

Soil is a multifunctional, non-renewable natural resource for Europe as clearly expressed in the European Union (EU) Thematic Strategy for Soil Protection (COM (2006)231). Soil carries out multiple functions, including the support of food production. Urban development and its associated land take poses a major threat to soil and could have significant effects on agricultural production. This paper aims to evaluate the potential productivity losses in European agriculture due to land-take processes between 1990 and 2006. Agricultural land take was calculated using CORINE Land Cover maps of 1990, 2000 and 2006. For 21 of the 27 EU member states, agricultural land take was computed to be 752,973 ha for 1990–2000 and 436,095 ha for 2000–2006, representing 70.8% and 53.5%, respectively, of the total EU land take for these periods. The impact of this land take on the production capabilities of the agricultural sector for the period 1990–2006 for 19 of the 21 states was estimated to be equivalent to a loss of more than six million tonnes of wheat. The paper demonstrates that Europe's intense urbanisation has a direct impact on its capability to produce food.  相似文献   

Organic farming is expected to contribute to conserving national biodiversity on farms, especially remnant, old, and undisturbed small biotopes, forests, and permanent grassland. This objective cannot rely on the legislation of organic farming solely, and to succeed, farmers need to understand the goals behind it. A set of indicators with the purpose of facilitating dialogues between expert and farmer on wildlife quality has been developed and tested on eight organic farms. “Weed cover in cereal fields,” was used as an indicator of floral and faunal biodiversity in the cultivated land, and “uncultivated biotope area” on the farm was used as a general measure of wildlife habitats. Functional grouping of herbaceous plants (discriminating between “high conservation value” plant species and “competitive”/“ruderal” species) and low mobility butterflies were used as indicators of conservation value, especially focusing on the few sites left with considerable remnant conservation value. The dialog processes revealed that the organic farmers’ ideas and goals of conservation of wildlife quality were not necessarily the same as for biologists; the farmers expressed very different opinions on the biological rooted idea, that wildlife quality is related to the absence of agricultural impact. However, farmers also stated that the information given by the indicators and especially the dialogue with the biologist had influenced their perception and awareness of wildlife. We conclude that, combined with a dialogue process, using these indicators when mapping wildlife quality could be an important key component of a farm wildlife management advisory tool at farm level.  相似文献   

Scientific quality in a technical policy document is defined in terms of the proportion of contemporary scientific principles on a subject that the document competently discusses. As a case study of the scientific quality of such documents, this articles examines the treatment of acid deposition effects in 126 environmental impact statements on fossil-fuel power plants. On average, the relevant environmental statements cover only a quarter of the eligible scientific principles. Bureaucratic and political factors influence the quality of discussion of acid deposition more than do strictly objective or scientific factors. In particular, public participation and interagency review processes foster relatively thorough consideration of scientific information in environmental impact statements.  相似文献   

Leachate from waste disposal sites (WDS) can significantly affect the soil physical, chemical and biological qualities, reducing soil health and agricultural productivity. However, there is a paucity of data on soil quality for understanding soil health impact due to WDS in Uganda. This study's aim was to understand, using the Kiteezi landfill site, how WDS impact soil properties. Soil samples were collected over 4 months in and around the landfill from three locations, and the soil quality data of the nearby area were used as baseline data for assessing the impact on soil due to WDS in the area. There were significant increases in the concentration of all studied parameters at the landfill except total N. The concentrations of ammonium (14.84 ± 1.76 mg/kg), nitrate (127.96 ± 18.36 mg/kg), and pH (7.8) were above the optimum levels. The levels of available P (181.4 ± 28.9 mg/kg) and exchangeable bases; K (2.23 ± 0.24 mg/kg), Na (1.17 ± 0.14 mg/kg), Mg (3.35 ± 0.3 mg/kg) and Ca (14 ± 1.1 mg/kg) cmol (+)/kg were optimal for plant growth. The calculated CEC of 20.75 cmol (+)/kg) showed that soils have a good potential to supply plant nutrients. Heavy metal levels were still below the permissible limit. Hence, the study shows that although WDS may contribute to the increase of soil fertility, they can potentially reduce the overall productivity of soil by increasing nutrient levels beyond optimum levels.  相似文献   

Faced with society's increasing expectations, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) review considers environmental management to be an ever more critical criterion in the allocation of farm subsidies. With the goal of evaluating the environmental friendliness of farm practices, France's agricultural research and extension services have built a range of agricultural/environmental diagnostic tools over recent years. The objective of the present paper is to compare the five tools most frequently used in France: IDEA, DIAGE, DIALECTE, DIALOGUE and INDIGO. All the tools have the same purpose: evaluation of the impact of farm practices on the environment via indicators and monitoring of farm management practices. When tested on a sample of large-scale farms in Picardie, the five tools sometimes produced completely different results: for a given farm, the most supposedly significant environmental impacts depend on the tool used. These results lead to differing environmental management plans and raise the question of the methods' pertinence. An analysis grid of diagnostic tools aimed at specifying their field of validity, limits and relevance was drawn up. The resulting comparative analysis enables to define each tool's domain of validity and allows to suggest lines of thought for developing more relevant tools for (i) evaluating a farm's environmental performance and (ii) helping farmers to develop a plan for improving practices within the framework of an environmental management system.  相似文献   

本文运用C-D生产函数修正传统的LMDI指数分解法并构建Tapio及交叉脱钩模型,结合灰色预测模型GM(1, 1),实证分析2006—2025年京津冀钢铁领域碳排放的碳强度、驱动因素、脱钩指数及协同关系。结果发现:(1)京津冀从“十一五”到“十四五”时期钢铁领域碳排放由快速增长变为缓慢增长,北京市和天津市钢铁领域的碳排放强度均低于地区平均水平,河北省则高于平均水平;(2)碳增排因素为能源消费碳强度和资本投入,碳减排因素为能源强度和技术进步,劳动投入逐渐从碳增排效应转变为碳减排效应;(3)京津冀钢铁领域碳排放与工业增加值未实现脱钩,且京津冀三地间脱钩协同关系多表现为不协同。鉴于京津冀城市群钢铁领域聚集,需推进钢铁领域实现协同脱钩,积极引领“双碳”行动。  相似文献   

Much of Sub‐Saharan Africa is burdened with water scarcity and poverty. Continentally, less than four percent of Africa's renewable water resources are withdrawn for agriculture and other uses. Investments in agricultural water management can contribute in several ways to achieving the Millennium Development Goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and ensuring environmental sustainability. Increased yield and cropping area and shifts to higher valued crops could help boost the income of rural households, generate more employment, and lower consumer food prices. These investments can also stabilize output, income and employment, and have favourable impacts on education, nutrition and health, and social equity. Investments in agricultural water management can cut poverty by uplifting the entitlements and transforming the opportunity structure for the poor. The overall role of investments in agricultural water management in eradicating hunger and poverty is analyzed. This paper contributes to the present debate and efforts to identify strategies and interventions that can effectively contribute to poverty reduction in Africa. It provides an overview of population growth, malnutrition, income distribution and poverty for countries in three case study river basins — Limpopo, Nile, and Volta. With discussions on the contribution of agriculture to national income and employment generation, the paper explores the linkages among water resources investments, agricultural growth, employment, and poverty alleviation. It examines the potential for expansion in irrigation for vertical and horizontal growth in agricultural productivity, via gains in yield and cropping area to boost the agricultural output. Factors constraining such potential, in terms of scarcity and degradation of land and water resources, and poor governance and weak institutions, are also outlined. The paper argues that increased investments in land and water resources and related rural infrastructure are a key pathway to enhance agricultural productivity and to catalyze agricultural and economic growth for effective poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of the liquid depth (z) on the acoustic generation of hydrogen is highly required for designing large-scale sonoreactors for hydrogen production because acoustic cavitation is the central event that initiates sonochemical reactions. In this paper, we present a computational analysis of the liquid-depth effect on the generation of H2 from a reactive acoustic bubble trapped in water irradiated with an attenuating sinusoidal ultrasound wave. The computations were made for different operating conditions of frequency (355–1000 kHz), acoustic intensity (1–5 W/cm2), and liquid temperature (10–30°C). The contribution of the acoustic wave attenuation on the overall effect of depth was appreciated for the different conditions. It was found that the acoustic generation of hydrogen diminished hardly with increasing depth up to z = 8 m, and the depth effect was strongly operating parameter-dependent. The sound wave attenuation played a crucial role in quenching H2 yield, particularly at higher z. The reduction of the H2 yield with depth was more pronounced at higher frequency (1000 kHz) and lower temperature (10°C) and acoustic intensity (1 W/cm2). The attenuation of the sound wave may contribute up to 100% in the overall reductive effect of depth toward H2 production rate. This parameter could be imperatively included when studying all aspects of underwater acoustic cavitation.  相似文献   

Since 2006, around 600 rainwater harvesting systems have been constructed for agricultural irrigation in Beijing. The financial and economic implications of using these systems are discussed less. It is important to understand the effectiveness of the investments spent on the rainwater harvesting systems. The paper aims to analyze economic and financial performance of the constructed rainwater harvesting systems in rural areas of Beijing through the method of cost benefit analysis. The economic analysis focuses on determining the contribution of rainwater harvesting systems to the development of society, carried out from the point of view of government. The financial analysis allows comparison of the financial implications of using groundwater with using rainwater for agricultural irrigation from the point of view of individual participant, namely the local farmers. The results show that the rainwater harvesting systems are economically feasible. This means rainwater harvesting have positive effects for society. However, the financial feasibility of rainwater harvesting systems depends on the charge for groundwater and on the size of the rainwater harvesting systems. If groundwater is not charged, the rainwater harvesting systems are not financially feasible. If groundwater is charged at 2 Yuan/m3, only large size systems are financially feasible while small and middle sizes systems are not financially feasible. Under these circumstances, only large systems can run smoothly, while farmers may not use the small and medium-size systems.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of performance benchmarking of traditional beet sugar plants, by considering Best Available Techniques (BAT) for beet sugar production, as determined by the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) Directive. A Fuzzy Logic Model, based on fuzzy set theory, was constructed for this purpose, in order to compare the performances of sugar plants within the sector's best standards, as expressed in the Reference Document on BAT.The effectiveness of the model was tested in the case study, in which three sugar plants were benchmarked against the BAT regarding the consumption of energy, water, raw materials and the production of wastes, wastewater, by-products and the main product. The model was recognized as helpful for the benchmarking needs of sugar plants. In addition, by integrating BAT Reference Document analysis into the model, it provides IPPC permitting authorities with an objective method and uniform BAT benchmarks to manage permitting process.  相似文献   

As a policy instrument for sustainable development, nationwide circular economy (CE) mode has been implemented for 7 years by the Chinese government, to overcome the dilemma among economic depression, energy shortage and environmental pollution. Unfortunately, few literatures contribute to checking the efficiency of regional CE and exploring the potential reasons in China, which will be practically helpful in guiding China's future development and providing reference for other developing countries that will adopt CE mode. Therefore, this paper puts forward the method of super-efficiency DEA window analysis to dynamically evaluate CE efficiency of 30 regions in China covering the period of 2005–2010. In line with the features of CE, the specific efficiency of three sub-systems, namely resource saving and pollutant reducing (RSPR) sub-system, waste reusing and resource recycling (WRRR) sub-system and pollution controlling and waste disposing (PCWD) sub-system, was assessed and compared regarding time series trend and spatial distribution, based on which, the comprehensive CE efficiency was totally ranked. The results show that, on the one hand, during the period of 2005–2010, Chinese CE efficiency slightly increased, implying a significant policy effect of CE; on the other hand, the efficiency of different sub-systems varies, with RSPR sub-system the lowest, and WRRR and PCWD sub-systems relatively higher. In terms of regional distribution, the efficiency of RSPR sub-system in the east area dominates during the whole period. However, for the other two sub-systems, from 2005 to 2007, the efficiency scores of the east fluctuate, then after 2007, the east area became more efficient than the central and the west areas. Throughout the study period, the RSPR sub-system in the central area stably maintains low efficiency, and so does the WRRR sub-system in the west area. The difference in regional efficiency of three sub-systems reflects the difficulty of carrying out CE policy in China comprehensively, which means that, promoting the adaptability of regional policy for local government and enhancing the coordination among various policies for China's central government are the key concerns for realizing sustainable development.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to evaluate, determine, and apply alternatives for improving the quality of the process and the product, with an emphasis on sustainable practices, using an integrated multi-criteria method. For this purpose, an analysis was conducted at a chain of bakeries, aiming to highlight bottlenecks in the production process and in the product. With the support of a literature review, four criteria and seven alternatives were defined to overcome these bottlenecks and, at the same time, contribute to the sustainability of the organization. For data analysis, six decision makers were interviewed and, following their evaluations, an integrated method based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS was created. The fuzzy AHP was adopted to establish the importance of the criteria, while the fuzzy TOPSIS was used to evaluate and classify the alternatives developed to bypass the bottlenecks. The results revealed that of the criteria, Criterion “Cr1 – Quality” was prioritized. On the other hand, the alternative with the best performance was “A3 – Physical Layout Reorganization”. Applying this alternative, the study demonstrates the results achieved such as reduction of errors and accident risks, as well as greater fluidity in the productive space. the present study also makes theoretical and managerial contributions to the field, bringing the theory closer to the reality of companies that operate in the food sector.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper assesses cost efficiencies of Brazilian public and private companies of water supply. To measure the efficiency, we used a stochastic frontier model derived from the translog family – a specification similar to a Cobb‐Douglas including a quadratic term in log output. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood using Brazilian data for the year 2002. Statistical inference leads to the conclusion that there is no evidence that private firms and public firms are significantly different in terms of efficiency measurements.  相似文献   

Farmers are important agents in rural landscape management as they modify landscape elements to suit their needs. The purpose of this study is to investigate if patterns of landscape activities undertaken by farmers are related to certain farm characteristics and if landscape activities vary from one location to another. With this purpose, we investigated the differences between the level of farmers' involvement in landscape activities in two study areas in central Jutland, Denmark. Particular attention was given to the analysis of the type and extent of landscape activities and their relationship with farm characteristics. In both study areas, landscape activities leading to a more extensive type of land use predominate. However, a multivariate analysis implemented on the set of landscape activity data reveals significant differences between the two study areas. Hedgerow planting and removal is more common in S?nder Omme, while pond digging and cultivation of permanent grass lands are characteristic activities in Gadbjerg-Givskud. Moreover, the proportion of farmers involved and the area affected by different landscape activities is larger in S?nder Omme than in Gadbjerg-Givskud. The farms of the two areas are different in terms of production type, size and socio-economic characteristics. These characteristics represent significant relationships with landscape activities. However, they are not sufficient to explain the differences between landscape activities undertaken in the two areas. The differences are caused by unique cultural and biophysical environment, which influence and modify the relationship between farm characteristics and landscape activities in a distinct manner for each study area.  相似文献   

Climate forecasts of the total rainfall in the Sudano-Sahelian region of West Africa may have sufficient value to assist in agricultural decision-making at the national, regional and local level. Forecasts are produced in both international and national centres using a variety of techniques. Institutions in Burkina Faso, the focus of the present case study, that are involved in agro-meteorology and agriculture are interested in using forecasts. They have requested many improvements in the forecasts—some of which are beyond the state of the art. The research for the present article, based on interviews with representatives of institutions and following the trail of other agro-meteorological information, confirms the existence of an information network within Burkina Faso that could reasonably well disseminate climate forecasts to interested organizations, farmers, and pastoralists.  相似文献   

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